health alcohol poem

Post on 08-Dec-2014






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Poisoning the Earth

There once was a drinker,

Who drank through the night,

And on one bad day,

He got into a fight.

He fought with his wife,

He told her she’s fat,

So she stomped out the door,

And that was that.

Now he was alone,

With 3 children and beer,

Bob, Steve, and Drew,

As young as a year.

He stood there so drunk,

And he thought about thinking,

And he saw in his thoughts,

3 young kids drinking.

The man grabbed 5 beers,

Leaving 2 for himself,

Handing each child,

A path to unhealth.

The kids drank and drank,

+Shawn Rayno

Asking kindly for more,

They started to slow,

As one fell to the floor.

He said he felt weird,

As he started to cry,

And by the way he looked,

They all knew he’d die.

For the last moments of life,

He lost control,

And started to yell,

But ended with soul.

Now the other two kids,

Were drinking away,

As the time grew longer,

They hadn’t eaten all day.

The man sat and watched,

And laughed with joy,

But when the kids started fighting,

He blacked out like a toy.

What the man didn’t see,

Was the terrible fight,

With violence and blood,

It was a horrific sight.

One kid fell over,

And with his last breath,

He took a beer bottle,

And drank to his death.

One child left,

He ran to the road,

And with a car coming,

It never slowed.

With a crash to the hood,

And a crack in his head,

You could tell in an instant,

That this boy was dead.

But then the car stopped,

And pulled into the house,

It was the boy’s mother,

The alcoholic’s spouse.

She ran to the house,

And came to the man,

With one quick hug,

She gave him a scan.

His shirt was a mess,

His pants were all stained,

He had grown a short beard;

This man has been pained.

The woman looked around,

And saw the whole house,

She saw what had happened,

And said some words to her spouse.

“Honey, have you been drinking again?”



“Can I get you another?”

Now can you see what alcohol does,

Like when you drink it, it gives you a buzz,

And can’t you see why it’s here?

To drive the drinkers over a pier?

The real purpose of alcohol is:


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