health education chp300: community health program-l mohamed m. b. alnoor

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Health Education


Community Health Program-l

Mohamed M. B. Alnoor

Health Education


By the end of this presentation the

Define the following terms:• Health Education• Communicator:• Message• Channel• Audience

student should be able to:

Appreciate the General Goals and Specific Objectives of Health Education Know the principles, the process, content and

venues of Health education.

• Skills • Belief • Attitude• Values

Recognize the Major Variables involved in “Change of Behavior”.

Understand the Principles of Evaluation of Health Education Programs:

Process which affects changes in the health related knowledgeknowledge , attitudesattitudes and

practicespractices of people .


Health Education


Health Education

Aims of Health education

1. Health promotion and prevention of disease.

2. Early diagnosis and management.

3. Utilization of the available health services.

Health EducationSpecific objectives

of health education

1. To make health an asset valued by the community.

2. To increase knowledge of the factors that affect health among specific target groups and public in general.

3. To facilitate the development of positive health attitudes and to encourage behavior that promotes and maintains health.

Health Education

4. To seek support for public health measures, and when necessary, to press for appropriate governmental action.5.To encourage appropriate use of health services especially preventive services.

6. To inform the public about uses and limitations of medical advances.

Specific objectives of

health education

Health Education

Adoption of new ideas or practiceFive steps1. Awareness (know)2. Interest (details)3. Evaluation (Advantages Vs

Disadvantages)4. Trial (practices)5. Adoption (habit)

Health EducationContents

of health education1. Personal hygiene

2. Proper health habits

3. Nutrition education

6. Sex education

5. Mental health

4. Safety rules

Health EducationContents

of health education

9. Special education (occupation,

mothers …..etc)

10. Principles of healthy life style

e.g. sleep, exercise

7. Basic knowledge of disease &

preventive measures

8. Proper use of health services

Health Education

• Dissemination of scientific knowledge

(about how to promote and maintain health),

leading to changes in KAP.

Process of health education

Health Education

impetus for the public involvement and commitment to social reform essential to its success in achieving optimum health

• consciousness-raising

• action-stimulating• concern-arousing

Health education provides:

“Education for health begins with people as they are, with whatever interests they may have, in improving their living conditions”.

Process of health education

Health Education

“Health Promotion is any combination of educational,

organizational, economic and environmental support for

behaviors and conditions of living conducive to health .”

Health Promotion is broader

than Health Education

Health Promotion or health education

Health Education

Health Promotion is used to encompass various activities eg. :

Behavior & lifestyle, Preventive health services, Health protection directed at environment, Health related public policy, Economic & regulatory measures.

(Health Education is the primary and dominant

measure in Health Promotion ).

Health Promotion or health education

Health Education

1. Interest.

2. Participation.

3. Proceed from known to unknown.

4. Comprehension.

5. Reinforcement by repetition.

6. Motivation

Principles of health education

Health Education

7. Learning by doing

“ If I hear, I forget

If I see, I remember

If I do, I know”.

8. Good human relations

9. Leaders

Principles of health education

Health EducationPrinciples

of health education

Health EducationCommunicatio

n• Communicator: the person or the

team who give the message (Educator).

• Message: the contents (materials) of health education

• Channel: method of carrying the message

• Audience: the receivers (users or targets) of the message

Health Education

Good communication Good communication techniquetechnique

• Source credibility.• Clear message.• Good channel: individual, group &

mass education.• Receiver: ready, interested, not

occupied.• Feed back.• Observe non-verbal cues.• Active listing.• Establishing good relationship.

Health Education


• Personnel of health services.• Medical students, nursing & social

work.• School personnel.• Community leaders & the influential.Requirements:• Personality: popular, influential and

interested in work.• Efficiently trained and prepared .• Must show good example.

Health Education

MessageWhat information to be communicated.•Simple, at the level of understanding.

•Culturally accepted.


•Meet a felt need.

•Free of technical jargon.

•Use audiovisual aids.

Health EducationWhere Does Health Education Happen? Everywhere!•Schools



•Health Care Sites


•Consumer Marketplace

Health Education


Face to face

Education through spoken word.

A- Occasions of health appraisal.

B- Home visitsNurses Health visitor Social workers

Health Education

2-Groupa. Lessons and lectures in schools.b. Lectures in work places e.g. factories. c. Demonstration and training

3- Mass media.a. Broadcasting: radio & TV.b. Written word: newspapers, posters,

booklets.c. Others e.g. theaters.


Health Education

Evaluation of health education programs:

There should be continuous evaluation.

• Evaluation should not be left to the end but should be done from time to time for purpose of making modifications to achieve better results.

Health Education


Describe problem

Describe program

Determine needed information

State goals

Establish basis

for proof of effectiveness

Determine data collecting method

Develop& testinstruments

Organize data base

Analyze &Compareresults

Modify program

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