health goodness - vol 1 issue 3 - july 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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This is a free sample of Health Goodness issue "Vol 1 Issue 3 - July 2015" Download full version from: Apple App Store: Magazine Description: Health Goodness magazine focuses on the natural way of treating an ailment by empowering you with a strong knowledge to cure as well as prevent even the deadliest of the deadliest diseases by means of Ayurvedic Treatment, Home Remedies, Herbal remedies, Unani Medications, OTC Medications and also by providing knowledge about some useful plants and herbs, right diets, and above all Yogic Treatments. Overall, its a source of light for the green-health cautiousness. “Health Goodness” will chang... You can build your own iPad and Android app at


Health Goodness | July 20151

table ofC O N T E N T S 33


35Are you breathing PURE?105 Natural Remedies for Diaper Rashes13Benefits of Banana Peels 15Building Brains17 Daily Sauna Benefits20Do you care for your body?22Does Diet Affect Osteoarthritis? 25

Health Benefits of Cold Showers8

Managing Osteoarthritis Pain28Four simple tips to reduce weight and look slim and beautiful



Health Benefits of

Lemons and Lemon Pith

Health effects of beer

Healthy Lunches for Preschoolers

Injuries from tight clothing

table ofC O N T E N T S

Liver Health- 50 Ways To Love Your Liver44 Mental Health Warning Signs47 Sleep Sound!47Some causes of painful menstruation51 Surprising Health Benefits and Side Effects of Flax Seed

54Tamarind Health Benefits: the Nutrient-rich Superfood

56The food-fuel of the body-engine58

Know the human body42

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D60The meaning of health60





The Ultimate Water Therapy

Top Five Blueberry Health Benefits

Why Getting a Massage Is a Good Idea

You are More than

Body or mind!

Health Goodness | July 20154

When you were born you were, as all babies are, deaf, dumb, blind, and helpless, but immediately the external world began to act upon you. Then began the process of mind-building. You began to experience sensations of heat and cold, of hunger, of pain. The eyes began at once to recognize the light, the ears to become aware of sounds. After a time, objects were made clear to your sight and certain sounds were recognized. You learned your mother’s face and voice, and, little by little, became acquainted with all the objects in the world of home. You began to use your limbs, and in this also you were at work building your mind. We do not sufficiently realize that every aimless movement of the baby has in reality a great purpose--that of creating brainpower sufficient to enable the baby to control itself in all its voluntary movements.

We do not think that the fluttering hands and little kicking feet are really building brains, but this is so. And all of life’s experiences have been building brain for you ever since. Professor Elmer Gates tells us that only about ten per cent. of our brains are cultivated, that there is a vast field of brain possibilities lying undeveloped in each one of us, and that these possibilities are to be developed through cultivation of the senses. So while I have been talking to you of the care of your body, I have been advocating that which will in reality develop mind. We have learned that certain areas of brain govern certain movements of body. For example, anatomists know not only where the general motor area is located, but they can indicate the very spot where any special motor-force is generated. In the case of a mill girl who was subject to epilepsy and had pain in her

Building Brains

Health Goodness | July 20155

Daily Sauna Benefits

Health Goodness | July 20156

Does Diet Affect Osteoarthritis? The old adage “You are what you eat” rings true - if you eat poorly, such will your health be. Eating a well balanced meal has a lot to do with good health, but when you have osteoarthritis, you also need to know what good foods may be bad for your condition.

Eating a nice green salad is great for your body, but a few pieces of fried chicken will through the benefits of your salad right out the window. In this hub, you’ll learn what foods can fight the effects of osteoarthritis, and what foods can worsen your symptoms through pain and inflammation. Exercise and diet are elements of success with any health issue.

Foods for Osteoarthritis

What you put into your body will have a cause and effect relation to how you feel. Put simply, if you eat garbage, you will feel like garbage. Chemicals in our overly-processed foods are designed to make you crave for more, always make you feel hungry, and fill your caloric card triple time.

Health Goodness | July 20157

Managing Osteoarthritis Pain Osteoarthritis is a chronic and very painful disease. Living with the pain is a constant battle. Because there is no cure, pain relief is intermittent at best. However, there are things patients can do to keep their pain manageable.

I have suffered with osteoarthritis since I turned 20. I’m now 34, and I’ve been in chronic pain for all of those 14 years. However, I have learned a great deal about managing my pain.

I spent many hours researching medical treatments and natural remedies for osteoarthritis. What I found was a number of different treatments from both conventional and alternative medicine.

Definition of Osteoarthritis

In order to treat the disease, we need to know what it is. The word osteoarthritis, often abbreviated as OA, literally means bone and joint inflammation, and it is caused by the degeneration of the joints. This is usually caused by wear and tear which is usually the result of the aging process, but it can also be caused by injury

Health Goodness | July 20158

or trauma.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting over 30 million Americans most of which are women. It can affect any joint, but typically affects the joints that are weight bearing such as:

Neck (cervical osteoarthritis, sometimes called degenerative disc disease)

Spine Hips Knees

The hands, particularly the fingers, are also a common area affected by osteoarthritis. This is mainly because of the constant use of the phalanges (fingers) in our daily life.

OA results in the degeneration of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. As the articular cartilage degenerates, the subchondral bones (the ends that join to create the joint) begin to rub against each other causing friction.

Over time, this friction causes the bones to become worn down essentially compressing the joint. In the later stages, this can cause inflammation, which exacerbates the problem and the pain.

Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

Generally speaking, osteoarthritis is diagnosed based on the history acquired from the patient as well as the doctor’s clinical evaluation. This is when it is extremely helpful if the patient knows exactly what his or her symptoms are. Common symptoms of OA include:

Pain in the joints (usually the initial symptom that leads most people to see a doctor)

Stiffness in the joints Locking (this is essentially a joint getting stuck and needing a bit of manipulation to free it; it is caused by osteophytes, also known as bone spurs) Reduced range of motion of the joints

Cracking and creaking sounds when moving, especially after a long period of rest such as sitting

Health Goodness | July 20159

Serious Health Benefits of Lemons and Lemon PithHealth benefits of lemons are amazing and so are lemon pith health benefits. This simple health guide points out how easy it actually is to use lemons for a great majority of health and hygienic purposes.

In stead of taking drugs to fight flue or reaching for aggressive chemicals to clean your house use lemons and don’t leave them be merely a decoration in the fruit bowl on your kitchen table.

What is lemon all about?

All health benefits of lemons come from vitamin C you

might think, but you would be wrong. Yes, this super important vitamin IS what made lemon famous in the past, but there’s a few more healing ingredients that has made this little yellow fellow such an appreciated fruit throughout the history.

Besides being a real vitamin C treasury, lemon is rich in minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zink and Iron), group B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), fiber, sugar (the good one) and pectin, but that’s not all either.

All parts of this fruit are beneficial. Each part has its own healing properties:

Health Benefits of Lemons and Lemon Pith

Health Goodness | July 201510

Surprising Health Benefits and Side Effects of Flax Seed• Flax Seeds Can Work Wonders for Health• Do you love flax seeds, or are you considering adding them to your diet?• As you probably already know, wholesome foods such as flax seeds can work wonders on your health.• Conversely, unhealthy eating habits and the modern lifestyle adversely impact the heart. Even people in

their twenties complain of cardiac symptoms like hypertension, chest pain, and high cholesterol levels.• In such situations, the knowledge about the richest natural source of omega-3, flax seed, may play a vital

role in maintaining optimum health.

What Is Flax Seed?• Flax seeds are extracted from flax plants, shown above. The scientific name of flax is Linum usitatissimum,

which is why it is also known as linseed. In India, it is known as alsi.• It is a food and fiber crop that is used as an edible oil, a nutritional health supplement, and an ingredient in

wood finishing. Generally, flax seed oil is used to make medicine to prevent several lifestyle disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, benin prospetic hyperplasia (BPH), vaginal infection, heart disease, migraines, etc.

Health Goodness | July 201511

The Ultimate Water TherapySince air is invisible, we cannot perceive the wonderful way in which it does its work. But the work of water and its curative effects can be easily seen and understood. All people know something of the use of steam as a curative agent. We often employ it in cases of fever, and very often severe headaches can be cured only by its application. In cases of rheumatic pain in the joints, rapid relief is obtained by the use of steam followed by a cold bath. Boils and ulcers not cured by simple dressing with ointments can be completely healed by the application of steam. In case of extreme fatigue, a steam-bath or a hot-water bath immediately followed by a cold bath will be found very effective. So too, in cases of sleeplessness, instant relief is often obtained by sleeping in the open air after a steam-bath followed by a cold bath. Hot water can always be used as a substitute for steam. When there is severe pain in the stomach, instant relief is obtained by warming with a bottle filled with boiling water placed over a thick cloth wrapped round the waist. Whenever there is a desire to vomit, it can be done by drinking plenty of

hot water.

Those who are suffering from constipation often derive great benefit by drinking a glass of hot water either at bedtime or soon after rising and cleaning the teeth in the morning. Sir Gordon Spring attributed his excellent health to the practice of drinking a glass of hot water every day before going to bed and after getting up in the morning. The bowels of many people move only after taking tea in the morning, and they foolishly suppose that it is the tea which has produced this effect. But, as a matter of fact, tea only does harm, and it is really the hot water in the tea that moves the bowels.

A special kind of cot is often used for steam-baths, but it is not quite essential. A spirit or kerosine oil stove, or a wood or coal fire, should be kept burning under an ordinary cane chair. Over the fire should be placed a vessel of water with the mouth covered; and over the chair a sheet or blanket is so spread that it may

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