healthy body, peaceful heart falun dafa a path to...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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What is Falun Dafa? Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice that improves mental and physical wellness through a series of easy to learn exercises, meditation and development of one's 'Heart/Mind Nature' (Xinxing). The practice is based on the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

This ancient practice, originally taught in private only, was first introduced to the public in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China. Since that time, millions of practitioners worldwide have reported dramatic improvements in health and a deepened spiritual awareness.

Healthy Body, Peaceful Heart A Path To Your Original, True SelfFalun Dafa

Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance

“Free From Stress and Mentally Clear”

Shiyu Zhou, 33, Ph.D. Professor, U. Penn.

Falun Gong has taught me how to be considerate of others in everything I do and how to improve my relationships with others by handling conflicts constructively. Above all, it has taught me how to be a truthful, compassionate and tolerant person in life. It has given me incredible relaxation, mental clarity, and freedom from stress.

“I Snapped Out of Alcohol and Drugs Fast”

Sterling Cambell, Drummer

Being a musician, my surroundings were not the healthiest. And being in the giant current of bad influence, I got into trouble. But when I started practicing Falun Gong, in one month, I just snapped out of all those environmental hazards, alcohol, and drugs. Reading Zhuan Falun helped me get myself out of a bad situation rapidly.

5. Way of Strengthening Divine Powers

3. Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes:

4. Falun Heavenly Circulation:

1. Buddha Showing A Thousand Hands:Using gentle stretching movements, this exercise opens all energy channels in the body.

A meditation that refines both body and mind through deep tranquility; strengthens divine powers and energy potency.

With its gentle hand-gliding movements, this exercise purifies the body using energy from the cosmos.

By gently tracing the hands over the entire body, front and back, the fourth exercise rectifies all abnormal conditions in the body and circulates energy widely.

2. Falun Standing Stance:Comprised of four static postures that can be held for several minutes each, the second exercise enhances one's energy level and awakens wisdom.

“I’m feeling better, stronger, & clear-minded”

Connie Chipkar, 61I came to Falun Dafa as an aging 57-year-old who was exhausted with living. I needed an afternoon nap ev-ery day. Now, four years later, I've become younger looking, my wrin-kles have almost disappeared, and my energy is continually growing. I need less sleep than before, and I'm feeling better, stronger, and more clear-minded.

Start Learning Today!

Stop by any local practice site to learn the exercises. All exercise instructions are free of charge. For site locations and contacts, visit:

For more information, call 1-877-FALUN-99 (toll free).

The Teachings of Falun Dafa

The book Zhuan Falun (Revolving the Law Wheel) by Mr. Li Hongzhi, is the most systematic and essential work of Falun Dafa.

Falun Gong is an introductory book recommended for beginners.

Both books can be downloaded for free from the internet by visiting They can also be purchased at most major book stores or by calling Yih Chyun Corp: 1-888-353-2288.

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