heart disease and homocysteine levels

Post on 13-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Heart disease......high homocysteine levels are just as important as high cholesterol and high blood pressure


heart diseasenumber one killer

and homocysteine levels

Mention the word “heart” & people think of cholesterol

BUT …….

there is so much more

to this jigsaw puzzle

that you need to know

Cholesterol People have been “lead up the garden path” somewhat ………

being sold the idea that cholesterol is totally evil which makes it easy to prescribe statin medications

High levels of homocysteine

Have you heard of homocysteine?

Have you been tested for it?

Has anyone ever suggested you get tested?

What is Homeocystein?

It’s a natural substance the body produces

Homocysteine is a by-product of the body’s natural daily metabolism.

It becomes a problem when levels become too high.

Tests High levels of cholesterol can easily be tested for

High levels of homocysteine can also be tested easily

The big difference is * they can prescribe medication for one *the other is too simple, vitamin B complex

What do I mean by that?

Statin medication is really a huge huge business

Vitamin B is not


it’s natural it’s vital

the liver makes it needed for hormones

vital to every cell


is different, an amino acid normally found in low levels in the blood, it’s a normal by-product of DNA synthesis

Higher levels increase risk of heart attack and stroke

These higher levels are seen as being as big a risk as smoking or high cholesterol and high blood pressure, yet most people have never heard of it.

on the other hand

Higher levels of homocysteine can…. act as a growth promoter triggering the overproduction of smooth muscle cells to narrow arteries

damage the cell lining the arteries

it can alter low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) which is absorbed by foam cells to create waxy deposits in the arteries

promote blood clot formation

Homocysteine Solution

it’s a complex situation BUT

it has a simple answer

Vitamin B Complex

Make changes

A diet high in natural fiber from whole-foods - helps reduce cholesterol levels

These whole-foods also provide more of the nutrients needed for healthy homocysteine levels.

These whole-foods also aid weight-loss helping reduce high blood pressure

Some form of exercise is needed

Take some supplements like B Complex & Vitamin C

What’s is meant by whole-foods?

Fresh fruit

Fresh vegetables

Raw nuts and seeds

Plenty of whole grains - oats, millet, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat

A healthy heart also needs healthy fats Oily fish


Cold pressed olive oil (for salads), coconut oil (for heating)

Raw seeds and nuts

Statin medication side-effects

Muscle pain

Joint pain

Digestive problems

Memory loss

Reduced libido

and more depending on the individual


If you have :-

high cholesterol

high blood pressure

high homocysteine levels

you need to change your lifestyle

First and Last

Medication should be a last resort when everything else has been tried as they have negative side-effects

Healthy changes should be the first resort they have positive side-effects


Over and over again research reveals

the lifestyle you choose ……..

will either kill you or keep you healthy

the choice is entirely yours

Sonia Jones

Naturopath & Nutritional Therapist

with 23 years experience !

www.greenetcetera.com www.shareremedies.com

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