he’s got the whole world in hislocal.alcoslo.org/web/messenger/2012/alc messenger october...

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  • 20

    Join us for the ALC Retreat! Friday and Saturday, October 12 and 13

    A wonderful opportunity for rest, renewal, and the strengthening of bonds Within

    our community of grace. Come away with us to the beautiful Østmarkskapellet (southeast of Oslo) for a time of fun, food, fellowship

    and a bit of learning for all ages.

    Things to know about the ALC Retreat

    Sign Up Today! Help us to plan for this special overnight retreat. A signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

    You are invited to arrive any time after 15:00 on Friday. The event will conclude around 14:00 on Saturday. .

    Sleeping accomodations are 25 bunks in three sleeping rooms, plus a lot of floor space for kids and those with camping mats. There is also outdoor

    space for those who would like to camp.

    Walking In: We will park and walk in approx. 2 km, with a gradual to moderate incline, on a well maintained dirt road. We are coordinating

    transport to the trail start for those of you who don’t drive. If the walk is

    too difficult for you, we have been allowed to provide limited

    transportation to the chapel, please speak with Mel Engebretsen who can

    give you specific details or contact the church office. Mel’s email address is


    Cost is only 100 kr for adults, 50 kr for children.

    Musically inclined? We are looking for a piano player or acoustic guitar player or two to help with music. Is this you?








    The mission of the American Lutheran Congregation is to bring people of

    different nations and denominations together, and in the English language,

    empower them into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

    The ALC Messenger Volume 56 Issue 8 October 2012

    So then you are no longer strangers and

    sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with

    the saints and members of the household of

    God. Ephesians 2:19

    He’s Got the Whole

    World in His

    Hands !

  • 2

    American Lutheran Congregation

    Pastor: Timothy Stewart

    Office secretary: Rie Melhoos

    Council President: Eric Mandeville

    Messenger Editors : Mel Engebretsen, Rie Melhoos.

    Visiting address: Fritzners gate 15, 0264 Oslo, Norway

    Mailing Address: PO Box 3012 Elisenberg, 0207 Oslo,


    Phone: + 47 22 44 35 84

    Fax: +47 22 44 30 15

    Email: office@alcoslo.org

    Webpage: www.alcoslo.org

    Bank account number for offerings :5081.07.47827

    The ALC Messenger Monthly Newsletter for the American Lutheran Congregation




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    Happy Birthday - God Bless you! ` UN Potluck and Outreach Fund Raising Dinner

    October 21, 2012

    It has been 7 years since the ALC started to fund

    the translation of the Old Testament into the

    Gonja Language together with GILBERT (The

    Ghanaian national translation Board) and Wyc-

    liffe Bible Translators International. 15 years

    ago the New Testament was translated and

    printed in this language.

    For those of you not aware, the Gonja language is a Kwa language spoken by an

    estimated 230,000 people, most of whom are living in northern Ghana.

    The normal time that it takes for the translation of the Old Testament can take up

    to 10 years depending on funding and the number of translators that are working

    on the project.

    By Gods Grace we hope to have all of the Old Testament books drafted by the

    end of this year. We still need to take it to the people to read and make sure it is

    properly worded. That will take some time but by God Grace we should be able

    to print the entire Gonja Bible by 2014.

    We would like to kick off this fund raising drive at the annual UN Day Potluck at

    the ALC. This year , the potluck is taking place on October 21st. Come and join

    us and help in raising money for translating the Bible into the Gonja language


    Jim Kilmer

  • 18

    2 - Jennifer Alcoriza

    3 - Jonas Engebretsen

    3 - Ditlef Knudsen

    3 - Sara Caitlyn Gabrielsen

    4 - Olav Mundal

    5 - Caroline Tøtdal

    7 - Michael Menk

    7 - Kelly Kaspersen

    8 - Johan Knudsen

    9 - Finn Flood

    11 - Perpetua Mohr

    11 - Joachim Kjesbu

    13 - Line Knudsen

    13 - Sirkka Stephens

    14 - Isabella A. Wang

    16 - Mac Stephen Richards

    17 - Tea Alexandra Tandberg

    19 - Olga Bye

    20 - Erin G. Austad

    20 - Chad Michael Brown

    21 - Merete Heggelund

    23 - Helen Johnsen

    23 - Alexander Balfour

    24 - Irmelin Marie Benes

    26 - Elisabeth Martin

    27 - Charmaine Pascual

    28 - Catlin Smefjell,

    28 -Virginia Ringnes

    29 - Marit Engebretsen,

    29 - Marielle Minutella

    30 - Margaret Briggs

    30 - Benjamin Trumpy,

    30 - Gudny Trumpy

    31 - Robin Thune Larsen

    October Birthdays Happy Birthday - God Bless you!


    Dag and Silvia Ramsvik are the proud parents of Maria

    Isabella who was born at 5:28 AM on September 20th.

    Mother and baby are both doing fine!

    Father and big brother Anthony August are also happy and proud.

    Congratulations and God's blessings on them now and in the future.

    Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,

    The fruit of the womb is a reward

    Psalm 127 : 3


    Pastor’s Corner

    Dear Friends,

    I recently passed my two year anniversary of arriving in Oslo and starting work at

    the ALC. When I look back at the past two years I almost have to laugh. No one

    could have ever predicted these past two years! The ALC has faced some very big

    challenges has we adjust to the changing regulatory environment which is becom-

    ing commonplace in Oslo today. Often the change has come with little warning and

    we have had to work very hard to meet the new, tougher requirements successfully.

    Sometimes we’ve made mistakes and then worked to correct them and move on.

    But through it all, I don’t think we have ever wavered in our attention to our mis-

    sion to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Now I’ve been saying ‘we’ here a lot, because it is in a sense each of us connected

    to this congregation who has a part in meeting these challenges. But I also want to

    take a moment to commend to you our Church Council and especially our Board of

    Trustees who have bourne the brunt of the hard work I’ve described above. My

    role has been mostly to support them, pray for them and occasionally provide a

    listening ear to them – but they have been the ones out in front, leading us in adapt-

    ing to the changes in the larger bureaucratic environment in which we exist as an

    organization in Oslo today..

    I recently created a calendar for the Church Council to provide an immediate, visu-

    al picture of our programs and ministries over the next several months to aid them

    in their planning. A way to be sure we don’t double schedule events or schedule

    events too close to each other and consequently weaken them both. Part of this has

    also meant looking at past calendars to be sure to not miss something coming up

    that is so second nature we forget even to schedule it. To my surprise, I found that

    this fall we are offering more opportunities for ministry and transformation, not

    less. After a time such as these past two years has been like – I find that remarkable

    and exciting! For me this is a sign of the Spirit’s presence – and an encouragement

    for the challenges that no doubt lie ahead.

    I hope you will take the time to read this newsletter, and the bulletin announce-

    ments, and the bulletin board, and the mid-week emails and the many other ways

    that we reach out to you to inform you about and invite you into the life of this con-

    gregation. This is a faith community which meets challenges head-on. It is a faith

    community which will follow the Spirit to offer more opportunities to learn and

    pray and gather and worship in the face of those challenges – not less. This is a

    faith community in which there is a place for each of us and for the sister or brother

    in Christ we have not met yet. This is a faith community for you.

    God’s peace,

    Pastor Tim Stewart

  • 4


    If you have prayer concerns, please contact

    our Prayer Chain administrator, Gillian

    Holby, at jillholby@gmail.com or the church


    Many of our ALC members have spoken with Peter Majeed who has been

    worshiping with us at the ALC while he has been studying at Diakon College in


    Many may not have been aware that he is a Norwegian educated (Misjonshøgskolen

    i Stavanger) bishop of the Northern Diocese Mardan Church of Pakistan. In the

    newspapers in Norway and around the world, pictures have been shown of the

    burned church, library and school that were damaged in an attack after protests

    were made against the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” that was released on the


    In a newspaper report they quote Peter Majeed as saying:

    We are appealing to all Christians in the world to stand with us in prayers and help

    us to rebuild the house of God and the houses of His servants, who have been

    rendered homeless and are living with their friends and relatives.

    Please keep Peter Majeed, his family and congregation in your prayers.

    Bishop Peter Majeed and the Burning of Sarhadi

    Lutheran church

    The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock,

    in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my

    stronghold. Psalm 18:2


    October 8 The 5 Week Book Study and Discussion Group continues on the following

    Mondays October 8, October 15 and October

    22. Please come and join us even if you did not

    make the first two sessions.

    October 27th - Super Saturday Morning- On Saturday, October 27 (from 9:00 - 12:00),

    Pastor and Mary Ann will host a morning

    disussion group to look at the more specific topic

    of Congregational Hospitality in our church

    community life.

    2012 To-go Budget / 2013 Budget input – Eric

    2012 budget needs to be revised. Board of Trustees, Treasure r and financial advi-

    sor will meet Tuesday next week. All committee chairs should submit what they

    need until the end of the year. Then committees need to start planning to give in-

    put for the 2013 budget.

    HES report - John

    A quarterly round has been scheduled with the custodian. Daily, weekly, monthly,

    quarterly HES checklists will be updated and reinstituted.

    Handicap access - John

    Jackie has been helpful in following up the progress of the handicap access so that

    we can move forward. The elevator company has been sent architectural drawings

    for the church so that they can start the process of engineering when it’s received.

    In parallel they will work with the approval process with the authorities. We hope

    to have it done by Christmas and before our annual meeting.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Cheryl Håbesland,

    ALC Council Secretary

    Summary of Council Approved Minutes (Continued)

    Special Learning Opportunities on the

    Theme of Christian Hospitality

  • 16

    Communication Strategy - Eric

    At our last meeting we had a discussion regarding our various communication

    forms. There is especially concern with regards to maintaining our website and

    the use of Facebook as there is no one responsible for monitoring these. An

    adhoc committee from Council has been set up to bring back a report to next

    meeting with suggestions for a communication strategy plan including the bulle-

    tin board, e-mail, Messenger, website, Facebook. Mel will call the meeting and

    Pastor, Jim, Mark and Chiek were requested to attend. First they will identify

    how each communication channel is currently being used, strengths and weak-

    nesses. Then define where we want to go with each channel and finally break

    down of tasks of what we need to do to get there. By the end of year a concise

    communication strategy document is to be presented to Council.

    Library lock - Eric

    We have experienced Sunday School DVDs, flannel graph items disappearing

    from the library. As a first step it was suggested to put the DVD’s in the Fire-

    side since it is locked. Pastor said that it is complicated with different groups

    using the space. A locked door is not welcoming and then people will not use

    the library. Now there are people who come in to sit and read.

    The AICEME Youth Gathering - Mel

    There are concerns about funds for the youth to be able to travel to Germany for

    the youth conference due to the challenges with the budget. Traditionally all is

    provided except for travel cost as well as the chaperones costs are covered. It

    was decided that the youth conference would be prioritized and if nothing else

    we can call people personally to contribute.

    Congregation retreat - Mel

    The retreat is scheduled Oct. 12-14 at Østmarkakapell. Mel, Cheryl and their

    spouses have volunteered to make waffles on Sunday, which results in a re-

    duced price for our congregation. Pastor said we need a guitar player / musician

    and someone to organize food. Mark will coordinate transportation to where we

    walk in for those who do not drive. We need to walk in 1 mile. There are 25

    bunk beds plus room to sleep on the floor and put up tents. 100 kr per person

    and 50 kr per child will be charged..

    Fellowship replacement

    Dag and Silvia need a replacement to fill in for the rest of the year as Silvia is expecting

    a baby.

    Summary of Council Approved Minutes (Continued)



    Our congregation is truly blessed, in so many areas.

    If you look at the opportunities to worship, study the Bible

    and to fellowship we have a very packed Fall season this


    Some of the activities are planned by Pastor, some by the ALC Council,

    and some by the different Council Committees. However, many of the ac-

    tivities are planned, arranged and run by non-elected individuals, or groups.

    Are there any activities that you feel that we as a congregation should pro-

    vide, or that you are missing?

    Would you be able and willing to plan, arrange or run them? The Church

    Office and ALC Council would be more than willing to help facilitate the


    This is in fact how many of the recent activities came

    about; the Men’s Bible Study which just started, the

    Camp-Out in mid-September, and the Golf Tourna-

    ment in August. All of these came about based on the

    initiative of different individuals.

    The ALC Council and Council Committees also plan and arrange some of

    the Fall’s larger events, such as the Church Retreat and Super Saturday.

    Why not participate and take advantage of some the events that are


    The ALC offers a wide variety of quality events.

    The opportunity to worship, pray and study God’s Word is there.

    The opportunity to fellowship with new and old friends is there.

    The opportunity to just have fun is there.

    President’s Corner

    Eric Mandeville

    Council President

  • 6

    Living Abroad, United in Christ

    So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners,

    but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of

    the household of God. Ephesians 2:19

    We come to ALC as fellow citizens of the

    household of God. Our journeys are unique --

    countries, cultures, cuisines, faith and life

    experiences – yet we are united in community,

    in communion, in Christ. We are assured that

    we are not strangers.

    In upcoming newsletters, we, as an

    international church community, will begin a

    dialogue -- a dialogue about living and loving,

    giving and grieving while living abroad. Grief

    and loss in a broad sense, big and small, short-

    term and long-term.

    Do you have an experience to share about

    how you got through a time of loss, of pain abroad? Maybe you know of a Christ

    -centered website, book, resource, experience, which you found helpful?

    Perhaps you are in the midst of a challenge, maybe you have a question to ask, a

    prayer to be answered? Or grappling with (or anticipating) the challenges of

    aging parents, loved one from abroad? A struggle (past or present) with a broken

    relationships while your long-time friends and family are an ocean way? Feeling

    lonely, wondering how to find the strength of Christ’s love in a new country?

    So consider how you might contribute to this forthcoming dialogue. As fellow

    citizens of the household of God, how can we, as Paul spoke to the early (and

    very intercultural) church, “encourage one another and build up each other” (1

    Thessalonians 5:11) ?

    Contacts (Be assured of absolute and complete anonymity, confidentiality.):

    Newsletter submission, sharing of concerns, questions, more information:

    Sharon Hermanson shermanson001@gmail.com

    Pastoral guidance, counseling: Pastor Tim pastor@alcoslo.org

    We ask that contributions be in the context of ALC as a faith-based

    community (and doubt is okay!) international community united in Christ,

    something for reflection, for question, for guidance.

    • …grief of parent, loved one’s health ….– Being an “expat” is far from being easy, you often question your decisions

    [regarding caring for parents abroad] and wonder when to fly home. The most difficult for me is when I know my family needs my support yet I can’t “be there” for them…..

    – I went home for Christmas and found that what was described on the telephone did not match the reality of my loved one’s situation

    • …loss of friends, loneliness …– I do not speak the language of my new country well enough to make

    friends…I would love to be a part of the society more but … and my spouse is even more limited …..

    – Simply being away … a phone call or email is never as good as a visit.

    • ….living and loving -- guilt, guilt, guilt…– My family, my children have been uprooted and are finding it difficult– Broken relationship with my spouse

    Fellow Christians’ experiences regarding

    grief, loss abroad…

    9/29/2012 9

    2011 study conducted of an American international church in Europe

    Do YOU have an


    to share?


    Attended: Pastor Timothy Stewart, Eric Mandeville, President, Bob Sebro,

    Vice-President, Cheryl Håbesland, Secretary, Karen Espegren, Stewardship,

    Mel Engebretsen, Education, Mark Lanham, Volunteers, John Chamberlain,


    Treasurers Report - Eric

    Offerings are 50,000 NOK above last year. State contributions are zero due to

    missing the deadline in March. We have 560,000 NOK in the bank. If we limit

    spending we may manage the year okay. Waffle sales down 7,000 NOK com-

    pared to last year. We make 100 waffles a Sunday. Normally we do not make

    waffles during the summer but last year the Schmidts did make waffles and that

    is one reason for the decrease.

    Pastor’s report

    Sunday Dec. 16 at 5pm there will be a Christmas concert with a variety of

    styles of music both sacred and secular. It was suggested to advertise in AWC

    Fjord Flyer. There have been scheduling problems and therefore Pastor has

    made a board to track activities that will hang outside his office. If you have

    something scheduled, write Pastor a note and he will put it on the schedule.

    Many events are already scheduled for this fall, more than last year.

    State Contribution, appeal rejected

    Both of our appeals were rejected. Deadline of March 15 is difficult to meet

    since all books must be audited before then. It was suggested we should apply

    in January and it was agreed that we need to be more proactive. We can have

    members’ names but not the other information required. The Treasurer needs to

    check every post before we are audited. We have changed the office procedures

    to prevent this mistake from happening again. There have been requests that we

    go to politicians, mass media and do mail campaign with regards to our appeals

    being rejected. It was agreed that we would not at this time as we have had is-

    sues with authorities due to fire safety.

    Huge thanks to Woody for our website! - Sarvo

    Woody said that he would help us find new software for our website since it is

    out of date and help us with how to use media in general. If we are considering

    purchases we will involve him. We would like to thank Woody for the tremen-

    dous amount of work he has put in on the website over the years.

    Election of 2 Nominating Committee members - Eric

    The Nominating Committee is to meet by Oct. 15. All approved that Karen and

    Eric would represent the Council

    Summary of Council Approved Minutes

    August 2012

  • 14

    The ALC Handicap Accessibility Update

    The process of installing the solution for Handicap Access (the

    “stair crawler” ) is moving forward.

    The application for approval to install was sent to Oslo Kom-

    mune in August.

    The material for the “stair crawler” is currently being shipped

    from the factory in Germany, and we expect that it will arrive in

    Oslo in early October.

    Once we have an approval from Oslo Kommune in hand and the material in a

    warehouse in Oslo we will be ready to proceed. We are starting the process of

    identifying an appropriate installation date that will suit the congregation’s, the

    FIP’s and other renters’ needs and requirements.

    We reasonably expect the solution for handicap accessibility to be installed in

    the October/November time frame.

    Based on the above, it looks like we will have the solution for handicap accessi-

    bility in place in time for the Christmas season.

    Haydom Hospital in Tanzania

    After the flea market in May the un

    sold clothing were donated to the Hay-

    dom Hospital in Tanzania. Haydom is

    a Lutheran Mission hospital, built in the 1950s. It houses many departments

    from, medical, surgical, maternity, ICU, CCU outpatients and outreach and

    many more. Haydom has approximately 400 beds and a staff of 600. Haydom

    is a Christian hospital and their faith is important. Their motto for over 50-

    years has been and is: “To the praise of His glory”.

    The clothing from the flea market were boxed up and Karen Espegren had

    them sent to Stavanger where it was packed into a container leaving for Tanza-

    nia. The container left Stavanger in late August on its way to Dar es Salaam.

    The costs of sending the container were shared by Haydom and a man moving

    from Stavanger to Arusha. The container is expected to arrive in Dar es Sa-

    laam about now. The clothes will be distributed through the Haydom Mothers

    and Child program in the villages around Haydom.

    If you would like to find out more about Haydom Hospital you can visit their

    website at http://www.haydom.com/ or contact Karen Espegren directly.

    Thank you to all who donated clothing.

    Karen Espegren, Stewardship chairperson


    Living and loving, grieving and giving in community

    Living abroad can be exciting. There are endless opportunities to learn about

    God’s creation beyond the borders of our home countries.

    Living abroad can be hard. It means being apart from families, friends,

    communities that we cherish. Most of us, as an English-speaking faith community

    in a Norwegian-speaking country, have many first-hand experiences of Paul’s

    words of being the stranger, the sojourner. Sometimes it is simply eye-opening and

    humorous. Sometimes it is painful.

    Living abroad can be overwhelming. Balancing adapting to a new life can be even

    more so with a grief or loss. A parent an ocean away receives a diagnosis of

    untreatable cancer. Divorce without long-time friends nearby. Health care, legal

    systems, language barriers. Feelings of guilty about loneliness amidst the

    opportunity to be in such a beautiful,

    peaceful place in God’s creation. Skype is

    great, email amazing, but the distance, the

    feeling of being a stranger, a sojouner can be

    deep. Where do we find connectedness,

    commonalities, community?

    Some of us are at ALC for a short time, as

    students, professionals, parents. For others,

    ALC is home for the long-term. A glorious

    few of us have been here since ALC’s early

    days. Who could imagine we would be

    under the same roof – only Christ, indeed!

    How cool is that?

    I recently read that as Christians we are no less likely to get cancer, to be immune

    from loss, from grief. God did not promise pain-free lives on earth. The distinction

    as followers of Christ, as community in Christ, becomes in who is around us to

    support us, to lift us. We come to ALC with all the living and loving, giving and

    grieving that accompanies the joys and tears of each our life journeys. God

    does promise to always be with us, and as Christians, so, too, for us to be with

    each other on our journeys, to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law

    of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

    38 %

    20 %21 %

    21 % Current


    Have Previously

    No Caregiving

    2011 study conducted of an American international church in Europe

    Are you part of an international congregation with caregiving responsibilities, grieving from abroad?

    You are not alone. One in four (79%) responded to anticipate, currently have, or

    have had while living abroad.

    9/29/2012 4

    Suggested Book: A Grief Observed, C.S. Lewis.

    ALC’s current read: A Christian View of Hospitality:

    Expecting Surprises, Michele Hershberger

    Hymn for Reflection: He’s Got the Whole World in his Hands

    Sharon Hermanson


  • 8


    On October 28th three of our youth will be confirmed

    Chad Michael Brown

    Paige Brown

    Keziah Killmer

    We congratulate them on this big step towards adult-

    hood and pray for God's blessings on them now and

    in the future.

    For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,

    so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.

    John 3:16


    Calling all Senior Youth (ages 14 - 19): We are looking

    forward to many opportunities to get together this year,

    and we're especially looking forward to the AICEME

    Youth Conference, to be held November 1-4 in

    beautiful Wittenberg, Germany. The Youth Con-ference is a really unique experience - you won't want to miss it!


    All youth aged 10 - 13 are invited for Pizza with the

    Pastor after church on Sunday, October 14th. Many commented on the great time they had last time,

    so please plan to join us for fun, fellowship, and a live-

    ly conversation. Look for an email from Marielle Mi-

    nutella, and please let us know if you plan to attend. If

    you forget to RSPVP, come anyway! It is a great way to get to know one an-

    other and Pastor Stewart, and enjoy some yummy pizza, too.

    Hope to see you there!

    Youth Ministry at ALC


    ALC Family Camp-out 2012

    The ALC Family Camp-out took place from Friday

    – Saturday, 21-22 September. It was a great opportunity

    for fun, fresh air and fellowship. The night before the

    Camp-out was the first serious frost of the season, so the

    campout was rather invigorating.

    With all the rain this Fall, we were blessed with good weather, and no

    clouds. We sat around the campfire, swapping “tall tales” and looked at the

    stars; -we even spotted several “shooting stars”!

    In situations like this the majesty of God’s creation becomes quite visible.

    The ALC Men’s Golf Tournament 2012

    The ALC Men’s Golf Tournament took place at the Hauger

    Golf Club on Friday 24 August.

    We had three flights (teams) of three. A Texas Scramble

    game was played over nine holes.

    For those of us who attended, it was a spectacular event,

    and a wonderful reminder of God’s creation. Because of the

    recent rain, the golf course and surrounding area were a lush, emerald green. For

    most of the game there was no rain.

    However, as the last flight was finishing the heavens opened up and a deluge en-


    The members of first two flights stood out of the rain in the clubhouse and

    watched the unfortunate last participants get drenched.J

    After the tournament all retired to the club house where dinner was waiting.

    The men had a good deal of fun playing the game, and enjoyed the fellowship.

    If you missed the event, please join us next year!


  • 12

    Norwegian Tax and Short-

    fall in ALC Income Part of income tax in Norway goes to pay for the

    Norwegian State Church, other churches, mosques,

    synagogues and other religious congregations. The funds are paid out per

    formally registered member of the congregation. This is why we request that

    members of the ALC provide us with their “personnummer”, a type of social

    security number.

    As most members of the congregation are aware of, the ALC will not be re-

    ceiving State Contributions in 2012.

    We have appealed this to “Fylkesmannen” in Oslo, where our appeal was

    turned down. We have in turn appealed to “Det Kongelige Kulturdeparte-

    ment” where our appeal also was turned down. This means that the ALC will

    have a shortfall in our projected income in 2012.

    The Board of Trustees has changed some of the procedures that the elected

    officers and church office follow in order to better monitor and react to com-

    munications from the authorities.

    The Board of Trustees, Council and staff have revised the remaining 2012

    budget to reflect this shortfall. The good news is that we are able to maintain

    a high level of activities, without a significant impact from the revenue

    shortfall. The revised budget does not assume additional contributions from

    the congregation. However, we are totally dependent on the tithing that the

    congregation approved and committed itself to with the 2012 budget.

    We therefore implore you to be ever more faithful in your tithing this year.

    We know the Lord will provide.

    Just an Idea:

    The voted on and accepted ALC Monthly offering

    budget is kr.125.000,-. If we divide it by about 100

    households (we have approximately 350 members)

    this would mean kr.1.250,- pr. household pr. month,

    or kr.312,- a week (in a 4 Sunday month) or kr.250,-

    a week (in a 5 Sunday month). Some pay more,

    others such as single members or single parent

    households may not be able to pay that much.


    Women's Friday Evening Fellowship

    Friday, October 19th

    All the women at ALC are invited to an evening of

    fun and fellowship on Friday October 19th at 18:30.

    The location is still to be determined - please see the

    Sunday bulletin or speak with Mary Ann Stewart for

    more details as the evening approaches. If you know ahead of time that you can

    attend, kindly RSVP to thestewarts10@hotmail.com. But if you forget to RSVP,

    please come anyway! A little food or drink to share is always welcome, but don't

    feel obliged to bring anything.

    All newcomers are very welcome, and as always, consider bringing a friend along.

    Our gatherings are informal and friendly - a nice chance to get to know one anoth-

    er better. We hope to see you there!

    Also, mark your calendars for our next Women's Fellowship Evening, which will

    be held on November 9th, locations to be determined.

    Monday Morning Bible Study

    Regular Bible Study is an important part of our Christian faith, and a transforma-

    tional spiritual discipline. On October 8th, Pastor Tim will resume our daytime

    Bible Study, which takes place on alternating Mondays (with some variations to

    work around public holidays). We meet in the Fireside Room at the Church. Join

    us at 10:00 for coffee and conversation, and the study begins promptly at 10:30

    and ends by 12 noon. Each class is a separate study of scripture, so if you cannot

    attend every class, you can join in when you are able and not feel left behind.

    If there is someone who would like to help host these Bible Studies (making cof-

    fee and providing simple refreshments), that would be helpful. Please let Mary

    Ann Stewart know if you are available to help in this way.

    The following morning Bible Studies are scheduled for the rest of the year: Octo-

    ber 8th and 22nd, November 5th and 19th, and December 3rd and 17th. Mark

    your calendars and come along for the journey!

    Women’s Ministry

  • 10

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    17:00 t Net

    17:15 Al-Anon



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA




    14:30 AA


    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc,

    Holy Communion

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study

    8 Columbus Day

    Office is closed

    10:30 Bible Study

    17:00 t NET

    17:15 Al-Anon


    18:15 AWC meeting


    19:00 Prayer Group, AA



    ALC Retreat

    At Østmarkskapellet


    14:30 AA


    09:30 Nominating mtg

    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study


    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 t NET

    17:15 Al-Anon

    17:30 Book Study



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA



    19:00 Women’s Friday

    Fellowship Evening


    10:00-14:00 WORK DAY

    14:30 AA


    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc, Holy


    12:00 UN Potluck!



    10:30 Bible Study

    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 tNET

    17:15 Al-Anon

    17:30 Book Study


    19:00 Council Meeting

    24 UN Day

    19:00 Prayer Group, AA




    Super Saturday

    09:00-12:00 Book of the

    Year Discussion

    14:30 AA

    28 Confirmation Sunday

    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study


    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 tNET

    17:15 Al-Anon



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    17:00 t Net

    17:15 Al-Anon



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA




    14:30 AA


    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc,

    Holy Communion

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study

    8 Columbus Day

    Office is closed

    10:30 Bible Study

    17:00 t NET

    17:15 Al-Anon


    18:15 AWC meeting


    19:00 Prayer Group, AA



    ALC Retreat

    At Østmarkskapellet


    14:30 AA


    09:30 Nominating mtg

    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study


    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 t NET

    17:15 Al-Anon

    17:30 Book Study



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA



    19:00 Women’s Friday

    Fellowship Evening


    10:00-14:00 WORK DAY

    14:30 AA


    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc, Holy


    12:00 UN Potluck!



    10:30 Bible Study

    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 tNET

    17:15 Al-Anon

    17:30 Book Study


    19:00 Council Meeting

    24 UN Day

    19:00 Prayer Group, AA




    Super Saturday

    09:00-12:00 Book of the

    Year Discussion

    14:30 AA

    28 Confirmation Sunday

    10:00 Choir Rehearsal

    11:00 Worship Svc

    12:00 Fellowship

    13:00 Bible Study


    12:00 Staff Meeting

    16:30 tNET

    17:15 Al-Anon



    19:00 Prayer Group, AA

    October 2012

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