heating risk 2011

Post on 02-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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Heating Risk

We are now at such times, approaching a winter in which many of the incidents occur


The reasons for Incidents and the different means of heating in the winter tothe poor use of contraception or lack knowledge of the conditions of safety,such as Electricity,Gas Fireplace,the Kerosene Heater,Heater working in oilor water, or those withcoal or wood.

Can be summarized as methods of prevention of the dangers of these

heaters are as follows:

Electric Heater


Do not connect the heater with bad wires so as not to cause a petition electrically.

Avoid wiring under carpets and furniture.

Avoid put the heater in the corridorsinside the house,especially at night

so as not to fall on the nearby furniture.

Do not leave children alone to play when the heater, in order not to fall or damage them.

Do not use the heater

as a toolfor flammable

or heatingor burning incense.

Preferred that there a categorical to separate power of electricity

when fall the heater.



One of the most dangerousmeans of heating

to be cautious when used because they contain

a flammable gas when a spark

or flame close to it as well as caused by suffocation

during a gas leak from inside the home

and in the case of use it you must follow

the following instructions:

Ensure the safety of the heater and there is no leakage of gas

before operation and by making sure that cylinder valve

( between the cylinder and the heater) .

Put the cylinder awayfrom the fireplace

with a distance of not less than five meters (5.m) and preferably

cylinder outside the home if possible.

Avoid put the heater in the corridors inside the house or near the furniture so as not to cause fire.

Do not leave children alone and prevent them from tampering.

Avoid ignite fireand the room is saturated with gas,

as the cylinder must be closedif there is the smell of gas

inside the room.



That the instructions on the Rights to abide by when using this heater can be summarized as


Taking care not to leave open the spark

to prevent tampering.

Taking into account the switching off the heater when leaving the house

Keep the heater away from any flammable materials

Of mistake for a fuel heater is packaged in the case of ignition.


in oil


One of the best and safest means of heating and is well known that this type is used

after the oil is heated by electricity,where the oil passes through the hot slices

and sends warmth into the room without a flame directly or harmful gases.

So when you use the following guidelines should be followed:

Do not use electrical wiring

with load or overload links

and use the good kindto connect the


Put the heater in a stable place so as not to fall

and thus spill oil on the furniture

Heatingby coalor wood


The heating through coaland firewood means from the old ways, but some people favored use for causes

multiple of nostalgia to the pastor the smell of ignition

and the meeting of family and friends around her, and other reasons.

And noted that the use of thismedium on the rise,

especially in guest houses and annexesand camps for hiking in addition

to use within the home

Therefore we recommend that you inform the user intact risks across these


Ignition coal out of the House until it burns completely and then moved to inside the rooms.

Avoid close the doors and windows, even do not filled room carbon monoxide

which is colorless and odorless,which leads to suffocation and death.

Not to leave the coal stoves in the aislesor near the furniture in the house

because it may cause a fire inside the house.

2011/09/20 - RiyadhKilled a woman and her three children in a tent house fire

Avoid throwing waste coal and woodin the waste bins are still ignite



dangersof coal

and follow the safetyinstruction


Incidentsof waterheaters


There is a need for the use of water heatersin our homes, especially in winter,

but these heaters contain several risksand is mainly in a regulator device and thermostat,

or lack of water access for water heatersin a systematic manner,

leading to an explosion heater.

In order to preventthe risk of heaters

you doing the following:

Careful selection of the heater with the excellent


Cleanwater heater periodically

Before After

Be surewater access

to water heater

continuously and isolate the power

supply in the event

of interruption of his water.

Maintenance periodicallyto make sure the safety valve and the

regularity of his work.

Adjust the temperature inside the water heaterby the Organizer (regulator device)

to less than 70 degrees Celsius.

I hope to alla happy life

and enjoy winter safely

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