heavy-quark correlations in photon-hadron collisions

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  • 7/28/2019 Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions







    Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions

    Stefano Frixione

    Dip. di Fisica, Universita di Genova, and INFN, Sezione di Genova, Genoa, Italy

    Michelangelo L. Mangano

    INFN, Scuola Normale Superiore and Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa, Italy

    Paolo Nason1 and Giovanni Ridolfi2

    CERN TH-Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland


    We describe a next-to-leading-order calculation of the fully exclusive parton

    cross section at next-to-leading order for the photoproduction of heavy quarks.

    We use our result to compute quantities of interest for current fixed-target

    experiments. We discuss heavy-quark total cross sections, distributions, and



    June 1993

    1On leave of absence from INFN, Sezione di Milano, Milan, Italy.2On leave of absence from INFN, Sezione di Genova, Genoa, Italy.

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    1. Introduction

    Heavy-quark photoproduction is a phenomenon of considerable interest. It is

    closely related to the hadroproduction phenomenon, but it is also considerably sim-

    pler, since the incoming photon is a much better understood object than an incoming

    hadron. Aside from being a good testing ground of our understanding of perturbative

    QCD, it is also a probe of the structure of the target hadron. In fact, it has been

    often pointed out that heavy-quark photoproduction is a viable way to measure the

    gluon structure function in the proton[1].

    Radiative corrections to the single-inclusive photoproduction of heavy quarks have

    been first computed in ref. [2]. The recent work of ref. [3] has confirmed the first

    computation, thus making the photoproduction cross section up to order O(em2S)a well-established result. From the next-to-leading-order computations the following

    facts have emerged. First of all, the photoproduction cross section receives more

    moderate next-to-leading corrections than the hadroproduction case. This result

    has improved the consistency of the data on charm production with the theoretical

    computation. In fact, before the radiative corrections were known, it was difficult

    to accommodate the experimentally observed hadroproduction and photoproductioncross sections with the same value of the charm quark mass, the first one requiring

    much smaller masses.

    A large amount of experimental information is available on photoproduction of

    heavy flavours[4]. Comparison between theory and experiments has not gone much

    further than the total cross section. This is a consequence of the fact that only charm

    production data have been available, and that the single-inclusive charm spectrum

    is strongly modified by non-perturbative effects. There is reasonable hope that, by

    looking at more exclusive distributions, we could learn more from photoproduction

    results. Modern fixed-target photoproduction experiments have the capability to

    study correlations between the heavy quark and antiquark. Furthermore, at the ep

    collider HERA, a large charm and bottom cross section is expected. It is clear,

    therefore, that in order to make progress in the physics of heavy-quark production,

    an exclusive next-to-leading-order calculation of the photoproduction cross section is

    needed. This may turn out to be useful both in charm production at fixed-target

    experiments and at HERA, and in bottom production at HERA. Since higher-order

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    corrections are moderate even in the charm case, it is possible that certain charm

    distributions may be used for QCD studies.

    In this paper we describe a next-to-leading-order computation of the doubly differ-

    ential cross section for the photoproduction of heavy-quark pairs. This computation

    follows closely the analogous work of refs. [5] and [6] for hadroproduction of heavy

    quarks. Our result is implemented in the form of a parton event generator, which

    can be used to compute any distribution accurate to the next-to-leading order in the

    strong coupling constant. The problems arising from soft and collinear divergences

    are dealt with by generating appropriate sequences of correlated events, in such a way

    that the cancellation of collinear and soft singularities takes place for any well-defined

    physical distribution (i.e. distributions that are insensitive to soft and collinear emis-

    sion). The advantage of this method (developed for the first time in ref. [7]) is that

    it does not require any artificial regularization of the cross section for producing the

    quark-antiquark pair plus a light parton. A detailed description of this method is

    given in ref. [5]. In what follows we will describe the photoproduction calculation,

    with some emphasis on the differences with the hadroproduction case.

    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give a general description of

    the calculation. Some subtleties arise in the photoproduction calculation, which haveto do with factorization scale choices. We discuss these problems in Section 3. Some

    phenomenological applications of our result have already been given in ref. [8], where

    a particular doubly differential cross section (of interest to the extraction of the gluon

    density from heavy-quark photoproduction data) is studied. In this work, we limit

    ourselves to the study of fixed-target photoproduction. More detailed studies of heavy

    quark production at HERA will be given in future works [9]. In Section 4 we discuss

    the total cross section, and in Section 5 we discuss the differential distributions in

    fixed-target experiments.

    2. Description of the calculation

    The partonic subprocesses relevant for heavy-quark photoproduction at order


    are the two-body process

    g QQ (2.1)

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    and the three-body processes

    g QQg q QQq. (2.2)

    We will describe the two-body process in terms of the quantities

    s = (p1 + p2)2

    t = (p1 k1)2 m2 = (p2 k2)2 m2

    u = (p1 k2)2 m2 = (p2 k1)2 m2, (2.3)

    where p1 is the photon momentum, p2 is the gluon momentum, and k1, k2 are the

    momenta of the heavy quark and antiquark, respectively. We have p21 = p22 = 0 and

    k21 = k22 = m

    2, where m is the mass of the heavy quarks, and s + t + u = 0 (notice

    that the definition of t and u is not the conventional one).

    We will use dimensional regularization to deal with the divergences appearing in

    intermediate steps of the calculation. For this reason, we will need the expressions of

    phase spaces in d = 4 2 dimensions. The two-body phase space is given by

    d2 =22

    (1 )




    12 sin2 1d cos 1, (2.4)

    where =

    1 , = 4m2/s and 1 is the angle between p1 and k1 in the centre-of-mass system of the incoming partons. Therefore,

    t = s2

    (1 cos 1). (2.5)

    The three-body processes are characterized by five independent scalar quantities:

    s = (p1 + p2)2

    tk = (p1 k)2

    uk = (p2 k)2

    q1 = (p1 k1)2 m2

    q2 = (p2 k2)2 m2 (2.6)

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    where p1 is the photon momentum, p2 is the momentum of the incoming parton, k1

    and k2 are the momenta of the heavy quark and antiquark, respectively, and k is

    the momentum of the emitted light parton. We will often use the variable s2, the

    invariant mass of the heavy quark-antiquark pair, which is related to our independent

    invariants through

    s2 = (k1 + k2)2 = s + tk + uk. (2.7)

    It will be convenient to introduce variables x and y, where x = s2/s and y is the

    cosine of the angle between p1 and k in the centre-of-mass system of the incoming

    partons. We have x 1, 1 y 1 (2.8)


    tk = s2

    (1 x)(1 y), uk = s2

    (1 x)(1 + y). (2.9)

    In the centre-of-mass frame of the QQ system, our four-momenta are given by

    p1 = p01 (1, 0, 0, 1)

    p2 = p02 (1, 0, sin , cos )

    k = k0 (1, 0, sin , cos )

    k1 =


    2(1, x sin 2 sin 1, x cos 2 sin 1, x cos 1)

    k2 =


    2(1, x sin 2 sin 1, x cos 2 sin 1, x cos 1), (2.10)


    p01 =s + tk

    2s2, p02 =

    s + uk

    2s2, k0 =

    tk + uk

    2s2cos = 1 s


    , sin > 0

    cos = 1 +tk


    , sin > 0

    x =

    1 4m


    sx. (2.11)

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    The two remaining independent invariants q1, q2 are given by

    q1 = s + tk2

    (1 x cos 1)

    q2 = s + uk2

    (1 + x cos 2 sin 1 sin + x cos 1 cos ). (2.12)

    Now all invariants are expressed in terms of x, y, 1, 2 and s through eqs. (2.9),

    (2.11) and (2.12).

    The three-body phase space in terms of the variables x, y, 1, 2 is given by

    d3 = HNd(x)2


    2(1 x)12(1 y2)dy sin2 2d2, (2.13)


    H =(1 )

    (1 + )(1 2) = 1 2

    32 + O(3) (2.14)

    N =(4)

    (4)2(1 + ) (2.15)


    d(x)2 =


    (1 )



    1612x sin

    2 1d cos 1dx. (2.16)

    Both 1 and 2 range between 0 and .

    We are now ready to compute the cross section for the real emission processes

    of eq. (2.2). The technique is the same as that used in ref. [5]. We begin with the

    subprocess g QQg. The cross section (in d space-time dimensions) is given by

    d(r)g = M(r)g (s, tk, uk, q1, q2)d3 (2.17)

    M(r)g (s, tk, uk, q1, q2) = 12s 1[2(1 )]2 (N2C 1)


    A(r)g 2 , (2.18)

    where A(r)g is the invariant amplitude. The invariant cross section M(r)g has singular-ities in tk = 0 and uk = 0, corresponding to soft (x = 1) and collinear (y = 1) gluonemission. No collinear emission from the photon line takes place at this order for the

    g QQg subprocess, and therefore M(r)g is regular at y = 1. It can be shown thatthe leading soft singularity behaves like 1/(1 x)2, and that no double poles appear

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    in tk and uk. Therefore the function

    fg (x,y,1, 2) = 4tkukM(r)g (s, tk, uk, q1, q2) (2.19)

    is regular for y = 1 and x = 1 (the dependence of fg upon s/m2 is not explicitlyshown). Using eqs. (2.9) we get

    M(r)g (s, tk, uk, q1, q2) =fg (x,y,1, 2)

    s2(1 x)2(1 y2) . (2.20)

    The three-body contribution to our cross section, including the phase space, is then

    given by

    d(r)g = HNd(x)2


    2dy sin2 2d2(1 x)12(1 y2)1fg (x, y, 1, 2). (2.21)

    We can now use the following expansions, valid for small

    (1 x)12 = 4

    2(1 x) +


    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x


    (2) (2.22)

    (1 y2)1 = [(1 + y) + (1 y)](2)





    1 y



    1 + y

    + O(), (2.23)

    where the distributions in round brackets are defined according to the prescriptions




    1 x

    dx =1

    h(x) h(1)1 x dx



    log(1 x)

    1 x

    dx =


    [h(x) h(1)] log(1 x)

    1 x dx




    1 y

    dy =11

    h(y) h(1)1 y dy




    1 + y

    dy =1+1

    h(y) h(1)1 + y

    dy, (2.24)

    for any test function h(x). We define =

    1 . The parameters and should

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    be chosen within the ranges

    < 1 , 0 < 2. (2.25)

    The final results will not depend on the particular values chosen for and , but dif-

    ferent choices can lead to better convergence in the numerical programs, as discussed

    in ref. [5]. We obtain

    d(r)g = d(s)g + HNd



    2dy sin2 2d2


    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x

    (1 y2)1fg (x, y, 1, 2), (2.26)


    d(s)g = HNd(x)2


    2dy sin2 2d2


    2(1 x)

    (1 y2)1fg (x,y,1, 2). (2.27)

    The details of the calculation of the soft component of the cross section, d(s)g , aregiven in Appendix A. Equation (2.27) can be explicitly integrated over x, y and 2 to


    d(s)g = HNd21

    4s14f(s)g (1), (2.28)

    where the function f(s)g (1) is given in Appendix A.

    We now expand (1 y2)1 in the second term of eq. (2.26), observing that weonly need the expansion up to order 0. As noticed above, M(r)g is regular at y = 1,and therefore the term proportional to (1

    y) gives no contribution. We get

    d(r)g = d(s)g + d

    (c)g + d

    (f)g , (2.29)


    d(c)g = Nd(x)2


    2dy sin2 2d2


    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x


    2(1 + y)

    fg (x, y, 1, 2) (2.30)

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    d(f)g = Ns1

    642xd cos 1d2dydx


    1 x


    1 y



    1 + y

    fg(x,y,1, 2). (2.31)

    The technique for the evaluation of the collinear limit of the invariant cross section

    is described in detail in ref. [5]. The result in our case is

    d(c)g = N


    4 2


    2 1

    1 x 2log(1


    1 x


    (c)g (x, 1), (2.32)


    f(c)g (x, 1) = 64CA(b)S

    s (1 x)


    1 x +1 x

    x+ x(1 x)

    M(b)g (xs,q1). (2.33)

    Here (b)S = S

    2 is the dimensionful coupling constant in d dimensions (the suffix

    (b) stands for bare), and M(b)g (s, t) is the invariant cross section for g QQ at theBorn level,

    d(b)g = M(b)g (s, t)d2. (2.34)The explicit expression for M(b)g is given in Appendix A. The term in the squarebracket in eq. (2.33) is, up to a factor 2CA, the gluon-gluon Altarelli-Parisi splitting

    function in d dimensions for x < 1, and the Born cross section is taken in d dimensions.

    With the usual definition




    E + log(4), (2.35)

    we can rewrite eq. (2.32) as

    d(c)g = s




    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x

    x +(1 x)2

    x+ x(1 x)2

    M(b)g (xs,q1)d(x)2 . (2.36)

    We see that the 1/ divergence in the collinear term assumes the form dictated by

    the factorization theorem. According to this factorization theorem[10], any partonic

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    cross section can be written as

    dij (p1, p2) =


    dkl(x1p1, x2p2)ki(x1)lj (x2)dx1dx2, (2.37)


    ij (x) = ij (1 x) 1


    Pij(x) +S2

    Kij (x) + O(2S) (2.38)and d is free of singularities as goes to zero. The collinear factors ij (x) are

    usually reabsorbed into the hadronic structure functions, and only the quantities dkl

    will enter the physical cross section. The functions Pij(x) are the Altarelli-Parisi

    kernels. The functions Kij(x) in eq. (2.38) are completely arbitrary, different choices

    corresponding to different subtraction schemes. The choice Kij(x) = 0, to which we

    stick in the following, corresponds to the MS subtraction scheme [11].

    Expanding eq. (2.37) order by order in perturbation theory, we find for our case

    dg (p1, p2) = dg(p1, p2) +1


    Pgg(x)M(b)g (xs,q1)d(x)2 , (2.39)


    Pgg(x) = 2CA

    x(1 x)+

    + 1 xx

    + x(1 x)

    + 2b0(1 x)

    = 2CA


    (1 x) +

    1 xx

    + x(1 x)

    + (2b0 + 4CA log )(1 x),



    b0 =11CA 4TFnlf

    12. (2.41)

    Here nlf is the number of light flavours, and for NC = 3 we have

    CA = 3, TF =1

    2. (2.42)

    The final expression for the short-distance cross section, after subtraction of the

    collinear divergences, eq. (2.39), becomes

    dg = d(b)g + d

    (c)g + d

    (s)g + d

    (v)g + d

    (f)g , (2.43)

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    where d(b)g

    and d(f)g

    are as given in eqs. (2.34) and (2.31), respectively,

    d(c)g =CAS



    + log



    1 x

    + 2

    log(1 x)

    1 x

    x +(1 x)2

    x+ x(1 x)2

    M(b)g (xs,q1)d(x)2 (2.44)

    d(s)g = d(s)g +



    (2b0 + 4CA log )M(b)g (s, t)d2. (2.45)

    The scale , appearing explicitly in the expression of (b)S , has been set equal to a

    scale F characteristic of the subtraction of the singularity due to collinear emission

    from the incoming gluon, while S is taken everywhere at the renormalization scale

    R (the problem of scale definitions and choices will be discussed extensively in the

    next section). The remaining singularities in d(s)g are cancelled by the singularities

    in the virtual contribution to the cross section d(v)g . Therefore the quantity

    d(sv)g = d(s)g + d

    (v)g (2.46)

    is finite as

    0, and so is the full expression for dg .

    We now turn to the other three-body subprocess present at the em2S

    level, namely

    q QQq. In this case, collinear emission takes place both from the photon and fromthe incoming light quark. On the other hand, there is no order emS contribution to

    heavy-quark pair production via q fusion. Therefore, no soft singularity is expected.

    We explicitly checked that this is indeed the case. The three-body cross section is

    given by

    d(r)q = M(r)q (s, tk, uk, q1, q2)d3 (2.47)

    M(r)q (s, tk, uk, q1, q2) = 12s1

    2(1 )NC


    A(r)q2 , (2.48)

    where A(r)q is the invariant amplitude. The invariant cross section M(r)q has singu-larities for tk = 0, corresponding to collinear (y = 1) light-quark emission from the

    photon, or uk = 0, corresponding to collinear (y = 1) light-quark emission from theincoming quark. The function

    fq (x,y,1, 2) = 4tkukM(r)q (s, tk, uk, q1, q2) (2.49)

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    is therefore regular for y =

    1, and vanishes as (1

    x)2 for x

    1. For this reason,

    the three-body cross section can be rewritten as

    d(r)q = HNd(x)2


    2dy sin2 2d2


    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x

    (1 y2)1fq (x,y,1, 2). (2.50)

    Expanding (1 y2)1 in eq. (2.50) we get

    d(r)q = d(c+)q + d(c)q + d(f)q , (2.51)


    d(c)q = Nd(x)2


    2dy sin2 2d2


    1 x


    log(1 x)1 x


    2(1 y)

    fq (x, y, 1, 2) (2.52)


    d(f)q = Ns1

    642xd cos 1d2dydx


    1 x


    1 y



    1 + y

    fq (x,y,1, 2). (2.53)

    Performing the y and 2 integrations in eq. (2.52) we obtain

    d(c)q = Ns1









    log(1 x)1


    f(c)q (x, 1). (2.54)

    The explicit form of f(c)q (x, 1) can be obtained following ref. [5]. The results are

    f(c+)q (x, 1) = 32eme2qs(1 x)Pq(x)M(b)qq (xs,q2) , (2.55)

    where eq is the charge of the emitted light quark in electron charge units, M(b)qq (s, t)is the lowest-order invariant cross section for qq QQ,

    d(b)qq = M(b)qq (s, t)d2, (2.56)

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    Pq(x) = NCx2 + (1 x)2 2x(1 x)


    is the Altarelli-Parisi splitting function in 4 2 dimensions entering the probabilityof finding a quark in a photon, which is clearly equal to the splitting function of a

    quark in a gluon, up to a colour factor TF/NC, due to the matrix in the gqq vertex.

    For f(c)q we obtain

    f(c)q (x, 1) = 32Ss(1 x)Pgq (x)M(b)g (xs,q1), (2.58)

    wherePgq(x) = CF

    1 + (1 x)2 x2x


    is the Altarelli-Parisi splitting function of a gluon into a quark in 4 2 dimensions.The subtraction of collinear singularities takes place as discussed for the previous

    case. We just give our final formulae,

    dq = d(c+)q + d

    (c)q + d

    (f)q , (2.60)

    where d(f)q is given in eq. (2.53),

    d(c+)q =NCeme2q

    2M(b)qq (xs,q2)d(x)2

    2x(1 x) +

    x2 + (1 x)2


    2+ log

    2+ 2 log(1 x)


    d(c)q =CFS

    2M(b)g (xs,q1)d(x)2

    x +

    1 + (1 x)2




    + log


    + 2 log(1

    x). (2.62)

    Notice that collinear emission from the photon is characterized by a scale which

    is a priori different from the hadronic factorization scale F. The quantities d(f)g in

    eq. (2.43) and d(f)q in eq. (2.60) can be found in the literature[12], and we did not

    need to explicitly evaluate them. The quantity d(v)g in eq. (2.43) was obtained from

    the authors of ref. [2].

    The analytical results presented here are implemented as a parton event generator,

    written in FORTRAN. The interested reader can obtain the code from the authors.

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    3. Scales in the photoproduction process

    Heavy-quark photoproduction differs from hadroproduction in the treatment of

    collinear singularities. In fact, when a light parton is collinearly emitted by the in-

    coming photon, the subtracted term is a signal from the non-perturbative region

    where the photon splits into quarks and gluons before interacting with the partons in

    the hadronic target. This fact is taken into account by inserting in the photon-hadron

    cross section a contribution in which the photon is formally treated as a hadron (the

    so-called hadronic or resolved photon component, to distinguish it from the point-like

    or pure-photon component, in which the photon directly couples with the partons ofthe hadronic target). The photon structure functions will also depend upon the mo-

    mentum scale at which the collinear singularities of the photon leg are subtracted.

    Neither the point-like nor the hadronic components are separately independent of

    , because the subtracted term in the point-like component is responsible for the

    redefinition of the photon structure functions in the hadronic component.

    Let us consider first the heavy-quark production process of an on-shell photon

    colliding with a hadron H at centre-of-mass energy

    S. In order to clarify the role

    of the various scale dependences in the process, we write the O(em2S) cross section

    in the following form

    (H)QQ (S) =


    dx f

    (H)i (x, F)i(xS,S(R), R, F, )



    dx1 dx2 f

    ()i (x1, ,



    j (x2, F

    )ij (x1x2S, S(R

    ), R

    , F


    +O(em3S) (3.1)


    i(s, S(R), R, F, ) = emS(R)(0)i (s) + em


    (R)(1)i (s, R, F, )

    ij (s, S(R), R, F) = 2S

    (R)(0)ij (s) +


    (R)(1)ij (s, R, F, ). (3.2)

    Here R and R

    are renormalization scales, F and F

    are factorization scales for

    collinear singularities arising from strong interactions, and is a factorization scale

    for collinear singularities arising from the electromagnetic vertex. If one wanted to

    extend eq. (3.1) to even higher orders, one should also include an explicit dependence

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    of the structure functions upon the renormalization scale. At the order we are con-

    sidering, the renormalization scale in the structure functions can be kept equal to the

    factorization scale, as is usually done. The left-hand side is independent of all the

    scales up to terms of order em3S

    , provided the parton density functions obey the

    appropriate evolution equations. The hadronic and photonic parton densities obey

    the usual Altarelli-Parisi equations in F. In addition, the photonic parton densities

    have also an inhomogeneous evolution in , which, at the leading order, is given by

    f()i (x, F, )

    log 2


    e2i x2 + (1 x)2 + O(S), (3.3)

    where ei is the charge of the parton i in electron charge units. The compensation of

    the scale dependence takes place in the following way. The R scale dependence is

    compensated in the expressions for the partonic cross sections: the scale dependence

    of S in the Born term (0)i is compensated by the explicit scale dependence of the

    next-to-leading term (1)i . A similar cancellation occurs in ij . The dependence upon

    F (F

    ) cancels between the explicit dependence in the next-to-leading order term and

    the dependence in the structure functions convoluted with the Born terms. This holds

    independently for the two terms of eq. (3.1). The dependence upon cancels between

    the explicit dependence in the next-to-leading order component of the first term of

    eq. (3.1) and the dependence off()i , as given in eq. (3.3), multiplied by the Born

    level partonic cross section. In the commonly-used photon density parametrizations,

    is usually kept equal to F, so that the term given in eq. (3.3) becomes a correction

    to the usual Altarelli-Parisi equation (the so-called inhomogeneous term). Therefore,

    in our calculation, we use for consistency F = . In some cases, the inclusion of the

    hadronic component gives only a small effect, and will be neglected. In these cases

    we have chosen = 1 GeV, which amounts to setting the photon structure function

    to zero at a scale of the order of a typical hadron mass. We have found that varying between 0.1 and 5 GeV does not affect the results in a noticeable way.

    4. Total cross sections

    We begin our phenomenological study with the total cross sections for charm and

    bottom production. We will concentrate here on the analysis of the dependence of

    the total cross sections on the input parameters of the calculation, namely the choice

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    of parton distribution functions (PDFs), the choice of quark mass and the choice of

    the values of the scales discussed in Section 3. A discussion of the ranges of masses

    and scales within which to explore the dependence of the cross sections can be found

    in ref. [6].

    The target will always be an isosinglet nucleon, N = (p + n)/2, and unless other-

    wise stated we will use the parton distribution set MRSD0[13].

    The default values of the charm and bottom mass will be 1.5 and 4.75 GeV

    respectively, and the default choices for F and R will be:

    R = mc, F = 2mc (4.1)

    for charm and

    R = F = mb (4.2)

    for bottom. The asymmetry in the default choice for the charm is related to the scale

    threshold below which PDFs extrapolations are not available, as explained in detail

    in ref. [6]. As for , we fix as a default = 1 GeV, as explained in Section 3.

    As an illustration of the reliability of the theoretical prediction we present in fig. 1

    (fig. 2) the leading and next-to-leading results for the total charm (bottom) cross

    section. The bands in figs. 1 and 2 are obtained by varying only the renormalization

    and factorization scales, everything else being kept fixed.

    Figures 1 and 2 deserve some comments. First of all, the scale uncertainty associ-

    ated with the charm production cross section is significantly smaller at the next-to-

    leading order for beam energies above 200 GeV, while below 200 GeV the uncertainties

    at leading and next-to-leading order are similar. The residual uncertainty is much

    smaller than in the case of hadroproduction for comparable beam energies. The con-

    tribution of the hadronic component of the photon is always smaller than 5% of thetotal cross section for current energies. Uncertainties coming from the determination

    of the photon structure functions are therefore negligible with respect to others.

    The reduction of the variation band is even more pronounced in the case of bottom

    production, once next-to-leading order corrections are included. This is what we

    expect. For higher masses the value of S is smaller, and the perturbative expansion

    becomes more reliable. Observe that the size of the leading-order band for the bottom

    cross section is not much smaller than the one for charm. This is due to the fact that,

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    as explained in ref. [6], we did not try to study the factorization scale dependence in

    the case of charm production. The reader should therefore remember that a further

    uncertainty should be added to the charm result, and that the band shown in fig. 1

    is only an underestimate of the uncertainties involved in the computation of charm

    production cross sections.

    We now turn to all other sources of uncertainties, such as the structure function

    choice, the value of QCD, and the mass of the heavy quarks. In tables 1 and 2 we

    give the cross sections for -nucleon collisions at various beam energies. The rates

    were obtained using a reference scale 0 = mc for charm and 0 = mb for bottom. We

    also show the effect of varying mc between 1.2 and 1.8 GeV, and mb between 4.5 and

    5 GeV. The scale R was varied between 0/2 and 20. In the charm case, F was

    kept equal to 20, while for bottom we kept F = R. We verified that considering

    independent variations for the factorization and renormalization scale does not lead

    to a wider range in the bottom cross sections for the energies shown in the tables.

    The tables are broken into three blocks, each corresponding to a different choice

    of QCD within the range allowed by the current uncertainties. The upper block

    represents the default choice relative to the MRSD0 fit. The second and third blocks

    correspond to the sets discussed in ref. [16] for the nucleon. The values of 4 obtainedin the fits of ref. [16] range from 135 to 235 MeV, corresponding to a range for 5

    between 84 and 155 MeV. This range for 5 is chosen because no good fit to deep

    inelastic data is possible outside that range in the context of ref. [16] (i.e. with that

    choice of structure function parametrization, etc.). We have chosen instead the wider

    range[17] 100 < 4 < 300 MeV, corresponding to 60 < 5 < 204 MeV. Therefore, in

    order to take into account the full range of uncertainty associated with the value of

    QCD, we were forced to account only partially for the correlation beteween QCD and

    the nucleon structure functions.

    For the charm cross section, as can be seen, the value of the charm quark mass is

    the major source of uncertainty. Differences between the extreme choices mc = 1.2

    and 1.8 GeV vary from a factor of 5 at 100 GeV to a factor of 3 at 400 GeV. Differences

    due to the scale choice are of the order of a factor of 2 at low energy, and at most

    50% at higher energy. A factor of 2 uncertainty also comes from the variation of QCD

    within the chosen range.

    We also explored independently the effect of varying . Differences are totally

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    negligible for values 0.1 GeV < < 5 GeV, and are not included in the tables.

    All of these uncertainty factors are systematically a factor of 2 or more smaller

    than in the case of hadroproduction. Notice however one pathology encountered when

    combining the most extreme choices of mass (mc = 1.2 GeV), scale (R = mc/2)

    and QCD (MRS235, 5 = 204 MeV): the cross section in this case decreases in the

    region 100 GeV < E < 600 GeV. This happens because for this particular choice of

    parameters the radiative corrections become negative in part of this energy range.

    Low-energy measurements of charm photoproduction cross sections favour a mass

    value of approximately 1.5 GeV. Previous comparisons with theory, however, were

    made using a fixed value R = 2mc. We expect that once the uncertainty on QCD

    will be reduced, reliance on the next-to-leading-order calculation and the residual

    dependence on R should allow a determination of mc to within 100200 MeV.

    The corresponding variations in the bottom case are smaller, in particular for

    energies sufficiently above the production threshold. At E = 100 GeV, where we

    observe the largest uncertainty in the perturbative calculation, we should also expect

    large non-perturbative effects and therefore the perturbative prediction is not fully

    reliable. Notice also from fig. 2 that the contribution of the hadronic component of the

    photon represents, at low energy, a significant fraction of the total cross section. The

    reason is that, close to the threshold, the photon-gluon fusion process is suppressed

    by the small gluon density at large x, while production via the hadronic component

    of the photon can proceed through a light valence-quark annihilation channel.

    For completeness, we also give the contribution of the hadronic component of the

    photon in tables 3 and 4, evaluated using the photon structure function set ACFGP-

    mc of ref. [14] and the set LAC1 of ref. [15]. As can be seen, at current fixed-target

    energies, this contribution is small.

    Our final prediction for the allowed range of charm and bottom production cross

    sections, including the full variation due to the scale choice, the value of QCD and

    the nucleon structure functions is shown as a function of the beam energy in fig. 3,

    for mc = 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8 GeV, and for mb = 4.5, 4.75, 5 GeV. The small contribution

    of the hadronic component is not included in the figure.

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    where x = E/Emax, Emin < E < Emax,

    Emax = 440 GeV, Emin = 125 GeV

    a1 = 0.2294, a2 = 2.9533

    R = 7.5019 106, b1 = 16.766, b2 = 11.190 (5.2)

    for E687, and

    Emax = 400 GeV, Emin = 20 GeV

    a1 = 2.5987, a2 = 4.7211

    R = 1.1862, b1 = 2.7133, b2 = 4.9516 (5.3)

    for NA14/2. The constant C is chosen to normalize the distributions to unity. The

    results we present are obtained by convoluting the theoretical distributions with the

    above beam shapes. We will refer to these, respectively, as NA14 beam and E687


    Needless to say, only a detailed simulation of the detector acceptances and efficien-

    cies can allow a complete comparison of our results with the experimental findings.

    Therefore one should take the results presented here as indicative of the most relevant

    features of the next-to-leading-order calculation. Additional non-perturbative effects

    such as fragmentation and intrinsic momentum of the partons inside the hadrons will

    also be discussed at the end.

    As in the case of the total cross sections, the distributions will be calculated using

    the parton distribution set MRSD0[13] for the nucleon, unless otherwise stated. The

    default values of the masses will be mc = 1.5 GeV and mb = 4.75 GeV. The default

    values of the factorization and renormalization scales F and R will be:

    F = 20, R = 0 (5.4)

    for charm, and

    F = 0, R = 0 (5.5)

    for bottom, where

    0 =

    m2 + p2T


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    for the one-particle distributions and

    0 =

    m2 +

    p2T + p2T


    for correlations. Here pT and pT are the transverse momenta of the heavy quark and

    antiquark, respectively. In the case of correlations, a further ambiguity arises in the

    choice of the scale (described in detail in ref. [5]), which has to do with the freedom

    of choosing the same or different values of the scales for the three-body event and for

    the corresponding counter-events. The results presented here will always follow the

    approach of recomputing the scale for the counter-events.

    5.1. Charm production

    We begin with one-particle inclusive rates. On the left side of fig. 5 we show the

    inclusive pT distribution ofc quarks in the case of the E687 and NA14 photon beams.

    The solid lines represent the full next-to-leading-order result. The dots give the

    leading-order contribution rescaled by a constant factor. A slight stiffening of the pT

    distribution after radiative corrections is observed.

    On the right-hand side of fig. 5 we show the inclusive xF distribution for the full

    next-to-leading-order calculation, superimposed onto the rescaled Born result. Our

    definition of xF is

    xF =2pCMECM

    , (5.8)

    where CM refers to the centre of mass of the target and the tagged photon beam. In

    other words, this centre of mass has a boost with respect to the laboratory frame,

    which depends on the energy of the photon responsible for the interaction; pCM is the

    momentum projection on the beam direction in the centre-of-mass frame, and ECM isthe centre-of-mass total energy. The fraction ofc quarks produced with positive xF is

    larger than 90%, due to the hardness of the photon probe. Notice however that next-

    to-leading-order corrections induce a softening of the distribution, due to processes

    where a photon splits into a light-quark pair and interacts with a light quark from

    the nucleon. We verified that the inclusive pT spectrum does not change in shape

    if we restrict ourselves to quarks produced at positive xF, which is the region where

    data are usually collected by the experiments.

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    Next we consider cc correlations, starting from the invariant mass of the heavy

    quark pair, which is shown in fig. 6. As before, the continuous lines represent the full

    result of the next-to-leading-order calculation, while the dots are the rescaled Born

    results. The lower lines are obtained by imposing xF > 0 for both quarks. Notice

    that while at the inclusive level most of the cs have positive xF, a large fraction of

    pairs with large invariant mass have either the c or the c at xF < 0, as one should


    The difference in rapidity between the quark and the antiquark and the xF of

    the pair are shown in figs. 7 and 8. A slight broadening at next-to-leading order is

    observed for the rapidity correlation, while a dramatic change is observed at next-

    to-leading order in the case of the pair xF distribution. This dramatic change can

    be traced back to the particular kinematics of heavy-quark photoproduction. In the

    Born approximation, the xF of the heavy-quark pair is simply related to its invariant



    = 1 M2QQ


    and is therefore peaked at xQQF

    near 1. At the next-to-leading level, it is the xF of the

    QQg system that will be peaked near 1. This means that the xF of the heavy-quark

    pair will be markedly degraded. The contribution of q fusion is even softer, because

    of the contribution of the photon splitting into a light quark-antiquark pair.

    We now consider correlations that are trivial at the leading order, namely the

    difference in azimuth and total transverse momentum of the quark pair, pQQT

    . At

    leading order these distributions are delta functions centred respectively at =

    and pQQT

    = 0. Higher-order real corrections such as gluon radiation or gluon splitting

    processes smear them. We plot these distributions in fig. 9. Even after the inclusion

    of higher-order effects, the azimuthal correlation shows a strong peak at


    Likewise, the pQQT distribution is dominated by configurations with pQQT smaller than

    1 GeV. In both cases, the tails are higher at the higher energy of the E687 experiment.

    For all the previous distributions, changing the values of the charm mass and

    renormalization scale R results in large differences in rates but small and easily

    predictable shape modifications. The pattern of these changes is similar to what is

    observed in the case of fixed-target hadroproduction[6].

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    5.2. Bottom production

    The differential distributions for bottom production are shown in figs. 10 to 12. The

    cross section at NA14 is very small. We nevertheless include their distributions for


    The p2T (single-inclusive) and the MQQ distributions are broader than the cor-

    responding distributions for charm production. They are, however, narrower than

    would be expected on the basis of simple scaling arguments. This is because b pro-

    duction at fixed-target energies is still too close to the threshold, and thus constrained

    by phase-space effects (this can also be noticed from the strong energy dependence ofthe shape of the curves). For the same reason, the y distribution is narrower than

    in the charm case.

    The pQQT

    and the distributions are much narrower, as a consequence of the

    smaller value of S at the b mass, and of the previously mentioned phase-space con-

    straints. The xF distribution is softer for bottom than for charm, and in particular

    the fraction of b quarks with negative xF is larger. This is because a harder parton

    from the nucleon is required to reach the energy threshold for the creation of a b pair.

    5.3. Higher-Order Corrections and Hadronization

    The results discussed so far were obtained with a purely perturbative calculation

    limited to the next-to-leading order. In the case of charm quarks, the dependence

    of the cross section on the renormalization and factorization scales indicates that

    higher-order corrections might be large. Nevertheless, the stability of the shapes

    under inclusion of the next-to-leading-order terms suggests that no significant changes

    should be expected in the differential distributions when yet higher-order terms are

    included. This is not necessarily true of possible non-perturbative corrections, such

    as the intrinsic pT of the initial-state partons, hadronization and fragmentation. In

    particular, in the regions of phase space close to threshold, or for pQQT 0, we shouldexpect significant corrections.

    In our previous study of heavy-quark correlations in hadroproduction[6] we ex-

    plored these effects using different phenomenological models. In particular, we con-

    sidered the parton shower Monte Carlo HERWIG[20] to simulate both the backward

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    evolution of the initial state and the formation of charmed hadrons. We found that the

    backward evolution of initial-state gluons gave rise to an artificially large intrinsic pT

    of the gluons themselves (kT = 1.7 GeV). This large intrinsic pT would significantlybroaden the correlation, in addition to softening the inclusive pT distribution.

    We also found that, as expected, the colour singlet cluster formation and decay into

    hadrons leads to a large colour drag in the direction of the hadron beam. The com-

    bination of the intrinsic pT smearing, of the colour drag, and of the decay of unstable

    charmed hadrons, resulted in inclusive pT and xF distributions of D mesons that are

    slightly harder than those resulting from the purely perturbative calculation. The

    correlations remain significantly broader than described by next-to-leading-orderQCD. Both these results are supported by current experimental evidence[21].

    In ref. [6] we were also able to parametrize the effect of the intrinsic pT by using

    a Gaussian smearing, while we argued that there is no solid basis for the application

    of the Peterson formalism[22] to describe the fragmentation in the large-xF region. In

    this section, we repeat the analysis in the case of heavy-quark photoproduction, for

    the case of charm production with the E687 photon spectrum.

    Figure 13 shows a comparison of inclusive pT and xF distributions obtained from

    the perturbative calculation (solid lines), from HERWIG before hadronization (dot-ted lines), and from HERWIG after hadronization (dashed lines). In the case of the

    inclusive pT distribution we find that, as observed in hadroproduction, the effects of

    intrinsic pT and of hadronization tend to respectively harden and soften the distribu-

    tion. The net result is a softening of the shape. This is due to the fact that only one

    initial-state parton (namely the gluon) can acquire a transverse pT in photoproduc-

    tion, contrary to hadroproduction where we have two gluons in the initial state and

    the effect is enhanced.

    The most dramatic effects are however observed in the inclusive xF distribution.Hadronization effects heavily suppress the production of charmed hadrons at large

    xF, which was favoured at the purely perturbative level. This is perhaps surprising,

    because it would be expected that for heavy quarks produced in the photon frag-

    mentation region we should be able to obtain the correct distribution by using the

    perturbative calculation, convoluted with the fragmentation function for the c-quark

    fragmenting into a D meson. This is not necessarily true. As in the hadroproduction

    case, there are no theoretical reasons to support this possibility. The fragmentation

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    function formalism is in fact applicable only when the elementary production pro-

    cess takes place at energies much larger than the mass of the heavy quark. This

    is the case, for example, in the production of heavy flavoured mesons in e+e col-

    lisions, or in hadroproduction and photoproduction at high transverse momentum.

    The factorization theorem states that the same fragmentation function, evolved to

    the appropriate scale, and convoluted with the perturbative calculation of the par-

    tonic subprocess, should describe all these processes. The xF spectrum, instead, is

    not really characterized by a high-energy elementary process. The heavy-quark pair

    is produced with a relatively small invariant mass, and the large xF region is reached

    when the production angle in the heavy-quark centre of mass is small. Under thesecircumstances, non-perturbative effects (other than the fragmentation effects) could

    also take place. For example, the heavy quark could feel the dragging of the heavy

    antiquark, or of the beam remnants.

    Figure 14 shows the HERWIG results for the charm pair pQQT

    and distribu-

    tions. While the correlation is still significantly broader than that calculated at

    the perturbative level, the distribution is more peaked than the one evaluated from

    HERWIG in the hadroproduction case. This results from the smaller effect of intrinsic

    pT present in the photoproduction, as already mentioned above. Existing data[18,19]

    agree qualitatively with this result.

    In fig. 15, finally, we show the charm pair pQQT

    and distributions obtained

    by giving a random intrinsic transverse momentum to the incoming gluon, with a

    Gaussian distribution[6], for different values ofp2T. As can be seen, the choice k2

    T =

    3 GeV2 reproduces quite closely the HERWIG result for the correlation. As

    already discussed in ref. [6], we expect such a large intrinsic pT to be a pure artefact

    of the Monte Carlo. If the data were to confirm the existence of broad correlations

    as shown in fig. 14, it might be interesting to try to justify theoretically on a more

    solid basis the possibile existence of such a large intrinsic pT for the gluons inside the


    5.4. Effect of the photon hadronic component

    As already seen in Section 4, the effect of the hadronic component on the total cross

    section, predicted using standard photon structure functions, is generally small. The

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    question now arises whether its effect on the shape of distributions is also negligible.

    We have studied this problem using the next-to-leading calculation of ref. [5], together

    with the parametrization of the photon structure function set ACFGP-mc of ref. [14],

    and the set LAC1 of ref. [15], at a fixed photon energy of 230 GeV. We have found

    that the only important modifications occur in the xF distribution for a single heavy

    quark, and for the xF of the pair. In the inclusive xF distribution for charm, we

    find that the hadronic component becomes comparable to the point-like term for

    xF 0.3, and for smaller xF it remains of the same order. For b production, we findinstead that the hadronic component becomes comparable to the point-like term for

    xF 0.7, a region in which the cross section is several orders of magnitude belowthe peak value.

    For the xF of the pair, the effect of the hadronic component is more pronounced.

    This is due to the fact that the point-like component is concentrated near xQQF

    = 1.

    On the other hand the hadronic component is distributed in the central region (we

    find that for charm it peaks at xF 0.15 with the LAC1 set, and at xF 0 with theACFGP-mc set). Its contribution in this region is therefore of the magnitude given

    in tables 3 and 4. Observe, however, that (as discussed in the previous subsection)

    hadronization effects do spread out the xF distribution of the pair. It is unlikely,therefore, that one can use these distributions to make statements about the hadronic

    component of the photon.

    We conclude, therefore, that for all practical purposes, the hadronic component

    can be neglected altogether in the fixed-target experimental configurations of present


    6. Conclusions

    We have performed a calculation of next-to-leading-order QCD corrections to

    heavy-quark production in photon-hadron collisions. Our calculation improves over

    previous results, in that it can be used to compute any distribution in the heavy

    quark and antiquark, and possibly in the extra jet variables.

    We have presented a phenomenological study of total cross sections, single-inclusive

    distributions and correlations, for charm and bottom production at fixed-target en-


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    A detailed study of all the theoretical uncertainties of the calculation, namely

    those due to an independent variation of heavy-quark mass, factorization and renor-

    malization scales and QCD, has been performed for the total cross sections. We found

    that the next-to-leading contribution is less important here than in the hadroproduc-

    tion case. Therefore, we expect the full result to be more reliable for photoproduction

    than for hadroproduction of heavy flavours.

    For single and double differential distributions, in the case of charm production, we

    always find that non-perturbative effects could be important. For the pT distribution,

    a possible description of the non-perturbative effects is given via the introduction of an

    intrinsic transverse momentum for the incoming gluon, which tends to stiffen the pT

    distribution, together with a fragmentation function similar to the ones used in e+e

    physics. This seems to give a reasonable description of the pT and distributions

    in both photoproduction and hadroproduction.

    In the case of the xF distribution, it is very difficult to describe the non-perturbative

    effects in a simple way. From Monte Carlo studies, we conclude that it is likely that

    colour-dragging effects prevail, thus making it difficult to give a homogeneous descrip-

    tion of the hadroproduction and photoproduction xF distribution.

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    Soft limit of the real amplitude

    In this appendix we present the calculation of the amplitude for the process g QQg in the limit when the momentum of the emitted gluon tends to zero. This is

    the only case of interest, because the analogous limit for the process q QQq givesa trivial result. Momenta and colour and polarization indices are assigned as follows:

    (p1, ) + g(p2, , a) Q(k1, i) + Q(k2, j) + g(k,,b) . (.1)

    The main difference with respect to the heavy-quark hadroproduction case is that

    the gluon cannot directly couple to the incoming photon. In principle we are then

    left with three potentially singular diagrams when k 0, namely the diagrams inwhich the outgoing gluon is emitted by the incoming parton or by the heavy quark

    or antiquark. We indicate the amplitude for the process g QQ with

    u(k1) Aa;ij v(k2) , (.2)

    where the momenta and indices are as in eq. ( .1). It then follows that the contribution

    of the diagram in which the gluon is emitted from the outgoing heavy quark is given




    k + k1 + m

    (k + k1)2 m2 Aa;lj v(k2) . (.3)

    When the gluon is emitted from the antiquark we have instead


    2u(k1) A


    k + k2 + m

    (k + k2)2 m2 v(k2) . (.4)

    Finally, when the gluon is emitted from the incoming gluon leg the contribution is


    (p2 k)2 Gabc (p2, k, k p2) u(k1) Aa;ij v(k2) , (.5)


    Gabc123(q1, q2, q3) = fabc [g12(q1 q2)3 + g23(q2 q3)1 + g31(q3 q1)2] (.6)

    is the quantity that appears in the QCD three-gluon vertex. We can now evaluate

    the k 0 limit in eqs. (.3), (.4) and (.5). The soft limit of the three-body real

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    amplitude is

    A(r)g (k 0) =gS



    k1k k1 u(k1) A

    a;lj v(k2)



    k2k k2 u(k1) A

    a;il v(k2)

    +igSfabc p2

    k p2 u(k1) Ac;ij v(k2) .


    At the lowest order, the amplitude for the two-body process g QQ can be writtenas

    u(k1) Aa;ij v(k2) aijB . (.8)Using the identity

    2ifabccij =





    eq. (.7) becomes

    A(r)g (k 0) =gS2




    k k1 p2

    k p2




    k k2 p2

    k p2

    B .


    Squaring and summing over initial and final degrees of freedom we obtainA(r)g (k 0)2 = g2S




    (k1k1) 2(p2k1) 2(p2k2) + (k2k2)



    (k1k2) (p2k1) (p2k2)


    B (B)



    where we introduced the eikonal factors defined by

    (vw) = v wv k w k , (.12)

    and we used the masslessness of the incoming parton, p22 = 0. Evaluating the traces



    = 16TFDACF , Tr


    = 16TFDA

    CF 1


    , (.13)

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    inserting the proper flux factor, and averaging, we finally have the squared three-body

    amplitude in the soft limit

    M(s)g = g2S


    (k1k1) + (k2k2)


    CF 1




    (p2k1) + (p2k2)

    M(b)g . (.14)

    For QCD with three colours TF = 1/2, DA = 8, CF = 4/3 and CA = 3. Here


    g =




    4DATr (a


    )spin B




    is the Born amplitude squared for the two-body process g QQ. By direct calcu-lation we obtain

    M(b)g =e2Q



    t2 + u2 s

    (1 ) + 4m2s

    1 m



    , (.16)

    where eQ is the heavy-quark charge. Equation (.14) can now be integrated over three-

    body phase space. Using the notations of Section 2 we have

    f(s)g (1) =

    dxdyd2 (1 x)

    1 y21

    sin2 2 [4tkukMg ]


    dxdyd2 (1 x)

    1 y21

    sin2 24tkukM(s)g

    . (.17)

    The only non-trivial point of the calculation is the integration of the eikonal factors

    I(vw) =


    1 y21

    sin2 2 [4tkuk (vw)]x=1 . (.18)

    The expression for f(s)g (1) is obtained by formal substitution of each (vw) eikonal

    factor in eq. (.14) for the corresponding integral I(vw). We give here all the eikonal

    integrals, thus correcting some misprints of the analogous formulae in ref. [5].

    I(p1p2) = 8s

    I(p1k1) = 4s


    + log


    + logts


    log21 +


    2 Li2

    1 +2t

    s(1 )

    2 Li2

    1 +


    s(1 + )

  • 7/28/2019 Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions



    2 log 2t

    s(1 + ) log 2t

    s(1 )I(p2k1) = I(p1k1)(t u)I(p1k2) = I(p2k1)

    I(p2k2) = I(p1k1)

    I(k1k1) = 8s

    1 +


    1 +


    I(k2k2) = I(k1k1)

    I(k1k2) = 8s

    1 2


    1 +

    1 +


    1 + Li2 2


    . (.19)


    We are very grateful to the members of the NA14/2 and E687 collaborations for

    providing us with relevant material. We are thankful to J. Butler, R. Gardner, J. Wiss

    and particularly to J. Appel for several discussions and for twisting our arm to carry

    this project to completion.


    [1] For a review and a complete bibliography, see Physics at HERA, Proceedings

    of the Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, eds. W. Buchmuller and G. Ingelman


    [2] R.K. Ellis and P. Nason, Nucl. Phys. B312(1989)551.

    [3] J. Smith and W.L. van Neerven, Nucl. Phys. B374(1992)36.

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    R.W. Forty (NA14 Collaboration), in the Proceedings of the XXIV Interna-

    tional Conference on High Energy Physics, Munich, eds. R. Kotthaus and

    J.H. Kuhn (1988);

  • 7/28/2019 Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions



    D. Buchholz et al. (E687 Collaboration), in the Proceedings of the XXV Inter-

    national Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, eds. K.K. Phua and

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    [5] M.L. Mangano, P. Nason and G. Ridolfi, Nucl. Phys. B373(1992)295.

    [6] M.L. Mangano, P. Nason and G. Ridolfi, IFUP-TH-37-92, to appear in Nucl.

    Phys. B.

    [7] B. Mele, P. Nason and G. Ridolfi, Nucl. Phys. B357(1991)409.

    [8] S. Frixione, M.L. Mangano, P. Nason and G. Ridolfi, CERN-TH.6864/93 (1993),

    to appear in Phys. Lett. B.

    [9] S. Frixione, M.L. Mangano, P. Nason and G. Ridolfi, in preparation.

    [10] See, e.g., J.C. Collins, D.E. Soper and G. Sterman, in Perturbative QCD (Sin-

    gapore: World Scientific, 1989), p. 1.

    [11] W. A. Bardeen, A. Buras, D. W. Duke and T. Muta, Phys. Rev. D18(1978)3998.

    [12] R.K. Ellis and Z. Kunszt, Nucl. Phys. B303(1988)653.

    [13] A.D. Martin, R.G. Roberts and W.J. Stirling, Phys. Rev. D47(1993)867.

    [14] P. Aurenche, P. Chiappetta, M. Fontannaz, J.P. Guillet and E. Pilon, Z. Phys.


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    [17] G. Altarelli, CERN-TH. 6623/92.

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    [20] G. Marchesini and B.R. Webber, Nucl. Phys. B310(1988)461.

  • 7/28/2019 Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions



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    Figure Captions

    Fig. 1: Total cross section at leading and next-to-leading order for charm produc-

    tion in N collisions as a function of the beam energy. We plot the range

    of variation for the scale changes indicated in the figure, for mc = 1.5 GeV.

    MRSD0 parton distribution set. The dotted line represents the contribu-tion from the hadronic component of the photon, evaluated using the set


    Fig. 2: Total cross section at leading and next-to-leading order for bottom produc-

    tion in N collisions as a function of the beam energy. We plot the range of

    variation for the scale changes indicated in the figure, for mb = 4.75 GeV.

    MRSD0 parton distribution set.

    Fig. 3: Total cross section for charm and bottom production in N collisions as

    a function of the beam energy. We plot the overall range of variation for

    changes in the parameters as discussed in the text, each band representing

    the result for a specified value of the quark mass.

    Fig. 4: Photon beam energy spectra for NA14/2 and for E687.

    Fig. 5: Charm inclusive pT and xF distributions in N collisions with the E687 and

    NA14 photon beam energy spectrum.

    Fig. 6: Invariant-mass distribution of charm pairs produced in N collisions withthe E687 and NA14 photon beam energy spectrum.

    Fig. 7: Rapidity correlation and xF distribution for charm pairs produced in N

    collisions with the NA14 photon beam energy spectrum. The lower curves

    are obtained requiring both quarks to have xF > 0.

    Fig. 8: Same as fig. 7, but for the E687 photon beam spectrum.

  • 7/28/2019 Heavy-Quark Correlations in Photon-Hadron Collisions



    Fig. 9: Charm pair pQQT

    and azimuthal correlation in N collisions with the E687

    and NA14 photon beam spectrum.

    Fig. 10: Bottom inclusive pT and xF distributions in N collisions with the E687

    and NA14 photon beam spectrum.

    Fig. 11: pQQT

    and invariant-mass distributions of bottom pairs produced in N col-

    lisions with the E687 and NA14 photon beam spectrum.

    Fig. 12: Bottom pair correlations in N collisions with the E687 (solid lines) and

    NA14 (dashed lines) photon beam energy spectrum: azimuthal correlations(left side), xF of the pair (right side) and bb radipity difference (left inset).

    Fig. 13: Comparison between HERWIG and the O(em2S) result (solid) for inclusivedistributions of charm with the E687 photon beam. For HERWIG we plot

    the variables relative to the charm quark before hadronization (dotted line)

    and relative to stable charm hadrons (dashed line).

    Fig. 14: Comparison between HERWIG and the O(em2S) result (solid) for inclusivepQQT

    and distributions of charm with the E687 photon beam. Different

    line patterns are explained in the previous figures caption.

    Fig. 15: Effect of a non-perturbative pT kick for the incoming parton in the nu-

    cleon, compared with the O(em2S) effect. The curves with a pT kick areobtained with the Born cross section with MRSD0 structure functions, sup-

    plemented by a random pT kick on the incoming parton. The NLO curves

    are obtained with the same structure functions and were rescaled to the

    same normalization as the other curves.

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