2013frgi.bg/images/page/doc_page_105_82.pdf · held the fifth annual ngo connection day, organized...

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Table of Contents

1. Letter from the Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3. Programs and Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4. Donors and Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5. Structure and Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

6. Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Letter from the Board of Trustees



Letter from the Board of Trustees The history of the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation /WCIF/ is founded on values such as trust, reliability, and support from our donors that we greatly appreciate.

The past year was again one of efforts and work that were aimed at the implementation of initiatives and causes important to the local communi-ties. With pride we note the increase of funds raised from individual do-nors and the successful WCIF endowment efforts, which will enable us to ensure the long-term sustainability of our organization. All this allows us to support new projects and initiatives aimed at working in schools,

Letter from the Board of Trustees • Annual Report 2013


developing philanthropy, restoration and preservation of cultural herit-age, funding for the professional development of young people and jour-nalists. The Foundation team continued its efforts to develop innovative forms of philanthropy as "giving circles", "No Dinner – Dinner," the na-tional campaign "A Place in the Heart” thus attracting more and more people who support our causes.

And although we cannot foresee the future, we believe that successful development presupposes a vision, a dedication to supporting innova-tion and consistence for achieving better living conditions. Our objective for 2014 would be to continue our work with local donors and communi-ties, who wholeheartedly support us in order to achieve the change that all of us so much want.

On behalf of the WCIF Board of Trustees I would like to thank all our do-nors and supporters. Just like you, we at Workshop for Civic Initiative Foundation do have a dream; we believe and invest in good causes for positive change. Special thanks to the staff and employees of the Foun-dation who work hard to achieve the results that we are proud of.

Monika Hristova

Chair WCIF Board of Trustees



10 Developments • Annual Report 2013

Developments„We develop philanthropy and provide funding and resources to civil so-ciety organizations to work for their communities. We support projects and ideas that lead to change. We encourage those willing to take initia-tive and we transfer our experience and know-how to others.....“

These are the major areas of work that we continued to develop in 2013.

During the previous year WCIF funded almost 100 new projects, while receiving over 480 applications from organizations all over the country.

WCIF organized fundraising and philanthropy events and continued to develop its public image in partnerships with local governments’ repre-sentatives, media and other NGOs.

The Foundation continued to work with individual and corporate donors and to provide resources and information to non-governmental organiza-tions. In order to prove the above stated with concrete results we offer the following figures that speak on their own:


•Over130 000 BGN raised from individual donors;

•Over180 000 BGN raised from corporate donors;

•70 000 USD raised for the WCIF’s endowment;

•476 000 BGN raised by the WCIF’s grantees as own contribution to the grants

provided by the foundation;

•91 new grants awarded by WCIF;

•3 corporate funds, managed by the Foundation;

•102 local projects funded by the community foun-dations supported by WCIF throughout the country;

•41 new organizations that benefitted from the Tech-soup program for software donations and a total of 177 organization that received software through the Techsoup Bulgaria platform;

•Over1500 publications in local, regional and na-tional media that contributed to promotion of WCIF public image;

•Morethan1500 volunteers who have worked on the different initiatives funded or organized by WCIF.



735771,68 BGN62,08%

Despite the economic and political instability in the country, over the past year, we continued to fund projects of organizations from all over the country, keeping the fast and easy access to information about the appli-cation process and the projects approval. It is important for us to reach a large number of organizations, to work quickly and efficiently and to live up to the high standards and confidence vested in our organization.

The following chart shows the volumes of funding provided in the past three years.

ExpEnsEs by iTEms

Program costs

314327,98 BGN


Administrative costs, trainings

135168,20 BGN


Developments • Annual Report 2013



531 587,59 BGN


372 027,55 BGN


405 629,00 BGNGRAnTs AlloCATion

by WCiF *

* Comparative chart of the grants/amounts allocated by WCIF for the last three years.

philanthropy development

In 2013 WCIF continued its active work for the devel-opment of philanthropy on a national and local level. Thanks to our efforts invested in the program "Devel-opment of community foundations in Bulgaria" for the past two years, the community foundations in Bulgar-ian have raised and allocated around 1 million BGN from private donations to support small projects in dif-ferent areas of local development.

We continued to organize Giving circles following the innovative model of The Funding Network (TFN, U.K.) allowing members of the Giving circle to nominate pro-jects and organizations to be funded and to participate in the initiative.

The funds raised during the year by the 10 giving cir-cles amount to 133 407 BGN.


In 2013 WCIF continued to develop the model of Youth Banks, and through it, to support young peo-ple aged 16 to 25 years, representatives of the next generation of young leaders, working for the devel-opment of local philanthropy.

We kept on looking for new and alternative methods to promote philanthropy in the country. At the begin-ning of October, 2013 we launched the national cam-paign – „A Place in the Heart“. The initiative is the first of its kind and aims at supporting projects relat-ed to the restoration and rehabilitation of symbolic for the local communities’ sites and buildings: www.myastovsarceto.bg.

The Facebook page of the campaign has over 1000 fans. Twelve regional towns (Sofia, Plovdiv, Blago-evgrad, Burgas, Varna, Ruse, Sliven, Stara Zagora, Gabrovo, Pleven, Kardgali and Yambol) where WCIF have community foundations and nongovernmental organizations as partners have joined the campaign. The campaign has been publicized in different na-tional, regional and local media from October till De-cember 2013 and there have been over 350 publica-tions on it.

The annual „Zaedno“ /Together/ awards in July for eight consecutive year distinguished causes and or-ganizations working for the development of philan-thropy. The awards for media and journalists were also meant to highlight the work accomplished in that field in Bulgaria.

In October WCIF hosted an international conference on „Quality of Life and Community Foundations“. The idea behind the event was to provoke a debate on the quality of life in Bulgaria and to focus on the contributions of organizations developing local phi-lanthropy (the community foundations). The meth-odology for measuring quality of life with wide pub-lic participation (Vital Signs), developed and applied

by the community foundations in Canada since 2006 was presented. A twelve minutes movie featuring the role and activities of community foundations in Bulgaria was shown during the conference.

At the end of September 2013 in the town of Plovdiv, WCIF organized yet another fund-raising event „Rub-ber Duckling’s Competition on the Maritsa river“. The event was part of the „Charity and giving week“. The funds raised by that particular competition were distributed among causes included in the „Charity and Giving Week“.

organizational development


Our work in this direction began with the develop-ment of a comprehensive one year strategy for adver-tising and promotion activities of the Foundation.

A cartoon showing the history and development of the organization was prepared. We developed and published in leading Bulgarian media and the Inter-net, promotional visions of WCIF. More than 1,500 publications and interviews in national, regional and local media were published and broadcasted over the period.

The web page of the Foundation was redesigned which resulted in more modern, faster and better ac-cess to information about WCIF.

The site: www.wcif-bg.org is also accessible via www.rabotilnicata.bg.

In April 2013 we promoted the activity and the idea of the WCIF online shop of the annual Spring Festival "Green days." Within 3 days more than 70 people and 12 volunteers took part in the workshops organized by the Foundation. During the year we increased the

Developments • Annual Report 2013


number of artists who donate their works and we are currently working with 7 new ones.

In September WCIF organized the traditional 6th Fes-tival "Living Heritage". The event brought together 12 organizations, 220 participants and more than 1,000 people audience. The event came in the cultural cal-endar of Sofia as part of Sofia's application for Eu-ropean Capital of Culture 2019 and was reflected by the national and regional media. “TV +” made a movie that had six broadcasts within two months.

For a second consecutive year we held the fundrais-ing campaign „No Dinner – Dinner”. We are still main-taining and developing the online donations site - www.2gathertogether.org, while all the money raised from the sales of unique products are directed to the WCIF Endowment.

For the second year in a row, the WCIF received the first prize of the NGO Portal award for most news fea-tured on www.ngobg.info.


In 2013 WCIF continued active work with partners, organizations, donors and volunteers, and provided various opportunities towards the development of a genuine civil society. Our initiatives were supported by local government, national media and partners from the NGO sector.

For the eighth consecutive year within the framework of the "Together" awards, together with the members of the Bulgarian Donors Forum, WCIF nominated jour-nalists that reflect and promote philanthropy.

Resources for civic organizations

In March 2013 started the implementation phase of the international project „ComiX4= Comics for Equal-ity“. The project aims to foster and promote intercul-

tural dialogue in order to combat racism, xenopho-bia and discrimination in Europe, with a particular focus on Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania and Lat-via. In order to achieve this aim, the project seeks to involve migrants and second-generation immi-grants – often the subjects of discrimination – in the creation of artistic resources – namely comic strips – to be used in combating racism and xenophobia. The main activities include the ComiX4= Comics for Equality Award (a competition to award the best unpublished comics by authors with migrant back-grounds); the interactive website www.comix4equal-ity.eu; an eighty-page catalogue containing the best comics submitted within the award; a “Comics Hand-book” for use in informal creative workshops that will be conducted in 2014 together with exhibitions to promote the initiative. The project is funded by the European Union – Fundamental Rights and Citizen-ship Programme.

„The ComiX4= Comics for Equality Project, to which WCIF is a partner, is based on the need to promote the development of a European so-ciety based on respect for fundamental human rights, and to fight against racism, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance“.

Marta Meloni, International Coordinator of Co-mix4= Project, Africa e Mediterraneo

In 2013, we continued to organize annual events, aimed at partners and organizations that the Founda-tion works with and supports. In the month of June was held the Fifth Annual NGO Connection Day, organized by WCIF and Microsoft Bulgaria – the focus was on youth initiatives and organizations in Bulgarian. In July, in Sofia was held the Аnnual WCIF Grantees’ meeting with the emphasis on "work with children and youth”.

Programs and Funds


18 Programs and Funds • Annual Report 2013

Programs and Funds In 2013, through its programs and funds WCIF contin-ued to be one of the few foundations in Bulgarian that successfully and purposefully provided grants. In addi-tion to the financial support for small projects, WCIF is the only organization in Bulgaria, which in 2013 man-aged three corporate funds, which provided funding to individuals and non-governmental organizations. The funds are set up at WCIF by: Eurofootball, First Invest-ment Bank, and SAP Labs Bulgaria.

The grants provided by WCIF in 2013 reached more than 8 700 direct beneficiaries. The organizations that we worked with over the year are from 48 differ-ent locations throughout Bulgaria.

There are ten funds/programs in total through which we provided financial support to the NGO sector and individuals. The distribution of funding under these funds/programs is shown below.


„Sports talents” program is the outcome of our long-term efforts and practice to sup-port and promote sports in Bulgaria. The philosophy that we preach for years now is that sports can bring about new meaning in the life of our children because it brings about responsibility and joy for those who practice it and the greatest responsibility of the state and private businesses is to pro-vide the conditions for practicing sports to the adolescent.

Ekaterina Mihailova, Eurofootball Manager

sports Talents program

Sports Talents Program is part of the second corporate fund at the WCIF. It is funded by Eurofootball and for a second year in a row provides financial support to young people for projects for development of their skills in dif-ferent individual sports. The initiative targets young athletes between 16 – 25 years of age in Olympic and Paralympic sports including young people with disabilities.


The amount of targeted funding for 2013 is 60 000 BGN.

Participants in the program achieved some impressive results: 5 golden, 12 silver and 14 bronze medals in different competitions.

47 first places and much more second and third in many national and in-ternational competitions.

67 training camps attended.

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Projects funded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

WCIF Funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 62 471

Participants’ own contribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 56 916

Average amount of a grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 3 000

Programs and Funds • Annual Report 2013

“SportS talentS” program

№ name loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 Mitko Tzenov Sofia 3000 2000

2 Aleksandar Angelov Ruse 1268.2 1967

3 Ljubomir Kostov Sofia 6890 2020

4 Mariela Peneva Gabrovo 240 1720

5 Georgi Georgiev Sofia 1534 2666

6 Lidia Ivanova Sofia 6077 1970

7 Mihail Christov Pleven 1730 3270

8 Teodor Georgiev Dupnitza 1568 2704

9 Georgi Gaidardgiev Blagoevgrad 3420 1620

10 Vladimir Dalakliev Botevgad 4936 3170

11 Victoria Tencheva Plovdiv 1230 1470

12 Boris Nedjalkov Vidin 1064 3906

13 Denis Dimitrov Montana 1880 2720

14 Tihomir Ivanov Pleven 460 1945

15 Kristiana Stoyanova Targovishte 1841.44 2569

16 Nia Dimitrova Sofia 2436 3345

17 Ilyana Bouklieva Elhovo 568 1626

18 Ivan Petrov Vratza 1464 2755

19 Kalojan Nikolov Varna 1018 2473

20 Ivan Stoev Varna 965 3360

21 Sara Staykova Sofia 4727 3609

22 Violeta Gencheva Gabrovo 2280 3716

23 Daniel Zastrugov Sofia 5000 1610

24 Vesko Mankov Veliko Tarnovo 1320 4260

total: 56 916.64 62 471

"KnoWleDge For SUCCeSS" FUnD

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 Board of Trustees „Dimitar Blagoev“ School Svichtov 3 158,00 4 040,00

2 Board of Trustees „Vasil Levski” School Troyan 890,00 6 850,00

3 Board of Trustees „Peyo Iavorov“ School Silistra 3 740,00 5 360,00

4 Board of Trustees „Ekzarh Antim I” Professional School Vidin 1 065,00 7 424,00

5 Board of Trustees СОУ „Dimcho Debeljanov" School Belene 885,00 5 000,00

6 Board of Trustees СОУ „Atanas Burov" School Silistra 901,70 6 258,00

7 Board of Trustees „N. Pushkarov" Professional School Kameno 450,00 4 050,00

8 Board of Trustees „Christo Botev" Secondary School Tutrakan 600,00 5 530,00

total: 11 689,70 44 512,00


"Knowledge for success" Fund

The fund set up by WCIF and SАP Labs Bulgaria continued its suc-cessful work for a second year in a row. It targets small settlements with limited access to external funding for education and vocational training.

In 2013 WCIF finalized the first grant scheme for 2012-2013 with 8 funded projects in schools at Razlog, Topolovgrad, Elhovo, Silistra (two projects for two different schools), Vratsa, Pavlikeni and Popo-vo. The projects are managed by members of School Boards of Trus-tees, small teams of teachers, students and school employees. Most of them target the development and promotion of vocational skills, in-creasing the interest among students in education and career devel-opment by making the schools, and especially the school libraries, at-tractive places for the youngsters. Direct beneficiaries of the program are over 2 300 students in secondary schools and indirectly the entire communities. The total amount of grants is 44 512 BGN.

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Funded projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

WCIF funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 44 512

„There is still a significant gap between secondary education and the higher education and I believe that „Knowledge for Success“ program of WCIF that SAP Labs Bulgaria sup-ports bridges that gap in a cru-cial moment of time“.

Plamen Tilev, SAP Labs Bulgaria


Community Foundations Development Program

in Bulgaria

Through its Community Foundations Development Program WCIF fa-cilitates the promotion of local philanthropy as a key driver for local development. Community foundations in their role of mediators be-tween donors and civic organizations contribute to the establishment of a professional giving organization and set up which is transparent and utilizes efficiently donors’ resources for resolving local problems.

In 2013 the program supported 10 community foundations in: Blago-evgrad, Bourgas, Chepelare, Gabrovo, Sofia, Lom, Ruse, Sliven, Sta-ra Zagora, Yambol.

The newly established foundations in Burgas and Sliven continued to develop the local philanthropy amongst young people utilizing the Youth Banks model. Their teams also organized several giving cir-cles to support projects vital for their communities.

The ten community foundations raised more than 500 000 BGN and funded 102 local projects.

Parallel to that the giving circles organized in Burgas, Gabrovo, Ruse, Sliven, Stara Zagora, Varna and Yambol attracted 533 individu-al donors. The raised amount of 162 300 BGN was distributed among 50 local projects.

As part of the program WCIF maintains and develops three funds – Youth Bank, Institutional Development of Community Foundations and Social Innovations Fund.

Programs and Funds • Annual Report 2013

Development oF CommUnIty FoUnDatIonS

InStItUtIonal Development

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 CF Ruse Ruse 30 000 30 000

2 CF Gabrovo Gabrovo 30 000 30 000

3 CF Varna Varna 30 000 30 000

4 CF Sliven Sliven 20 000 20 000

5 CF Burgas Burgas 20 000 20 000

TOTAL (Institutional development): 130 000 130 000

SUpport For InnovatIve SoCIal InItIatIveS

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 CF „Mostove nad Tundzha“ Yambol 46 360 35 000

2 CF Gabrovo Gabrovo 32 040 30 440

3 CF Ruse Ruse 9 670 9 670

4 CF Varna Varna 13 410 13 410

5 CF Stara Zagora Stara Zagora 16 200 16 200

6 CF Varna Varna 17 400 17 400

7 CF Burgas Burgas 12 700 12 700

TOTAL (Social innovations): 147 780 134 820

Youth Bank Fund

The Fund was created in the second half of 2012 and continued its op-eration through 2013, as part of the program for community foundations development in Bulgarian. The fund supported 169 young people ac-tive in local philanthropy. Each of the banks in the country operates via teams of 7 to 15 young people aged between 16 and 25. Eight of the thirteen Youth Banks, supported by WCIF have raised money by which they funded 54 youth projects in their communities. These projects were implemented by over 679 youngsters and the number of beneficiar-ies reached 18 657. Apart from raising funds for the purposes of Youth Banks, the initiatives were aimed at promoting philanthropy in the local community.

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Funded projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

WCIF funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 68 807

yoUth BanK FUnD

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 Youth Bank – Karlovo Karlovo 3 500,00 3 500,00

2 Youth Bank – Stara Zagora Stara Zagora 4 400,00 7 000,00

3 Youth Bank – Shumen Shumen 0,00 1 900,00

4 Youth Bank – Gabrovo Gabrovo 1 400,00 4 000,00

5 Youth Bank – Pernik Pernik 0,00 1 607,00

6 Youth Bank – Blagoevgrad Blagoevgrad 3 840,00 7 000,00

7 Youth Bank – Lom Lom 500,00 4 000,00

8 Youth Bank – Ruse Ruse 1 000,00 7 000,00

9 Youth Bank – Varna Varna 1 420,00 7 000,00

10 Youth Bank – Yambol Yambol 6 841,00 7 000,00

11 Youth Bank – Smolyan Smolyan 1 800,00 4 000,00

12 Youth Bank – Sofia Sofia 300,00 7 800,00

13 Youth Bank – Plovdiv Plovdiv 2 650,00 7 000,00

total: 27 651,00 68 807,00


„What happens during the giving circles events, organized by WCIF is a mini-mod-el of functional civil society. If we manage to transfer and multiply this model beyond the giving circles it will be really great. Then people will realize that being active citizens is up to them, that once there is accumulation and shared interest the le-gal framework could be altered and after that the private businesses will follow“.

Dr. Rositza Vrabevska, donor and partici-pant in Development Giving Circle.

Giving Circle Fund

Development Giving Circle is initiated by WCIF in May 2012 and is in-spired by experience of the Funding Network, UK. WCIF is a licensed partner of the UK organization in promoting and developing the giving circles’ model in Bulgaria.

In 2013 we continued our support for the initiative by funding

the festival for alternative cinema in the village of Raykovo; summer in-teractive art lessons for students from the town of Liaskovets; establish-ment of school theatre for children with special needs at the village of Patalenitsa and the arte week in the framework of the Sofia Pride.

gIvIng CIrCle

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 NC „Saedinenie 1923” Bardarski geran 57 2 777

2 Association „Mladite v dejstvie” Sofia 858 1 800

3 Association “Free Sofia Tour” Sofia 50 1 700

4 National Adoption Care Association Sofia 1 400 1 500

5 NC „Maritza 2008” Raynovo 3 030 1 250

6 Sofia Pride Sofia 1 800 2 200

7 Association „Badeshte za Nas“ Ljaskovetz 50 850

8 School Board of Trustees „St. Pantaleimon“ Patalenitsa 300 1 750

total: 7 545 13 827

First Event

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Funded projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

WCIF funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 7 000

Organizations’ personal contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 2 394

Average funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 1 750

Second event

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Funded projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

WCIF funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 6 050

Organizations’ personal contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 3 390

Average funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 1 512,50


Valya Krushkina Fund

This is the first named fund at the Foundation and among the very few op-erational name funds at the moment in Bulgaria. WCIF aims at increasing the fund by accumulating more money and managing the assets. In addi-tion to the initial capital of 42 000 BGN we added another 1000 BGN reve-nue from investment of assets and another 6 200 BGN from donations.

Part of the accumulated funds are used to organize the Annual Awards “Valya Krushkina - Journalism for the People” For 2013 there were 72 nomi-nations in the journalist awards competition in four categories (Printed Me-dia, Electronic Media, Online Media and Young Journalist) and 5 awards were given.

Number of proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Funded projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

WCIF funding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BGN 3 000

valya KrUShKIna FUnD

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 Marya Cherneva Sofia 500

2 Polina Paunova Sofia 500

3 Ivo Bozhkov Sofia 500

4 Rosen Tsvetkov Sofia 1000

5 Panayot Angarev Sofia 500

total: 3 000


Rainbow Youth and Children Development Program

The program supported by Oak and Velux Foundations continued its operations in 2013 by providing funding to organizations working with children youth and their families.

The conclusions of the external evaluation of the program carried out in November 2013 indicate that the program has supported 1176 chil-dren and young people; 196 parents; 181 professionals working with children and young people, volunteers and over 1 600 indirect benefi-ciaries among whom again children, parents and different categories of specialists in children and youth development.

„The Rainbow Program is extremely efficient one especially in developing children’s participation and involvement because in order to know something about children you have to ask them in the first place, to include them and to take their opinion into consideration. If you want to do something for children you have to find out whether what you intend to do really corresponds to their interests and not just do something because someone says it is important“.

Daniela Koleva, Director „Children de-velopment policies“, National Children Network External Evaluator of the Rainbow program.

Programs and Funds • Annual Report 2013


TechSoup Software Donation Fund

The software donation program for non-governmental organizations for Bulgaria is administered by WCIF and provides valuable technological support for the sector. This is an instrument that Bulgarian NGOs reg-istered in public benefit can use to get software donations from major developers: Microsoft, Adobe and SAP Labs.

Forty one new organizations were registered during 2013 at the Tech-soup platform for Bulgaria. Sixty six organizations ordered forty six dif-ferent software products through the platform. The increase is due to the enlarged range of products and applications and namely: Adobe Creative Suite, Windows 8 and Office Professional Plus.

The total retail value of the donated software amounts to 163 492 USD. This means that thanks to the TechSoup Program Bulgarian public Benefit NGO’s and Community Centers (Chitalishta) have received modern, licensed, high-quality software. The constant monitoring and evaluation carried out by WCIF indicate that this type of support is ex-tremely valuable for the NGO sector because it enhances the adminis-trative capacity and the technological resources of the organizations.

First Investment Bank Social Responsibility Fund

FiBank continued to have their Corporate Social Responsibility Fund at the WCIF. The fund is currently providing scholarships for Univer-sity students who are orphans or have only one living parent. This is the only currently existing fund of this type in the country out of which scholarships are given for 3 years and each fellow gets a chance to start a job after graduating their studies.


Living Heritage Fund

Living Heritage Fund provides funding to civic groups for projects aimed at revitalization, restoration, protection and reinvigoration of the natural, material, and nonmaterial heritage of Bulgaria

More than 100 organizations applied for funding in 2013 and the num-ber of supported proposals is 21. In September 2013 the traditional festival “Living Heritage” took place gathering 12 organizations and an audience of more than 1000 people.

The Living Heritage program is supported by “America for Bulgaria” Foundation.

NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism

In 2013 because of its substantial experience in grantmaking and assessment of projects WCIF was nominated for a partner of Open Society Institute as Fund Operator of the NGO program funded by the European Economic Area. WCIF is responsible for one of the four funding lots under the program, namely NGO's capacity building. There are three thematic areas that we are responsible for within the Lot:

1) Increasing Capacity Building and Developing Favorable Environ-ment for the NGO Sector in Bulgaria;

2) Developing NGO’s Monitoring and Advocacy Capacities;

3) Networking and Coalition Building.

After selection process we have given grants and signed contracts with 19 NGOs, for small and micro projects and yet another 11 for medium and big projects.

Programs and Funds • Annual Report 2013

lIvIng herItage FUnD

№ organIZatIon loCatIon oWn ContrIBUtIon WCIF FUnDIng

1 Znanie Association Lovetch 1 500 5 754

2 Partniori – Kjustendil Association Kjustendil 1 700 4 890

3 Zaedno za Kakrina Association Kakrina 700 2 800

4 Chitalishte Geo Milev 1954 Momin prohod 1 800 4 200

5 Chitalishte Vasil Levski 2012 Pogarevo 1 290 4 119

6 Chitalishte Ljuben Karavelov 1897 Kurtovo Konare 2 340 3 500

7 School board of trustees at applied arts school Smolyan 1 000 3 950

8 Chitalishte Izgrev 1930 Banichan 1 220 3 668

9 Open Space Foundation Sofia 1 900 4 121

10 Rabotilniza Sedjanka Association Veliko Tarnovo 1 394 4 570

11 Chitalishte Probuda 1958 Shumen 614 2 256

12 Chitalishte Zora - 1990 Pobeda 1 200 3 900

13 Mlad Prirodozashtitnik Besapara Association Bjaga 1 444 3 800

14 Chitalishte Zora - 1903 Radilovo 1 134 2 036

15 Zaedno po patja kam Evropa Association Razgrad 1 431 5 000

16 Association of Karakachanite in Bulgaria Sliven 3 439 4 000

17 Focus – Evropejski Center za Razvitie Association Pazardzhik 1 200 4 500

18 St. Knjaz Boris I – 1909 Association Bistritza 960 3 200

19 Kultura I Okolna Sreda Association Burgas 700 3 324

20 Bagatur Association Stara Zagora 1 120 4 000

21 Chitalishte Murgash – 1929 Zhelyava 388 1 483

Тotal: 28 474 79 071

Donors and Partners


36 Donors and Partners • Annual Report 2013

Donors and Partners Donors

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Development of Community Foundations in Bulgria and organizational support for WCIF

America for bulgaria Foundation

Living Program

Community Foundations Development Program


Sports Talents Program

sAp labs bulgaria

Knowledge for Success Fund

First investment bank

FiBank Social Responsibility Fund


oAK Foundation,

VElUx Foundation

„Daga“ /Rainbow/ Program


NGO Connection Day

societe Generale Expressbank

Provision of funds for the Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards


Provision of funds for the Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards

Foundation Dundee precious metals

Provision of funds for the Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards

Rights and Citizenship program of the EU

Comics4= Project


Indivual Donors of Goods and Services:

Authors of hand made goods for the site:www.2gathertogether.org

Izabel Basmadgian

Antonia Koleva

Christina Dineva

Sonja Marinova

Maria Argirova

Vihra Vasileva

Vanya Todorova

Elena Shemtova

Vjara Tzenova

Toshka Ivanova for the elaboration of the entire WCIF image campaign

Svetlana Petkova for the elaboration of the entire WCIF image campaign

Andrey Katanski for the drawings at the WCIF web-site and the design of the Annual Report

Elena Kitova for the design of “Valja Krushkina — Jour-nalism for the People” Awards

Daniel Tzochev — for conducting the ceremony of “Valja Krushkina — Journalism for the People” Awards

Donors Providing Pro Bono Goods and Services


For providing soft drinks at WCIF events

Coca Cola

For providing soft drinks at WCIF events


For software donation


For organizing the ceremony of Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards

bulgarian national Television

For the preparation and broadcasting of in-formation materials and short movies

bulgarian national Radio

For providing Studio 1 of the BNR for the ceremony of Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards


Produced the statuettes – awards for the Valja Krush-kina – Journalism for the People Awards

Vivacom Art Hall

Providing Vivacom Art Hall for WCIF events


Catering for the Valja Krushkina – Journalism for the People Awards

Donors and Partners • Annual Report 2013


members of the “Zaedno”

Awards Jury

Konstantin Penchev, Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, Chair of the Jury Kamen KolevBojidara Dimova, PR expert BNRVladimir YonchevKamen KolevAlexander DjoganovIva DojchinovaElisaveta VladovaRadomira MihovaElitza NikolovaRositza VrabevskaNikola Shaphazov

Valya Krushkina Fund Trustees

Members by Right:

Ventzislav Krushkin, Founder

Virdginia Vladimirova, Founder and chair

Monika Hristova, Chair of WCIF Board of Trustees

Iliyana Nikolova, Executive Director WCIF

Members Appointed by the Founders:

Dobrina Cheshmedjieva

Radosveta Stamenkova

Krasimira Velichkova

Pavlina Filipova

Teodora Todorova

Konstantin Kisimov

Dimitar Anestev

members of the

Valya Krushkina – Journalism

for the people Awards Jury

Antoaneta Tzoneva

Veselin Stoynev

Veselina Sedlarska

Viktor Nikolaev

Vladimir Yonchev

Zhivko Georgiev

Prolet Velkova

Silvia Velikova

Vyara Ankova

Nikolina Dimitrova

Stoyana Georgieva

Radoslav Yankulov

Ljuba Iordanova

Kalin Parvanov

Petjo Tzekov

Volunteers supporting WCIF InitiativesMaria Tzekova

Stoyan Petrov

members of the WCiF

Advisory Group

Asja KavrakovaEkaterina MihajlovaElitza IvanovaEvgenja RadanovaIva StoyanovaIrina TzekovaNikolay DamjanovPeter StoychevRaya IvanovaRositza MarinovaSnegana IvanovaStefan PopovAnton PramatarovGeorgi AtanasovYanaki DimitrovIvajlo KarmazovNikolay IvanovNikolay ShivachevNeli MitrevaJuri AngelovIliana DimitrovaIvajlo JolchevDaniela DashevaMihail TakovStela EnchevaYavor Mihailov Kamelia AleksandrovaEkaterina TonovaGeorgi TzvetkovTeodora Valeva



Media Partners:

Donors and Partners • Annual Report 2013


Veselin Rachev

Vesko Grigorov

Viktor Kirkov

Violeta Dragomirova

Valentin Nedkov

Valentina Grigorova

Gabriela Tzekova

Galina Vasileva

Galya Bankovska

Ganka Dimitrova

Genoveva Milanova

Georgi Alexandrov

Georgi Apostolov

Georgi Najdenov

Georgi Nikolchev

Georgi Petrov

Gergana Georgieva

Gergana Karavelova

Gergana Karnakova

Darin Madgarov

Darina Ivanova

Diana Milovanska

Dima Dinkova

Dimitar Dimitrov

Dimitar Mitov

Dimitar Spasov

Dimo Chervenkov

Dobromir Prodanov

Dobromira Petrova

Evgeni Mitev

Evgenia Mincheva

Elana Atanasova

Encho Baramov

Janita Prodanova

Jivka Aladgova

Zlatka Djankova

Zorka Kobakova

Zornitza Diklieva

Ivaylo Georgiev

Ivan Andonov

Ivan Dimitrov

Ivan Jordanov

Ivan Palijski

Ivanichka Musova

Ivanka Valkova

Ivelin Kolev

Iveta Nikolova

Ilya Zlatev

Ilya Mihov

Ina Abadgieva

Jordanka Angelieva

Jordanka Karapetrova

Irina Tzankova

Iskra Kosturkova

Katerina Velcheva

Katja Djankova

Kevin Kuschel

Krasimir Valchev

Krasimir Kopchev

Krasimira Velichkova

Kancho Kanchev

Loris Manuelyan

Luba Jordanova

Michael Herington

Maxim Christov

Maria Kirova

Mariana Dimova

Martin Ivanov

individual Donors:

With up to 100 bGn.

Alek Andreev

Andrey Shishmanov

Adriana Ung

Anelia Gineva

Ani Alexandorva

Anka Shtereva

Antoaneta Ilieva

Antoaneta Mihailova

Antonja Koleva

Biljana Zaharieva

Binka Doneva

Bistra Ivanova

Blagoy Philipov

Boyko Blagoev

Borislav Stefanov

Boryana Tomova

Boyan Boichev

Boyan Zahariev

Vanya Yankova


Nikolay Pashov

Nina Keranova

Nina Tzenkulovska

Paulina Micheva

Penka Mihailova

Peter Dotchev

Peter Kovachev

Plamen Petkov

Plamen Polonov

Radka Bogdanova

Radosveta Stamenkova

Radoslav Radev

Radoslav Stoyanov

Radoslava Pavlova

Ralitza Manafova

Ralitza Manahova

Racho Raykov

Svetlana Radeva

Svetoslav Kutzarov

Sonya Mihneva

Simona Chakardgieva

Slavcho Metriev

Slavcho Mitrev

Slavcho Mitrov

Snegana Christova

Spas Kovachev

Stana Ilieva

Stanislava Avdgieva

Stanislava Dimitrova

Stefka Vassileva

Stefka Mancheva

Stoyan Markov

Stoyan Stoyanov

Tanya Pejkova

Teodor Kotzev

Tereza Lukova

Tinka Sapundgieva

Todor Todorov

Thomas Higins

Toni Kutzarov

Christina Kamenova

Christian Landsman

Christo Mutafchijski

Christo Tzigarov

Christo Shemtov

Julia Batcheva

Dr. Jakovliev

Maya Doneva

Miladin Jordanov

Miroslav Dopapchiev

Miroslava Racheva

Mitko Geljazkov

Mladen Stoyanov

Monika Georgieva

Nadegda Savova

Nasko Drakov

Natalya Kotzeva

Natalya Parusheva

Nedjalko Nestorov

Nelly Dragieva

Nikolay Apostolov

Donors and Partners • Annual Report 2013


Maria Geneva

Maria Chankova

Minka Dobreva

Mincho Peev

Miroslav Petkov

Mitko Geliazkov

Mihail Denchev

Monika Christova

Nadja Koeva

Nelly Kirjakova

Neno Slavkov

Nikola Pilchev

Nikolay Dobrinov

Nikolay Lubomirov

Petya Yordanova

Plamen Barzashki

Radoslava Paleshutska

Rangel Tanchev

Richard Damstra

Rosen Gogoshev

Rumen Georgiev

Rumjana Padalska

Svetla Dimitrova

Svetolsav Vasilev

Stanimir Stoyanov

Stanyslav Stoyanov

Stefan Hikov

Stela Doseva

Tatjana Georgieva

Christina Rankova

Christo Dinev

Tzvetelina Malinova

Julia Rabadgieva

With up to 1000 bGn

Alexander Nikolov

Anelia Raeva

Antonja Koeva

Daniela Dineva

Denitza Abadgieva

Evgeni Ignatov

Eli Petrova

Manoil Manoilov

Manol Manolov

Oleg Stoilov

Stefan Saranedlechev

Christofor Bunardgiev

Christofor Iliev

Eugeny Harvey

Julia Mincheva

over 1000 bGn

Aneta Gekova

Valeria Ilareva

Valentina Marinova

Georgi Kolev

Desislava Iordanova

Dimitar Tzolov

Ivanka Mihaylova

Ilyana Nikolova

Kalin Petrov

Kalin Chakarov

Koljo Iordgev

Krasimira Chahova

Lubomir Borisov

Maria Petrova

Mariana Basheva

Pavlina Ivanova

With up to 500 bGn

Alexander Milanov

Alexander Palechutski

Anatolii Marinov

Ani Philipova

Anna Dimitrova

Asen Genov

Budimir Genov

Valentina Tepavicharova

Vanja Angelova

Genadi Gospodinov

Daniela Dimova

Denitza Abadgieva

Dilyan Mikov

Dr. Bushkalova

Evgenia Volen Krumova

Ekaterina Stancheva

Eleonora Gadgeva

Ernestina Shinova

Joro Dobrev

Ivaylo Zapryanov

Ivaylo Pehlivanov

Ivan Angelov

Ivan Atanasov

Ivan Zarev

Ivan Hadgiivanov

Ivanka Peneva

Igor Shemtov

Irina Dineva

Kiril Andrejchev

Kremena Radneva

Luba Jordanova

Margarita Saranedelcheva


"Dr. Martin Markov"

IC "Evro Ins"

„Zonta club“ Stara Zagora

„Inner Wheel Club“ Stara Zagora

„Direct Democracy Institute“

„Employers’ Club“

„Lions Club“ Pazardgik

„Lions Club“ Stara Zagora - Augusta

„Lions Club“ Stara Zagora - Trakia

„Leo betonovi izdelia“ Ltd.

„National Adoption Care Associa-tion“

CC "Aprilov-Palauzov"

OS at Bulgarian Red Cross - Shu-men

„Panda pen“ Ltd.

„Parallel Bulgaria“ Ltd.

PL Control

„Rezbonarezni instrumenti“ Ga-brovo


Resource Center „D. Dimitrov“

„Rotary Club“

„Rubiships“ Ltd.

"Balkan Assist" Association

“Debut” Association

IMKA Association

Severnocentralno dargavno pred-piatie

Sistemi za upravlenie Ltd.

SNC "Obektiv"

„Societe Genarale Expressbank“

Peter Andreev

Petja Koleva

Plamen Ilarionov

Ralitza Guri

Rositza Vrabevska

Rumen Georgiev

Tanja Tzvetanova

Frederick Mulder

Christo Lalev

legal Entities:

"Alternative 55"

"Progress" SC


Carna Valshart Voor - Gabrovo

Attorneys at law "Alexandrova"

„ADRA“ Ltd.

„Albena“ SC

„Alfrida Peev“ Ltd.

AMK "Zadvigvachta I upravlja-vachta technica"

„Vavi Trans“ Ltd.

„Veda Consult“

„Velikov & Co“ Ltd.

„Ventzi“ Gabrovo Ltd.

„Geotechmin“ Ltd.


„Dixi“ Ltd.

„Deniva“ Ltd.

„Diren“ Ltd.

DKZ 5 - Varna

„Evro Business Consulting group“ SC

Sofi 1.618 Ltd.

"Tzvete" Theatre

„Telekomplekt“ SC

TIS oil Ltd.

„Titan АС“, Varna branch

„Titan BKS“

SBT "Raycho Karolev"

SBT "St. Pantaleimon"

„Familex“ Ltd.

“Lukoil” Foundation

“Morski sadbi” Foundation

“Maria’s World” Foundation

„Zagora Holding“

Community Center "Saedinenie" Bardarski Geran

Donors and Partners • Annual Report 2013


Structure and Team


48 Structure and team • Annual Report 2013

Structure and Team

Board of the Trustees

Aniel Gotchev

Valeri Manchev /as of 18.10.2013 /

Dimitar Tzolov

Ilyan Hristov

Milena Burnaska

Monika Hristova – Chairperson /as of 18.10.2013 /

Ralitza Again-Guri /as of 18.10.2013 /

WCIF team

Executive Director — Iliyana Nikolova

Program Director — Eleonora Gadjeva

Philantropy Development Manager — Monika Pisankaneva

Grants and Development Manager — Petya Koleva

Financial Manager — Maria Soimenova

Communications and Information Manager — Denitza Abadgieva /till June 2013 after that in maternity leave/

Communications and Information Manager — Yana Noteva /from June 2013/

Development Coordinator — Janita Prodanova /till July 2013/

Program coordinator — Peter Andreev

Office Manager — Maria Petrova

Volunteer — Kevin Kuschel /till July 2013/

Program Director

Grants Manager


Development Manager

Communications and

Information Manager

Development Coordinator

Program Coordinator

Financial Manager

Office Manager

Structure of WCIF





Administrative team

Executive Director Management

Advisory GroupEvaluation of the project

proposals for funding

Program Team

Board of TrusteesStrategic governance, making political decisions for providing funding

Financial Report


52 Finance • Annual Report 2013

Financial Report


SAP Labs Bulgaria

48 895.75 BGN


Open Society Institute Foundation

34 187.90 BGN


Association Africa e Mediterraneo -

Comics for Equality, EU Funded Project

20 935.98 BGN


Corporate Donors

67 189.71 BGN




America for Bulgaria Foundation

318 000.00 BGN



71 471.00 BGN


Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

1 175 259.94 BGN



14 512.41 BGN


Sofia Municipality

6 000 BGN


Individual Donors

130 537.22 BGN


Paid Services

6 240 BGN



AssETs As of 31.12.2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ 2013 2012



1. Land and buildings, incl.: 257 271

— Buildings 257 271

2. Equipment 12 16

3. Vehicles and other long term tangible assets 4 4

Total for group I: 273 291

Grand Total “A”: 273 291



1. Other material assets 1 1

Total for group II: 1 1


1. Other takings 18 27

Total for group III: 18 27


1. Available cash 13 18

2. Cash in current accounts (deposits) 1966 1224

Total for group IV : 1979 1242

Grand Total “В” : 1998 1270

ToTAl AssEsTs (A+В) 2271 1561


Finance • Annual Report 2013


liAbiliTiEs As of 31.12.2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ 2013 2012



1. Other reserves 1184 637

Total for group I: 1184 637

Grand Total “A”: 1184 637


1. Liabilities to providers incl.: 2 6

up to 1 year 2 6

2. Other liabilities incl. : 2

— Social security incl. : 1

up to 1 year 1

— Taxes incl. : 1

up to 1 year 1

TOTAL “В”, incl.: 4 6

up to 1 year 4 6

C. Funding and future takings, incl. : 1083 918

— funding 1083 918

ToTAl liAbiliTiEs (А+В+C) 2271 1561




As of 31.12.2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ 2013 2012

SECTIONS, GROUPS, ARTICLES1. Expenses on materials and services incl.: 1 1

а ) external services 1 1

2. Expenses on employees, incl.: 4

а ) remunerations 4

б ) social security

3. Other expenditures 1

TOTAL expenditure on planned activities 1 6


4. Result from planned activities 5 3

Total Expenditure 1 6

5. Financial Income 5 3

6. Expenditure on income taxes 1 0

7. Result after taxation 4 3

ToTAl (Total ExpEnDiTURE+6+7) 6 9

Finance • Annual Report 2013



As of 31.12.2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ 2013 2012


1. Result from profit activities incl.: 6 9

— Services 1 5

— Rent 5 4

TOTAL income from the planned activities 6 9


Total Income 6 9

GRAnD ToToAl (inComE) 6 9

ACCoUnT on THE oWn CApiTAl As of 31.12.2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ CAPITAL OTHER RESERVES TOTAL

Balance at the beginning of the reported period 637 637

Financial result for the current period 547 547

Balance at the end of the reported period 1184 1184

„Own capital at the end of the reported period“ 1184 1184



/all figures are in thousands BGN/ As of 31.12.2013


i. Available cash at the beginning of the period 1242 1395

ii. Cash flow from non-profit activities

A. Revenue from non-profit activities

Donations under conditions 1861 777

Donations under no conditions 22 15

Revenue from banking and currency operations 117 143

Other revenues 1 5


B. Payments on non-profit activities

Paid donations 580 563

Salaries 180 152

Social security payments 44 36

Payments on banking and currency operations 82 109

Payments on services 135 154

Other payments 248 82


C. Net cash flow from non-profit activities 732 -156

Finance • Annual Report 2013



/all figures are in thousands BGN/ As of 31.12.2013


iii. Cash flow from profit activities

А. Revenues from profit activities

Revenue from sales of assets and services 5 9


B. Payments on profit activities

Payments on services and acquired assets 1

Other payments 5


C. Net cash flow from profit activities 5 3

IV. Available cash at the end of the period 1979 1242

V. Change in cash during the period 737 -153


ACCoUnT oF THE REVEnUE AnD ExpEnDiTURE FRom non-pRoFiT ACTiViTiEs 2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ As of 31.12.2013


i. Expenditure on activities

A. Expenditure on the planned activities

1. Donations 736 563

2. Other expenditure 39 81

TOTAL А 775 664

Б. Administrative expenditure 433 344

Total I 1208 988

ii. Financial expenditure

3. Negative result from exchange rates deviations 80 109

4. Other expenditure on financial operations 2 1

Total II 82 110

V. Total expenditure 1290 1098

Vi. Result 547 125

GRAND TOTAL (V + VI) 1837 1223

Finance • Annual Report 2013


ACCoUnT oF THE REVEnUE AnD ExpEnDiTURE FRom non-pRoFiT ACTiViTiEs 2013

/all figures are in thousands BGN/ As of 31.12.2013


i. Revenue from activities

А. Revenue from planned activities

2. Revenue from donations without condition 1654 1053

1. Revenue from donations under condition 27 16

Total I 1681 1069

ii. Financial income

2. Income from interests 62 54

3. Positive result from exchange rates deviations 90 97

Total II 152 151

iV. Revenue from economic activities 4 3

V. Total revenue 1837 1223

TOTAL (V) 1837 1223


We audited the attached Workshop for Civic Initi-atives Foundation’s financial Reports as of De-cember 31, 2013, consisting of Balance as of

December 31, 2013, the related to it Account on the rev-enues and expenditures, Account on the cash flow, and the Account on the own capital for the year ending on the a.m. date, as well as generalized announcement of existing accounting policies and practices and additional clarifying information.

The responsibility of the management con-cerning the financial reports

The management is responsible for the preparing and truthful presentation of this financial report in compli-ance with the National Accounting Standards for small and medium companies and the respective internal reg-ulations and monitoring systems which the manage-ment deems appropriate for the preparation of the fi-nancial reports, which should not contain inaccuracy, deviation, and discrepancy, no matter whether they are due to fraud or to error.

The responsibility of the auditor

Our responsibility involves expressing the auditor’s opinion on this financial report, based on the audit we have carried out. Our audit has been conducted

in compliance with the professional requirements of

Registered auditor 0087 Radinka b. stoeva 16, Lavale Street, Sofia

the International Audit Standards. These standards de-mand observing the ethic requirements, as well as that the audit is planned and carried out so that we are convinced to a reasonable extent that the report does not contain inaccuracy, deviation and discrepancy.

The audit involves the application of procedures with the aim to get auditor’s evidence concerning the sums and the declarations in the financial report. The selected procedures depend on the judgment of the auditor, including the assessment of the risks of con-siderable inaccuracy, deviations, and discrepancies in the financial report, no matter whether they are due to fraud or error. While making the risk assessment, the auditor takes into account the system of inter-nal monitoring, related to the preparation and truthful presentation of financial report on behalf of the man-agement to develop audit procedures which are suit-able for the concrete circumstances, but not with the aim of expressing opinion on the effectiveness of the system of internal monitoring. The audit also involves assessment of the suitability of the applied account-ing policies and the advisability of the approximate accounting evaluations, made by the management, as well as an evaluation of the overall presentation of the financial report.

We consider that the audit conducted by us provides adequate basis to express our auditor’s conclusion.

Independent Auditor’s Report


The Board of Trustees of

Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation


Finance • Annual Report 2013



In our opinion, the financial report gives a truthful and honest idea of the property and financial status of Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation as of December 31st, 2013, as well as of the financial results of its activities and the cash flow for the year, ending on that date, in compliance with the National Accounting Legislation for small and medium companies.

Report on other legal and regulatory requirements

An annual activities report of the Foundation according to the Bulgarian Accountancy Law /article 33/

In accordance to the requirements of the Bulgaria Accountancy Law /ar-ticle 38, item 4/ we have read the Foundation’s 2013 Annual activities re-port. This report is not part of its annual financial report for the same pe-riod. The responsibility for the preparation of this activity report is born by the management of the Foundation. The financial information in the

annual activity report is in accordance with all substantial aspects of the information given out in the financial report of the Foundation as of De-cember 31st, 2013.

31 . 03 . 2014 Registered Auditor:Sofia


Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation

7 Enos Str., fl.6, app. 9 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

tel./fax: (+359 2) 954 97 15

e-mail: wcif@wcif-bg.org www.wcif-bg.org



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