helen fısher

Post on 08-May-2015



News & Politics



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Minik bilgiler ve sorular

Scientists report that today college students are 40 percent less empathetic than 20 years ago. Why?


There are many neurons for empathy in the brain... some people have more than others? But can people make new ones?


Did you know that new fathers can suffer as much post natal depression as new mothers?


New data show that holding your baby not only provides security and comfort, but can reprogram genes to help learning and memory


A new study shows that testosterone goes up in men when around similar men, not dissimilar men--maybe relating to attempts for status.


Scientists now report that laughter reduces CORTISOL, the stress hormone, and is a mild form of exercise: laughter IS good medicine.   

Smile. You will live longer. You may be happier too, as smiling can alter brain chemistry.


The average human life span may soon be 100 years. This well certainly accelerate the Marriage Revolution.


The Laws of Attraction1

Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher explains how we choose who we love.

I knew some of what happens in the brain when you fall in love, because my colleagues and I had put 49 men and women who were madly in love into a brain scanner (fMRI) and recorded that rush of ecstasy. Many brain regions fly into action, but a major player is the brain’s "reward system," the network for elation, craving, goal-oriented behaviors and motivation — in this case, the motivation to win life’s greatest prize: an appropriate mating partner.

But why does this brain for intense romantic love But why does this brain for intense romantic love become active when you meet certain people and not become active when you meet certain people and not

others? others? No one knows. Timing certainly plays a role. We tend to

fall in love with someone from a similar background, with similar religious values and with the same degree of intelligence, education and good looks. Your childhood must play a part. And we gravitate to those who can give us the lifestyle that we seek.

The Laws of Attraction2

I decided to find out if brain chemistry also plays a role in whom we choose. I came to believe that humanity has evolved four natural styles of thinking and behaving — each associated primarily with a different chemical system in the brain

"Explorers," are born free and they express more dopamine . They are curious, creative, impulsive, spontaneous, optimistic, energetic and flexible.

"Builders" are more expressive of serotonin, they are traditional and conventional, as well as cautious, calm and often social. These men and women are networkers; community and family are important to them. They make good

managers because they are orderly, conscientious, thorough and loyal.

"Directors" are more expressive of testosterone, these men and women are analytical and logical. They are also direct, decisive, exacting and tough

minded. They are good at what scientists call "rule based systems" — things like math, mechanics and engineering.

"Negotiators" are what Plato called philosopher kings. Expressive of estrogen and oxytocin, these men and women see the big picture. They are imaginative

and intuitive. They have superb language and people skills. They are also compassionate, nurturing, agreeable, idealistic and emotionally expressive. 

The Laws of Attraction3

We are all a combination of all of these types, of course.

But we need to see to what degree you express all four of these basic biological systems

Each of these four broad personality types defines intimacy differently and builds a different kind of long-

term partnership. They also bring to the world somewhat different talents.

So now when I hear Barack Obama (a fine Explorer) speak, watch Gordon Brown (a Builder to the

bone) manage the financial affairs of England, read about Hillary Clinton (a Director) making a blunt

direct remark to the Chinese or watch husband Bill (a Negotiator) feeling another’s pain,

I marvel at how these four temperament styles have come across the eons, up from ancestors who pooled

very different talents to survive another day. And how, like two feet that need each other to get ahead,

we need our human diversity to create a better world.

Negotiator (intuitive, compassionate and nurturing):Bill ClintonOprah WinfreyCarla Bruni-Sarkozy

Explorer (artistic, optimistic and energetic):

Barack ObamaAngelina Jolie

Builder (cautious, calm and orderly): Colin Powell

George Washington

Director (rational, logical and emotionally contained):

Albert EinsteinBill Gates

Hillary Clinton

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