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Gastritis induced by the helicobacter 'Gastrospirillum




SJO VELDHUYZEN VANZANTEN, DA MALATJAUAN, LM DESORMEAU, LV P EREIRA. Gastritis induced by the helicobacter 'Gastrospirillum hominis'. Can J Gastroenterol 1994;8(4):257-259. A patien t with a 'Gastrospirillum homi nis' infection in the stomach is described. 'Gascrospirillum hominis' belongs co the genus 1-lelicobacr.er and is a rare cause o f gastritis in the human stomach. le can be recognized by its d istinct ive morphological appearance o n histology.

Key Words: Gastritis, GastrosJ>irillum, Helicobact.er

Gastrite provoquee par Helicobacter Gastrospirillum hominis

RESUME: U n patient atte int d'une infect ion a Gastrospirillu.m hominis au niveau de l'estomac csL decri t ici. Le Gastms/>irillum hominis appartient au genre f-lelico­bacter et est une rare cause de gastrite chez l'homme. O n peu t la reconnaitre par son apparence morphologique distinctive a l'histologie.


accepted as the most common cause for h istological evidence of gas­trit is (I ). Using rouLinc hematoxylin ,ind eosin staining H pylori organisms often can be easily recognized histo­logically by their charac te rist ic curved­spiral morrhology. I lowever, some-

Limes special histological stains are re­quired for identification of the organ­ism. W e describe a patient with 'Gas­trospirillum hominis' infection co promote awarenes:, that infections by spiral organisms o ther than H /Jy/ori can occur in the stomach. These organisms have a distinctive mo rphological ap-

Division of Gmcroencernlogy and Dc/1arunent of Pathology, Dalho11sie Unii,ersicy, Vicwria General Hos/1ical, I lalifax, Nova Scotia; and De/>anmem of Pathology and lncemal Medicine, Sc Mcirclia's Hos/>ical , Antigonis/i , Nova Scotia

Correspondence: IJr SJO Veu.lh11yzen van Zamen, Diuision of Gasn-cienwrology, Victorin General Hos/1ical, RC Dickson Cencrc, Room 4087, 1278 T ower R1xul, Halifax, Nom Scotia 133H 2¥9

Recciwd for publication March 30, 1994. Accepwd A1n·il 21 , 1994


pearance on gastric biopsies and can be dist inguished from H pylori on rouLinc hematoxylin and eosin staining.

CASE PRESENTATION A 36-year-old male underwent up­

per gastro intesLinal endoscopy because of chron ic dyspepsia. There was no prior history of peptic ulce r d isease. He smoked a pack of c igarcLtes a day for 15 years.

T he on ly travel h isrory outside C anada was a trip to Florida in the previous year. The patient had two healthy cats, and previously had a dog. I le regula rly hunted deer, rabbits and raccoons.

Upper gast roin testinal endoscopy revealed mild antral gastrit is. Biopsies o( the annum demonstrated a mild ch ronic gastritis with an increased number of lymphocytes and a few po ly­morrhonuclear ce lls. A rapid urease test lll assess the urease act ivity of bior­sies was no t performed. Spira l micro­organisms consistent with 'Gascro­spirillum homin is' were idemified at

h igher magnification on hemarnxylin and eosin staining (Figure l ). S ub­sequently e lectron microscopy was per­formed using the available biopsy ma­teria l (Figure 2). No H /Jylori organ isms



Figure 1) Gastric biopsy ( hematox:ylin and eosin, XI 250) demonstrating ~et•crnl long corkscreiu-like rn-ganisms ty/Jical for 'Gastrospiri/111111 /10minis' overlying the mucosa

Figure 2) Eleen-on micrograph (x20,000) showing tigl11ly coiled 'Gascros/Jirillum hominis' m·gan­isms tuirlt corkscrew appearance. Dark stained gasn·ic mucus dro/>lets are seen on the left

were seen. No biopsies were taken from the body of the stomach.

The patient was treated with bis­muth subsalicylate but because of side effects he subsequently received m11oxicillin 500 mg rid and metronida­zole 500 mg rid for l O days. The dyspep­sia symptoms resolved. A repeat endoscopy three months later was nor­mal and biopsies from the gastric an­trum and body were histologically normal. No 'Gastrospirillum hominis'

organisms were seen. Cultures of gastric biopsies were negative. Serology for im­munoglobul in (lg) G antibodies against H pylori was negative (2).

DISCUSSION 11 pylori is the cause of antral gastritis

and is linked to duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer (1 ). A lthough it is by for the most common cause of antral gastritis other spiral organisms may colonize the human l.tomach. Approxi-

matcly 60 cases of 'G~istrospirillum hominis' infection have been reported in the medical literature worldwide (3,4). The incidence of cases is low, varying from 0.25 co 0.4% (4,5). In most patients chronic dyspepsia w,1s the reason for endoscopy.

The morphology of 'Gastrospirillum hominis' is distinctive and can be iden­tified on routine hemacoxylin and eo­sin staining (Figure l ). Compared with I-I pylori, 'Gastrospirillum hominis' or­ganisms are longer (7 to IO µM) and are more t ightly coiled, with six to eight coils per bacterium, giving it a cork­screw appearance (Figure 2) (4-6).

In most cases of 'Gastrospirillum hominis' infection a chronic active gas­tritis is present, a lthough this is often less severe than the inf1ammation caused by I l /)ylori. Th..: number of or­ganbms is a lso lower and they often tend to be seen in small groups ( 4, 7). Unlike H J>ylori, 'Gastrospirillum hominis' is usually not in close contact with the mucosa! epithelial cells but is often found above the foveolar epi­thelial cells ( 4 ). Occasional invasion of parietal cells by 'Gastrospirillum hominis' has been seen (8,9).

To date in vitro culture of 'Gastro­spirillum hominis' has been unsuccess­ful, rendering the taxonomic identifi­cation of the organisms tentative (for this reason rhe name of the organism appears between single quotation marks). In vivo culture of 'Gastrospiril­lum hominis' is possible by inoculacing mice with scrapings from gastric biop­sies obtai ned from infected patients. With this technique, colonization of 'Gastrospirillum hominis' can be estab­lished, maintained and transferred in the mouse (I 0). Sequencing the I 6S ribosomal RNA gene of 'Gastrospirillum hominis' showed 96% homology with Helicobacter felis, indicating that 'Gas­trospirillum hominis' belongs to the ge­nus I lelicobacier (l l ). Our serological assay for measuring IgG-antibodics against H pylori was negative in this patient. This suggests that there is no cross-reactivity of this assay with 'Gas­trospiri llum hominis'. We can not ex­clude the possibility that cross-reactiv­ity with H J>ylori may occur and that the lack of seropositivity in this case was


due to the low number of 'Gastrospiril ­ldm hominis' organisms resulting in a low systemic antibody response.

Colonization of the gastric mucosa by 'Gasuospirillum hominis' is commonly ,een in cars, dogs and ocher animals such as monkeys :md pigs. Several human cases have been associated with pets {3,12-14). The case described here also had a history of exposure co animals.

Activity of the urease enzyme in 'Gastrospirillum hominis' infection has been demonstrated using a rapid urease test on gastric biopsies (3,4,13,15,16). However, not a ll in fected patients have a positive urease rest; the ir u rease

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Dr Veld­huy"cn wm Znntcn holds a Career Award from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer~ As­soc int ion of Canada/Medical Rc~earch Council.

REFERENCES l. Veldhuyzcn van Z:mten SJO, Sherman

PM. Hdicobacter /1ylori infection as a cause of gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric cancer, ,md non-ulcer dyspepsia: a systematic overview. Can Med Assoc ] 1994; 150:177-85.

2. Best LM, Vcldhuyzcn van Zantcn SJO, Bezanson GS, ct al. Serological detection of Helicobactcr pylori by Flow M icrosphcre I mmunotluorcscent Assay (FM IA). J Clin Microbial l992;30:23l l-7.

3. McN ulty CAM, Dent JC, C urry A, ct al. New spiral organism in gastric mucosa. J Clin P:uhol 1989;42:585-9 J.

4. Heilmann KL, Borchard F. Gastritis due to ~pirnl shaped bacteria ocher th:m Hclicobaccer /J)•friri: clinical, histologica l, anJ ultrastructural findings. Gut 1991;32:137-40.

5. 'Gastrospirillum hominis'. Lancet l 989;ii:252-3. (Et.lit)

6. The Hdicobaccer genus: now we are nine. Lancet l 992;3 W:840- l. (Edit)

enzyme activity may be less than in H pylori. Treatment of 'Gastrospiri llum hominis' is easier th an H pylori. A l­though combination therapy has been used (13) most patien ts are eradicated when bismuth subsalicylate was used as monorherapy for fou r weeks (4) . The chronic gastritis seen in infected pa­tients disappears after the organism is eradicated ( 4 ). lf not treated the organ­ism can persist in rhe human stomach for a long time, analogous to infection by H pylori (4). The organism has also been found in the duodenal mucosa with evidence of duodenitis ( 17). ln a few cases presence of 'Gastrospirillum

7. Lee A, O'Rourke J. Ga,Lric bacteria other than /-lelicohacwr /Jylori. Gastrocnterol Clin North Am I 993;22:2 1-42.

8. Lee A, Eckstein RP, Fevrc DI, Dick E, Kellow E. Non-Campylobacwr pylori spiral organisms in the gastric ancrum. Aust N Z J Med 1989; l 9: l 56-8.

9. Dubois A, Tarnawski A, Newell DG, ct al. Gastric injury and invasion of parieta l cells by spiral bacteria in rhesus monkeys. Gastrocntcrology 199 l; 100:884-91.

10. Dick E, Lee A, Watson G, et al. Use of the mouse for the isolation and investigation of sromach-associnced, spiral-helical shaped bacteria from man and other animals. Med Microbiol 1989;29:55-62.

l l. Solnick JV, O'Rourkc J, Lee A, er al. 'Gascrospirillum' is a new species of Hclicobactcr in humans. Gastroentcrology l 992; l 02:A699. (Abst)

12. Lee A, Dent J, Haze II S, ct al. Origin of spiral organisms in the human gastric amrum. Lancet l 988;i:300- l.

13. Dye R, Marshall BJ, Frierson HF, ct al. U ILrascructurc of another spiral organism associated wirh human gastritis. Dig Dis Sci l 989;34: 1787 -9 l.

14. Dye KR, Mnrsh::ill BJ, Frierson JR,


Gastritis due to 'Gastrospirillum hominis'

hominis' was associated with a duode­nal ulcer ( 18). ln teresLingly, i.n mon­keys, basic acid output and peak acid output were increased in animals in­fec ted with 'Gastrospirillum hominis' compared with controls (9). Cninfec­

tion of 'Gasrrospi rillum hominis' and H pylori has also been described (4,19). Finally, 'Gastrospirillum hominis' has a lso been reported in chi ldren; the youngest case was three years old (20).

In summary, infection with 'Gastro­spirillum hominis' is a rare cause of chronic gastri t is in man and can be recognized by the distinct morphology of the organism.

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16. Figura N, Gugliclmcui P, Quaranta S. Spiral shaped bacteria in g,1stric mucosa. J Clin Pachol 1990;43: 173.

17. Nakshahcndi IM, Peebles SE, Lee FD, Russell RI. Spiral shaped microorganisms in the human duodenal mucosa. Postgracl MeJ J 199 l ;67:846-7.

18. Borody T, George L, Brant.II S, cc al. Hdicobacter /Jy/ori negmive duodenal ulcer. Am J Gastrocmerol l99l;89:l l54-7.

19. Quciroz OM, Carbral MM, Nogueira AM, Barbosa AJ, Rocha GA, McnJcs EN. Mixed gastric infection by 'Gastrospirillum homin is' and Helicobac1er /Jylori. Lancet I 990;336:507 -8.

20. Oliva MM, Lazcnhy AJ, Perman JA. Gastritis associated with 'Gastrospiril lum hominis' in children. Mod Parhol l 993;6:5 13-5.


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