helicopter battlefield project(hbp) · d) 3 weapons a) rpg b) sniper rifle c) gun 3) helicopter...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Helicopter BattleField Project(HBP) Unity Asset Store ReleaseVersion 1.0.0

Helicopter BattleField Project(HBP) 1 Unity Asset Store Release 1

Version 1.0.0 1

Project Description 2 How Understand & Use The Project 3 First Simple Project Approach 3Create Local Scene From Scratch Tutorial 5Create New Multiplayer Map From Scratch Tutorial 17Components Documentation 25

Project Description HBP is a complete and easy to customise project, allow users without coding knowhow to create great game and publish it.The project structure at high level features: - Login & Register System 1) Access as Facebook user 2) Access as Registered user 3) Access as guest- Multiplayer Lobby & Rooms 1) Server access settings 2) Game mode, dead match & team match 3) Game maps(scene) automated settings- Player Stuff 1) Helicopter 2) FPS Character on helicopter a) Shoot from helicopter b) Go out move & shoot c) Come back d) 3 weapons a) RPG b) Sniper rifle c) Gun 3) Helicopter Hud UI 4) Helicopter weapons: a) Simple rocket b) Heat seeking rocket c) Anti-Soldier rocket d) Cluster bombs rocket e) Machine gun f) vertical bombs 5) Player base stuff a) Player base building b) Running soldiers troop- Enemies Stuff 1) Shooting boat 2) Tank 3) Helicopter 4) Artillery flak 5) Jet aeroplane 6) Soldier rifle troops 7) Enemies base stuff- Scene Special Components 1) Gas Station(get fuel by rewarded video) 2) Helicopter repair station 3) Weapons station(get weapons ammunitions by rewarded video) 4) Helicopter carrier ship 5) Enemies Controller On Scene script(enemies spawn system)- Editor Window Helpers 1) Scene Helper Window(Easy & fast add prefab on scene) 2) Local Scene Manager(automatically manage game scenes) 3) Multiplayer scene manage(create complete multiplayer scene here) 4) Multiplayer Lobby & rooms settings 5) Unity advertising & Unity InApp-Purchase settings- Scoreboard System - Unity Advertising Service & Unity InApp-Purchase Service - Hangar Scene To Choose Player Helicopter

How Understand & Use The Project First Simple Project Approach*** Important *** Before you can test complete game working, you must setup third part packages , at the least:

- Photon Cloud Server read how in this doc:

Now you can play the game.

To use the project at basic level is very easy, it comes game ready to play,

You can find Login / Main Menu scene here:

You can find others local game ready scene here:

And Multiplayer here:

So an easier way to create your own game is simply to customise existing scene changing graphics, model etc…

Create Local Scene From Scratch TutorialSimple follow steps below:

1) Create new scene and save as “MyFirstScene” here:

2) Add a base terrain

3) As some of our enemies use NavMeshAgent to move, we need to bake navigation system, select “Navigation” tab, then press “Bake”, after bake is done your scene look like this:

At this point you can add your scene models before start to add game components, for this tutorial the terrain is enough.

4) Remove the MainCamera we’ll add our one

5) Add EventSystem component

now our hierarchy panel look like this:

and we’re ready to add real game components.

6) Oper our “Scene Helper Window”

7) Now we start adding basic player stuff:

Helicopter press this:

Helicopter HUD UI

Helicopter camera

7) Select player helicopter gameObject: place it +/- in the centre of the terrain

set also the right height (Transform Y Value)

8) Place the camera close to helicopter:

9) At this point we’re ready to fly press Play to see if everything works, helicopter should start Taking off, you can drive it, shoot etc…

10) Now we’re ready to add enemies, open again “Scene Helper Window”

in this tutorial we add 3 enemies components, press on:- Tank- Helicopter- Flakin “Enemies Prefabs” section

Select just added gameObjects and place them around the player helicopter not too close and in the right position on terrain

11) Good, scene is ready to play, test if everything works, at this point we just need to integrate this scene in the starting Main Menu scene, “Play Local Game” panel, this one:

First we need an icon to represent this game level, so create it, and save somewhere, I’ve saved in same folder as scene:

12) Now open our “Local Scene Manager”

as you can see, the four default scenes are already in the list, to add the new one press on “Create New Map Scene” , a new section will appear:

drag the just created scene and the icon in the corresponding fields:

then press “Add” button, you can see now the new map in the list:

done, to check open “MainMenu” scene

press editor “Play” then “Local Play” button, you can see the new map working…

Conclusion: In few steps you’ve created a working scene, from here you can manage your scene adding enemies, model etc…

Create New Multiplayer Map From Scratch TutorialAs local game you easily create multiplayer new map , at project instal you have two ready:

1) In case of multiplayer you don’t need to create and save the scene before populate with components, an editor script will do for you. So open menu “Multiplayer Scene Helper Window”

As you can see, independent which scene is open you are brought in “MainMenuMultiplayer” scene because is the scene used to manage multiplayer access-

there are two sections:- Current active maps button manager- List of scene in build settings

now we are interested in “Create New Scene” button, so write the name of the scene you are going to create, we keep the default name, press “Create New Scene” button

a popup will appear:

press “Save”, editor window will close and new scene is created in this folder:

2) Open the scene, you can see the scene has been added in Build Settings:

and the scene is ready with all basic multiplayer components:

3) As there aren’t no models in the scene, at the least you must add a base terrain or what else with collider, to test. So add a terrain then place where you like, helicopter spawn points:

then save the scene.4) Now we have to add the new map button in “Create Game Map” panel

Open again “Multiplayer Scene Helper Window” as in step (1) then press :

a new empty line is added:

fill with data:

then press “Save Map”

window will close, the job is done.The new scene is integrated in multiplayer access control , to check it open “mainMenu” scene:

press editor Play then “Play Multiplayer” button, choose the match type:

choose the lobby access mode:

press “Create”

your new map button is there:

press it, you are in waiting for others players

Components Documentation As there are many components, we’ve made one for each, you can find all in this folder:

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