hello socialbutterfly company presentation

Post on 07-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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So you’ve started your

own business and you are following your dreams…

…things are going great!

But you wish you had

a few more customers, some extra time and a bigger bottom line.

But how do you get there?

digital marketing!

digital marketing!

was started to fulfill this gap in the market;

to provide digital marketing support to new and small businesses.

we think

for businesses

BIG small

We felt especially passionate about digital marketing.

We felt especially passionate about digital marketing.


Because digital marketing can be scary!

Perhaps you are returning to work after having

children and are a little out of date with digital.

Perhaps you are returning to work after having

children and are a little out of date with digital.

Or are you a super talented artist who does not care for technical gobble-de-gook?

Perhaps you are returning to work after having

children and are a little out of date with digital.

Or are you a super talented artist who does not care for technical gobble-de-gook?

Or maybe you just don’t have the confidence to do it yourself and can’t afford a big agency.

Perhaps you are returning to work after having

children and are a little out of date with digital.

Or are you a super talented artist who does not care for technical gobble-de-gook?

Or maybe you just don’t have the confidence to do it yourself and can’t afford a big agency.

Or is it the lack of time and energy that is holding you back?

no fear because...


and do digital marketing for you!  


we what we do!

Our goal is to make your business a success.

Because when you are successful, we are successful!

Our motto is:

“I am because you are”

building dreams.

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

for start-ups

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

for start-ups

for small businesses

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

for start-ups

for small businesses

for women

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

for start-ups

for small businesses

for women

for you.

building dreams.

for mumpreneurs

for start-ups

for small businesses

for women

for us.

building dreams.

following dreams.

Because our business is owned by a woman

and targets women, everything we do,

keeps women at the center.

We believe

that people are more important than policies,

laughter and service are more valuable than money,

and that family and peace of mind are more productive than long hours.

affordable effective

simple ho


what do we do?

how do we do it?

meet to understand objectives and overcome misperceptions

how do we do it?

analytics, feedback and ongoing evaluation of goals

how do we do it?

no fancy jargon or technical terminology

how do we do it?

friendly, personal and fun

how do we do it?

adaptable to your business needs and budget

still not sure if you need our help?

if our personality, expertise and honesty are not enough to win you over,

then maybe our rates will!

from just AED500, we can customize

a social media plan, your seo strategy,

perform a mini keyword research, a coaching session to train you on Adwords,

an original blog post, or design a logo.

If you would prefer to receive our rate card, please send us an email.

Or, better yet, let’s meet up over a cup of tea

and have a chat about your business and objectives. (psst - it’s on us!)


because we understand you and we are you!



050 516 4011


Lindi Ogilvie





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