helvetas ict tools for collaboration interim report

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Tools for collaboration in HelvetasInterim Findings

March 2010Pete Cranston


ToR, Activities and Assumptions Perception of Helvetas

– Use of ICT– Approaches to Knowledge and Information– Usage and perceptions of Donyaso– International Office Capacity

Choices Option Models

– Integrated– Loose

Next Steps

Brief: Evaluation of Helvetas use of Collaborative Technologies

“take account of current uses and functionality of the Helvetas intranet (Donyaso), as well as other collaborative technologies which are currently being used on a regular basis (ie., PBWorks, Dgroups)...

not to outline application functionality ( but) to – examine and analyze current uses of specific

applications– identify usage and functionality gaps– provide input into deliberations around whether future

investments would build on the existing Lotus Notes/Domino core infrastructure or consider moving to a substantially different platform.

Research activities to date

Background documentation– including the KS strategy; ICT Board briefing

presentations and papers by Riff and Manfred; PMS evaluation; single sign on proposal; interviews with three Zurich based staff; personas

– Status and content of current reviews into PMS, Accounting and Internet/F&C systems

6 Interviews– Manfred Berger, Barbara Hahn, Andreas Hekler

(Controller), Walter Leissing, Stefan Stolle (Head of C&F), Riff Fullan

Surveys– Online: approx. 200 resp., average 105 complete– International Offices ICT capacity

Assumptions Organisationally the coming together of Helvetas and

Intercooperation is generating significant additional workload in terms of process and system harmonisation.

Helvetas is in the middle of a series of ICT reviews, including of the PMS, Accounting, Fund Raising, and the external-facing online presence, all of which bear on this review. As of 28/2/10:

– Andreas Hekler confirmed that Helvetas is likely to choose AbaProject as a replacement for the current PMS, Pacaya

– Helvetas will continue to use FunTrade – The review of tools to support external facing web

platforms is still to report developing or replacing the current toolset to support

collaboration is unlikely to be a major focus until the end of 2010 at the earliest, and probably later

Online Survey - headlines

People use ICT tools to communicate Knowledge Sharing

– islands of collaboration, limited inter-island traffic– echoes the good practice of fundraising, “we talk, we

use a commonly understood shared file system” Donyaso

– Most staff appreciate some functions, few are enthusiastic, some very frustrated

– Usage of core collaborative spaces is low, suggesting overall usage focus on PMS, personnel information and static information

International Offices - Googlisation

Roughly equivalent to European broadband A - Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan (electr.) B – Afghanistan (VSAT), Vietnam (Hanoi +

HCMC) C - Ethiopia (Addis), Benin, Tajikistan

(Dushanbe), Mali, Laos– All with electricity issues

Development NGO system choices

Rule Based Complex/Chaotic







Invest in Donyaso Invest in integrated corporate collaborative

tools– Full featured– Light

Open Architecture

Donyaso – a lost opportunity

Lost champion Platform limitations (not insoluble) Lack of investment in available improvements Significantly limited Notes mail implementation Low level of confidence, usage and interest Notes infrastructure under question (PMS,

Accounts, external Internet/Communications environment review)

Availability of quality, free/public alternatives Interest in and support for alternatives

The challenge of moving on from Donyaso


Staff profiles



Document repository

Discussion board and archives

Communities of Practice

Lessons learnt


Full-text search (of all resources, or filtered by category of information object)


Web interface to email

Automated newsletter


Invest in Donyaso

Advantages– Supplier & Helvetas– Leverage existing infrastructure and staff capacity– Integrated System– Infinitely (though expensively) configurable

Disadvantages– Intricacy and complexity of the solution– Need for major improvements– No momentum– Move to AbaProject– IBM commitment– Range of other packages available– To date poor multimedia handling– Less effective without Notes client

Fully featured corporate solution – Lotus Connections

Advantages– Integrated System– Infinitely (though expensively) configurable – Developing a good reputation

Disadvantages– Integrated system– Major bespoke development– Integration with current Notes environment


Fully featured corporate solution -the Microsoft family

Advantages– Integrated solution– Low risk in terms of company and product

life– Modern, familiar, evolving interface– Cost

Disadvantages– Integrated Solution (AbaProject)– Tightly organised, less reputable as a CoP


Integrated solution lite – e.g. Karl

Advantages– Managed in-house, effective security and user

management– Well designed and featured collaboration package– Open Source– Data held in-house

Disadvantages– New development– Small user base – Multimedia content handled moderately– Internet access, though wiki and blog can be updated

by mail

Open Architecture

Donyaso Open Applications Karl Staff profiles Use a Social Network builder such as Ning

or, possibly, a network such as Linked In Dgroups has basic profile functionality Build in/or from an HR system


Wiki PBworks or one of many other wikis Y Blog Google Blogspot, WordPress Y Document repository

Core Project Documentation will be in AbbaProject. Other documents can be stored in a Wiki or possibly a Google Site


Communities of Practice

Dgroups or other email groups Configurable social media, Ning et al


Discussion archives

A subset of CoP Y

Lessons learnt A subset of CoP N Thesaurus N Full-text search Google custom search Y Mail Either stay with Notes but install the client

globally or migrate to an alternative system N

Web interface to email

Normally part of the mail package. N

Automated newsletter

To be developed N

Single sign on This can be provided by third party solutions Y

Open Architecture

Advantages– Best of breed in each situation – Continuing development within each platform– Can be loosely coupled and linked– Flexible in response to complexity– Attractive, modern interfaces

Disadvantages– Possibly multiple sign in– Multiple interfaces– Data held offshore– Internet Access only– Probably sizeable internal investment in adaptation,

culture change and capacity development

How can ICT tools support and increase collaborative behaviour?

Treat Accountability and Learning differently– AbaProject, will have all the core

accountability documents; mandatory, formal reviews and evaluation

Learning is a social process– Only conversations bridge the islands– Tools to support conversations– Welcome redundancy of content

Quick wins

Simplify, simplify, simplify – processes & systems

80% of international offices to the standard of European home broadband by end 2011

Minimise documentation, archive and delete ruthlessly

Invest in conferencing software Invest in Training

Summary of findings Donyaso should be phased out and Helvetas

“future investments should consider moving to a substantially different platform“

Implement quick wins Examine alternative options in more detail Develop 24 month road map for replacement

– Achieve consensus on priority requirements– Review solutions & prototype options– Plan and implement

Next Steps

Costing Estimates? 6 further interviews of staff identified from online survey,

to help develop checklist for priority improvement Final report

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