hepworth herald fri 5 may 2017 - hepworthjandischool.org herald week 2 ... kitney and patrick...

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Hepworth Herald Week 2 Fri 5th May 2017

Head Teacher’s Awards

Well done to everyone who made it on to our honours list.

Rec: Hettie Marsden and Lucy Simpson

Year 1: Ayla Denby and Ysabeau Felton

Year 2: Jake Fanshaw and Tristan Westwood-Eaves

Year 3: Lily Beatty and Isobel Stappard

Year 4: Paige Dunbar, Alex Blake & Maisie Grove

Year 5: Harry Kilner and Ellie Beaumont

Year 6: Lexie Keogh and Alexander Exley

Lunchtime Supervisor’s Awards

KS1: Hettie Marsden and Lacey Beecher

KS2: Beth Cannon and Alexander Exley

Gardener of the Week

Ellie Clegg and Digby Cartwright

This week’s Roving Reporters were Thea Kitney and Patrick Tummons

Dates for your Diary

Wed 3rd, 17th & 24th May – Neiley Races

Sat 6th May – Class 4 Brass Holmfirth Festival of Folk

Mon 8th May – SATS Week

Tues 9th May – Y2 Cake sale

Fri 12th May – Guitarists playing in assembly

Wed 17th and 24th May – Class 4 River Project

Thur 18th May - Themed Lunch in school

Fri 19th May – Class 3 Mini Olympics

Tues – 23rd May – Kwik Cricket Competition

Fri 26th May – Reserve day for Kwik Cricket – Last day of half term

Mon 5th June – Back to school

Thur 8th, Fri 9th Jun – Y6 Bikeability

Mon 12th June – Class 4 Conisborough Castle

Wed 14th June – Coffee Morning – Lamp Lighters

Mon 19th June – Class Photos

Tues 20th June – FOHS Meeting

Thur 22nd June – Y6 Maths Challenge (4 Pupils)

Fri 23rd June – Class 4 Assembly

Mon 26th June – Hepworth Feast (Inset Day)

Wed 28th June – Y4 Sports Barn

Tues 4th July – Transition Day – Y6 to High School

Mon 10th July – Stem Fayre @ HHS (6-8 Pupils)

Fri 7th July – Sport’s Day

Wed 12th July – Coffee Morning – Holme Valley Sharing

Thur 13th July – Reserve Sport’s Day

Fri 14th July – Duck Race

Mon 17th July – KS2 Dress Rehearsal

Tues 18th & Wed 19th July – KS2 Performance

Fri 21st July – Last day of term

Message from the Headteacher It is lovely to see the children playing on the field at the moment. This is all new to me as it has been waterlogged since I arrived. It really does mean so much to them –probably more than anything else that we could do in school. The commitment and hard work shown by Alan Brook and David Cartwright is amazing. They have dug and shovelled by hand and with mechanical diggers this week ready for further work by parents on Sunday.Thanks must also go to Naylor Myers and Hepworth Clay for very generously donating gravel and pipes. Thanks again to all who will show up to give their time to help. It looks like it is working but we do need some rain to test it properly! Thanks also to the community for getting behind our Food Bank collection. The bin is now overflowing and will be collected on Tuesday by the volunteers. It is lovely to see the enthusiasm for this being shown by the children. We are teaching them that charity is important! I enjoyed seeing so many children from Class 3 and 4 represent our school in the Neiley Race Cross Country Competition on Wednesday. The atmosphere was fantastic and all the children supported each other in a real team effort. I felt very proud! As well as the sports and outdoor provision we have been working extremely hard in school towards our important tests in Year 2 and Year 6 in the next couple of weeks. We are again proud of how hard pupils are working and I am sure that they will get the results that they deserve which will set them up for a successful future.

Our food bank, ready for collection!


The children Dino

FOHS News Last term's 'Hepworth's Got Talent!' show made a fantastic £281. Thank you for all your support. It was such a fun evening which we plan to make an annual event. The first fund raising event of this term is the cake sale on Tuesday 9th May. We will be gratefully asking Class 2 to contribute this time. The buns are 30p each and if your child could bring their money in the morning; they can purchase a bun in the afternoon. Any buns left over will be available to buy after school in the school hall. Thank you Class 2! On Thursday 25th May there will be another Film Club held after school. Permission slips will be sent out shortly. The children are welcome to bring their own snacks and will be given a drink and an ice cream, all for £3. Looking ahead to next half term, Friday 7th July will be our Summer Fete. Planning for this will be starting shortly! We are always looking for new ways to fundraise. If you have any ideas or would like to help at any of the events please email us friendsofhepworthschool@gmail.com Here is an old photo from 1980 of Hepworth children being awarded their Cycling Proficiency certificates.

Learning Corner Class 1 – Felix explained they have been planting beanstalks ready for the Big Giant and have been keeping a bean diary. They have also written their own stories about a “magic beanstalk” and what special things it might grow. Mrs Heeley said hers would grow shiny gems. In Maths they have been learning about the terms “long” and “short”.

Class 2 – We spoke to Darcy and Ben who told us they have been learning how paper is made using the “Paper Caper”. They have planted seeds in different ways to find out which works best. They planted one seed in only water, another in only soil and another they left in the sunlight. The final seed was planted in soil, with water and sunlight. In maths they have been halving and doubling 2 digit numbers. In ICT they have been learning how to “print screen” and “paste” into a word document. Their topic this term is about Victorians.

Class 3 – Charlotte and Joseph F told us they have been learning about the Holmfirth Flood in 1852, using drama to help with their writing. For their topic on weather, they have been looking at hurricanes and blizzards as well as researching climates in different countries. They have also been learning the French words for different animals. In maths they have been practicing their mental addition and subtraction. In Science they have learning more about the human body, particularly the heart and liver.

Class 4 – We have been learning about circles and how to find the circumference using pi. We have also been recapping fraction sums. We have been practicing our reading comprehension ready for the SATs next week. We have finished our whole class book “The Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom”. Most of us really enjoyed the story and were happy with the ending. For art we have been drawing “blind” without looking at our paper and have been looking at abstract art. For DT we are learning about Cam mechanisms.

Folk Festival Concert We talked to Ruby, Amelia and Abigail who will be performing at the Folk Festival Concert tomorrow in the Civic Hall. They will be playing along with some pupils from Class 4 Brass and children from Holmfirth High and other primary schools. They will be playing “Orpheus and Eurydice” on their recorders. They are feeling really excited. Good luck to all our performers.

Class 1 Balanceability We talked to Lucy and Daniel who said they really enjoyed having a go at Balanceability. They practiced “Dinosaur Legs”, jumping over shapes and sitting on shapes to help with their balance. The instructors were very impressed with how well they did and their lovely behaviour.

Neiley Races Zac told us he wasn’t sure at the beginning of the race whether he should sprint or try and pace himself. Luckily he paced himself well as the race was quite long and at the end, everyone was really tired. We are very proud of all the children for their commitment. For a small school we were very well represented.

School Field Now it is no longer water logged thanks to our army of volunteers, who have not only given up their time but have also provided all the equipment free of charge, everyone is loving being able to play on the field again.

Welcome to Hepnet for May

Less than two weeks to go to the Hepworth Players production "Ladies Day" by Amanda Whittington - 11th, 12th, 13th May at 7.30pm. The play was originally performed by the Hull Truck Theatre in 2005. (This amateur production is by arrangement with Nick Hern Books) There will also be the world premiere of a new short play "Psychic Night" by Sarah Paget. Tickets (£6) are available from Ruth Brook (686557) Regular monthly events at a glance FILM NIGHTS: 7.30pm - usually 2nd Friday in month. Sat 20th - Holmfirth Film Festival (HFF) - Kubo and the two Strings Sat 20th May - HFF - Toni Erdmann - 7.00pm Sun 21st May - HFF - Men and Chicken Fri 26th May - HFF - The Salesman Friday 9th June - Bridge of Spies **-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-** HepworthLIVE: 8.00pm usually (not always) last Saturday in month *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS - 10.00am to 12.00noon - 2nd Wednesday in month Wed 10th May - Huddersfield Guide dogs for the Blind Wednesday 14th June - Lamplighters

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