herub dk aby jacket and hat - cascade...

Post on 08-Jun-2020






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Cherub DK Baby Jacket and Hat


Cherub DK Baby Jacket & Hat

Size 1 year: (2 years) Finished Measurements: Chest: 22” (25”) Length: 11” (13”) Sleeve length: (From Dropped Shoulder) 7” (8.5’) Materials: Cherub DK –2 skeins of #502 MC and 3 skeins of #32 CC 5 buttons Needle size: US 8 & 9, or size needed to obtain gauge. Gauge: 4 sts = 1” in st. st. on larger needles and using 2 strands of yarn. Abbreviations: MC-Main Color CC-Contrasting Color BO-Bind Off CO-Cast On Sts-stitches WS-Wrong side row RS-Right side row Dec-Decrease St. st.– straight stitch PM-Place Marker K2Tog-Knit 2 stitches together Back: With larger needles and 2 strands of Cherub DK in MC, cast on 44 (50) st. Work 1” in garter st. *Change to 1 stand of Cherub DK in CC and work 6 rows in st. st. beginning with a knit row. Change to 2 strands of CC and knit 2 rows in garter stitch. * Repeat from *3 (4) times. Change to MC and continue in st st until piece measure 11” (13”) from the beginning, ending with a WS row. Place 14 (16) sts. On each side of holders for shoulders which may be BO together with the front shoulders lat-er. ( If you prefer, shoulder sts may be BO at the point and sewn to front later.) Put center 16 (18) sts. On hold-er for back neck. Right Front: With larger needles and CC, Cast on 20 (23) sts and work 1” in garter st. Work as give for back until piece measures 9” (11”) from beginning, ending with a WS row. Front Bands With smaller needles, pick up 39 (49) stitches from front edge & work 3 rows’ in garter stitch starting with Knit row. Row 4: Button hole row: (right side for Girl, Left side for Boy) K3,(k4) yo, k2 tog, *k6,(k8) yo, k2 tog,* repeat from to last 3 (4)stitches, k3.(k4) Knit 2 row and then BO.

Shape Neck: BO 3 (4) sts at beginning of next row. Then decrease (dec) 1 st. at neck edge every other row 3 times. Work until same length as back, ending with WS row. BO shoulder sts. Together with back shoulder sts. ( If you prefer, BO all sts. And sew to back shoulder later.) Left Front: Work as for right front but reverse shaping. Sleeves: If you did not BO Back & front shoulder sts. Together, sew them together now. Measure 5” (5.5”) down each side of shoulder seam & place markers for armhole. With larger needles & with MC, pick up 41 (45) sts between markers. Work in st. st. dec’ing 1 st on each side on the 6th row & then every following 4th row until 25 (27) sts. Remain. Work even until sleeve in 6” (7.5”) from the beginning, ending with WS row. Change to CC and work 1” in garter st. BO. Collar: With smaller needles, with CC and WS of garment facing you, pick up 14 15) sts along left front neck, placing first st into front band, Knit across 16 (18) st of back neck, pick up 14(15) st along right front neck, placing the last st into the band. Work in garter st. increasing 1 st. on each end of 3rd and every following 4th row. When collar measures 2 (2.5”) BO. Sew side and underarm seams. Sew on buttons. Hat Knitted in the round # 8 US 14” and a # 9US 14” Needles. (Change to DPN’s when work gets to small to work with the circular needle, OR you can use 2 x circular needles) With the smaller needles and CC , CO 63 (70) stitches. Join to form a circle, be careful not to twist the band. Pm Purl 1 Row, knit 1 row Repeat last 2 rows for 1” ending with a Knit Row, moving the marker as you start a new row. *Change to larger needles & 1 strand of each yarn Knit 6 rows. Change to MC. Knit 1 row Purl 1 Row, Knit 1 Row. *** Repeat From *to ** for 5 ½” from beginning. Keeping the pattern correct shape top of has as follow. Row 1:*K5, k2tog Repeat from * to end Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Work Even. Row 3: *k4, k2tog * to end Row 5: *k3, k2tog * to end Row 7: *k2, k2tog * to end Row 9: *k, k2tog * to end Row 11: *k2tog * to end Row12: work 2 tog all across row ( 5 sts remain) Row 13: with MC, k2tog, K1 k2tog. Work approximately 3 ½ of I cord on these remaining 3 sts.

Finish off. Tie cord in a knot.

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