hey ! what's up !?!.... so are you in for another outstanding class ?

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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HEY ! WHAT'S UP !?!...

So are you in for another outstanding class ?...

Yes ? Well, believe it or not...

But me too !....


Does anyone remember what we

talked about last class ?...

And to be more precise...

What 2 modals have we been learning about,

lately ?

And by the way...

Does anyone remember what modals are, and

what are they used for ?

And can anyone give any example about

how they are used ?


And now, while we're at it...

What about learning the other modals ?

And in fact..

Can you name any of them ?...


And now...

What are these modals used for ?


The answer to that would be a bit more complicated, right ?

So what about finding that answer

together !?!...


GREAT !...


What modal are we going to study first ?

But wait !

I have an idea !...

Let's just look at the following examples...

And see if you can find what modal we are talking about !...

I can dance !I can sing so well !

I can speak English !

Indeed, it's « CAN » !...


And by the way...Since we know that every modal serves to express

some « modality » or « mood » of the verb, or in

other words to « modify » its meaning in some specific


Can we really learn a modal without learning

how exactly it can modify the meaning of a

verb ?

Wouldn't it help to learn what exactly a modal is used for ?


Or in other words...

Wouldn't it help to know what its function

is ?

And hoping that you agree with that...

Let's see if you CAN actually find out what « CAN » is used for !

So, getting back to the same examples...

Just look carefully...

I can dance !I can sing so well !

I can speak English !

A) abilityB) possibility

C) permission (informal)

So, is CAN used to indicate...

GREAT !...

And now,what about these other examples...

Can I use your pencil ?Can I go to the cinema?Can you wait a moment,


A) abilityB) possibility

C) permission (informal)

So now, what does CAN indicate ?...

And finally, let's take a look at another set

of examples...


It can get very hot in Arizona.It can be John. He has blond

hair and he is wearing glasses.

We can go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next

week.Milk can cause allergies.

A) abilityB) possibility

C) permission (informal)

And what on Earth could the answer be, this

time ?...


How did you guess ?...

So now...

Can you tell what are the three main uses for

the modal CAN ?


The modal CAN can indeed be used for...

(Uses of modal CAN)

A) abilityB) possibilityC) permission


And can you give at least one example for

each of them ?...

Good ! So now...

Do you feel like you CAN use the modal


So let's just check it out...

By going through some dialogue ! ...

« Modals » !...

And for this, let's just open the document simply



And just like that, by the way...

Do you know there is also another way to express capacity, in English ?

And let's just see if you can find out what it is, by looking

at the next examples !...

I am able to dance !You are able to sing

very well !We are able to speak

English !


The form « BE ABLE TO », inserted between the subject

and the verb...

But just don't forget to correctly conjugate it !...

Why about getting to know some other

modals ?...

All right ! And now...

But this time, why not to proceed a bit

differently ?

What about looking first at some examples...

So here is what I propose...

And then just match them with the right functions of

the modal ?...

You agree again ?

Well, that's just perfect, then !...

So here are some new examples !...

Oh ! And by the way...

This time, the modal we are looking at would be MAY...


Can you guess what MAY indicates, in these

examples ?

May I go to the washroom ?

May I help you?You may borrow my car. I

won't need it.May I smoke here? - No, you may not, I'm sorry.

Exactly !

It just shows that the permission is asked in a more FORMAL way !...

And now...

What do you think MAY is used for in

these other examples ?

It may rain today.He may be absent.

They may call tomorrow. I hope so.


For making somewhat UNCERTAIN PREDIC-TIONS !...

Let's just write down the two possible functions of MAY, so we can match them with at least one

corresponding example !...

All right ! So now...

So... Here we go !...

A) (polite) permission, offer or suggestion

B uncertain prediction or probability

So now...

Can you find at least one example for each of these



And by the way...

Do you notice any ressemblance between

MAY and CAN ?

Or any difference ?


Why not to just see how one expert from the web

sums it up ?

And to settle that issue once and for all...

“The main difference between may and can is in style. May is more formal than can. Can is typical of

spoken English.”


All right !

And now, this being said...

What about moving on to another modal ?

So, again...

Let's just take a look at a few examples and try to guess what the modal

indicates !...

You should laugh every day.You should spend more time

on your homework.I think we should check

everything again.

So let's now take a look at another set of

examples !...

Exactly ! Suggestion or advice !...

You should switch off the light when you leave the room.

You should be wearing your seat belt at all time.

You should drive carefully in bad weather.

I should go home now.

What should I wear?

Should I stay or should I go ?

YES !Or in other words : DUTY and CORRECT-NESS !...

What about guessing a final use of SHOULD from a third set of examples ?

And this being said...

Mike should be here soon.Profits should increase

next year. 2 $ should be enough to

leave as a tip.


So in other words, the modal SHOULD can also

be used to indicate EXPECTATION or


Let's just write down the « official formulation » for the functions of the modal


So now...

So here is what the modal SHOULD « should » be used

for !...

A) Suggestion, adviceB) Duty, responsibility,

correctnessC) Expectation

( prediction)

And before moving to something else...

Let's see if, by looking at the next few examples, you can discover a final, and rather secundary reason for which

may be used the modal SHOULD...

If I lost my job I should have no money.

(If he lost his job he would have no money.)

If I were you, I should complain to the manager.

If I were you I shouldn't worry about it.

YES !For building conditional forms, as an alternative to the modal WOULD !

And just for the heck of it...

Let's look at a few more examples, and see if you can find out in what special way

the modal SHOULD can also be used, once again through conditional constructions...

If he should arrive, we'll invite him along to dinner.

If he should study, he'll pass the exam.

If he studied, he'd pass the exam.

If I should stumble, catch my fall !


In the first part of a conditional structure,

where it modifies the verb that would otherwise be

put in the past !

GREAT !And that's that !

So now...What could be more welcome, after such demanding mental work, than doing some...


But first...

Let's just think of something very important,



So, according to you (or your doctor)...

What are 2-3 things that you SHOULD do in

order to stay healthy ?

And once you have found those 2-3 things that you should do...

Just write them down in this form !

I should...I should... I should...

And then...

Let's just get back to our document, and practice

this new modal through a short and sweet

dialogue !...


And now that you have already mastered another modal...

Let's just start learning a new one !

And once again...

Let's just take a look at some examples and try to

guess what the modal indicates !...

You must go to school !I must clean my teeth. I

want to be healthy.You must go there. And do

it right now!You must not sleep in

class !

BINGO !!...To indicate OBLIGA-TION or PROHIBI-TION !...

And in fact...

Doesn't that make you think of some other

modals, by the way ?

CAN, MAY, and SHOULD!...

And now let's just take a look at another set of examples, and try to

find what else the modal MUST can be used


All right !

Jack is not here. He must be sick.

They must be at school by now. It's already 9 o'clock.

EXACLTY !!...To indicate DEDUC-TION or CERTAIN-TY !...

And while we're at it...We might as well take a

look at a last kind of example, and try to guess

a final reason for which the modal MUST can be


You must see the new film with Brad Pitt.

You must go to that new restaurant.


Just get prepared to look at, and ideally write down the « official formulation » of what are the functions

of the modal MUST...

And now...

And here they are !

A) obligation or prohibition

B) deduction or certaintyC) (strong) advice or



What are the three main reasons for using the

modal MUST, already ?


And now, why not to start using this new modal...

Through a great...


And since we started talking about our health...

What are 2-3 things that you MUST eat,

according to your own personal diet, or just to your own preferences ?

So when you are ready...

Just tell us what are your eating habits !...

And in other words...

Let's just get back to the document !...

And do the exercise for the modal MUST !


So, to sum things up a bit..

While also looking at them from another angle...

… And see if you can find the differences between them !...

Let's just take a look at the different modals that can

be used to express « prohibitions »...

You mustn't smoke here. You may not smoke here.

You can't smoke here. You shouldn't smoke here.

In other words, you could put it just like

this !...

Good job !...

You mustn't smoke here. (strong prohibition)

You may not smoke here. (more polite, very

formal)You can't smoke here.

(informal spoken English)

And Oh ! By the way...

Did you know that in addition to MUST and SHOULD, there is at

least one other way to express obligation ?

And just by looking at the examples on the next


Can you find out what it is ?

Well, I'm sure you can...

Because after all...



Let's see what you can do !...

In England you have to drive on the left.

Tom has to wear a uniform at school.

I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you have to take it.


The form « HAVE TO », which is simply inserted between the subject and the verb, and correctly

conjugated, naturally !...

But after all, didn't I just tell you that...

Great job !


So we're talking about an expression that has mostly the same sense

as MUST ; however, there are not exactly applied to the same


And by comparing the previous examples with

these examples involving MUST, can you find what is the difference between

the two ?

I must go home, I want to mow the lawn.

Sorry, I can't come, I must finish my work first.

I must stop smoking.

In England you have to drive on the left.

Tom has to wear a uniform at school.

I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you have to take it.


It looks like you're pretty close !...

So once again...

Let's just see how the experts put it !...

By going just right there !...


And once again...

In order to verify whether you have fully acquired this new notion...

What could be better than doing some...


And so let's just get back to the document...

And do the next exercise !...


But this being said...

Do you know what's the craziest thing about all this ?...

It is that, in English...

There is still another way to express obligation !...

And what about finding out what it is, while

we're at it !?!...

So, once again, let's just look at a new set of


Or rather at a set of expressions we just

looked at, but used with a different construction !

In England you have got to drive on the left.

Tom has got to wear a uniform at school.

I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you've got to take it.

So can you now figure out what other construction can be used instead of

« HAVE TO » ?

YES !!!...

The form « HAVE GOT TO » !...

And by looking at the next examples, can you guess

what is the actual meaning of the verbal expression

« HAVE GOT » ?

I have a horse.

I have got a horse.I have a car.

I have got a car.

I've got two TV's.


And in other words...


It's no wonder that « HAVE GOT TO » then

has exactly the same meaning as « HAVE

TO », don't you think ?

And so...

And just in case we're not totally convinced...

Let's just take a look at the following examples to check that out !

I have to go.I have got to go.

I've got to go.

I have to learn English.I have got to learn English.

I've got to learn English.

Out of the two forms « have to » and « have got to », which would you pick for situations

that are...

But now, in your opinion...

More formal ?...

… or informal ?


And by the way, let's see if, by looking at the next slide, you can

discover another form of the construction « HAVE GOT TO »,

and that actually proves to be used in an even more informal


In England you got to drive on the left.

Tom's got to wear a uniform at school.

I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you got to take it.


The form « GOT TO » !

And while we're at it, let's see if, by looking at the next slide, you can now discover yet another form of the construction «GOT

TO », and that actually proves to be used in still an even more

informal way...

In England you gotta drive on the left.

Tom's gotta wear a uniform at school.

I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you gotta take it.

YOU GOT IT !It's indeed the form « gotta » !

And now, just to make sure we really know how to use all these new tools...

Let's just use reformulate the sentences you created for

the last exercise, using these different forms : HAVE GOT TO

HAVE GOT TO (contracted)GOTTA


And now...

Would you believe me if I told you that there still exists a certain « modal-like » English form that

serves to express advice or obligation, as well as expectation

or strong possibility ?

Well anyway, there is !...

And let's see if, by looking at this next bunch of examples, you can

actually find out what it is !

You ought to do this exercise. (obligation)

You ought to stop smoking. (recommendation)

Jim ought to get the promotion. (It is expected because he deserves it.)

This stock ought to increase in value. (probability)

Mark ought not drink so much. (advice against something (notice there is no "to"))

I oughta do my homework. (I don't have to if I don't want to, but I feel I should do it

because I want to do well in the class.)


We are indeed talking about the form « ought to » !...

But you know what ?

This form tends to be rather seldom used nowadays,

which probably is mostly due to the fact it's usually

considered as being overly formal...

So if you don't mind, we won't necessarily dwell too

much on that subject...

And after all...

Don't you already know enough to go along with ?

So now...

Do you feel like modals just have no more secrets for you ?

And in case you do...

Let's just check it out !...

We still need to fix just one last little detail, by

answering the next question...

But before we do that...

« How do you build the negative form of a modal ? »

So do you feel like you would be able to...Build the negative,

contracted, and negative contracted forms of CAN (with dance), MAY(with

eat), SHOULD and MUST (with go) ?


And this being said...

Do you feel like you know when to use one

modal or another ?

And get to the best places for that, which


So let's just check it out !...

Just right there !...

best form


must and can


WOW !! AMAZING !!...

And since you now appear to have

mastered practically everything so far...

What about just taking a look at some last modals,

then ?

So, as usual, let's just observe a few sentences, and discover a new modal

as well as one of its possible uses...

Dodo birds could not fly.Prices could be very low in

the Great Depression.It could have been a

disaster.When I was younger, I

could dance like no other.

So can you now guess what is the first condition for which we can use the

modal COULD ?



So now...And since you are already getting so good at finding what the modal COULD is all about...

Why not to just take a look at a few more

examples !...

If I was milionnaire, I could buy a farm !

If I had time, I could play tennis with you.

We could study together, if you wanted to.

If it weren't raining, we could go on a picnic.

If I was Superman, I could solve all problems !

And from this, you probably guessed that COULD can also be used to express...


And just where did you get all of these correct answers, exactly ?

So while we're still in « the zone »...

Let's just not lose any time, and rush to the next set of examples !...

It could rain tonight.It could get very hot in

Montana.Could there be a virus in this

file? That could be dangerous.He could be the one for you!

So judging from this...

What else do you think the modal COULD can be used for ?

YES !!...To indicate possibility, and more precisely a LIKELY POSSIBILITY...

And finally, can you find the fourth and last use of

the modal COULD, by looking at this final set of

examples ?

Could I borrow your dictionary?Could you say it again more

slowly? Could you open your window?

Could we visit Grandma at the weekend?

Could we go to the cinema, tonight?


So, to sum it up...It looks like the modal COULD can be used for all of these possible reasons...

A) Past abilities / possibilities

B) Conditional ability/possibility

C) Likely possibilityD) Polite requests or


And just to make sure that we have fully integrated our knowledge about

the modal COULD...

Let's just take a look at this wonderful table...

That you can actually find in the document called « Modals

Table » !...

And now that we have attained a state of

supreme understanding of the modal COULD...

Why not to just put it into practice !

Through a nice, little...


Let's just to that effect ! (namely, the one called

« Modals»)...



And now, while we're at it...

Do you also feel like you can build the negative,

and negative contracted forms of this new modal

as well !..


And now...

Believe it or not, but...

There may still be one last modal left for us to



Why not to just DISCOVER it, then !...

So, as usual...

Let's just take a look at a few examples, and see if you can guess

what this modal is used for !...

It might rain tomorrow. I might go shopping

tonight. We might be ten

minutes late.

BINGO !Indeed, the modal MIGHT is basically used to express uncertain probability !

And in other words...

This modal most often has more or less the same meaning as at

least two other modals...

Can you find out what they are ?


MAY and COULD !!!..

And while we're at it, do you think you can find the relationship(s) between the following modals ?



MAY and MIGHT both serve to express either a prediction or probability,

which are roughly the same, after all...

So, as we now know...

But, in the case of one of these two modals...

The prediction or probability appears to be expressed in a way that is slightly more uncertain...

Can you find out which one it is ?



And why not to take another look at these

examples, just to make sure about it !...

It may rain today.

He may be absent.

They may call tomorrow. I hope so.

It might rain tomorrow.

He might go shopping tonight.

They might be ten minutes late.

And it now seems that your understanding of modals has reached a

point that is just about...


And what about a final set of exercises, just to see how good we've become at dealing with modals ?

can could have to must might should


So let's just get right there !...


And now, everything being said and done about this,

at least for today...

All that would be left to say should simply be....


Mister Tremblay cours d'anglais

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