hi-green lite composite is used in the wall planters as it is better for plant growth and will not...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Hi-Green Lite Composite is used in the wall planters as it is better for plant growth and will not be washed away

In organic-mix systems, organic matter breaks down and contaminates the water. When there is poor drainage and the roots are submerged in the contaminated water for too long, root rot occurs which makes the plants unhealthy.

In organic and soil-less Organic soil

- Absorbs more water - Absorbs less water

- Allows roots to breathe - Will get very hard when dry

- Will not contaminate water - Will grow bacteria

Why do we not use normal soil?

Plants play a very important role in converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. Humans need oxygen to survive.

Plants also provide us with fruits and vegetables. In order to do these things plants need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

Why are plants so important?

What are the different parts of a plant?



1.Anchoring the plant body to the ground2.Absorption of water and inorganic substances3.Storage of food and nutrients4.To prevent soil erosion

What are the different parts of a plant?


1.Support the flowers and leaves2.Transport of fluids between the roots and shoots3. Storage of Nutrients4. Production of new living tissue


What are the different parts of a plant?



1.Producing O22.Leaves provide the trees with all their foodBecause they turn the sunlight into food energy3.Leaves also make the oxygen in the air that we breath4.The process of photosynthesis

What are the different parts of a Flower?

What is Photosynthesis?

The process by which plants make sugar from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide

Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle. Solar energy causes evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, moisture in the soil. Plants also release water. This

water comes back to earth during Singapore’s thunderstorms!

Where does all the water go?

Attach steel frames to the wall to hold the planters

How do you build a green wall?

How do you build a green wall?Delivery the plants from the nursery

Attach planters to the wall

How do you build a green wall?

What is Irrigation?

Supplemental application of water for the plants.

What is Drip Irrigation?

Point source application of water directly to the root –zone of the plants .

Plants are irrigated automatically two times each day. Pipes take the water from the tap to each planter tray.

How are the plants watered?

Can you find the timer?

It is in a green and grey box.

Can you find the pressure gauge?

It looks a bit like a clock. It is next to a red tap which controls pressure. Water pressure is the

speed that water flows through the system and is measured in “bars”.

Follow the pipe to find a


Philodendron Golden

Propagation method: Stem cutting

Description: 0.3 - 1m, depending on if the plant grows as a creeper or climber, climbs with adventitious roots, low maintenance, can be used as ground cover in shabby places.

Uses: This plant makes a very good ground cover for both interior and exterior scapes. It also helps to beautify the environment, giving the environment a natural and comfortable look.

Origin: Tropical America

PandanPandanus amaryllifolius

Philodendrons grow in any well-drained potting soil mixture that has sufficient air for root growth. Water frequently enough to keep the soil moist, but not soggy wet, and apply enough water to allow some to drain through the bottom of the container. Discard all excess water.

Philodendron Green

Philodendron Small Leaf

Philodendrons grow best in indirect light, but will survive low-light conditions if acclimated

The resin produced during the flowering of Philodendron are known to be used by “Trigona bees” in the construction of their nests.

PandanPandanus amaryllifolius

Dissotis Rotundifolia, or more commonly know as Pinklady, is a forb/herb (a forb/herb is a non-woody plant that is not a grass) of the genus Dissotis. It’s duration is perennial which means it will grow year after year.

Dissotis Rotundifolia or Pinklady‘s floral region is Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Dissotis Rotundifoilia

Hemigraphis Alternata is best grown in rich, moist, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade

Propagate vegetatively by cuttings.

Native to India and Java, hemigraphis

It is primarily valued as a ground cover for its colorful foliage

Uses:Hanging baskets, containers or ground cover.

Hemigraphis Alternata

Episcia cupreata comes from Colombia. It has oval, wrinkled, green leaves flecked with copper. It has scarlet flowers and lots of runners. It is a good hanging basket plant.

Blooming Time: Flame Violet blooms all summer long from June to September.

Culture: Episcia cupreata need plenty of light but cannot tolerate the strong rays of the sun

Propagation: Episcia cupreata is propagated by culturing the small plantlets at the ends of runners.

Episcia Cupreata

Selaginella Spp.. These tender, spreading perennials are grown for their pretty, scale-like foliage.

They can be used for edging greenhouse benches, covering pillars, planting in hanging baskets and decorating terrariums.

Most of these plants are found wild in tropical America and Asia, but some come from China, Japan, North America, South Africa and Australia.

PROPAGATION: They may be divided at any time of the year. Cuttings of shoots may be inserted in compost and moistened daily. They will produce roots quickly.

Chilli( Capsicum Spp..)

Chili pepper pods, which are berries, are used fresh or dried. Chiles are often dried to preserve them for long periods of time. Preserving may also be done by “pickling” fresh chilies.

Chili pepper plant leaves, mildly bitter but nowhere near as hot as the fruits that come from the same plant, are cooked as “greens” in Filipino cuisine.

Mint Mints are aromatic, almost exclusively perennial herbs.

Mints tolerate a wide range of conditions, and can also be grown in full sun.

They are fast growing, extending their reach along surfaces through a network of runners. Due to their speedy growth, one plant of each desired mint, along with a little care, will provide more than enough mint for home use.

Spring Onion( Scallion)

Scallions (also known as green onions, spring onions, salad onions, green shallots, onion sticks, or syboes),

Spring Onion are the edible plants of various Allium.. species, all of which are "onion-like", having hollow green leaves and lacking a fully developed root bulb.

Pandanus AmaryllifoliusPandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant which is known commonly as pandan and is used widely in Southeast Asia in cooking as a flavoring agent.

The plant is rare in the wild but is widely cultivated.

It is an upright green plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow, bladelike leaves and woody aerial roots.

The plant is sterile, flowers only very rarely, and is propagated by cuttings.

Arachis Pintoi Tropical low growing (about 8 inches high), non-twining, nitrogen-fixing legume

Used as a cover crop in many perennial crops

Used for intensively managed grass/legume pastures i

Used for pasture legume in tree plantations

The small yellow flowers open at night, self-pollinate in the early morning and wither by evening

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