high, clif - alta report vol. 18 - 3 - part three (2007.09.15) (eng) (pdf) [alta 0508 part three]

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 18 - 3 - Part Three (2007.09.15) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA 0508 PART THREE]


    ALTA 0508 - Part Three

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report

    Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

    By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing

    reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words

    used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future

    developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack

    thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of

    this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves

    incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental

    aberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by ablue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are withinparentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '.

    Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized

    bold green, and red when visited.

    Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

    This report in the series created from 35.556 million reads of the 0508 series.

    Meta Art - Time, time, and time again

    As may be expected, the more-or-less weekly reports which compose an ALTA series are each prepared over several days duration for

    both the data processing and the interpretation. As soon as the modelspace is loaded with a recently processed data batch, the servers are

    once again sent out processing against the captured, incoming data stream. From an interpretation perspective, a data cluster observed

    within an entity may have its interpretation started on a Sunday, following the posting of the previous report, and by the time theinterpretation process gets to Thursday, that data set may have been altered by subsequent loading of data into the modelspace. In

    frequently some data sets simply fade away over the course of several days interpretation/human time. Mostly the alterations are in the

    form of new growth in established directions, or new pseudopodia emerge from the cluster indicating growth in a new area. In the case of

    the accretion of values in an established direction, the interpretation may only get an addition if there are new, and seemingly significant

    words appearing. If the interpretation is taken into a new direction, there may be an addition to that section of the report. This can be

    disconcerting in reading the reports as the interpretation will pick up with a new direction, perhaps seemingly more important than what

    has appeared in previous paragraphs. This is due to the need to convey the previous state/direction as well as the new growth. A very long

    and round about way of saying that even the brief transition states in entities/data_clusters is important as it can provide nuance about the

    'movement' of emotions/human_behavior across time. We have such a condition in the Populace/USofA and GlobalPop entities now. In

    both cases interpretations of the entities, begun several days ago, are now faced with data sets new to modelspace which are indicating

    that a shift is occurring toward new directions. Again the transitions are as important as the next state.

    In both cases the longer term data sets are pointing to the [manifestation/emergence] of [separation] of [peoples]. The interpretation needs

    to be a bit broader as this does not imply ethnic cleansing or anything of that sort, but rather is going to the idea that over the next18/eighteen months many of our FuturePop/NewPop groups will begin to form, and gain [visibility]. As these [new populations/tribes

    /groups] were forecast in early ALTA reports to be the human response to [extreme circumstance], it does not bode well for those who

    desire stability above all.

    We also need to take the [new populace] entity formation as a confirmatory, or reinforcing note for the new meta data layer discussed

    below. A sort of temporal, internal integrity check.

    Meta Data - Life Interrupted

    It is with parts Three and Four of the ALTA series that we usually get into the blend of all three data types. That is to say that parts One

    and Two are immediacy values, and then immediacy values plus the shorter term sets respectively. Part Three brings in the first of the

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 18 - 3 - Part Three (2007.09.15) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA 0508 PART THREE]


  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 18 - 3 - Part Three (2007.09.15) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA 0508 PART THREE]


  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 18 - 3 - Part Three (2007.09.15) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA 0508 PART THREE]


    near total lack of [visible] aspect/attribute sets with cross links to the Press entity *could* be forecasting that the [media] per se does not

    exist at the time of the [great disaster]. Alternatively, the lack of Press entity cross links could be an artifact of our processing schedule.

    We will not be able to ascertain this until all the longer term values have been processed. Still, it is curious that bespoke [press coverage]

    is lacking. The first interpretation which comes to mind is that during the [great disaster] the urge to notify which drives most press

    persons may be totally absorbed by the reactions required at the time. In other words, as we do find within the data sets, the [great

    disaster demands all (will) participate], even the [press] who as a rule would rather observe and babble/opine than live the story.

    In the lower levels of support for the [great disaster] there are a rare few aspect/attribute sets which seem to point to something 'after'. In

    the most visually compelling descriptors are found sets which paint a picture of [persons, made suddenly old/tired] who are [sitting around

    fires at sunset] and who [wail/complain/groan] about [the recent past/great disaster]. The descriptors include images of [idly wandering

    (through) mountains (of) useful debris] with the mental mind set of [stunned silence]. As a point of interest the [silence] aspect/attributeset is very robust and gains much of the supporting value sets indicating that this element of the [after time] will be seen as a 'defining

    characteristic' by those who, as the data set would have it, [endure (the) silence (of the) planet] and presumably 'survive'.

    Markets - Golden Boats Sail, Blood letting

    As the Markets entity is progressed along with modelspace into the Fall, we note that the [economic life] of the [usofa] has taken on the

    aspect/attribute set of [defeated]. This area is cross linked extensively to the Bushista entity where the termination points are also in

    [defeat]. The Bushista entity cross links are describing the image of [complete defeat (for the) ruler]. This is supported by descriptor sets

    for [ten years (it takes for the) military (to) recover]. This is supported by the sets within Bushista previously discussed in ALTA 0108,

    and 0308 where the 'madness' of the 'prince' was seen as bringing a 'disaster' and 'grief' to the people. Now the data sets within the

    Markets entity are showing that the [complete defeat (of) Bush's war plans] causes the [economy] of the [usofa] to also be [defeated].

    While the Bushista entity is showing that the [defeat] is [disastrous] for the Bushies, it is even more [grinding] on the [populace] of thecountry. This [grinding] has the effect of producing a [lessening/reduction] in [economic actions/activity] down to what is described as

    [survival only], or [mere existence] levels. As the [Fall] progresses, the [economy] of the [usofa] goes through a huge level of change

    which even the Markets entity forecasts as [prompting/promoting revolution].

    The cross links between the [gold/silver] sub sets of Markets entity and the [revolution] meme as a meta data layer are showing

    interactions at several different levels. There are even 'cautions' within the data sets that [some officials] will [attempt] to [label] the

    [hoarders (of all) commodities] as [traitors] with the [expectation of seizure] as their [goal]. This is seen as being [visible] within the global

    mediastream, but is also shown as being [short lived] and [instantly failed]. The point of failure is the apparent number of the [elite/TPTB]

    who are [gold hoarders]. This [outburst] about the [treason/traitors (to the) economic system] *does* act as a temporal marker for the

    next phase of [gold/silver] which follows. Within the data set it is almost as though the hapless [official] who opens his mouth to

    [condemn gold ownership/hoarding] actually rather opens the [floods] of [desire] which the Markets entity show will [transform] the

    [relationships (within the) economic order]. This last is participating in the [transformation] meta data layer, and is directly held as an

    aspect/attribute set so the 'power' of the language is increased. The [transform] set within the [gold/silver] sub set is also participatory

    within the meta data layer of [revolution] and [duality], though in this last the participation is as the meta data layer is waning ininfluence.

    The Markets entity is replete, indeed almost blackened, by the cross links to the populace entities. The links to all of these 'human' based

    entities are terminating in areas which can be summed up (no pun intended) under the aspect/attribute set of [loss of money (in) Fall].

    Interesting cross ties to the Populace/USofA and the GlobalPop entities show that the [loss of money] will be [spectacular] as in [never

    before witnessed, grand/great]. This [spectacular loss of money] is best described by some of the lower sets which provide aspect/attribute

    sets for [blooding/bloodletting (the) beast]. These aspect/attribute sets are filled with images of [blood/flow/money] which will [drain (into

    the) dirt/sand/ground] and [dry up/shrivel] the [economic beast] which now rules the planet of humans. The descriptors are painting

    images of the [blood letting] as [draining away (the apparent) value (from) all money/currency]. Further this [blooding of the beast] is

    further described not as the [reason for death], but rather as the [reason death (of the beast) is recognized/seen/observed].

    As the modelspace is moved through the 'turn around' point of September 19th and beyond, the [blood letting] meme begins to accrue

    almost instantly. It gains strength through the Fall, and goes into its maximum emotional summation levels just as Fall transitions into

    Winter. Thereafter it fades rapidly as though 'once the beast is drained, nothing more to be said'. There are a number of temporal markerswhich appear in conjunction with the [blood letting] meme, and these include a [wave/tidal_wave] of [job loss] within [banks]. This area

    is also curiously involved with [visible] examples of people who [abandon] their [positions] as the [banks fail], and those who [stubbornly

    maintain attendance] even though their [former employer] (the bank) has failed. This [visibility] of the [bank employees wandering

    aimlessly] and [locked doors] represents the second level of the [employment crash] and the beginning of the [visibility] for some of the

    [new populations/self-organizing-collectives] to begin to appear in global mediastream.

    The [progression of loss of money/currency] which is supported by bespoke [confidence] such that a better interpretation of the whole of

    the aspect/attribute set might be a [progression of the loss of confidence in currency/paper_debt]. As part of the other temporal markers

    for this period include [officials] who [make rash promises], and [other officials] who [act as though blind, rashly running (into) obstacles

    and crying out]. These last are apparently within the [currencies industry] which is another name for the Federal Reserve Bank/Central

    Bank...which we note is *not* a bank, and therefore is very likely the 'beast' being let of its blood over the course of this Fall. There are

    repeated references to much [stink] in the way of [talk/verbiage (from/of) officials] which is shown as [doing/accomplishing no

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    things/results], and indeed actually [causing/initiating inter national arguments]. In the end, at the deepest level of support for this area,

    the [officials] are described as being [exhausted/deflated] and [weeping] and [broken] and [energy depleted]. At this level the cross links

    go more heavily to the Bushista entity where they are terminating in the main in areas which are controlled by, or participate in

    [revolution] as a meta data layer, *and* as the actively rising {ed note: near the end of Fall}, dominant aspect/attribute set within

    Bushista. Apparently lots of people will be very very very pissed off about losing all their 'power' and 'money' and will assign blame to the

    Bush White House.

    Within the Markets entity as a whole, the aspect/attribute sets of [suffering], [floods], [fire], [poisons], [predators] are all rising both in

    terms of total emotional summation values, as well as in summation of [visibility] values including cross links to Press entity and the

    populace entities. The idea coming across is that the [predation] will rise as a meme to the point of [bringing examination]. These

    supporting areas around the [suffering], and the [flood of dollars] which [goes awry] are also cross linked over to areas within Bushistawhich are pointing toward a [criminal investigation] which involves [deaths/murders]. These are shown as temporal markers as apparently

    the issues are not powerful enough to continue gaining values, but rather are part of a spread of [degradation/corruption] images which

    are to be taken as temporal markers for the next phase of the [money loss in Fall]. Within the Markets entity the [suffering and money

    loss] aspects/attribute sets are participating in the [revolution] meme.

    This area is also described within the Markets entity as the [point/time] in which [decisions] are [taken/made] which will begin to manifest

    as the [new populace] entity that we have been observing forming up in modelspace. Apparently the [fuzzy revolution] will begin to

    emerge into [visibility] this Fall as [squatting] in [blanks/empty houses] will take on a whole new meaning, and which in turn will begin to

    build [new collectives/communities] within the populace. This is mostly affecting of the Populace/USofA, but some of the themes will

    emerge from patterns in other parts of the planet. There are images of [people/crowds (who/which) squat/seize/appropriate] [golf

    courses], and [canals/other water-ways/sites] where they will [construct places of food production]. In several of the more visible

    [squatting incidents] there will be actual [battles] with [officialdom] which are shown as [proceeding/lasting] for several months.

    Populace/USofA - Spent, Collected, Redirected

    As the modelspace is moved across the September 19th turn around period, the rising aspect/attribute set within Populace/USofA is

    [spent] which is further supported by [force] and so we have the idea of [spent force/finished work/completed cycle] coming across from

    this entity.

    The [spent force] aspect/attribute set is supported at several different layers with diverging descriptor sets providing differing views of the

    same meme. Not only are there [spent] support layers under [money/resources] reinforcing the [money loss] meme from Markets entity,

    but also there are [spent] lexical support found in [emotional energies], as well as [inducement (to) war]. This last is as though the [lust

    (for) foreign adventure/blood] has been [burnt out/crisped/fried]. There are repeated levels of support in which the imagery is of

    [officialdom] trying the same old tricks to [engender division/hatred] and in support of [war], but meeting a very [not willing] populace.

    There are images provided by supporting aspect/attribute sets of [political rallies] in which [petty people/politicians] are

    [ignored/shunned] in the best case, and [fouled (with) refuse/trash/excrement] in the better cases. Further the entity is providing that the

    [fight] is still in the populace, it is just that [foreign adventures/risks] are now [emotionally perceived/felt] as being [too far/distant] to

    [real needs] here in USofA. This area provides a huge boost to the [revolution] meme as it builds in Fall. The [suffering] as a result of theshortly-to-arrive [economic chaos/pain] is showing as [radicalizing] the [populace], though not quite as ThePowersThatBe might have


    It is from this Fall and the [spent force] in conjunction with the [loss of confidence in currency] that the [new populace] entity begins to

    emerge. There are indications that by [Winter] the [flooding] will have already produced [visible] changes including the appearance of

    [make_a_way/new_way] groups. These are sub sets of the populace who have 'fallen between the cracks' which is the euphemism used

    by [officialdom] when discussing the [marginalized population groups]. It is from these [make-a-way groups] that the [weather/climate]

    will produce the first wave of the [scavenger people] in the next year. This area derives its summation values from the longer term value

    set and is still building within the entity.

    The [flood] meme continues to build within the Populace/USofA with many of the supporting sets indicating that [flooding] will emerge as

    a defining meme for the Fall and Winter, both here in the USofA, and planet wide. The [flooding] meme within the Populace/USofA is

    cross linked to Press entity, and has very high [visibility] value sets which also are containing references to places like [london], and

    [brussels], and other European locations. The idea coming across is that the images of USofA [flooding impacts, refugees] will be swirlingon a more or less nightly basis with [flooding impacts, villages destroyed, roadways under water] in other parts of the world. The cross

    links between the GlobalPop entity and the Populace/USofA entity are hinging on [flooding] as a both a [shared suffering] and as

    [common need, refugee]. This last is pointing toward a rising population sub set of [displaced persons, by reason of flooding] around the

    globe who will have more [common grounds/shared experience/same needs] with other [flood refugees] than with their former population

    base. The global [diaspora] apparently begins this Fall, and continues.

    Within the [flooding] meme as it will be viewed from the Press entity, there are detail sets pointing to [groups, flood refugees] both here,

    and in [england/wales] who will both [take/seek ancient hills/shelters] against the [following rain, flooding]. This last is a new descriptor

    set for the [flooding] meme which includes the idea of not only [having to escape rising waters], but also to [brave perils of rainstorms].

    These last are described as particularly [violent] and [wind driven]. It is this deep layer within the [weather/climate] sub set which

    promises the most [rapid change] as the forecast is for yet more [cities] to [return to mud (from which came the) bricks]. Within these

    deep descriptor sets are aspects for [roadways] which are [under water] as well as [banks, business, buildings] which will be [flooded out]

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    in such [short time/rapidly] as to [leave assets/resources behind]. It is this last that supports the rise of the [scavenger class/group/guild

    /social_order] as the [employment crash] has reduced vast segments of the populace to [perpetually unemployed/unemployable]. This

    group will include some of the most energetic participants in capitalism who will, as the data suggests, put their [will/intelligence] into

    [make-a-way] means of producing income. These [energetic refugees] will [take to boats] and [platforms] to [retrieve] [water hidden

    wealth] in what remains of the [cities returned to the mud].

    Within the shorter term and immediacy values are [flooding] aspect support which points to this [Fall] and [Winter] as producing

    [encounters with scarcity], as well as [restrictions on movement]. Both of these last are explicitly from the [flooding], that is, the actual

    physical impacts of [flood waters] covering [transport systems] and [rotting crops]. The [flood waters] are also shown as producing large

    scale changes in [delivery] of [material/goods] across regions of the country, as well as [shifting transportation] to [new methods]. There

    are indications that our [camp/cooking fires on roof tops] meme is building towards emergence as the data indicates that at some point inthe [Fall floods] there will be so many people [trapped] that [rescue] is [not feasible], and instead discussion of [air drops] becomes

    [visible] on the global mediastream.

    As an adjunct to the [flooding] impacts on the Populace/USofA, the data is suggesting that the [employment crash] and, via cross links,

    the [loss of money] in Fall will both cause [evacuations] to be [less successful] as fewer people will have [resources] to [expend (in)


    GlobalPop - American Wasteland

    An examination of the GlobalPop entity, just as it begins its progression along with modelspace past the September equinox, shows a large

    and rapid growth of aspect/attributes for [concern] which are supported both as [personal] and [global/planetary] contexts. In other words

    the global populace as individual humans will develop bespoke [concern] which will be felt at a personal level. In addition to that emotion

    is another layer of bespoke [concern] which is focused at a much broader, planetary scale. In both cases the [concern] as a driving or

    [visible] aspect begins to emerge with very rapid growth just past the equinox. The object of the [concern/worry/anxiety] {ed note: allbuilding emotional tension linguistic sets} is being labeled [american wasteland] as the appellation for a very complex set of interlocking


    The [american wasteland] as the object of GlobalPop's [concern/anxiety/nervousness] includes contexts for the [global economy

    powered/fueled by american dollars as reserve currency], and [personal economic circumstances]. These contexts and the others within

    the [concern] supporting set are going to the idea that [personal wealth] is [reduced (in a) world without dollar as reserve currency].

    Further depths to the examination continue in this same trend of expressing many different [ramifications/alternate views] of the [impact]

    of a [dollar absent planet]. There are very large numbers of supporting sets for [personal suffering] and [impoverishment]. Many of these

    are cross linked to Markets where they terminate in [bad Summer, worse Fall] aspect sets.

    The [american wasteland] complex of contexts contributes to the totality of the building emotional tensions summations as the

    modelspace is progressed forward. These contexts include [very dangerous situation], as well as [ill dollar (slips/falls into) life-threatening

    condition]. There are further 'dollar as patient' sorts of images with explicit references to [failing life support], as well as [mechanisms (of

    life support) exhausted/failing]. There are several layers of [personal] impact contexts at the center of the [worries] which will beset the[global populace] as the [dollar dies]. These radiate out to include the [families], [local villages/townships], and [regions] and [countries].

    The [countries] aspect has many specific sets going to details about the [collapse] of [dollar linked/tied] currencies, as well as the

    [governments] which have been [supported by dollars/IMF/WB]. As may be expected, there are [concerns] which appear related to

    [local/national politics] and bespoke [fears] of [government collapse]. In many cases the [fear] related to the [collapse of national

    governments as dollar dies] is offset somewhat by building tension values related to [suppressed excitement] about the [death of


    The GlobalPop entity is filled with [political] aspects at all times, and given the nature of the [political] meme within humans, it always

    runs emotionally hot. Therefore it is difficult to discern nuance which would allow for meaningful interpretation. However, the current

    state of the GlobalPop entity is suggestive of a [local political expression] which comes much as a [wave] following or mixed within the

    [dollar death] meme. The imagery coming across is of [political upheaval] as [local currencies react]. These [reactions] are not always

    [negative] for the [local currencies], however even so this area is participating in the [loss] of [global (currency) trade] which the

    modelspace suggests will [die with the dollar]. This is also the underpinning for [pan-global, anglo/illuminati/corporate driven globalism]

    and as expected there are huge [shocks] which [ripple] through the [globalism system] as a result.

    The whole of the [concerns] aspect sets within the GlobalPop entity are also participating as supporting layers within the process of the

    formation of the FuturePop/NewPop entity. There are specific sets relating to the [weather/climate change] as a driving factor in the

    [emergence] of [new social patterns/self_organizing_collectives], but also a large group of contexts relate to the origination of

    FuturePop/NewPop sub sets as there is a [mind set collapse/shift] which will be [manifest/visible] within the [global mediastream] as

    [acquisition/greed/desire] as a meme starts to become [discounted]. This [discounting/deflating/reducing] is supported by [great savings],

    but note that this sub set references [values/ideals] and not abstractions such as money. The idea coming across is that a new order is out

    in universe, and it will begin to emerge/manifest with pan-global waves of [synchronized/coordinated] [discounting] of the idea of

    [money/wealth] as being [important/key]. Some of the first [casualties] of the emergence of the [new pop ethos] will be the [military

    industrial complex], as well as the [acquisition class], the [priest class], and the (mostly self proclaimed) [prince class] of persons. Of

    course this whole area participates in the meta data layer of [revolution] which now has almost totally shed its more restrained supporting

    context of [rebellion].

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    Within the [revolution due to global impacts of dollar death] sub set directly held by GlobalPop are numerous, and very curious cross

    links over to SpaceGoatFarts, and Terra entities. GlobalPop has a very large number of Terra linked aspect/attribute sets which are going

    to our previously discussed [escalation of the winds]. These include specific references to [european maritime disasters] due to [winds], as

    well as supporting sets within the details describing [ships blown/driven ashore (by the) winds]. All of these areas are also cross linked

    internally to the [revolution] meme as well as the [new pop/future pop] meme directly held sets. These include detail sets of [tribes] which

    will [form] to [dismantle/salvage] much of the [maritime disaster rubbish].

    In addition to the [personal] level of [worry] being expressed about the [global economy] with the [dollar dead, disorder], are [concerns]

    that the [headless/rudderless/masterless] [american state] will [lash out] in a [militaristic dying frenzy]. There are areas within the

    Populace/USofA which also go to that idea via cross link, though the [concern] in both entities appears to be more [worry] than tangible.

    The [american wasteland] aspect/attribute set contains enough [visible] [damage/dangerous situation] to indicate that [lashing out], whileit may seem attractive to the Bushies, will be far less [practical] than illusionary. The GlobalPop view of the [degradation] of the

    [american state] into [wasteland] is supported by bespoke references to [political chaos], and [intercine warfare]. Many of these areas are

    also cross linked over to the [dualopoly republicans/democrats] and also participate within the [second american revolution] meme within

    the Populace/USofA. It needs to be noted that the Bushista entity becomes *totally* dominated by the [conflict] meme as of September

    19th, and that much of the [anger] of the GlobalPop stems from the [violence] and [brutality] of the [american caligula regime].

    As the [american wasteland] meme forms, and progresses through Fall in modelspace, the details sets which accrue point to the use, by

    way of cross links to the Bushista entity, of [crowds/mobs/tribes] of [magicians/illusionists] and [lying priests] on the global mediastream

    to try to [soften anger/resentment] and [control minds]. The [linguists/propagandists] will be [running amok] on the [global video screen]

    as they try to spin away the [visible] components of the [collapse] of the [american system/american dream]. Of course most of this will

    be 'blamed' on the [housing crisis], but in the very short term data, so by the end of October, the [federal reserve system] itself will come

    [under attack] both [verbally] and [socially]. This last includes supporting aspect/attribute sets for actual [physical assaults] on [board

    members] with some suggestion of at least 1/one [fatality]. This is the view which is being presented from the GlobalPop perspective.

    There are apparently to be some Press entity related [attacks] at the same time as a [planetary rebellion] against [languagecontrol/censorship] joins in the building emotional tension trends. Other [assaults] on the [federal reserve system] within GlobalPop

    indicate, by way of cross links to Populace/USofA, that the [secrets revealed] meta data layer will [sit upon] the [global banking system]

    like a very large and heavy [tiger] slowly swishing its tail. The [dangerous situation] is [aggravated], as would be the [tiger], as the

    [banksters/central_bankers] try to [squirm out] from under the [weight] of [secrets revealed].

    As part of the [banker/bankster angst] over the [developing dollar crisis], there are indications that [repeated] and [repeated again]

    [efforts/attempts] at [correction/recovery] will be made. Over much of October the data sets are indicating that [repeated failures] are

    produced until the [awareness] arises globally of the [dead end] of the [usofa dollar].

    A significant effect of the [Fall dollar disease] showing with the GlobalPop entity is a [rush (into) great saving]. This meme is robustly

    described in a number of directions, but all of which include the idea of [no time to lose] and [desire to be timely]. The [impetus] includes

    [saving foods], and [storing foods], as well as [storing drugs/commodities]. This apparently is a good meme to follow as the modelspace is

    predicting that very large areas of the [global population] will be heading toward [restrictions on movement/encounter with scarcity] as

    Fall matures into Winter.

    Again within the GlobalPop at many differing levels we note that the supporting aspects for the [dollar disease] and the [death of

    pan-global corporatism] are cross linked to [revolution] and are providing support for that meme to begin is nastier expressions in Winter.

    Returning to the higher levels of aspect/attribute summations within GlobalPop, and seemingly tied to September 19th, the entity has at its

    dominant aspect/attribute set [danger] which is most prominently supported by [desist, thin ice, dangers below]. This last is also heavily

    cross linked over to the Terra entity with specific references to [poles/polar ice]. It also participates by internal cross links in the [maritime

    disaster due to wind driven storms] which is indicated for [european] countries in [Fall/Winter]. Again, even at these higher levels of

    archetypical contexts, the underpinning descriptor sets include references to [loss of comfortable situation] which can also be interpreted

    as [loss of currency flow globally] and which is, as may be expected, cross linked over to the [usofa dollar]. Also within the [loss of

    comfortable/easy circumstance] are supporting sets for [take precautions against calamity], and [learn to live with lower standards]. This

    last is cross linked back to the [food storage] meme internally within GlobalPop.

    ThePowersThatBe - Information Dissolves

    Even within the ThePowersThatBe entity the dominating aspects are going toward the idea of a [bad Fall]. Within this entity the

    supporting sets go directly to [wealth] and [good information]. This last is a key element in the progression of the entity across the

    equinox boundary in modelspace and then into our coming [bad Fall].

    Cross linked over to both populace entities, though with more links to the Populace/USofA, the TPTB entity has a rising support aspect of

    [energy crisis] as its primary emotional driver. Within the entity, as modelspace moves into October, are suggestions that even the [elite]

    will find it [expedient] to [tone down/reduce expectations], as a [wave/reaction] against [conspicuous consumption] begins to emerge into

    the global mediastream as a core of the [new populace ethos].

    The problems for the wealthy start to increase as the [bad Fall] continues. The data sets indicate that a key component, that is, [good

    information] will [disappear/dissolve], and the TPTB entity will face [confusion/difficulty] as it moves toward Winter. The

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    [confusion/difficulty] aspect/attribute set is specifically supported by [loss] and [tactile/fungible] [sources (for) information]. This [loss] is

    the primary supporting aspect for [confusion], and in its turn it is supported by [conflict] and [revolution]. The [loss of information] and

    the [confusion] memes participate in the meta data layer of [duality] which is rising within TPTB entity. The [conflict] directly held aspect

    within TPTB entity participates in the [conflict] as meta data layer aspect, while the [revolution] meme emerges as a meta data layer

    across Fall and into Winter.

    The [confusion] aspect/attribute set within the TPTB entity is cross linked over to both Terra entity as well as SpaceGoatFart entity. The

    [confusion] aspect also holds direct supporting aspect/attribute sets which reference [climate change], and [planetary

    alignments/alterations]. This last is pointing toward [emergence] of [information] which will [confuse] many of the [elite] as they will

    begin to be [aware] of [abandonment], and [deceit]. Some of these cross links terminate in Terra entity aspects for [crisis] as well as

    [incident (in support of/defining) catastrophe]. These are also cross linked back internally within Terra entity to the [winds] sub set.Apparently the TPTB will *not* be pleased to discover that an [ill wind blows all].

    Thereafter the rising aspect/attribute set for the TPTB entity is dominated by [yielding]. This aspect is shown as be operative all through

    Fall and into Winter, as TPTB entity is somehow [forced/driven/compelled] to [yield]. While there are distinct links to [revolution] meme

    data sets, the main impetus seems to be coming from [pressures] which are [against wealth], and [destruction, biosphere,


    As part of the [pressures against wealth] which so [trouble/beset] the TPTB entity, there are indications of an [unexpected/from the

    depths] wave of [resignations] which seemingly will be [global] in scope. These are shown as highly [visible] and will include all sorts of

    [financial] related [resignations], but also will include [political], and [officialdom] persons of [prominent visibility]. There are also

    [church] associated resignations coming which have the [shock] value of indicating that [corruption] and [damaged wealth] has permeated

    the [religious world]. This area is participatory within the [death of religion] meme which has been ongoing for a number of years. In a

    tenuously connected fashion, there are hints of links between the [religion corruption/flesh destroying], and the rise of a [female

    personality] from the [depths of dark jungles] who will be [visible] in leading a [new way/method] of [social organization]. Thispersonality is apparently at first [ignored] as TPTB have [troubles] of their own, but then they rapidly find themselves facing [masses]

    which are [not controlled/no longer controlled] and who have a few questions that need answering. Much of the [violence] associated

    with the rise to global visibility of this [female] seems centered in Mexico and certain areas of South America. In these cases the TPTB

    entity has long standing [ownership] of the local [populations] and they will [resist] the [release/freeing of their slaves].

    The modelspace indicates that as Fall progresses, it will come to be realized by TPTB entity, that they are now [riding the tail of the wave]

    rather than [controlling the head]. This [creeping awareness] *will* be [visible] to the observant as TPTB begin to be [exposed] by the

    [erosion] of their [control of secrets]. During this [transition] period, much of the populace globally will be focused on the [degradation of

    wealth], but apparently enough will have their gaze cast wider to raise the [visibility] of the [plight of the elite]. The [plight] descriptor set

    points to [sudden encounters with scarcity], and [insubordination] as well as the apparently more [feared] aspect of [abandonment]. It is

    this last which will show up with greatest visibility within global mediastream in Fall.

    Deeper within the [abandonment] lexical set are supporting aspect/attributes which go to [fleeing (the) areas (of) rioting (by) car], and

    [encountering scarcity of fuel] as well as [other difficulties]. There are descriptors going to the idea of TPTB having to [depend/enlistgood wishes/aid/assistance (from) servants] in order to [extricate] from [danger]. There are many directly held sets of [danger],

    [dangerous], [dire situation], [tense moments], [threatening moments], and [assassinations/revenge killings]. This last is replete with

    support from [unwise (to) offend servants/public]. Hmm. Round about way of saying don't piss off the locals.

    There are many descriptors for [rescues] of [elite/princes] by others in the [royalty business], but there are also exists a set which

    continues to grow and which is labeled [dustbin/trash] for its primary aspect, and in which the supporting layers include [setting

    right/correct/straight history] and this is supported with [by blood/blood-letting]. This last is participatory in both [secrets revealed] as well

    as the [loss of information] meme within TPTB entity. The implication is that a [radical plan/plans-of-last-resort] are [failures], and that a

    [not so hidden/tacitly visible/silently approved] [vendetta] against the [elite] begins in late Fall and which become increasingly [visible]

    with [sudden deaths] over Winter, and deep into next Spring. Within the TPTB entity, the largest by number supporting value for [Winter]

    also has the highest emotional summation values and this aspect is [dying].

    Conclusion: Part Three - Disemboweling, Red Screaming SGFs, Transformation Comes

    Sometimes the data sets 'hint' at something barely able to be glimpsed hiding deep. Now is not such a time. The data sets are 'kicking our

    butts' according to Igor. No mere hints, but rather 'slaps across the face' with vigor and repetition. Every time we bring down an entity for

    examination-surgery and disembowel it, out spills yet another form of reference to [dollar woes], or [economic calamity]. This is even true

    within the Terra entity, though it seemingly has specific causes in mind. So, ok, we get it...dollar problems are *not* even really started

    yet. "Wait til Fall" says the data, in fact screaming it out with each slap across the jaw..."after the equinox" is the chorus.

    Yes, there are other than [money/currency] problems besetting the planet's populace in abundance, but seemingly *no* thing will matter

    quite so much as the [dollar disease] this Fall. Our problem is separating out cause from effect within the jerky motions of modelspace.

    We note terra problems including a very large earthquake and subsequent tsunami which has the ominous attribute of [unexpected]

    associated with it. There are also huge [winds/wind driven storms] with which to contend, and these will include [disasters/flooding] on

    land as well as [maritime disasters] and [ships blown onto shores] in other areas.

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    Throw into the mix [red screaming space goat farts], a mentally defective global management 'system', dysfunctional governments, and an

    energy crisis, and yep, that stew *is* likely to produce the proffered 'global transformation'.

    The [conflict] meta data layer goes vertical in Bushista on the 19th. It is also active in a number of entities. The good news is that

    [insanity], and [mad decisions] *just* at the time of the [crux] of the [crisis], which apparently begins next Wednesday, will rapidly [burn

    out/hollow out/deplete] the [ability/resources] for a [belligerent bush]. It appears that by October of 2008, the 'military' of the USofA will

    no longer be a threat to planetary peace. This too is a result of the [transformation comes] meme as it percolates through the [bitter]

    grounds of the [populace/usofa] over this coming [worse Fall] and [hard Winter].

    Of course, we *probably* are wrong.

    Given the sloppiness of our timing, we should be able to tell by next Friday, the 21st. If we are wrong, part Four, anticipated to post on

    Saturday, the 22nd, will include an apology as well as an announcement of our future plans as obviously the data sets would have passed

    beyond our ability to extract useful information, even for such bizarre entertainment as these report series.

    Just for 'grins and chuckles' we have updated our timeline tracker in modelspace and were able to produce a very tight 'target' period of

    5:35AM to 6:05AM of the morning of September 19th as the point of the Great Emotional Turn. By 6:06 AM of 9-19-2007, the emotional

    trend line has shifted to nearly 75/seventy-five degrees of vertical ascent. Oh, and as an a side effect, we noted in the transitioning of

    modelspace at the higher level of granularity, that a 'largish' release will precede the shift. This 'release pop' comes at 9 PM on September

    18, 2007, and according to our data, will last about 47/forty-seven minutes.

    Of course, we *probably* are wrong.


    We anticipate posting Part Four of this series on Saturday, September 22, 2007, with included apology and going-out-of-business notice.

    Igor figures to get a less stressful fourth job, say high voltage lineman or geoduck diver. For me, there are always boats.

    And pies. Apple season coming up. Remember to get some cinnamon.

    Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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