high notes #1 - 9th february 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Marist College North Shore newsletter


Vol. 51 Issue #1 9th February 2015




Dear Parents, Students and Friends -


St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop was canonised Australia’s first saint in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. We have now named one of our six Houses MacKillop in memory of the contribution that Mary made to Catholic Education in Australia.

Mary Mackillop was the eldest of eight children born to Catholic Scottish immigrants in 1842 in Melbourne. She was raised in a poor family and early in life worked to help support her siblings.

Mary moved to Penola in South Australia to become governess to her Aunt’s children. She soon began educating local, country children. Together with her parish priest, Fr. Julian Tenison Woods, Mary began her first school in a disused stable in Penola.

Mary went on to form the order of Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. These women became referred to as the Josephite nuns and their order was responsible for the great spread of Catholic schooling throughout Australia and New Zealand. In time, Mary MacKillop, supervised the first National Australian Curriculum.

Mary MacKillop met many challenges in her life. Some of these challenges were created by the Church itself. In her later years, Mary resided in North Sydney. Mary is remembered for many inspirational quotes the most famous being ‘never see a need without doing something about it’.

I am hoping that the introduction of the MacKillop House will add to the great tradition in this College of being aware of others or of our students being ‘other centred’. When I have spoken to the students in the MacKillop Tutor Groups, they are very aware of their role in bringing this House and its values to life in our College.


Last Wednesday we celebrated the work of the 2014 HSC High Achievers and also the High Achievers from Years 7, 8 and 9 in 2014. Many of the 17 Year 12 students who received an ATAR in the 90s were able to join us in this celebration. The College Dux for 2014, Alex Coyle, received an ATAR of 99.6 which is a phenomenal result.

Alex gave an outstanding address in which he shared some of his insights into succeeding in the HSC. Alex encouraged the students to work for a deep understanding of their learning. He said that it was the deep understanding that enabled him to answer the higher order examination questions. Alex said that beginning the learning journey early in high school was important as was practice in his mathematics and science subjects.


This year we are encouraging students to come to school every day. The mantra is that ‘every day counts and every period counts’. I will be drawing a raffle at the end of each term for the students with an unbroken attendance. We will also be taking students with an unbroken attendance record on a celebratory excursion near the end of the year.

There is a marked improvement in the outcomes for students with a high attendance record over their time at school.


I encourage all parents and guardians to join us on February 20th at 6.30pm in the O’Mara Plaza for our Parents and Friends’ Welcome Evening. This gathering enables existing parents to reconnect and to greet the new Year 7 families. Marist North Shore has a good community and this is an early opportunity to be part of this community.

Tony DuncanHeadmaster


Welcome back to the new year and a special welcome to all our new families to the College. I hope that you begin to feel the warm spirit that exists within our Marist community. There are many events in the next few weeks that allow for parents to feel this Marist spirit and I encourage all parents to attend a House Mass, our Commencement Mass, the P&F Welcome Drinks, the P&F meeting, or the MCC Swimming Carnival to name just a few to understand the depth of what a Marist education can offer.

The first few days have been extremely busy, but the staff and boys have settled well into their routines. It is imperative that all students are well organised and prepared to ensure positive habits exist for the year ahead. A significant event to start the year has been our Academic Assembly where High Achievers from the HSC Class of 2014 and academic achievements of the students from Year 7, 8 and 9 from 2014 were acknowledged in front of the College. I see it is as an important way to begin the year as we celebrate the success of students learning. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder to all within the community of the importance of achieving your best in developing new skills and knowledge.

Our College Dux of 2014 was Alexander Coyle, an incredibly resilient young man who shared some of his thoughts with the student body that were the key ingredients for his success. Some of his key points that I see as important to share were:

1) Understand the How and Why something works. Do not be a machine by rote learning something.2) Be prepared to ADAPT your knowledge to a variety of styles of questioning.3) Try and teach someone else. This builds your understanding and confidence.4) Do not go too hard or too fast. Find the right BALANCE between study, recreation, family life etc.


I would like to thank the many parents who have ensured that their son/s have arrived back at school neatly attired in our College uniform. Students have been reminded of our clear expectations to wear the uniform with pride. I have had to speak to a few students in regards to our regulations in relation to hair.

FROM THE DEPUTY HEADMASTERI have included below our guidelines and expectations for Hairstyles and Grooming that can be found in the College diary:

“Students are expected to be neat and well groomed at all times. Hair is to be kept short, neat and tidy, off the collar, off the face, of consistent natural colour, of gradual even grade and all extremes of fashion are to be avoided. Some example of styles that are unacceptable include: dyed hair, ‘ridges’, ‘lines’, ‘undercuts’, ‘step’, ‘bowl cuts’, any excessive shaping with gel and any shaving cuts (specifically grade No.1). In all cases the Deputy Headmaster will decide what is acceptable. Students with unacceptable haircuts will be suspended from school. Boys must be clean shaven when they come to school each day.”


I spoke to Year 7 students this week about the importance of road safety and in particular the importance of crossing all roads at the lights or at pedestrian crossings. With our College surrounded with many major roads it is crucial all students remember this safety message. I have received a message from the Harbourside Safety Highway Patrol and Mosman Police Station to remind parents of their responsibilities in ensuring safety around schools in the local area in regards to speed, seat belt use, student pick up points and safety related parking offences. Regular patrols around schools will be monitoring these safety concerns.

David ForresterDeputy Headmaster



Welcome back! I hope that you and your sons had a wonderful Christmas and a relaxing holiday break.

Our theme for 2015 is ‘Love’, taken from the Marist theme of ‘Just Love’. In thinking about the word love, many definitions can come to mind. The love for family members, spouses, friends and relatives.

Interestingly, our student leaders chose the scriptural theme of ‘Abide in my Love’ (John 15:9). In looking back at the Greek translation, ‘love’ is written as ‘agape’. This translates to our concept of ‘charitable love’. This builds upon our 2014 theme of Service.

We see examples of ‘agape love’ in so many things that we do as a Marist College North Shore community. From our daily interactions with each other to initiatives such as Night Patrol, Immersions and Ministry Week, we are showing this love and we are also living the other words from our banner: Respect, Empathy, Justice and Dignity. Our student leaders will explain the College theme in detail at our Commencement Mass.


A key focus of the College in 2015 is Academic Success in Religious Education. I have taken measures to improve recognition of student achievement in Religious Education in Years 7 - 12. In High Notes and at Assemblies, student work will be showcased and recognised as appropriate throughout the year. There is much to be applauded in Religious Education. Unfortunately, all too often I hear from students say ‘it’s only Religion’ and that ‘Religion doesn’t matter.’ In 2015 our intention is to stress upon the students that Religious Education is an academic subject, endorsed by BOSTES and should be held in the highest of regards. Through establishing positive learning habits in the junior years, it is hoped that these will filter through to the HSC years to improve learning outcomes.

In meeting with the Religious Education faculty, I have stressed the following expectations for all Religious Education classes in 2015:1) Students will come to class equipped and ready to learn2) Students will show respect for Religious Education through their behaviour3) Classwork and homework will be completed, and completed at an acceptable standard4) Assessment task submissions will be of an acceptable standard and demonstrate effort. Re-submissions will be requested for non-serious attempts.

As always, our great partnership between school and home is vital for these goals to be realised.

As communicated throughout last year, the Catholic Education Office has undertaken a review of the Archdiocesan Religious Education curriculum. It is currently being implemented in Years 7 and 8, with Years 9 and 10 to follow over the next two years. A lot of effort has gone into creating an academically rigorous curriculum that relates to the students as they explore their faith in these teenage years. I would strongly encourage you to discuss what is being taught in Religious Education with your son. Next time you ask ‘How was school today?’, why not try asking ‘What did you learn in Religion today?’. Instead of the common response of ‘good’, you might get a pleasant surprise!



It was wonderful to welcome our High Achievers from the Class of 2014 back to the College for our first Headmaster’s Assembly of the year. As a College, we had a significant number of students achieving Band 6 in Studies of Religion and many receiving a Band 5 result. Our results are improving every year and I look forward to seeing this trend continue into the future. I would like to thank the teachers of Studies of Religion for their dedication to, and passion for Studies of Religion. We often stress the importance of positive relationships in teaching and learning and this was most evident in the interactions between staff and students from the Class of 2014. I wish the boys every success as they begin a new chapter in life. We will keep them in our prayers.


This week saw the launch of Solidarity in the College for 2015. Under the guidance of our new Solidarity Coordinator, Miss Bucknole, students in Years 9 - 12 explored what Solidarity is, its importance in the life of Marist College North Shore and how they can get involved. Importantly, our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Mr Dela Cruz, engaged the students in reflecting on Catholic Social Teaching and how our faith underpins our work in Solidarity. A high point was

hearing our Vice Captain, Hamish Buchanan, give his testimony to the students on his involvement in the St. Vincent de Paul Night Patrol Program. In his most articulate

fashion, Hamish authentically spoke about being a presence and how the students were regarded as family by those we serve. I am pleased to announce that we are also exploring opportunities for students in Years 7 and 8 to become involved in Solidarity at the College.


On Friday, our Year 7 students took part in an Instructional Mass where they also received a Bible from Mr Duncan on behalf of the College with the special message: “Receive the Word of God. May this Bible - the greatest story ever told - be a constant inspiration for you. May God bless and protect you always. From the community of Marist College North Shore 2015’.

Fr. Michael Stoney, our celebrant for the Mass, explained each part of the Mass as it was said so that students could gain an appreciation and better understanding of what happens during a liturgy. Students also heard for the first time some of the hymns that will be sung at our Commencement and House Masses in the coming weeks. The Mass is a lovely way to begin the new year and to welcome our newest members of the College community.


Our Commencement Mass will be held on Friday 20th February at 9:15am. This is a very special occasion where we celebrate as a College community the beginning of the school year and where we welcome everyone who is new to our community by placing their names in our Marist Heart. A very warm invitation is extended to all parents to join us.

Anthony MunroDirector of Faith Formation




When an event is created as a ‘Catholic Youth Festival’ some, if not most, people would be afraid to spend a week of their holidays for it. To be fair, I was one of those people. I couldn’t imagine what would happen in a Catholic Youth Festival, let alone be in it.

But what if I were to say that the Marist Youth Festival was one of the highlights of my summer holidays? The festival introduced me to a vast group of people from all over Australia, near and far! From within Sydney people were from Parramatta, Newcastle and Campbelltown, whilst others from interstate such as Brisbane, Melbourne, Tasmania and many more. The type of people that I met were unbelievably amazing and although I met them for the first time, it seemed like we’d been friends before. The sense of community I received is far greater than any party or festival that I have attended, in fact I ended up spending breakfast, lunch and dinner together with the friends that I made together with my classmates Roupen Minassian and Jordan Biñas who were also there. That made the activities that were planned so much more enjoyable with their company. Guest speakers from all over the world came to this festival, including the head of the Marist Brothers, Br. Emili Turu who speaks at least five languages and has the most intellectual thoughts when it comes to people and self guidance. But what is a festival without music? It was lead by an amazing musician Fr. Rob Galea (yes, he is a priest and you can follow him on instagram @frrobgalea. I am not kidding!) He provided the whole event with the best music that everybody could sing along to, and we even finished the festival off with Sub Tuum! All I can say is I would go to the Marist Youth Festival again.

Edmundo Dasig12 Salta


Congratulations to all of the recipients of the Year 7 - 9 Semester Two 2014 Academic Excellence and Commitment Awards. Setting goals, organising yourselves at home at and at school will help with a consistent approach in order to achieving your best academic results at school.

Well done to the HSC Class of 2014 which also consisted of many student completing accelerated courses at the College. With 58 Band 6 results and so many students achieving ATARs over 90, it truly was an outstanding result for the cohort. What stood out for me with this group of students is how much they helped each other and collaborated not only within the classroom but through study groups in the afternoon and evenings. I wish all of our HSC Leavers all the best for their future endeavours.

Ann McGovernDirector of Teaching and Learning



James Appleton Mathematics =1st

James Appleton Science

Sean Auer Geography

Daniel Bowers English

Daniel Bowers Mathematics =1st

Thomas Brayshaw PDHPE =1st

William Gallen Religion = 1st

Maxim Gwozdecky PDHPE =1st

Jett Kalaf Visual Arts =1st

Harry Mikhael Technology

Harry Mikhael Visual Arts =1st

Sean Netting Religion =1st

Jack O’Brien Mathematics =1st

Dylan Odenthal Music

Nicholas Pagano PDHPE =1st

Elliott Wheeler PDHPE =1st

James Wong Mathematics =1st

Bailey Wrightson Religion =1st


Sean Auer Religion

Sean Auer Technology

Daniel Bowers Science

Austin Brown Mathematics

Austin Brown Religion

Jamie Burgess PDHPE

Fergus Coyle Visual Arts



TEACHING & LEARNINGConnor Cunneen Technology

Kyle Devine Mathematics

Kyle Devine Religion

Kyle Devine Science

Nicholas Dewis Technology

Callum Fletcher English

Thomas Gordon Geography

Charles Harrop Technology

Lachlan Heath Science

Zachary Hills PDHPE

Andrew Hu Mathematics

Andrew Hu Science

Luke Hurley PDHPE

Jack Jones Technology

Connor Kahui-Chee Geography

Jack Magee PDHPE

Bailey McKissock Science

Kieran Mercado Geography

Kieran Mercado Technology

Kieran Mercado Visual Arts

Harry Mikhael English

Harry Mikhael Mathematics

James Netting Technology

Jack O’Brien Geography

Guiliano Parisi English

Isaac Saunders English

Isaac Saunders Visual Arts

Lucas Simpson Religion

Nareg Tchaprazian Mathematics

Henry Thompson Science

Arthur Turner Science

Andre Vahldieck Music

Andre Vahldieck Religion

Isaac Wareham PDHPE

Elliott Wheeler English

Elliott Wheeler Music

Mark Zabica Geography



Oliver Boyd Music

Isaac Choice English

Michael Gribben History

Michael Gribben Mathematics

Michael Gribben Religion

Michael Gribben Science

Tristan Leffers Visual Arts

Fergus Monaghan PDHPE

Liam O’Gready Geography

Liam O’Gready Technology

Luca Pona French


Kyle Adams Geography

Kyle Adams Mathematics

Kyle Adams Technology

Lucas Asher English

Jett Balbi Religion

Ethan Bishop Mathematics

Benjamin Buchanan History

Jonathan Bustamante Religion

Claudio Canepa French

Thomas Chheou French

Calum Danger Technology

Alexander Erskine Mathematics

Jesus Gonzalo Ovejero Science

Jesus Gonzalo Ovejero Technology

Michael Gribben Music

Thomas Hampson English

Thomas Hampson French

Michaelangelo Iera History

Michaelangelo Iera Religion

Michaelangelo Iera Science

Lachlan Kenny English

Aston Knowles English

Frederick Krisman History

Jesse Langford Visual Arts

Jesse Langford English

Flynn Mahoney PDHPE

Henrique de Mattos PDHPE

Ishan Melwani Mathematics

Ishan Melwani Technology

Angelo Mendonca Geography

Leopold Metzker Music

Leopold Metzker PDHPE

Ryan Mirabelli Science

Zachary Mitchell-Knight Scirnvr

Heath Morgan Mathematics

Aleksa Novicic Science

Callum O’Brien Religion

Liam O’Gready PDHPE

Ruan Padukone Religion

Ruan Padukone Technology

Joshua Robinson Visual Arts

Robert Slater French

Louis Sollano-Antonio Music

Louis Sollano-Antonio PDHPE

Louis Sollano-Antonio Technology

Hugo Thompson Science

Josiah Zanardo French



Simeon Arellano History

Benjamin Burgess French

Benjamin Burgess Science

Alexander Butler Geography

Sebastian de Luca Graphics Technology

Max Emanuel Physical Activity & Sports Studies

Matthew Failla English

Matthew Failla Information Software Technology



Last week Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ran a study skills session with Year 11 and Year 12. The session focused on helping students identify improvements they could make to the way they study, in order to maximise their results in their final years of school. The session commenced with advice on how to set up and maintain an effective home study environment and how to manage paper and digital resources for school.

Time management was addressed in relation dealing with distractions, managing time efficiently and using a diary as a planning tool. Finally, specific study skills were covered, including how to make brain-friendly study notes and how to find the active learning style(s) which best suit each individual. Parents are encouraged to review and discuss the handout from the session with students and identify practical changes they can make to improve the home study environment and support system.

The Study Skills Tips for Parents website provides additional advice for parents needing more information.



Lucas Mayer Mathematics 5.2

Harrison Mentis-Bullock Commerce

Shahill Nair Mathematics 5.3

Peter Ng Religion

Callum Pastuszak Mathematics 5.1

Felix Powling Food Technology

Juan Rasines Mazo Industrial Technology - Timber

Brayden Shawcross Elective History

Marcus Silvio Photographic & Digital Media

Lachlan Veitch Drama

Dominic West Visual Arts


Jacob Abraham English

Simeon Arellano PDHPE

Simeon Arellano Physical Activity & Sports Studies

Simeon Arellano Visual Arts

Daniel Attewell Industial Technology - Timber

Jake Austin Mathematics 5.1

Samuel Bailes Commerce

Samuel Bailes Graphics Technology

Leon Blackford French

Benjamin Burgess Elective History

Benjamin Burgess History

Alexander Butler Religion

William Darling Food Technology

Sebastian de Luca Physical Activity & Sports Studies

Sebastian de Luca Science

Matthew Failla Religion

Brendan Fitzgerald Religion

Luka Flannigan Mathematics 5.32

William Frazer Science

William Frazer English

William Frazer Geography

Nikolas Gavranic Mathematics 5.22

Samuel James English

Joshua Kinsella Photographic & Digital Media

Jason Ko Food Technology

Patrick Lempiere Science

Trael Lindquist Science

Hugh Mackay Religion

William Massey PDHPE

Lucas Mayer Commerce

Lucas Mayer History

Michael Moran Elective History

Jake Morgan English

Declan Mouat English

Declan Mouat Religion

Shahill Nair Information Software Technology

Shahill Nair Science

Jayin Naran Geography

Nathaniel Panozzo PDHPE

Jordan Pereira Drama

Joshua Phillips PDHPE

Felix Powling Mathematics 5.31

Frederick Roberts Science

Ramsay Robertson-Kirkwood History

Dylan Sharp Mathematics 5.21

Oscar Siutz PDHPE

Benjamin Watts Mathematics 5.33

Lewis Watts Science


Click here and discover the works of students.If you would like to have your work published in this

bi-semester e-magazine then simply send it to Ms Durand. We are looking to publish works from all subjects or articles

written about events, sports, culture or anything that you think Marist readers would be interested in.

Come on, get published. Share your work!

Does your son need some help with starting High School?

Topics covered: Time management, organisation, breaking down assessments and Open ClassroomWHO: Year 7 ParentsWHAT: 1 hour workshopWHERE: Learning Support Centre, APCWHEN: Week 4 - Wed 18th Feb, 2:00pm and 5:00pmWeek 5 - Thursday 26th Feb, 9amLimited spaces so you need to book!Call 9957 5000 to reserve your spot.



For all students who need help with homework, assessments or just a quiet

place to work.

Opening Hours:Monday Before SchoolTuesday 8.00-8.35amWednesday 2nd half of LunchFriday 1.00-1.25pmClosed on Thursdays.



Musicians and Parents - welcome to Marist College North Shore Performing Ensembles for 2015. I look forward to a highly successful musical year and welcome all new members to our ensemble and to our older band members taking the responsibility and challenge of leadership in all the ensembles, assisting the younger and newer musicians in our team.

Upcoming Performances Senior Marching Concert Band has been asked to participate as a marching band in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in City on Sunday 15th March 2015. More information will be sent to you shortly. We also have some scheduled performances that we need to be ready for such as Expo Day on Saturday 7th March. This is an important day for all our bands and ensembles to display our great work and promote Marist College Music. The Senior Marching Band will also perform at the Sydney Royal Easter Show toward the end Term 1 and ANZAC Day on the 25th April in Week 1, Term 2. More details to come shortly. Other upcoming performances later in the year will include Country School Tour and Spring Music Festival happening during Term 3.

Senior Concert BandSenior Concert Band will commence every Wednesday and Friday morning starting Wednesday 4th February at 7.45am - 8.30am and Friday mornings form the 6th February. Swimming and Water Polo students should discuss rehearsal days with Mr Herbert.

Senior Jazz EnsembleSenior Jazz Ensemble will commence every Wednesday afternoon starting Wednesday 4th February at 3.20pm - 4.45pm. We will be preparing for our performance at Expo Day. I will confirm jazz band members by email and in person.

School Production Percussion EnsembleRehearsals: Monday 3.20pm - 4.30pm. Starting Monday 9th February until end of Term 2 when the production takes place. The music for our College Production, Lord Of The Flies, will be provided by a hand-picked group of drummers and mallet percussionists. This musical score for this production will be composed by Mr Herbert. I will confirm Lord Of The Flies Percussion members by email and in person.

Year 7 MusiciansThis is an invitation for your son, if he is an established musician, to join one of our bands or ensembles at the College. The College Concert Band and Senior Jazz Ensemble are targeting performers who have been playing for a number of years on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. We also have performance opportunities for guitarists and bassists in the College Guitar Ensemble, percussionists in College Percussion Ensemble, String Group and Vocal Ensemble. We ask your son, if possible, to prepare a piece of music of his own choice that demonstrates his musical skills for an upcoming band audition that will take place during Week 4, Term 1, starting Monday 16th February 2015. Students will be notified by Mr Herbert audition times and location in Week 3.

St. Mary’s Primary School Music Mentoring Group2015 will see the second year of the new St. Mary’s School Band Program. St. Mary’s now have a Beginner group which rehearses on a Tuesday afternoon at 3.20pm – 4.10pm and an advanced group of player that started last year which rehearse on a Friday afternoon 3.20pm - 4.10pm. Last year the children where assisted by a dedicated group of Marist Music Mentors whom helped by playing in the instrumental sections during rehearsals. This was a great help to the children, as well as giving our Marist musicians an insight into how we teach young musicians. Again in 2015 I have invited a number of new Marist Music Mentors to assist young musicians in the St. Mary’s band by playing along in the rehearsals and assisting the children on their instruments.

I thank all boys for their ongoing assistance with this program last year. If you have any questions please contact Mr Herbert. Thankyou to all musicians that were involved in the ensembles in 2014, it was a great year of music!

Rod HerbertMusic



There is continued interest and participation in the Tuition Program. Currently there are 81 students enrolled in learning diverse instruments such as guitar, drums, woodwind, piano and trombone. Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 commenced lessons in Week 2 whilst Year 7 students will commence their lessons in Week 4 after their Camp to ensure a smooth transition into high school.

The Music Tutors are highly professional and organise a structured program in the mentorship of their students. A Tuition Booklet is issued to each student and alike the College Diary, it is a means of communicating rehearsal times and a home practice routine.

The tutors at MCNS for 2015 are: Sam Pellegrino – Guitar, Mark Roulston – Bass Guitar, Fiona Keating – Piano/Keyboard, Dave Smith – Drums/Percussion, Penny Coucill, Alan Paardekooper – Woodwind, Alex Silver – Lower Brass, Lynda Bacon – Trumpet, Daniel Tambasco – Vocal and Tony Gardner – Improvisation, Woodwind and Piano. The tutors are encouraged to communicate with parents on the curriculum, each student’s progress and to establish goals such as the AMEB Exam, eisteddfods and involvement in the College’s Band and Ensemble Program.

Students involved in the Tuition Program are reminded to be responsible for recording the time and day of their tuition lesson from the email (College

Gmail) sent each Friday before the week of their lesson or, from the Music Tuition Notice Board in their College Diary, and to remember to be punctual to their lesson. Year 7 Music Tuition parents will also receive the weekly timetable via email to assist in the organisation of their sons. If a parent with a son in other years wishes to receive the timetable each week via email please contact Carolyn O’Brien via email to arrange. If a student is absent from school on the day of his tuition lesson, please contact the music tutor and the College as early as possible.

Tutors cannot contact the students to remind them of their scheduled tuition lesson whilst in class, so it is important that all students record their day and time in their College Diary and use an effective strategy to remember their lesson time.

A majority of the students are removed from class time and as a result need to communicate with their teacher about the work to be completed and homework obligations, and finally, to reap the most from their lesson, appropriate instrumental performance practice is required. Students should be reminded that class tests, assessment tasks and excursions or incursions take priority, thus they need to communicate early with their tutor and Ms O’Brien of any alterations that need to be made to the time and day. The students can store their instruments in the Music Instrument Store Room near Music Room 2.

There are still opportunities for involvement in the Music Tuition Program. Please consult your Music teacher – Mr Herbert, Mr McDonnell or Ms O’Brien for a form comprising details and enrolment.


Sean Harper (Class of 2014) has had considerable success with his Year 12 Visual Arts Body of Work Animation “Post Apocalyptic Arcadia” entry in the 2015 Flickerfest Film Competition.

He entered in the FlickerfestUp Category for school entries and was awarded the Yoram Cross Prize for Best High School Film.

This is a highly prestigious film competition which is on each January at Bondi. There are entries from around the world and across many schools.

Sean is following his dreams and studying animation at Enmore TAFE, one of the best place for studying animation and design in Australia. He is very grateful of what the school has done for him with his creative endeavours.

Carolyn O’BrienLeader of Learning - Creative & Performing Arts




Welcome to the 2015 debating season. This warm welcome extends to experienced debaters from previous years and to newcomers who may be interested in our school debating. We hope to make the season an enjoyable one for everyone. Marist North Shore staff support the debaters very well by coaching and adjudicating duties.

Debating is a Friday afternoon and evening activity for most Fridays from the middle of Term 1 and most of Term 2. If teams are successful there are knockout final debates at the start of Term 3.

Each year we aim to nominate one team per year level in the Catholic Schools Debating Association (CSDA) competition with the season comprised of six debates, which coupled to our pre-season practice debates and maybe some finals, should give all debaters plenty of opportunity to improve their debating skills. For Term 1 the following debating date is important:

CSDA Round 1Friday 27th MarchDebates commence from 6:00pm at Marist College North Shore. Students welcome to stay after school. Competition draw to be announced shortly.

The best website for students to read and learn more about debating is www.learndebating.com. This website has a free download.

Any parents who wishes to assist on the debating evenings are more than welcome to contact me by email: gregory.quinn@syd.catholic.edu.au

Gregory QuinnDebating Coordinator

Ignatian Workshop at the Parishes of Our Lady of the Way

Wilkie Au & Noreen Cannon Au

Gratitude as a Spiritual Pathway

9.30am - 4pm Saturday 7 February 2015 St Francis Xavier Church Hall 19 Mackenzie Street Lavender Bay 2060

The practice of gratitude offers a practical spiritual pathway for active people. Grateful hearts move us to reach out in love to God and others. When made a part of our daily life, gratefulness enriches us by deepening our appreciation for our life and relationships, even in the midst of worries and struggles. Based on their latest book, The Grateful Heart, this workshop will offer guidelines for growing in gratefulness and for dealing with common obstacles to grateful living. Wilkie Au, PhD is a spiritual director and professor emeritus of theological studies at Loyola Marymount University where he taught in the area of spirituality and pastoral ministry. Noreen Cannon Au, PhD is a practising Jungian analyst and a faculty member of the CG Jung Institute, Los Angeles. Integrating Christian spirituality and modern psychology, their award-winning books have been translated and re-published in many languages. For more information, see www.wilkieandnoreenau.com To book, contact Frances Tilly on 8918 4104, or email francest@sjparishnsw.org.au Please register by Monday 2 February 2015 Venue: St Francis Xavier Church Hall 19 Mackenzie Street, Lavender Bay 2060 Cost $25 Please BYO lunch plate to share. http://www.ourladyoftheway.com


Does your child love to SING? ACT? DANCE? Maybe they’re a triple threat?

They could be!

Applause Musical Theatre Academy is now enrolling for 2015!

Every epic class is filled with fun and adventure,

as students develop their singing, acting and dancing skills ready for the exciting world of musical theatre.

With accredited and experienced teachers from

the music theatre industry (and piano accompaniment), you can be sure that your child learns from the best!

There are performance opportunities and an annual soiree.

Oh - and it’s really fun!  

WEDNESDAYS  Roseville  

K-­‐2:  3:30pm  –  4:15pm  3-­‐6:  4:30pm  –  5:30pm  

Years  7+:  5:30pm  –  7:00pm  

SUNDAYS  Chatswood  

K-­‐2:  3:15pm  –  4:00pm  3-­‐6:  4:00pm  –  5:00pm  

Years  7+:  5:15pm  –  6:45pm  (NEW!)  

MONDAYS  and  TUESDAYS  Chatswood    

(EXPRESSIONS  OF  INTEREST)  K-­‐2:  3:45pm  –  4:30pm  3-­‐6:  4:30pm  –  5:30pm  

Years  7+:  5:45pm  –  7:15pm  

Call for a


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Julie  0409  989  910  

Ingrid  0405  495  099  

Find out more at our website!  


YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCEAll Year 10 students have now been issued with their documents for Work Experience. The documents will be emailed to parents and there will be access electronically via the College website. Please take some time to read through these. Planning for Work Experience should start now. In Careers classes over the next few weeks, we will take time to assist students as they commence seeking placements.

CAREERS @ MaristYEAR 11 & 12 TVET & SBAT STUDENTSLast week the students commenced their classes at TAFE under the TVET program. It is imperative that if any student wishes to withdraw from his course that this is done immediately. Students should see Mrs Brown directly.

Some general TVET and SBAT reminders: • If a student is unable to attend a scheduled TVET or SBAT class, the College and the TAFE must be notified in advance• Any issues or concerns regarding TVET or SBAT should be directed to Mrs Nicola Brown directly at the College on 9957 5000 or nicola.brown@syd.catholic.edu.au• All students are responsible for catching up on missed class work whilst they are attending TVET classes. The students will be issued with an organisational booklet this week to assist them in their effective organisation.• When College events clash with TVET or SBAT the students need to be proactive in speaking to Mrs Nicola Brown to negotiate a solution

YEAR 12: INDIVIDUAL CAREER APPOINTMENTSIndividual careers appointments will re- commence next week for the current Year 12 students. I will contact the boys directly and set up an appointment in one of their study periods or at lunchtime.

TAX FILE NUMBERSAs advertised at the end of 2014, the Australian Taxation Office has changed the manner in which school students can apply for a Tax File Number. As such, application forms are no longer available via the College nor any other school. Instead, the following arrangements are now in place: Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for ‘QC27248’. Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form ‘Tax File Number - Application or Enquiry for Individuals’ form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for ‘QC22604’. If you require any further information you can phone 1300 130 282 between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. See more at: http://www.pcs.nsw.edu.au/index.php/senior-school-news-articles/entry/changes-to-the-secondary-schools-tax-file-number-program-in-2015#sthash.9TsEICYN.dpuf

PROJECT ABROAD INFO EVENINGTues 17th Feb, 6:30pmSydney Central YHA 11 Rawson Place, Sydney 2000Contact: Aimee Townley - aimeetownley@projects-abroad.com.au / 1300 132 831

Programmes are available for school leavers and for Year 10 & 11 students during their summer break. Registrations requested: www.projects-abroad.com.au/about-us/meet-us/ or 1300 132 831.

CAMP AMERICA FREE INFO NIGHTThurs 12 Feb, 6:30pmCamp America, 10-14 Oxford Square, DarlinghurstContact: info@campamerica.com.au or 1300 889 067Order tickets via Eventbrite:www.eventbrite.com.au/e/camp-america-info-night-sydney-free-one-hour-info-session-tick-ets-15412934502

Find out everything you need to know about Camp America and get all your questions answered. Prepare yourself for the summer of a lifetime. Our free one hour information session is happening on at 6:30pm in Sydney! Here is a sneak preview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuNyQXBcL_s




Congratulations to all students on a great carnival on Friday 30th January. It was great to see all of the Houses get into the spirit of the day, particularly our new Houses - Montagne and MacKillop.

However, it was Moore’s day in the end, romping to another trophy with a great display in the pool. Below is the final points tally from the day.

1st: Moore - 971pts2nd: Chanel - 791pts=3rd: Montagne & Salta - 626pts5th: MacKillop - 610pts6th: Kelly - 469pts

Mr Giles & Mr Duncan presenting the shield to Jack Stapelfeldt, Moore House Captain


Congratulations to Tim Ferrero (11 Montagne) on his selection in the Sydney AW Green Shield Merit XI Team. Over the month of January, Tim competed in the Sydney AW Green Shield competition for Gordon Cricket Club and achieved 285 run in seven games. Well done Tim!

North Sydney United Football Club registrations are now open. Please go to our website www.northsydneyunited.com.au and follow the links.

North Sydney United is one of Sydney’s most successful amateur football clubs. North Sydney is a club that caters for anyone and everyone who wants to play: from Pre School through to Over 45s and for women and men, girls and boys.

We’re serious football people - but we also want football to be fun and to be an important part of the local community in North Sydney. And that’s what we believe we offer at North Sydney United. The opportunity to enjoy the world’s most popular game whichever way you want. Our home ground at Cammeray is now an all weather pitch for the 2015 season.

Any enquiries please email club admin at clubadmin@northsydneyunited.com.au


North Sydney Brothers Junior Rugby League

Football Club

We are looking for players from 5 years old to Seniors Ages. We have great coaches & provide excellent training skills. It only cost

$100.00 per player which includes socks, shorts, jersey, 2015 NRL Season Pass & player insurance. If you would like to join a great family orientated club & have lots of fun.

Please register by calling Annette Hema on: 0404 610 048 or email: nsbros@hotmail.com or visit our website: www.nsbrothers.com.au

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS LOOKING AHEAD9 Feb: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)13 Feb: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)18 Feb: Ash Wednesday20 Feb: COMMENCEMENT MASS Year 7 Marist Induction & Laptop Rollout P&F Welcome Drinks23 Feb: Kelly House Mass, 6pm Chanel House Mass, 7.15pm Solidarity - Night Patrol (MacKillop)24 Feb: Salta House Mass, 6pm Moore House Mass, 7.15pm25 Feb: Vaccinations - Year 7 HPV & Year 8 HPV Catch up Montagne House Mass, 6pm MacKillop House Mass, 7.15pm27 Feb: CSDA Public Speaking (Round 1) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Chanel)6 Mar: CSDA Public Speaking (Round 2)7 Mar: COLLEGE EXPO DAY9 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Montagne)10 Mar: Year 9 Reflection Day11>19 Mar: YEAR 12 HALF-YEARLY ASSESSMENT WEEK12 Mar: MCC Tennis MCC Golf13 Mar: CSDA Public Speaking (Final) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)16>20 Mar: YEAR 9 CAMP19 Mar: MCC Swimming23 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel)26 Mar: MCC Cross Country27 Mar: CSDA Debating (Round 1) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)2 Apr: LAST DAY OF TERM 13>19 Apr: SCHOOL HOLIDAYS20 Apr: START OF TERM 2 Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel)22 Apr: Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews23 Apr: MCC Summer Sport Photos24 Apr: CSDA Debating (Round 2) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)

CANTEEN9 Feb: Linda Fung, Debbie Jenkins, Izabel Silva-Lindsey, Veronica Valderas, Alana Fiorenza10 Feb: Melanie Sanchez, Colin Wilson, Maria Pagano, Anna-Lise Sewell, Ronda Oliveri11 Feb: Robyn Mathôt-Gwozdecky, Peta Wright, Jane Partridge, Sam Adderton12 Feb: Lizzy Chant, Jenny Winter, Annie Pascoe, Vivienne Micheletti, France Booth, Leonie Blankensee-Condon13 Feb: Karen Ferguson, Sandra Garratt, Lisa James, Kim Walker, Nicola Lewis-Coutts, Lisa Schreiber16 Feb: Lisa Brink, Maureen Knox, Jackie Pickton, Lee Sternberg, Kate Antonini, Penny Davis17 Feb: Pip Byrne, Lyndal Jenney, Nicola Hart, Chris Saunders, Lily Santosa, Vivian King18 Feb: Leanne Bishop, Ann Catanzariti, Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts, Simone Mansfield19 Feb: Kasumi Tucker, Julie Clear, Michelle Cook, Michaela Bondoc, Illya Shackell20 Feb: Melanie Lindquist, Susan Mayall, Michelle Mulligan, Jennifer Vahldieck, Alison Cappetta, Rebecca Dwyer

UNIFORM SHOP11 Feb: Grace Ooi ,Katherine Borkowski, Cherie Fulwood,Tracy Pitts, Lily Santosa 18 Feb: Elizabeth Hipwell, Taleen Avedissian, Debbie Jenkins, Vera Evanian, Nicola Lewis-Coutts


Norths Pirates Junior Rugby Union Club

2015 Player Registration Try Junior Rugby

from 5 to 17 years “Clubs like the Norths Pirates Junior Rugby Club play an extremely important role in fostering

passion for the game they play in Heaven” Joe Hockey Rugby is divided into different modified games from ages Under-5 through to Under-17 Under 5 and 7 A simple, non-tackling introduction to the game which allows children to use the ball, by combining the skills of passing, catching and running. It is played on a smaller field with seven players per side. MINI RUGBY Under 8 and 9 Continues the theme of free-flowing, running and passing Rugby. Most importantly, it introduces the young player to the contact elements of the game such as tackle, ruck and maul. It is played by up to ten players per side. MIDI RUGBY Under 10 and up This is the stepping stone to the full game. It is played between twelve or fifteen players on a standard field. It continues the theme and principles of Mini Rugby with a greater emphasis on the contest for possession.

Pre-season training starts in March Free Junior Season Pass for the Waratahs (available for

all children 4-12 years)

Go to the website to register for your free passes Waratahs membership

Online Registration at


Rugby is divided into different modified games from ages Under-5 through to Under-17.

MIDI RUGBY (Under 10 and up) is the stepping stone to the full game. It is played between twelve or fifteen players on a standard field. It continues the theme and principles of Mini Rugby with a greater emphasis on the contest for possession.

Pre-season training starts in March. Free Junior Season Pass for the Waratahs (available for all children 4-12 years). Go to the website to register for your free passes Waratahs membership.

Online registration:www.northpirates.rugbynet.com.au

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