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Information forParents & Guardians

Since 1991, the YWCA High School Mentorship Program has provided over 1,200 high school girls with mentors to help them explore career and education options, learn leadership and life skills, connect with a positive role model and be better prepared for their futures. Through one-on-one mentorship, the girls gain the confidence and knowledge to pursue their dreams.

Who are the Mentors?Mentors are successful professional women who volunteer their time to help the students in the program

All Mentors are screened, trained and supervised by the YWCA.

What should I expect?The student and her Mentor will meet monthly during the school year, and will schedule their own activities. These activities will take place in various locations outside of school, based on the goals of their match: chatting at a coffee shop, visiting the Mentor’s workplace, touring college or university campuses, or working out at a gym.

The YWCA offers free workshops to Mentors and Mentees on topics such as time management, stress management, post-secondary preparation and other topics.

How does it work?The YWCA matches each student with a Mentor working in her career field of interest. The Mentor and the student will meet once per month from November until June, with all meetings held during non-school hours (e.g. evenings, weekends, professional days).

They will engage in activities to help the student explore career options, plan her post-secondary education or training, learn new skills and set goals. Some of these goals may be career or education related, while others are social or recreational.

How much does it cost?This is a FREE program. However, students are responsible for their own share of the cost of the meetings (e.g. their own meals, transit fare, their admission fee to activities not offered by the YWCA) and

must arrange their own transportation to get to and from meetings/activities.

535 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2E8 Tel: 604-895-5846 Fax: 604-684-9171ywcavan.org/hsmentee

Benefits ofHaving aMentor

Gaining a positive role model who is successful in her career

Getting advice on education and career planning and becoming better prepared for the future

Building confidence

Building skills such as communication, networking, leadership, time management, stress management etc.

Expanding horizons, meeting new people, gaining new life experience

535 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2E8 Tel: 604-895-5846 Fax: 604-684-9171ywcavan.org/hsmentee

YWCA Metro Vancouver is a registered charity, providing a range of integrated services for women, youth and children, and those seeking to improve the quality of their lives. From housing, child care and support to innovative employment, wellness and leadership programs, YWCA Metro Vancouver touches lives in communities across the Lower Mainland

How can parents and guardians support students in the program?

As parents and guardians, you can support your daughter by:

Helping her prioritize and manage her time so that she can commit to meeting her Mentor once each month

Discussing with your child how she can best benefit from her mentor’s experience and background. Besides career and education, Mentors can also be great resources to help students learn stress management, work-school-life balance, leadership skills, problem solving, communication and other skills.

Reminding her that meeting new people, having new experiences, and gaining new perspectives can enrich her life and help her make better decisions regarding her career, education and life.

Is this opportunity suitable for my child?Students who benefit most from the mentorship experience:

Are willing to make mentorship a priority

Have clear goals of what they want to learn from the mentors

Are able to communicate openly and clearly with their mentors

Are willing to try new things, open to learning about various career and education options and to gaining new experiences

For More Information:

Check our website at ywcavan.org/hsmentee.

You can also contact the Mentorship Program Coordinator at 604-895-5846 or email mentorship@ywcavan.org

535 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2E8 Tel: 604-895-5846 Fax: 604-684-9171ywcavan.org/hsmentee

YWCA Metro Vancouver is a registered charity, providing a range of integrated services for women, youth and children, and those seeking to improve the quality of their lives. From housing, child care and support to innovative employment, wellness and leadership programs, YWCA Metro Vancouver touches lives in communities across the Lower Mainland

“Talking with you this year has helped me learn

so much about myself, and gain further

understanding of the things I want to do in

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