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through GSP-1620x2



through GSP-1620x2


Technical Description and User Guide

ЖНКЮ.464000.006 ТО

CJSC GlobalTel


ГТЛ-Р061-05-01-F-0311 ЗАО «ГлобалТел» Дирекция по развитию 2


Introduction 3

Installation and turning on GSP1620*2 modem 4

Installation of drivers and connection setting in MS Windows 2000 5

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GSP-1620x2 modem is designed for various corporate solutions, such as file exchange be-

tween remote assets, WEB-serving, e-mail, etc. with the rate of up to 14 kbps. The modem uses the

Qualcomm patented CDMA technology on the basis of the Globalstar 48 LEO satellite constella-


The modems support 2-way communications channel with terrestrial, naval or aviation

switching equipment. The modems can be used jointly with monitoring, measuring, telemetric sys-

tems, in SCADA applications, in any data services solutions, etc.

The modems possess the following functions:

• IP over PPP and/or MPPP;

• Up to 14 kbps (2*7 kbps) with full duplex;

• VPN support (Virtual Private Network) for protected connections;

• Compatibility with standard UT commands of "Hayes" modems;

• Compatibility with MS Windows 2000;

• поддержка сервиса коротких сообщений (SMS);

• authentification/coding

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GSP-1620x2 satellite modem installation and connection

The detailed procedure of the GSP1620*2 satellite modem installation and connection is described

in “GSP1620*2 Technical Description and User Guide” (item 9), which is provided in the delivery


GSP1620*2 technical features are provided in “GSP1620*2 Technical Description and User Guide”

(item2 page 5).

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Installation of drivers and adjustment of MS Windows 2000 settings

1) Insert the "Edgeport Driver" CD in your CD-ROM. After the USB- cable is connected the

“Found New Hardware Wizard” procedure (Fig. 1) will be launched. Press Next


Fig. 1: Found New Hardware Wizard

2) Choose “Search for a suitable driver for my device” (Fig.2), press Next

Fig. 2 Search for a suitable driver

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3) Choose “Specify a location” (Fig. 3), press Next

Fig. 3: Driver’s files location

4) Type "<letter of CD-disk>:\Win2k" (Fig. 4). Press "OK".

Fig. 4: Location of driver files

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5) Confirm that Windows has found true Edgeport drivers on CD-ROM disk (Fig. 5). Press Next

Fig. 5: Confirmation of found drivers

6) After Windows install the drivers (Fig. 6) press ”Finish” to complete the first part of the drivers


Fig. 6: Completion of drivers installation

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7) After the drivers are installed, Windows discovers new СОМ-Edgeport portss and initializes

them (Fig.7). Press Next.

Fig. 7: Initialisation of COM-ports

Device drivers are installed, created ports are ready for use.

After the drivers installation is completed modems should be added to each new СОМ-port.

8) For that enter the Control board in “Control Board”, open “Phone and modem” label, bookmark

“Modems” and press “Add” (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Phone and modem

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9) Tick off “Do not determine the type of modem” (Fig. 9). Press Next.

Fig. 9. Modem installation

10) Choose the type of modem “standard modems” and model “standard modem 19200 bd” (Fig.

10). Press Next

Fig. 10. Selection of modem type

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11) Select СОМ-ports, where modems will be installed (Fig. 11). Press Next

Fig. 11. Slection of COM-ports

12) After the modem is installed press “Finished”

Fig. 12 Completion of modem installation

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13) The last operation is to install the new connection. For this it is necessary to click “My network

place” -> “Properties” (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. “My network place” properties

14) Launch the procedure of new connection addition «Make new connection». Press Next (Fig.


Fig. 14 Creation of new connection

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15) On the next screen in order to create an outgoing connection choose “Dial-up to private net-

work” (Fig. 15). To create protected outgoing connection with private network through Internet

choose “Connect to virtual private network through Internet”. To creat connection in order to re-

ceive incoming calls choose “Accept incoming connections ” Press Next

Fig. 15. Connection to private network

16) Tick off modems, which will participate in the connection (Fig. 16). Press Next

Fig. 16. Selection of modems

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17) On the next screen dial the phone number. In order to access the Internet network through

GlobalTel server dial “123” number (Fig. 17) (Currently the dial-up number for multichannel

modems is «124»). Press Next

Fig. 17. Dial-up number

18) No additional settings are required on other screens. The last screen is shown on Fig. 18. Press

Next several times. To complete addition of network connections press Finish

Fig. 18. Completion of network connection

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19) Check up of outgoing connection. If it is necessary to use several different dial up numbers re-

move the tick “The same numbers for all devices” and set a required number for each modem.

Fig. 19. Свойства соединения. Общие.

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20) On the next bookmark it is necessary to make settings as shown on fig. 20 in order to call the

GlobalTel access server. In this configuration the dial is performed by all modems. Possible op-

tions are “Use the first out of available”, “Only available devices”, or “Use all devices”. Thresholds

for automatic connection and disconnection of other devices may be indicated (Eg. With the load

less than 75% during 30 seconds – to connect the next available modem; with load less than 25%

during 1 minute – to disconnect one of active devices).

Fig. 20. Свойства соединения. Параметры.

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21) The rest of settings correspond to default settings (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21. Connection settings. Network.

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