highlights of singapore construction a construction ... · achieve construction productivity...

Post on 15-Jul-2018






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A CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTIVITY MAGAZINEWe shape a safe, high quality, sustainable and friendly built environment




New minimum 10% R1 Requirement in 2017

Open for nominations: Construction Productivity Awards 2017 13 BIM Awards 2016

(Organisation Category)52

Highlights of Singapore Construction Productivity Week 2016



Jeanna Das

EDITORS Leong Ee Leng, Sherlyn Chen

SUB-EDITORS Cheryl Leong Pei Yi, Rena Pang

CONTRIBUTORS FOR THIS ISSUE Josephine Seet, Darius Ho, Angela Lee, Woon Wei Pong, Gwen Goh, See Toh Chee Fung, Fern Zheng

BUILD SMART IS PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY Building and Construction Authority 52 Jurong Gateway Road, #11-01, Singapore 608550 Tel: 1800-342 5222 Fax: 6334 4142 Website: www.bca.gov.sg

If you would like to share best practices and the latest technologies that could improve construction productivity, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at bca_enquiry@bca.gov.sg.

Written permission must be obtained from BCA to reproduce any part of Build Smart.

Printed on FSC-certified paper.

BCA supports the “Way to Go, Singapore!” initiative



CEO’s Message 01

New minimum 10% R1 Requirement in 2017 02

Adjustment to Man-Year Entitlement Formula on 1 Jan 2017


Open for nominations: Construction Productivity Awards 2017


Highlights of SCPW 2016 06

BIM Awards 2016 (Organisation Category) 13

Workshop on Advanced Precast Concrete System 18

Calendar of Events 20

Dear readers,

We conclude 2016 with highlights of the productivity event of the year – the Singapore Construction Productivity Week (SCPW), themed “Transforming the Way We Build through Innovation”. The event drew more than 8,000 participants including industry professionals and students. It was an exciting and eye-opening week for many, as they participated in the various activities to understand how the built environment sector is evolving with the latest productive construction practices and technologies.

Just before the SCPW, BCA convened the fourth International Panel of Experts (IPE) session on Construction Productivity and Prefabrication Technology. Industry professionals, the academia and public agencies joined the panel for an engaging discussion on key topics including the development of new capabilities in Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) technologies through pilot projects, and developing the DfMA eco-system, with developers generating lead demand for DfMA.

To support the built environment sector’s transformation, we need to continually improve the quality of our workforce and develop capability in the sector. From 2017, all construction firms are required to have at least 10 per cent of their work permit holders (WPHs) qualified as “Higher Skilled” R1 WPHs. To ensure a smooth transition for firms, BCA implemented a two-year upgrading phase since January 2015, to help firms build up their pool of R1 workers. Firms can also tap into BCA’s Workforce Training and Upgrading (WTU) scheme which co-funds up to 80 per cent of the training and testing fees.

The built environment sector has come a long way with many great achievements since the beginning of our productivity journey. Of course, this would not have been possible without the support and participation of the industry stakeholders and firms. The Construction Productivity Awards (CPA) were introduced to recognise outstanding firms and

industry practitioners for going the extra mile to achieve construction productivity improvements. The awards are given out in two categories – advocates and projects. Nominations for the CPA 2017 are now open and we welcome your nominations for outstanding advocates and projects.

Let us strive for even higher achievements in construction productivity as we continue to work closely together. I look forward to your continued support and keen participation as we give this nation-wide drive a further push in 2017.

Dr John Keung Chief Executive Officer





NEW MINIMIUM R1 REQUIREMENT AT THE FIRM LEVEL IN 2017 From 1 January 2017, MOM will require all construction firms to have at least 10% of their work permit holders (WPHs) qualified as “Higher Skilled” R1 WPHs.

To better prepare firms for this upcoming requirement, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) had implemented a two-year upgrading phase (from 1 Jan 15 to 31 Dec 16), to help firms build up their R1 pool by requiring them to upgrade 5% of their WPHs in 2015 and another 5% in 2016.

WORKFORCE TRAINING AND UPGRADING (WTU) SCHEMETo help firms defray the cost of upgrading, the BCA's WTU scheme supports firms in upgrading their workers by co-funding up to 80% of the course fees and testing fees. These training courses are available at the 32 Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs) and the BCA Academy in Singapore.

For more information about the WTU scheme, visit https://www.bca.gov.sg/manpower/wtu.html

1 "Fixed monthly salary" refers to the sum of basic monthly salary and fixed monthly allowances.2 Employers are required to update the WPH’s fixed monthly salary of at least $1,600 or more at MOM’s Work Permit Online (WPOL) system3 SEC(K) or equivalent trade test


1 January 2017 onwards

With progressive upgrading efforts, company will have

at least 10% of its work permit

holders at R1 tier

Company to upgrade min. 5% of its workers

1 January 2015

Company to upgrade

another 5% of its workers

1 January 2016

From Jan

2017From Jan

2018From Jan


Firms will not be allowed to hire new R2 WPHs until they meet the requirement.

Firms will not be allowed to hire new R2 WPHs and renew their existing R2 WPHs until they meet the requirement.

Firms will not be allowed to hire new R2 WPHs; renew their existing R2 WPHs, and firms will have to release their excess R2 WPHs until they meet the requirement.

Failing to meet the minimum R1 requirements will result in the following implications:






(C) Market-based

Skills Recognition Framework (MBF)

(D)Direct R1




EXPERIENCEMin. 4 years

Min. 4 years

Min. 6 years

X Min. 6 years



Pass Pass X PassPass selected safety courses


X XAt least $1,6002

At least $1,6002 X

WPHs with at least 4 years of construction experience in Singapore and who pass the skill assessments conducted by BCA can register under the Construction Registration of Tradesmen (CoreTrade) registration scheme to qualify as R1 workers.

WPHs with at least 4 years of construction experience in Singapore and is certified in two or more recognised trade skills are qualified as R1.

From October 2016, WPHs also qualify as R1 workers if they are (i) certified in a recognised trade skill, (ii) have at least 6 years of construction experience in Singapore, and (iii) have obtained WSQ Advanced Certificate (Workplace Safety and Health) or completed 120 hours of training in approved safety-related courses.

The MBF allows R2 WPHs to upgrade to R1 status if they have at least 6 years’ construction experience in Singapore and earn a fixed monthly salary of $1,600 or more.

The Direct R1 pathway allows workers who pass the SEC(K) at Direct R1 higher skills standards, and draw a fixed monthly salary of $1,600 or more, to qualify for R1 status. This benefits firms who can bring in better quality workers from overseas, as well as upgrade their better quality existing R2 WPHs who have less than 4 years of construction experience in Singapore.

CoreTrade Scheme

Multi-Skilling Scheme

Multi-Skilling Scheme (Safety)

Market-based skills recognition framework (MBF)

Direct R1

There are various ways that WPHs can qualify as R1 workers:












ADJUSTMENT TO MAN-YEAR ENTITLEMENT (MYE) FORMULA ON 1 JAN 2017Addressing the impact of fluctuating tender prices



Introduced by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), CPA recognises outstanding firms and industry practitioners for going the extra mile to achieve construction productivity improvements. It also encourages firms and industry stakeholders to continually strive for higher productivity through the adoption of productive technologies and methods.

There are two award categories: CPA - Advocates and CPA - Projects.

CPA – Advocates A firm-level award recognising outstanding developers, consultants, builders and subcontractors for their achievements in improving productivity at the firm level.

CPA – Projects A project-level award given to project teams that have demonstrated high levels of productivity in the course of their projects, including the design and construction phases.

Here are some of the recent CPA winners:

The Man-Year Entitlement (MYE) system allocates workers from Non-traditional Sources (NTS) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) based on project type and contract value. However, due to the cyclical nature of the construction industry and varying economic conditions, tender prices of construction projects tend to fluctuate and affect the MYE allocation to projects.

The Tender Price Index (TPI)1 adjusted the MYE allocation formula was implemented on 1 July 2013 by the Ministry of Manpower and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA). It takes the effect of fluctuation in tender prices of construction projects into account when determining manpower allocation.

The MYE formula will be adjusted with the Man-Year Adjustment Factor (MYAF) on 1 January each year for all project categories. The MYAF is computed based on the TPI tabulated for the previous financial year and is reviewed annually.

For the period of 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017, the MYAF is 0.989, i.e. a 1.1% adjustment downwards to the MYE allocation. The previous adjustment was 5.4% downwards in 2016.

外劳配额(MYE)是以项目的种类及合同金额,来分配来自非传统来源和中国的工人。然而,因为建筑业的周期性以及经济条件的变化,建筑项目的投标价也会随之上下波动,从而影响到外劳配额的分配。自2013年7月1日起,考虑到投标价的波动对外劳配额所带来的影响,人力部及建设局实施了经建筑投标价格指数(TPI)1来调整外劳配额的计算公式。每年1月1日,外劳配额计算公式将根据外劳配额调整因数(MYAF)在所有类型的建筑项目, 进行调整。此调整因数适用于所有类型的建筑项目。外劳配额调整因数是根据上一财政年度的建筑投标价格指数(TPI)所计算出,并每年进行评估。


P&T Consultants Pte Ltd – Gold Winner of 2015 BCA CPA - Advocates (Consultant –Civil & Structural) Category

76 Shenton - Platinum Winner of the 2016 BCA CPA - Projects (Residential Non-Landed <25,000 sqm) Category

Visit www.bca.gov.sg/Awards/CPA/cpa.html for more information.


1 Tender Price Index (TPI) measures the movement of tender prices of construction projects. This index is compiled from tender prices that represent what a client must pay to construct a new building.


Nominal Project Value

$20 Mil


$20 Mil

MYE Allocation (without TPI adjustment)


外劳配额 (未经TPI调整)


Man-Year Adjustment Factor (MYAF)


外劳配额调整因数 (MYAF)


MYE Allocation (with TPI adjustment)

125127 x 0.989 =

外劳配额 (经TPI调整)

125127 x 0.989 =

From 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Dec 2017


For illustration:





HIGHLIGHTS OF SCPW 2016The 6th Singapore Construction Productivity Week (SCPW) held from 18 to 20 October 2016 at the Singapore Expo saw more than 8,000 participants coming together to share and exchange knowledge on the latest construction practices and technologies to raise productivity and build capacity.

Themed “Transforming the Way We Build Through Innovation”, SCPW attracted industry stakeholders including developers, architects, consultants, builders, suppliers and researchers who took part in some of the 16 parallel events organised by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) during the week.

At the opening ceremony, guest of honour Minister Lawrence Wong outlined new measures to help boost productivity in the built environment sector. This includes exploring piloting a Government Land Sale site that specifies a productivity outcome without mandating specific technologies to give firms greater flexibility, the launch of the 9th edition of BCA’s Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS) with greater emphasis on productivity, a new Code of Practice for Building Information Modelling (BIM) e-submission, and efforts to accelerate Research & Developmnent (R&D) with the Construction Productivity R&D Roadmap.

The fourth International Panel of Experts (IPE) session on Construction Productivity and Prefabrication Technology was held on 13, 14 and 17 October 2016 at Marina Bay Sands Expo. The panel comprised 9 overseas experts and 14 local prominent professionals. More than 250 industry professionals also attended the session.

Guest-of-Honour Minister Lawrence Wong officiating the opening of SCPW 2016

IPE 2016

The IPE was attended by overseas experts, local prominent professionals and industry professionals

Co-chairmen, Dr John Keung, Mr Pek Lian Guan and Er. Lai Huen Poh sharing a light-hearted moment with the Panel

Create awareness, and share knowledge and experience to widen the adoption of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA).

Adopt procurement practices that promote integration and collaborative work processes among project parties.

Develop new capabilities on new DfMA technologies among stakeholders across the project value chain through pilot projects.

Build up DfMA eco-system with developers taking the lead in generating lead demand for DfMA.





Key Recommendations from IPE 2016

Exchange of ideas during one of the IPE sessions

Organised for the first time this year, the inaugural Experiential Workshop was held on 12 October 2016, and is a two-part workshop on Prefabricated Pre-finished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) application for the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Nanyang Crescent Hostel. The project team presented on the implementation, design and practical adoption of PPVC and it was followed by a site visit to observe the on-going construction process.


Visit to the mock-up unit for participants to experience what a completed unit would look like

Participants observed the installation of PPVC modules during the site visit

From left: Principal Engineer of KTP Consultants Dr. Wang Hai Jiang, Senior Architect of SAA Architects Mr Clement Koh, Assistant Project Director of Santari-Zhen Keng JV Mr Hew Main Wah and Project Director of NTU, Er Siew Hoong Kit



BuildTech Asia 2016 was a three-day trade exhibition organised by Sphere Exhibits and hosted by BCA. Lauded as the region's leading trade show, BTA showcased productive and smart construction technologies and innovations at the Singapore Expo from 18 to 20 October. Guided tours were organised for industry leaders, public agencies and Institutes of Higher Learning.


The demonstration featured the installation of a curved roof, MEP systems like flexible water pipe, air-con fabric duct and

architectural finishing works like drywall and laminated flooring.

Minister Lawrence Wong on the guided tour where he was introduced to the multi-touch interactive table showcasing

the various local projects adopting DfMA technologies

Minister Lawrence Wong and BCA CEO Dr John Keung immersed in a 3D virtual environment while walking through a simulated built-up space as part of the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) process

featured key productive and innovative initiatives as well as the latest technologies that will help to boost construction productivity, including DfMA and VDC. This was the first year BCA partnered with key government procuring entities – Housing & Development Board, Land Transport Authority, JTC Corporation, Nanyang Technological University and Info-comm Media Development Authority, to showcase the government’s collaborative efforts in driving productivity.

BCA collaborated with NTU Sports Hall cross laminated timber (CLT) supplier, Struts Building, and contractor, B19 Technologies, to carry out a live demonstration of a single-storey CLT and glued laminated timber (Glulam) structure to showcase installation of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) and architectural finishes for Mass Engineered Timber (MET) for three days of BTA.


SKILLED BUILDERS PROJECTAbout 300 people attended the Build Smart Conference where 23 local and international speakers shared about the advancement of construction productivity technologies, processes, concepts, and projects across various countries.


Participants attending the Build Smart Conference to gain insights on international construction productivity advancements

The inaugural SCAL Productivity & Innovation Awards (PIA) Competition 2016 was a ground-up initiative by Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) for industry firms to showcase their innovative ideas.

Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources gave out prizes to the winners on 20th October 2016 at SCAL’s Environment Sustainability Conference.


15 entries were shortlisted and displayed at BuildTech Asia for public voting

Lian Soon Construction’s iDrain – The Durable and Reusable Earth Control Measures (ECM) Drain

Samwoh Corporation’s Productive Sustainable Solution for Pavement Re-texturing and Spillage Removal

SC Ang Consortium’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for Piling


Blossom Spring @ Yishun

Changi General Hospital Medical CentreGospel Light Christian Church

BIM Awards recognises outstanding project teams that implemented BIM in their construction projects in the design and construction stages. 11 project teams from the industry received their awards from Minister Lawrence Wong during the SCPW opening ceremony.

The Platinum Award (highest rating) – went to Blossom Spring @ Yishun, Changi General Hospital Medical Centre and Gospel Light Christian Church.





All smiles from the winners of the National BIM Shoot-Out!

Cho Sun University Singapore Polytechnic SUTD, SIT and Singapore Polytechnic


The International BIM Competition is designed for tertiary students to hone their BIM knowledge and skills under the mentorship of industry practitioners. Prior to the competition, the 200 participating students had the opportunity to learn from industry experts on the relevant tools and skills for BIM.

The National BIM Shoot-Out This is a 2-hour modelling proficiency competition that is in its third year running. This year, 130 IHL students demonstrated their BIM modelling and documentation skills in different categories: Architectural, Structural and MEP.


1st (Architectural) Gerald Santos (ITE)

2nd (Architectural) Phone (BCAA)

3rd (Architectural) Cheah Chee Kin (ITE)

1st (Structural) Zhu Lian (SP)

2nd (Structural) Michele Lee (SP)

3rd (Structural) Sean Chua (SP)

1st (MEP) Edison (SUTD)

2nd (MEP) Li Yi Ren (BCAA)

3rd (MEP) Chen Jing (BCAA)

The Productivity Workshop attracted about 200 students and lecturers from various IHLs as they were keen to learn more about VDC, 3D printing and careers, scholarship and sponsorship options in the built environment sector.

Ms Alice Leung and Mr Joseph Yau from DPR Asia Pacific presenting on “VDC: Integrating Technology, People and Process for Construction Productivity Gain”

Workshop participants listening intently to the speakers from DPR Asia Pacific

SCPW drew keen participation not just from the industry but also more than 800 local and international tertiary students.

THE FUTURE GENERATION BEGINS TODAY The third run of the Productivity Challenge consisted of a six-week project based assignment. Fifteen teams (63 students in total) were given a scenario of an actual site project – Signature @ Yishun Executive Condominium and tasked to plan and choose buildable systems and labour-efficient construction methods while considering the site-specific constraints. Participants also visited the project site and underwent training on the buildability framework.

The Productivity Race was graced by Mr Baey Yam Keng, Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth. Close to 200 students participated in a series of games to learn how productive construction technology can help to transform the built environment sector.

If you are interested to participate in next year’s SCPW, please email: BCA_SCPW@bca.gov.sg

Winning teams flash their brightest smiles as they received their prizes


Champion Team B2Y3 (NUS Civil & Environmental Engineering)

1st Runner-up Poh & Associates (NUS School of Design & Environment)

2nd Runner-up Team Civil (NUS Civil & Environmental Engineering)

Flag-off by Parliamentary Secretary Baey Yam Keng at the Singapore Expo

Parliamentary Secretary Baey Yam Keng joining participants at Station 1: Assembly of mock PPVC modules to form a 3-storey building

The winning teams from BCAA, Singapore Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic posing for a group photo


Champion Team Alpha (BCAA)

1st Runner-up 5 Stoners (Singapore Polytechnic)

2nd Runner-up Team Wassup (Nanyang Polytechnic)





BCA BIM AWARDS 2016 (ORGANISATION CATEGORY)The annual award recognises companies that adopt BIM in innovative ways

The BCA BIM Awards (Organisation Category) is held annually to recognise outstanding organisations for going the extra mile in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) adoption at the organisation levels. Earlier this year, 19 organisations received their awards at the BCA Awards Night at Resorts World Sentosa.

Congratulations to this year's winners for their outstanding and innovative use of BIM!

No. Organisation Role Awards Category

1 Aecom Singapore Pte Ltd Multidisciplinary Consultant PLATINUM

2 Kimly Construction Pte Ltd Builder PLATINUM

3 Obayashi Singapore Private Limited Builder PLATINUM

4 Ong&Ong Group Pte Ltd Multidisciplinary Consultant PLATINUM

5 Penta Ocean Construction Co., Ltd Builder PLATINUM

6 Shimizu Corporation Builder PLATINUM

7 Straits Construction Singapore Pte Ltd Builder PLATINUM

8 Woh Hup (Private) Limited Builder PLATINUM

9 China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co. Pte. Ltd. Builder GOLDPLUS

10 Takenaka Corporation Builder GOLDPLUS

11 Teambuild Engineering & Construction Pte Ltd Builder GOLDPLUS

12 Tiong Aik Construction Pte Ltd Builder GOLDPLUS

13 Gammon Pte. Limited Builder GOLD

14 KTP Consultants Pte Ltd Builder GOLD

15 Hexacon Construction Pte Ltd Builder GOLD

16 Lian Soon Construction Pte Ltd C&S Consultant GOLD

17 LSW Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd C&S Consultant GOLD

18 Soil-Build (Pte) Ltd Builder GOLD

19 Yau Lee Construction (Singapore) Pte Ltd Builder GOLD

Comments by co-chairpersons of the BIM Award Assessment Panel

“For the leading companies, BIM is now their operations platform. Many of them

are exploiting VDC practices and applications. In particular, the contractors use

planning and simulation tools to do virtual construction prior to actual construction

so that they can sort out all the issues and constraints and avoid re-work on site

later. They can better plan their construction sequences, locations, operations of

their cranes and other major equipment. This will become increasingly critical as

the industry moves toward DfMA.

Companies that have achieved and progressed the most are those where BIM

is integral to their working processes, and also where top management is fully

engaged in driving these processes. Top management must see the strategic and

commercial possibilities of new technologies, so their companies can move faster.”

Mr Lee Chuan Seng Emeritus Chairman, Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner S.E Asia Pte Ltd (Singapore)

“We see construction companies adopting an integrated approach in

their use of BIM with their lean process management and costing (Kimly,

Straits Construction). Others use 3D printing to model complex joints

in highly complicated projects (Woh Hup). A number of foreign builders

develop and apply 4D and 5D BIM in Singapore projects, which they

share with their parent companies in their home countries (Penta Ocean,

Shimizu and Obayashi). Some design firms (Ong&Ong, Aecom) have

developed highly integrated networks for international BIM collaborations.

Platinum awardees distinguished themselves in terms of BIM leadership,

company-wide implementation, continuous and strategised learning,

quantifiable outputs and outcomes and a persistent pursuit of excellence.”

Er. Lam Siew Wah Managing Director, Built Environment Research and Innovation Institute (BERII), Building and Construction Authority (BCA)

Nominations for the 2017 BCA BIM Awards (Organisation Category) is now open till 20 January 2017. For more information, please visit bimsg.org




“Kimly is delighted and honoured to receive the Platinum Award. At Kimly, enhancing productivity and execution on site are key elements of our strategic direction. We believe these can be achieved by placing BIM and lean construction principles in tandem.

Kimly's BIM roadmap works towards synergising BIM technologies with collaborative work processes to engage more project stakeholders, better manage information and optimise construction work processes and execution. We also invest extensively in developing the capabilities of our people.”

Kho Teok Siong BIM Manager Kimly Construction Pte Ltd


√ Extensive in-house training programme from basic BIM awareness training to continuous R&D programme

√ More than 80 per cent of its BIM resources are trained

√ Extensive BIM usage such as point cloud data survey, clash detection, model checking, visualisation, 4D (time), 5D (cost), 6D (facilities management) and safety enhancement

√ Extensive innovative solutions that leverage an online collaboration platform, analysis tools, data management through scripting tools and virtual reality technology for different stages


√ Strong leadership and planning approach in BIM adoption, comprising full involvement from different levels within its organisation

√ More than 80 per cent of its projects were done in BIM for the past two years

√ Extensive BIM usage such as clash detection, walkthrough for visualisation, simulating construction sequence, site facilities planning, quantity take-off and precast feasibility studies

√ Extensive innovative solutions using BIM for DfMA, RFI tagging, Theory of Constraints (lean construction); embarked in R&D collaboration with NTU

AECOM Singapore Pte Ltd Kimly Construction Pte Ltd

“Our management has envisioned the importance of the BIM platform since 2010. Under their leadership, we steadfastly invested in the technology as well as the necessary training for our staff.

Our efforts and results are attested by the BCA BIM Platinum Award, which recognises Obayashi as a market leader in BIM implementation. This is only the beginning of a new journey that we must embrace to keep up with the changing times.”

Patrick Chia Senior Project Manager Obayashi Singapore Private Limited

“The ONG&ONG Group is honored to receive the Platinum Award, which recognises our BIM implementation through our 360-solution approach in design, engineering and management.

We have embraced BIM for the past few years. With strong management support, a centralised BIM department was established to lead the implementation, provide technological expertise and host training sessions. Our BIM process is enhanced with VDC. We are confident that VDC will complement our multi-disciplinary capabilities.”

Daniels Chandra BIM Director ONG&ONG Group Pte Ltd


√ Steady progression in establishing BIM goals and objectives and setting standards and policies to ensure successful implementation with comprehensive training at all levels

√ More than 90 per cent of its projects were done in BIM for the past two years

√ Extensive BIM usage at the early construction stage and during construction and handover stages, including 4D simulations, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, digital mock-ups and 5D quantity take-off

√ Extensive innovative solutions to maximise the benefits within pre-planning, constructability, clash resolution and recognising increased productivity


√ Strong engagement in the organisation, from top-down and bottom-up approaches for BIM adaption

√ More than 89 per cent of its staff (modellers, architects, engineers and senior management) are trained in BIM

√ Extensive BIM usage in all stages, including full BIM deliveries, VDC implementation and design automation with cloud services to international collaboration

√ Extensive innovative solutions from concept design, analysis, documentation, communication, collaboration and coordination, mobile applications and facility management to design automation

Obayashi Singapore Private Limited ONG&ONG Group Pte Ltd

“AECOM is honoured to be recognised as a Platinum Award winner. BIM plays an important role in the built environment and the award recognises AECOM’s commitment to leveraging technology.

With established tools, technologies and processes both globally and regionally, AECOM has a strong foundation and is well positioned to support our clients in driving BIM adoption in their projects and programmes.”

Jugal Makwan BIM Director – APAC AECOM Singapore Pte Ltd




“We are pleased to be awarded the Platinum Award. Penta Ocean’s key BIM emphasis is to continuously explore new ways to leverage it as part of our digital engineering practice in all areas of construction.

We have successfully integrated BIM into our core processes, and constantly invest in upgrading our team’s digital engineering skills. BIM has become an essential tool in ensuring quality engineering in our organisation. We will strive to be an industry leader in digital engineering practices.”

Chua Teck Huat General Manager, Head of Building Construction Division (M&E, BIM), International Business Unit, International Building Construction Divisions Group, Penta Ocean Construction Co. Ltd

“Our company takes pride in winning the Platinum Award. This achievement has been possible because of the organisation’s vision and dedication in embracing new technologies.

Our management has formulated the 'Shimizu-Way' principles to serve as a foundation for continuous improvements in all our works. BIM Implementation was identified as one of the key processes that can help us achieve our principles that revolve around Corporate Identity, Dynamic Management, Smart Solutions and Long Term Outlook.”

Daniel Teh Senior Manager – IDD Shimizu Corporation


√ Strong BIM teams set up at various project sites with senior management’s support

√ More than 95 per cent of its technical team (modellers, engineers, architectural coordinators, technical specialists) are trained in BIM

√ Extensive BIM usage in all stages including construction visualisation, clash detection and coordination, 4D scheduling, 5D quantity take-off, site management and facility management

√ Extensive innovative solutions including establishing company BIM standards, parametric BIM approaches, BIM for precast construction, future planning of underground services, tunnel alignments and 3D geological studies, as well as continuous R&D of BIM applications


√ Extensive leadership and management engagement in BIM adoption and development

√ More than 80 per cent of its projects were done in BIM for the past two years

√ Extensive BIM usage in all stages including construction visualisation, clash detection and coordination, shop drawing production, 4D progress simulation, 5D quantity take-off, site management and facility management

√ Extensive innovative solutions for collaboration and productivity improvement with automated precast prefabrication, collaboration framework, VDC, BIG room concept, 3D point cloud, 3D thumb-tag for RFIs and more

Penta Ocean Construction Co. Ltd Shimizu Corporation


“Winning the Platinum Award this year has motivated us to strive even further with what we want to do with BIM and VDC.

We will definitely continue to push the boundaries to realise greater productivity gain for all our projects, and to remain competitive in the industry.”

Kenneth Loo Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer Straits Construction Singapore Pte Ltd

“The industry is in the midst of a revolution in how buildings are designed and constructed. Winning the Platinum Award has encouraged Woh Hup to emphasise on BIM.

Woh Hup strives to integrate BIM in all stages of our construction process that will lead to more productivity and improvement in the safety and quality of our work. Innovation is one of Woh Hup's core values; we believe BIM is an integral and innovative technology that allows stakeholders to explore opportunities.”

Wong Keam Tong Director of Engineering Woh Hup (Private) Limited


√ Extensive leadership and management engagement in BIM adoption and development

√ All of its projects were done in BIM for the past two years

√ Extensive BIM usage in different work scopes including earthwork, landscape, architecture, structural, building services, underground services, precast works and as-built works

√ Extensive innovative solutions including Automated Precast Prefabrication, Collaboration Framework, VDC, BIG Room Concept, 3D Point Cloud, 3D Thumb-tag for RFIs and more


√ Extensive leadership and management engagement in BIM adoption and development

√ All of its projects were done in BIM for the past two years

√ Extensive BIM usage at various stages including visualisation, coordination, shop drawing production, 4D sequencing and scheduling, 5D quantity take-off, facility management and safety management

√ Extensive innovative solutions including DfMA, BIM mobile application, civil information modelling, 3D clash reports, BIM for precast planning and mould grouping, digital mock-up unit, analysis software and cloud-based data management

Straits Construction Singapore Pte Ltd Woh Hup (Private) Limited




However, as we work towards achieving our national productivity targets of an average of 2-3 per cent productivity improvement per annum by 2020, it is imperative for our industry to relook at the existing design, prefabrication and site installation practices commonly adopted in local precast construction.

With that objective in mind, BCA organised a three-day workshop on advanced precast concrete system from 21 to 23 September 2016 at the Centre for Lean and Virtual Construction (CLVC) at the BCA Academy. The workshop was attended by a total of 45 local industry stakeholders across 20 firms, comprising developers, architects, engineers, contractors, precasters and key Government Procurement Entities (GPEs).

Recognising that significant advances and improvements have been made in precast construction overseas, BCA invited two overseas experts to jointly facilitate the workshop, together with two local industry experts. Prof Theo Salet (Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands; and Senior Partner, Wittveen+Bos) and Dr Kaare D.B. Dahl (Senior Chief Project Manager, Ramboll Denmark) contributed their knowledge and experience in advanced precast construction in The Netherlands and Denmark. Our local representatives, Er. Tan Chee Hean (Director, P&T Consultants Pte Ltd) and Mr Choo Tat Jin (Project Director, Kimly Construction Pte Ltd) provided their inputs in the local context.

The workshop provided an excellent platform for local practitioners to exchange knowledge and thoughts with their overseas counterparts with the common objective of advancing precast construction to the next level.

ADVANCED PRECAST CONCRETE SYSTEM BRINGING PRECAST CONCRETE TO THE NEXT LEVELPrecast construction has been extensively adopted in both public and private construction projects in the past few decades.

Focus group discussions facilitated by Prof Theo Salet and Dr Kaare K.B. Dahl during the workshop.

Case studies at the workshop featured local projects across different development types:

Prof Theo Salet

Dr Kaare K.B. Dahl

78 Shenton Way: A 39-storey commercial-residential mixed development

Academic Tower at BCA Academy: A 10-storey academic tower block

JTC Space @ Tuas:An industrial – dormitory integrated development

Sengkang N3C28A: A public housing development





CALENDAR OF EVENTSDate/Time Event Name Venue Organiser Contact Person

& Details

6 Jan 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

Built Environment and Property Prospects Seminar 2017

Orchard Hotel


Marketing & Business Development Unit

TeL : 6730 4503 / 6248 9824email: bca_academy


9 - 12 Jan 2017 9.00am - 6.00pm

Certification Course in BIM Management (61st Run)

BCA Academy

BCA Academy

Starting from 10 Jan 20176.30pm - 9.30pm

Advanced Certificate in Construction Productivity (6th Run)

16 & 17 Jan 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

BIM Planning Course (Building Developers and Facility Managers) (19th Run)

18 & 19 Jan 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

Develop A Risk Management Implementation Plan (BizSAFE Level 2) (115th Run)

18 - 20 Jan 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

Certified QM/CONQUAS Managers Course (54th Run)

19 & 20 Jan 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

NEW: Practical Applications of WSH Legislations in Construction Projects through Case Studies

6 Feb 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

Building Automation Concepts, Technologies and Practices for Green Buildings (4th Run)

6 - 9 Feb 20179.00am - 6.00pm

Certification Course in BIM Management (62nd Run)

16, 17, 23 & 24 Feb 2017 9.00am - 5.30pm

Develop a Workplace Safety and Health Management System Implementation Plan (BizSAFE Level 4) (11th Run)

Starting on 9 Jan 2017 6.30pm - 9.30pm

NEW: Specialist Diploma in Virtual Design & Construction

Starting on 23 Jan 2017 6.30pm - 9.30pm

Specialist Diploma in Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (2nd Intake)

Specialist Diploma in Lean Construction (2nd Intake)

Starting in Feb 20176.30pm - 9.30pm

Specialist Diploma in Workplace Safety & Health (5th Run)

Starting in Mar 20176.30pm - 9.30pm

NEW: Graduate Certificate in Workplace Safety & Health

8th Intake: Starting in Feb 2017 FULL TIME: Bachelor of Construction

Management (Building) (Honours) awarded by The University of Newcastle, Australia

BCA – University

of Newcastle

Ms Nurhadhinah / Ms Zhuo Xiuyun

Tel: 6730 4503 / 6248 9881email: nurhadhinah _osman@bca.gov.sg;


9th Intake: (Bridging) Starting on 13 Mar 2017Application closes: 17 Feb

4th Intake: (Bridging) Starting on 3 Apr 2017 Application closes: 10 Mar

PART TIME: Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) awarded by The University of Newcastle, Australia

Ms Nurhadhinah / Ms Elaine Chow

Tel: 6730 4503 / 6730 4528email: nurhadhinah _osman@bca.gov.sg;


1st Intake: Starting in Feb 2017Application closes: 17 Jan

FULL TIME: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) (for GCE 'A' level / non-construction or non-Civil Engineering Diploma holder)

Ms Nurhadhinah / Ms Ang Geok Lung

Tel: 6730 4503 / 6248 9887email: nurhadhinah _osman@bca.gov.sg;

ang_geok_lung@bca.gov.sg1st Intake: Starting in May 2017 Application closes: 10 Mar

FULL TIME: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) awarded by The University of Newcastle, Australia(for relevant construction or Civil Engineering Diploma holder)


For more information, please visit www.bca.gov.sg/CPCF/cpcf.html

*Terms and conditions apply.


Provides assistance to builders to defray up to

70% of equipment costs*


Provides assistance to companies to defray up to

70% of the cost for adopting more productive

work processes*

We shape a safe, high quality, sustainable and friendly built environment


Co-funds up to 70% of the supportable cost

incurred by firms when leveraging BIM technology

to improve multi-disciplinary collaboration*


In partnership with built environment firms, BCA

will co-fund scholarship and sponsorship programmes

at the undergraduate, diploma, ITE, supervisory

and foreman levels*

WORKFORCE TRAINING AND UPGRADING (WTU) SCHEMEFacilitates upgrading of workforce at all levels by

co-funding up to 90% of the cost for selected skills assessment and training courses*

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