his majesty king mohammed vi - morocco royal tour · 2017-09-05 · the mrt is to take place over...

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A Message from the President: PRINCE MOULAY ABDELLAH ALAOUI

Morocco Royal Tour Presentation

• Organization

• The 7th edition in retrospect (2016)

• 2016 Winners

• Venues

• Areas


The 8th Edition (2017)



Prince Moulay

abdellah alaoui

Following the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, The Morocco Royal Tour is organized by three prestigious institutions working for the promotion of the horse and equestrian sports in Morocco: la Garde Royale, the Royal Moroccan Federation for Equestrian Sports and El Jadida Horse Fair Association.

It is increasingly attractive to many and prestigious names in the world show jumping thanks to its rich program including 13 events counting for the International Equestrian Federation’s Longines FEI Ranking List, including three Grands Prix CSI3* W qualifying for the world cup.

For 2017 edition, Rabat will welcome the 2nd edition of the Nations Cup. The event will thus witness the participation of teams, made up of some of the best horse riders in the world.

Tetouan, on the magnificent site of the Royal Guard and El Jadida, in the new exhibition park Mohammed VI will host important competitions, qualifying for the World Cup.

Therefore, during three weekends the MRT will ensure that the spotlights are focused on Morocco hosting this CSIO with a world-wide reputation.

MeSSaGe FroM The PreSidenT




royal TourBased on a simple and effective concept, the Morocco Royal Tour is imagined very much like a trilogy: three cities; three-day events; three international starts; three horses; and three settings. In sum three more reasons for internationals to come and take part in the contest in Morocco. The MRT is to take place over three successive weekends, respectively in the cities of Tetouan, Rabat and El Jadida.In previous editions, the MRT welcomed more than twenty nations, represented by prestigious horse -riders: Olympic Games medallists, World Equestrian Games and the various continental champion- ships and a host of world stars of jumping.

The program includes a CSI3* with 13 events counting for the International Equestrian Federation’s Longines FEI Ranking List, including three Grands Prix CSI3 * W qualifying for the world cup and a CSI1*with 18 competitions.For the second time, the 2017 edition will be highlighted by the organization of a CSIO3*W “the Nations Cup” during the Rabat competition. The event will thus witness the participation of teams, made up of some of the best horse riders in the world.This rich program places today the MRT among the most attractive competition on the International Calendar.

The trust vested by our sponsors, the work of our teams, as well as the national and international media coverage all bear witness to wide recognition, which bodes well for the development of equestrian sport in Morocco.

Prince Moulay abdellah alaoui


le General de divisionMimoun Mansour

Vice President

Steering committee

representative of the Salon du cheval representative of FrMSe

El HabibMarzak

MohammedEl Kohen



Representative of the Royal Guard

Omar KhatibSecrety General

Hicham BoudraaTreasurer





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The 2016 ediTion in reTroSPecT

cSi 3*W cSi 1*

cSi 3*W27 COMpEtitiOnS

prizE MOnEy531.000 eur

entry fee per horse

and per competition

300 eur

20 nAtiOnS



58 intErnAtiOnAl


154 HOrSES

cSi 1*18 COMpEtitiOnS

prizE MOnEy50.000 eur

entry fee per horse

and per competition

200 eur

16 nAtiOnS



40 intErnAtiOnAl




TeTouan rabaT

alain Jufer (Sui)radja d’artemi

Pius Schwizer (Sui)balou rubin r

GP - cSi 3*W GP - cSi 3*W


el JadidaGP - cSi 3*W

ibrahim hani bisharat (Jor)bowie Z

The 2016 ediTion in reTroSPecT

cSio ‘naTionS cuP’


WinnerS cSio3*W 10 nAtiOnS





Saudi arabia






1 . FirST Place : belGiuM

2 . Second Place : iTaly

3 . Third Place eQually ranked :

Saudi arabia/ Morocco/ SWiTZerland


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Mer MéditerranéeTanger

Océan Atlantique


1ère étape

2ème étape

3ème étape


tetouanOctober 5 - 8a genuine cultural center of the northern region, this dynamic city will allow you to discover, within the time-frame of one week-end,highly-symbolic locations - like the Medina with its andalusian - style influences: an old city at the heart of Tetouan - or again the Green olive arts, with its artists who will be show casing their remarkable artefacts

rabatOctober 12 - 15Five days later, the tour will carry the “caravan” of champions to the marvellous city of rabat, which will be hosting for the second time the nations cup–an event where Morocco will be called upon to shine among bill topping european contenders.as for the city, it is located on the shore of the atlantic ocean and the left bank of the mouth of the bouregreg river. The city was founded back in 1150 by the almohads, who also set up a citadel therein, which later became known as kasbah des oudayas. Since June 2012, several sites in the city have been registered as cultural land- marks on the uneSco World heritage list.

El Jadida October 19 - 22The trip ends in el Jadida, in the framework of The Salon du cheval where an indoor is held in the magnificent Mohammed Vi exhibition Park. el-Jadida is located on the atlantic ocean coastline –south of the economic capital of Morocco, casablanca. The city was a fortress erected by the Portuguese back at the beginning of the 16th century. The forti- fications of the Portuguese city provide an example of Portuguese military architecture during the renais- sance and stand witness to cross-cultural interactions and influences between europe and Morocco.


Tanger à Tétouan : 50 km

Tétouan à rabat : 280 km

rabat à el Jadida : 150 km





1918 1918

riders club

dar essalam

el Jadida




all competitions arenas are in Toubin and clément sands and other (respecting interna-tional standards).

carrière de Tétouan (87m x 75m outdoor)

carrière de rabat (68m x 108m outdoor)



carrière d’el Jadida (70m x 40m indoor)

Fencesdesigned and made by caro company in Germany.

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boxbuilt or dismountable, these stalls are made according to the standards set by the international equestrian Federation.

Veterinary clinicson the occasion of each competition, the organizing committee provides veterinary supervision, as required by the ieF.

The veterinary clinics of the royal Guard, the hassan ii agronomy and Veterinary institute, and the Temara-based V et clinic at the royal cavalry School are contracted with MrT. The clinics are equipped with modern, state-of-the-art equipment and endowed with veterinary and para-veterinary staff with proven track records in the field.

clinique Vétérinaire Fédérale dar es Salam rabat

clinique Vétérinaire de l’ecole royale de cavalerie de Temara

clinique Vétérinaire de la Garde royale

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iMPorTanT SaniTary reQuireMenTS- These requirements are set by Morocco and various other countries in conformity with the rules stipulated by the epizooties international organization. They are generally easy to comply with.

- They take the form of sanitary certificates that are downloadable from the MrTweb-site (mrt.ma). They do explain all of the mandatory sanitary requirements.

- The organizing committee will assist you in establishing your import folder horses, on arrival in the various ports and airports and departure.

datesTe Touan : 05 to 08 october 2017

rabaT : 12 to 15 october 2017

el Jadida : 19 to 22 october 2017

Prize Money

cSi3*W/cSio3*W : Total Prize Money :€538,700 eur.

commitment per horse and per competition : 300 eur

cSi1* : Total Prize Money : €49.000 eur

commitment per horse and per competition : 200 eur € €

The 8th edition 2017

The 8th edition 2017

adMiniSTraTiVe iMPorT reQuireMenTS

Transit facilities

- The organizing committee has commissioned a freight-forwarding agent in algesiras and in Tangiers to help with administrative formalities.- however, the trucks carrying horses and equipment MuST be endowed with an aTa notebook.

The horses that participate in the MrT, which come by way of land, will be arriving at the Tangier-Med harbor, located at some 50 kilometers from Tetouan, where the first MrT competition is scheduled to be held.

Thanks to close collaboration between Spanish and Moroccan veterinary and customs’

services, sanitary and administrative formalities go rather smoothly and in good conditions.

• The formalities of customs clearance and health inspection will take place at Tetouan stables to reduce waiting times at the port of Tangier. return formalities will be in el Jadida.

• The cost of the crossing of vehicles and horses between algeciras and Tangier and back (boat) are charged to the MrT.

• The freight forwarder’s fees are the responsibility of the MrT.

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abdullah al SharbaTlySaudi rider

« it is my sixth participation in the MrT; this competition is very honorable for the arabic riding but also for the international riding. This edition is marked by a notable improvement, i shall even go to say that the MrT joins in the ToP 50 or the World ToP 60 thanks to the riders who participate; it proves that the competition this year

will be harder »

Sheikh ali al ThaniQatari rider

« What i notice compared to the previous year is that the number of riders participating in the MrT has increased, and many of them are among the top thirty riders in the world, and this shows the great caliber of this edition »

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alexandra PailloTFrench rider

« So this is my first participation in the MrT, i find the organization great and the infrastructures very functional for horses, the soil is good ... everything is very well

organized, it is really a pleasure to be here »

alain JuFerSwiss rider

« i have to say that it was a good and selective course, there were many without faults, many good horses too and good riders at the start. »


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Manuele Gaudianoitalian rider

« This year, there are more riders ... more good riders. With the nations cup organized in rabat with 10 teams,

the event is getting bigger »

Jérôme Guerybelgian rider

« The difference between the 5 stars level and here in Morocco which is around 3 stars is that the tests are less

raised but of a high level anyway »

abdelkebir ouaddarMoroccan rider

« i think the most difficult stage is el Jadida because we go directly from outside to inside, that’s why the horses get a bit lost. on the other hand in Tetouan, there is a very big career so the horses are more at ease. here in rabat, we start with a competition at the rides, the horses are a little lost but they are used to it anyway, they must adapt to it. »

Fabienne daiGneuX-lanGebelgian rider

«The course seems quite delicate... and technically complicated, especially as it is a first indoor for everyone »

TeSTiMonialS TeSTiMonialS

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ramzi al duhaMSaudi rider

« of course today’s course will be very difficult for all the riders, but i think that we shall attend beautiful tours during the Grand Prix »

ibrahim hani biSharaTJordanian rider

« i am very pleased, it is a very enjoyable end for me to Win the Grand Prix ... that motivates me to come back next year, these are very beautiful sensations ... all this pushes me to work harder to be qualified at the World cup »



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Forwarding agent

iTFi142, avenue d’espagneimmeuble billal - bP 1200 - Tanger - MarocPhone : +212 539 32 54 63Fax: +212 539 32 04 80/90

nejtrans s.a.r.l47, rue Tantan - résidence les Palmiers - 5ème étage TangerPhone:+212539945511•Fax:+212539945512e-mail : nejtrans@yahoo.fr

accommodation and catering Services

• Several hotels and residences in the three cities hosting the competitions are bound by agreements with MrT to offer preferential rates (see the details featured on the preliminary program).

• a whole range of catering services will be available on the sites of the competitions.


Morocco royal Tourb.P. 742 - dar es Salam - rabat - MarocPhone : +212 5 37 75 44 24Fax : +212 5 37 75 47 38e-mail : conatct @mrt.maWeb-site : www.mrt.ma

organizer : Garde royaleadress : Méchouar c.P. 1036 rabat 10000 – MarocPhone:+212537238800•Fax:+212537661707e-mail : geccavalerie@yahoo.frWeb-site : www.mrt.ma

organizer : Fédération royale Marocaine des Sports equestresadress : dar es Salam - bP 742 rabat - MarocPhone:+212537754424•Fax:+212537754738e-mail : engagements@frmse.maWeb-site : www.mrt.ma

organizer : association Salon du cheval d’el Jadidaadress : 40, avenue al Jacaranda, 10100,hay riad rabat - MarocPhone : +212 537 56 66 56. Fax : +212 537 56 68 56e-mail : contact@salonducheval.ma Web-site : www.salonducheval.ma

organizing entity

useful contacts and information

Practical information

Practical information

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Salon du Cheval d’El Jadida

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