hist2128 germany, 1871-1933: from empire to republic the franco-german war of 1870-71 lecture 4 2...

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Germany, 1871-1933: From Empire to Republic

The Franco-German War of 1870-71

Lecture 4

2 February 2012

War with Austria= German Civil War’ – ‘German War’ – ‘Seven

Weeks’ War’ – Brothers’ War (Deutscher Krieg)

Reason: Continued struggle between Prussia and Austria for dominance in German Confederation

• Austria: 400,000 troops + support of most of ‘Third Germany’ ≠ Prussia 300,000 troops

• Italy’s entry into war: Two-front-war for Austria but Italy quickly defeated

Treaty of Prague (1) (Prussia-Austria, Aug 1866)

• Prussia’s annexation of S-H, Hesse-Cassel, Hanover, Nassau, Frankfurt

• North German states to join North German Confederation under Prussian leadership

• Independence of South German states guaranteed due to French intervention + Bismarck’s fear

of too quick absorption but signing of secret military alliance between South Germany + Prussia in case of French attack

Treaty of Prague (2) (Prussia-Austria, Aug 1866)

• Usually seen as milestone on way to German unity

• Destroyed unity of German Confederation + secured Prussia’s dominance in Germany

• Separated Germans into 3 units: North German Confederation, 4 South German states, Austria

= Prussia enlarged by 1/5 with coherent territory

= German nation state now only blocked by France

Napoleon's strategy 1867-70

• Re-strengthen ‘Bonapartism’ by successful foreign politics

• To set-up a coalition of France + Austria + Italy ≠ Prussia (+ Russia)

But: Austria’s readiness for war only when Russia sided Prussia

Italy’s excessive territorial demands incl. Papal State at Rome under French military protection

= No formal coalition: Unsuccessful French plans

Hohenzollern Candidature Crisis (1)

Spanish revolution of 1868:• Driving out Spanish Queen Isabella

• Moderate Spanish right’s search for new monarch to safeguard monarchy

→ Offer of Spanish crown to Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern = Catholic side-branch of royal Prussian House of Hohenzollern

Hohenzollern Candidature Crisis (2)

• Bismarck’s secret encouragement of Hohenzollern candidature

• Strong French critic after official publication of candidature + desire for triumph, for

intimidation, humiliation of Prussia + creating war-like mood

• Spanish renunciation of Leopold’s candidature after strong French pressure: Such

voluntary step of Leopold not enough to satisfy French negative ambitions towards Prussia

Hohenzollern Candidature Crisis (3)

• France’s demand of official renunciation from King William I on behalf of Leopold for all time

= Overemphasising crisis + Napoleon’s overplaying his hand

• France’s demand refused by King William but his conciliatory reply to French ambassador Benedetti at Bad Ems

• ‘Ems telegram’ amended by Bismarck to provoke war with France → King’s action seemingly more abrupt + dismissive than in reality

Hohenzollern Candidature Crisis (3)

Napoleon’s situation:

• Option 1: To suffer major diplomatic defeat against Prussia → probably end of

Napoleon’s government

• Option 2: To escape into war → probably good chance to defeat Prussia:

Declaration of war, 19 Jul 1870

Warfare (1)• Strong anti-French feelings in all-Germany:

‘National uprising’ in North and South

• Neutral stance of Russia + Austria + Britain

• Quick mobilisation of Prussian + other German states armies + well-trained troops under Prussian General von Moltke

• France’s war declaration with no prior preparation or military action → Slow mobilisation of

French army → early battles defeats

Warfare (2)

3 major series of operations:

• Battles leading to trapping of French army under Bazaine in Metz (- October 1870)

• Surrender of Napoleon III at Sedan (2 Sep 1870)

• Investment of Paris (- 28 Jan 1871)

War Results

Founding of German Empire at Versailles, 18 Jan 1871

Treaty of Frankfurt, May 1871:• Annexation of French provinces Alsace + (East-)

Lorraine by Germany• Heavy French war indemnity

= New border line for military strategic reasons = Strong German public pressure on Bismarck to

annex French territory as punishment

► Long-lasting French revenge feeling

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