histopathological finding of liver and kidney tissues of

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Original Article

Histopathological finding of liver and kidney tissues of the yellow mystus,Hemibagrus filamentus (Fang and Chaux, 1949), from the Tapee River,


Sinlapachai Senarat1, Jes Kettratad1, Pisit Poolprasert2, Watiporn Yenchum3, and Wannee Jiraungkoorskul4*

1 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science,Chulalongkorn University, Pathum Wan, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand.

2 Faculty of Science and Technology,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Mueang, Phitsanulok, 65000 Thailand.

3 Bio-Analysis Laboratory, Department of Chemical Metrology and Biometry,National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, 12120 Thailand.

4 Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Science,Mahidol University, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, 10400 Thailand.

Received: 24 June 2014; Accepted: 7 November 2014


A histological finding of liver and kidney tissues of yellow mystus, Hemibagrus filamentus (Fang and Chaux, 1949),collected from the Tapee River (Chawang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand) was conducted to examine thepathological lesions. Lesions, including cellular swelling, hydropic degeneration, or vacuolation of hepatocytes were found.From this, coagulative necrosis with pyknotic nuclei, infiltration of macrophage, constriction of sinusoidal capillaries anddamage of endothelial cells of blood vessels were observed in liver tissues. The dilation of both Bowman’s space and theglomerulus were observed from kidney lesions. Moreover, necrosis in renal tubular cells was also observed in some areas.Although preliminary, the results from this study clearly show the need for further investigation into stress factors andvectors affecting the health of H. filamentus and other fish species within the Tapee River.

Keywords: Hemibagrus filamentus, fish, histopathology, kidney, liver, Tapee River

Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol.37 (1), 1-5, Jan. - Feb. 2015

1. Introduction

The Tapee River is the longest river in southernThailand, and it is recognized as the most ecologically andeconomically important freshwater body of water in theregion. Its headwaters start from Khao Luang Mountain(Nakhon Si Thammarat Province), where it supplies water forpeople who live along of this river, and it eventually flows to

the Gulf of Thailand. The Tapee River has a total length of230 km, and drains 13,454 km2 that includes a forested area of4,072 km2 and an agricultural area of 7,086 km2 covering partsof Surat Thani, Nakon Si Thammarat, and Krabi Province(Laudee and Prommi, 2011). The water quality and trophicstatus of the Tapee River has been classified as having aclean-moderate and oligotrophic-mesotrophic status (Leela-hakriengkrai and Peerapornpisal, 2011). Despite its waterquality and trophic status, the Tapee River is vulnerable topesticides pollution, as it receives agricultural runoff frompaddy fields, Indian rubber plantations, and vegetable andfruit crops. Common agricultural practices within Nakhon Si

* Corresponding author.Email address: wannee.jir@mahidol.ac.th


S. Senarat et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 37 (1), 1-5, 20152

Thammarat Province involve the application of herbicidessuch as glyphosate, paraquat, and atrazine and, these agri-cultural chemicals have been extensively used over a longerperiod of time. Hence, it is likely that the Tapee River receivessubstantial inputs from herbicide residue residing insurrounding soils and sediments as well as directly fromsurface water runoff. Even though low to high concentrationlevels of herbicides remain in the river, the chronic input andpresence of these chemicals coupled with the potential forbiomagnification through the food web is of great concern.Similarity, the chronic presence of agricultural chemicals canhave a direct negative effect on both river systems and onthe health of specific species or groups, such as fishes thatlive in proximity to such areas (McGlashan and Hughies,2001).

One of the economically important freshwater fish inthe Tapee River is the yellow mystus, freshwater catfish orgreen catfish, Hemibagrus filamentus (Fang and Chaux,1949) belonging to the Order Siluriformes and FamilyBagridae. This species is found in the basin and also in avariety of lotic and lentic ecosystems with substrates of sandand mud, feeding mainly on fish, crustaceans, larval aquaticinsects, and plant matter (Hee and Rainboth, 1999). Accord-ing to the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN), the yellow mystus is also listed as a threatenedspecies (IUCN, 2013). Moreover, as the most widely consumedfish with a high economic value for Thai people, the yellowmystus has been selected as a sentinel species for pesticidescontamination. As mentioned above, it is probable that theenvironmental contamination in the Tapee River may nega-tively impact fish. Sub-lethal affects may include histologicalalterations that can provide an early warning of stress andpotential overall impact to the population. Currently, thehistopathological biomarker is one useful tool that can indi-cate environmental pollutants, especially for sub-lethal andchronic effects (Fatma, 2009; Nikalje et al., 2012). Thishistotechnique can also diagnose and predict vital changes inhistological structure of both tissues and organs (Hinton etal., 2001; Adams, 2002; Dietrich and Krieger, 2009).

Although field surveys can provide presence-absence,histological methods are a more effective precursor measureof fish health. Within the Tapee River, this may best providemeasures of impact to fish relative to agriculture zones. Thehistopathology involving liver and kidney tissue of theyellow mystus is still not well known and warrants furtherinvestigation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investi-gate the histopathological alteration in liver and kidney as abiomarker of the yellow mystus, H. filamentus, obtained fromthe Tapee River, Thailand.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Animal collection and study site

Mature fish samples (n=20, 16-20 cm standard length)were collected from the Tapee River, Chawang District,

Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand (8°28’10" N,99°29’45" E). The representative study site was selected dur-ing the rainy season (June-July 2013) and divided into threesampling sites. The length of each sampling site was aboutsix kilometers and each collecting site was two kilometersapart. All fish was euthanized by rapid cooling technique(Wilson et al., 2009).

2.2 Histological study

Upon euthanasia, each fish had both the liver andkidney immediately removed and fixed in Davidson’s fixativefor 48 hrs at room temperature. All specimens were processedusing standard histological techniques by being dehydratedthrough a graded series of ethanol, cleared with xylene,embedded with melted paraffin (Bancroft and Gamble, 2002;Humason, 1979). Sections of 5-6 µm thickness were cut byrotary microtome and stained with Harris’s hematoxylin andeosin (H&E). Finally, the histological structure and histo-pathological lesion recorded as a mean prevalence in liverand kidney was investigated by using a light microscope.

3. Results

3.1 Histopathology of liver

The liver was encapsulated with a thin layer of con-nective tissues. The polygonal hepatocytes arranged alongthe sinusoid arraying from the hepatic central vein. Thehepatocytes typically contained central nuclei with denselystained chromatin. Cytoplasm of hepatocyte was slightlyeosinophilic stained. Histopathological alterations of the liverin H. filamentus from the Tapee River consisted of cellularswelling, eosinophilic cytoplasm of hepatocytes, constrictionof sinusoidal capillaries, and damage of endothelial cell ofblood vessels. Some liver areas showed focal necrosis andcontained severe infiltration of macrophage, pyknotic nucleiand large lipid vacuoles in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes(Figure 1A). The detected prevalence in liver tissues of thisfish is shown in Table 1.

3.2 Histopathology of kidney

Our research team has previously reported the histo-logy of H. filamentus kidney (Senarat et al., 2013). Histo-pathological alterations of kidney in H. filamentus from theTapee River showed kidney degeneration, glomerular alter-ations, Bowman’s capsule rupture, hydropic swelling, andcellular debris accumulation in lumen. In some cases, thetubular cells showed the pyknosis and hyaline droplet accu-mulation, dilation of the Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus.The dilation of the lumen in the tubules, degeneration in thehemopoitic tissue, rupture in the collecting tubules andnecrosis are presented (Figure 1B-D). The prevalence ofseveral lesions was observed in kidney tissues of this fish.Details of its prevalence are given in Table 1.

3S. Senarat et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 37 (1), 1-5, 2015

4. Discussion

Freshwater fishes are critical as a protein-rich foodsource but they are also susceptible to the acute and chronicpresence of pollutants (Thingran, 1974). The release ofpollutants to the aquatic environment is particularly toxic toaquatic organisms including fish. Fish mortalities have beenassociated with the river receiving various pollutants(Prashanth et al., 2005; Marina and Martinez, 2007), and theresults of our study show that fish from the Tapee Riverexpress histopathological alterations in liver and kidneyduring rainy season. It is plausible that a lot of water duringrainy reason could dilute pesticides and other pollutants. Inthe same manner, the atrazine herbicide group has also beenreported from rainy season in both sediment and fish tissue(Puntioplites proctozyston) from Nan river, northern Thailand(Senarat, 2011). However, our observation is not unreason-able that the lesions on the target organs might have been adirect outcome of pollutants including pesticides, metalsand fertilizers, which enter the river with runoff. Fish aresusceptible to change in their surrounding environments aswell as an increase in pollution, and fish health provides agood precursory measure of the health status of a specificaquatic ecosystem. Early toxic effects of pollution may beevident at the cellular or tissue level before significantchanges can be identified in fish behavior or external appear-ance. Histological analysis therefore appears to be a verysensitive parameter and crucial in determining cellularchanges that may occur in target organs, such as liver andkidney (Dutta, 1996). Histology may prove to be a cost-effective tool to determine the health of fish populations,therefore reflecting the health of an entire aquatic ecosystemin the bio-monitoring process.

The liver is the organ most associated with processesof detoxification and biotransformation, and due to itsfunction, position, and blood supply, it is the most affectedby contaminants in the water. The livers of H. filamentus haveshown vacuolar degeneration in the hepatic cells, necrosis,dilation and congestion in the sinusoid (Monsefi et al.,2010). Dilation of the sinusoid occurred whenever the effluxof hepatic blood was impeded. A consequence of endothelialcell injury was the loss of its barrier function with extensiveblood accumulation in the liver. These disruptions of thesinusoid were considered the early structural features of thevascular disorder (Gregus, 2008; Jaeschke, 2008). Vacuolationof hepatocytes has been shown as a common response toexposure of fish to a variety of different pollutants (Meyersand Hendricks, 1985). The vacuolization of hepatocytes mayshow an imbalance between the rate of synthesis ofsubstances in the parenchymal cells and the rate of theirrelease into the circulation system. In the case of vacuoliza-tion, the nuclei and hepatocytes were unusually compressedtowards the sinusoidal spaces. These histological changesmay signify the imbalance biochemical synthesis, inhibitionof protein synthesis, energy depletion, desegregation ofmicrotubules, and shifts in substance utilization (Meyers and

Figure 1. Micrographs of liver (A) and kidney (B-D) of H.filamentus; B = Bowman’s capsule rupture, D = damageof endothelial cell, Dg = dilation of glomerulus, Dh = de-generation in the hematopoietic tissue, Dt = degenerationof renal tubules, E = eosinophilic cytoplasm of hepato-cytes, G = degeneration of glomerulus, I = infiltration ofmacrophage, K = kidney disorganization, L = lipidvacuoles, P = pyknosis, RBD = red blood cells conges-tion. Note: Scale bar 50 µm (A); 100 µm (B); 20 µm (C-D)(H&E stain).

Table 1. Alteration prevalence (%) of dominant histopatholo-gical lesions in the liver and kidney of Hemibagrusfilamentus caught from Tapee River during rainyseason.

Liver Alteration Prevalence(n = 20) (%)

Cellular swelling 100Eosinophilic cytoplasm in hepatocyte 100Infiltration of macrophage 70Pyknotic nuclei 100Large lipid vacuoles 90

Kidney Alteration Prevalence(n=20) (%)

Bowman’s capsule rupture 100Glomerular alterations 100Kidney degeneration 100Hydropic swelling of renal tubules 90Cellular debris 90Pyknosis of renal tubules 100Hyaline droplet of renal tubules 90

S. Senarat et al. / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 37 (1), 1-5, 20154

Hendricks, 1985).The kidney is one of the major organs that express

toxic effects. The histopathological changes in the kidney atthe level of the glomerulus and tubule in fish after exposureto pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides have beenreported by many researchers (Melaa et al., 2007; Aysel etal., 2008; Yenchum, 2010). Hydropic swelling, hyaline dropletdeposition, glomerular degeneration, and necrosis of renaltubules were shown after exposure to carbofuran (Yenchum,2010). According to Aysel et al. (2008), after exposure toammonia the kidney tissues of the hyperemia and glomeru-lonephritis showed necrosis, phagocytic areas, intercellularspace among parenquimal cells, and atypical cells similar tothe histological study by Melaa et al. (2007), who made theseobservations after methyl mercury exposure. Furthermore,fish exposed to deltamethrin showed degeneration in theepithelial cells of the renal tubule, pyknosis in the hemato-poietic tissue, dilation of the glomerulus, and degeneration ofthe glomerulus and hypertrophied cells (Cengiz and Unlü,2006). The hyaline droplets likely represented proteinreabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate after being contami-nated by glyphosate (Jiraungkoorskul et al., 2003). Other fishspecies exposed to natural petroleum also displayed dilationof blood capillaries in the glomerulus and inflammation(Pacheco and Santos, 2002).

In brief, the histological changes in the current studywere observed in the liver and kidney of the yellow mystus,Hemibagrus filamentus, occupying in the Tapee River. It wasindicated that the fish were responding to the direct effectsof the contaminants. The pathological changes were inducedin the kidneys of different fish by different pollutants butthe extent of damage varies depending upon the dose ofpollutants, duration of exposure and toxicity of pollutants,and susceptibility of fish. Nevertheless, the concentration ofpesticides and other pollutants in the natural environment(water and sediment) need to be investigated. Overall, thisinformation confirms that histopathological alterations aregood biomarkers for field assessment, in particular in tropicalareas that are naturally subject to a multiplicity of environ-mental variations. Here we emphasize that histopathology isable to evaluate the early effects and the responses to acuteexposure to chemical stressors. The data from this study willenhance our understanding of ecosystems and organismhealth, which can then be conveyed to local people andcommunities to effective manage and thus decrease the useof pesticides, herbicides, and other contaminants.


The authors would like to thank the members of theFish Research Unit, Department of Pathobiology, Faculty ofScience, Mahidol University for technical assistant through-out the study. We are also grateful to Dr. T.W. Miller forimproving the English language.


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