historic diary of the east africa campaign - tanzania and mozambique

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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East African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign DiaryEast African Campaign Diary-- Tanzania & Mozambique 1917 Tanzania & Mozambique 1917 –– 1919 1919 ---- Tanzania & Mozambique 1917 Tanzania & Mozambique 1917 –– 1919 1919 --

Author: Author: Percival W. Probert: (1885 Percival W. Probert: (1885 –– 1945)1945)

Compiled by Dr David Probert from Archives Donated by Dr Judy Holyer (née Probert): July 2012

Mozambique Mozambique (230 Days) 21st Feb 1918 – 9th Oct 1918

Tanzania Tanzania (223 Days) 24242424thththth Oct 1917 Oct 1917 Oct 1917 Oct 1917 – 20th Feb 1918

10th Oct 1918 – 21212121stststst Jan 1919Jan 1919Jan 1919Jan 1919

Freetown, Sierra LeoneFreetown, Sierra Leone30th Aug – 2nd Sept 1917

Route Map of Route Map of Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy Probert’sProbert’sProbert’sProbert’sProbert’sProbert’sProbert’sProbert’s East African Campaign Travels: East African Campaign Travels: 1917 1917 -- 1919 1919

Cape Town Cape Town 15th Sept 1917

Durban Durban (30 Days) 18th Sept – 17th Oct 1917

H.M.T. “H.M.T. “AscaniusAscanius””

Kilwa24th Oct ‘17

Dar-es-Salaam26th Oct - 4th Dec ’17

28th Oct – 23rd Jan ‘19

Campaign Travels (1):

Oct 1917 – Feb 1918

& Oct 1918 – Jan 1919

Lindi7th Dec – 16th Dec ’17

28th Jan – 28th Feb ’18

14th Oct – 27th Oct ‘18

MatshembaRegion29th Dec ’17 – 9th Jan ‘18

Massassai17th Dec ’17

10th – 20th Jan ‘18

Ndanda17th Dec ’17

21st Jan ‘18

24th Oct ‘17

Mtimbo & Mbarakwe19th – 28th December ‘17

Mtawa & Mingoya22nd – 27th Jan ’18

& Oct 1918 – Jan 1919

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British East Africa Dysentery – Lindi Region7th Jan – 8th Feb 1918 (33 days)

Ngomano9th Oct ‘18

Medo6th Oct ‘18

Massassai10th Oct ‘18

Ndanda11th Oct ’18

14th Oct ‘18

Lindi28th Jan – 20th Feb ‘18

14th Oct – 27th Oct ’18

Chomba8th Oct ‘18

Port Amelia

Campaign Travels(2) :

Jan 1918 – Oct 1918

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In Portuguese and

Lumbo15th July ‘18

17th July ‘18

Nampula3rd- 19th Aug ‘18

18th – 19th Sept ‘18

Murrupula19th Aug ‘18

8th Sept ‘18

Chinga8th Sept ‘18

17th Sept ‘18

Lurio River20th Sept ‘18

5th Oct ‘18

Mecuburi19th Sept ‘18

20h Sept ‘18

Balama5th Oct ‘18

Monopo17th July ’18

3rd Aug ‘18

Port Amelia 21st Feb-14th July ‘18In Portuguese and

British East Africa Malaria – Port Amelia2nd June – 5th July 1918 (33 days)

Durban 1911Durban 1911Durban 1911Durban 1911

Percy (49), NancyPercy (49), Nancy

& Eric (12): 1934& Eric (12): 1934

Percy W. ProbertPercy W. Probert

-- Around 1922 Around 1922 --

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