
Post on 26-Jun-2015






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cristina carr


1)Changing roles for women at home.

2)New technology of the warBy:Cristina Carr

Mr Hunt

5th Period

Changing roles for women at home

• Women were involved with:

- knitting socks for solders

- as well as other voluntary work

- women had to work for the sake of there family


Women Started Working

• By 1914 nearly 5.09 million out of the 23.8 million women in Britain were working.

• Thousands worked in offices and large hangars used to build aircraft.

• Women also worked in the Red Cross


• When women started to work to support there families that open new opportunities.

• Women weren’t expected to stay home with the children anymore

• Women could provide for themselves and there families


• Women working while men stayed at home didn’t only benefit them and their families

• The businesses that would have closed because the men went off to war were able to stay open because women took there places in the jobs.

• Women working helped the economy

• One long term affect of women working is

- women showed that they were capable or keeping the home up, taking care of the family, and working

- Women equality started to rise

- they got paid 2/3 of what the men got which was better than what it was 1/2

• Nursing became almost the only area of female contribution that involved being at the front and experiencing the war.

• The only country to deploy female combat troops in substantial numbers was the Russian Provisonal Government in 1917

• Women working caused women’s suffrage years after world war 1

New Technologies of the War

• Technology during world war one started a new trend

- Industrialism

- Mass production of weapons for the war

-future forms of weapons


• Some new Weapons -bolt-action -rifels -artillery -hydraulic recoil mechanisms

-chemicals-hand grenades

new firepower made defense almost invincible and attack almost impossible


Trench Warfare

• Trench warfare led to the development of the pill box

-a hardened blockhouse that could be used to deliver machine gun fire

-a hardened blockhouse that could be used to deliver machine gun fire


• The first Box Barrage was fired 1915

• The wire cutter was specifically made to explode on contact with wire

• The first ant-aircraft gun was designed out of necessity

• This gun was used by the germans in wwi


• Indirect counter battery fire: was developed for the first time in history

• Flash spotting: was invented for location and destruction of enemy batteries

• factors such as weather, air temperature, and barrel wear: could for the first time be accurately measured and taken into account when firing indirectly

Artillery cont.

• The majority of casualties inflicted during the war were the result of artillery fire.

• These weapons affected the future of weapons in war it jump started the inventions

• Types of weapons


-Poison gas

-Air warfare


-Naval Warfare


Bibliography•  "Technology during World War I." Wikipedia, the Free

Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_during_World_War_I>.

• "Women's Roles in the World Wars." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_roles_in_the_World_Wars>

• Lad, Kashmira. "Women in World War One." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/women-in-world-war-one.html>.

• WW1 World War 1 Weapons." HubPages. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. <http://hubpages.com/hub/World-War-1-Weapons>

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