history of the big ask history of the big ask here in a nutshell is a history of friends of the...

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History of the big askHistory of The Big Ask

Here in a nutshell is a history of Friends of the Earth's Climate Change Law campaign (The Big Ask).

It's been a long journey - and we couldn't have done it without you.

First day 25th may 2005

• Friends of the Earth helps form a new coalition - Stop Climate Chaos - calling for a new climate law with annual carbon dioxide cuts.

• 13 July 2005 Stop Climate Chaos coalition formed

• Friends of the Earth helps form a new coalition - Stop Climate Chaos - calling for a new climate law with annual carbon dioxide cuts.

1 September 2006 David Cameron supports campaign

• David Cameron adds his support to the campaign and calls for a Climate Change Bill to be included in the next Queen's Speech.

• The Conservatives publish their own Climate Change Bill. • 15 September 2006

MPs tackled by Big Ask Big Lobby• A month of lobbying by constituents means 620 (out of 646) MPs

have been asked to support the campaign for a strong climate change law.

• 15 September 2006 Low carbon economy roadmap produced

• We team up with the Coop bank to commission new research from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.

• The research sets out:

15 September 2006 MPs tackled by Big Ask Big Lobby

• MPs tackled by Big Ask Big Lobby• A month of lobbying by constituents means 620

(out of 646) MPs have been asked to support the campaign for a strong climate change law.

• 15 September 2006 Low carbon economy roadmap produced

• We team up with the Coop bank to commission new research from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.

• The research sets out:

12 October 2006Hints of new climate law

• Hints of new climate law• Environment Secretary David Miliband

indicates that the Government will introduce legislation to tackle climate change.

• By now 412 out of 646 MPs have signed a parliamentary petition (Early Day Motion 178).

• Only three other Early Day Motions had ever been signed by more than 400 MPs.

15 November 2006 New climate law announced

• The Government announces in the Queen's Speech that it will introduce a new climate change law.

4 July 2007 The Big Ask online march launches

• We launch The Big Ask online march so people can lobby their MP by video message.

• The march is supported by Jude Law, James Blunt and Razor light's Johnny Borrell.

24 September 2007 New PM asks for climate targets


24 September 2007 New PM asks for climate targets


• Gordon Brown announces that he will ask the Committee on Climate Change to report on whether the overall target for emissions reductions in the Bill should be increased to 80%.

• By this stage 119 MPs, including:• David Miliband • David Cameron • Sir Menzies Campbell • Ken Livingstone

29 October 2007Environment Minister asks about

aviation and shipping

29 October 2007Environment Minister asks about

aviation and shipping• Hilary Benn says he'll ask the Committee on

Climate Change to see if the Bill should cover emissions from international aviation and shipping.

• Hilary Benn says he'll ask the Committee on Climate Change to see if the Bill should cover emissions from international aviation and shipping.

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