history timeline

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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History timeLINE By: Jessica Nguyen




Nazis invade Poland

the battle in the pacific


Table of Contents

CIVIL WAR IN SPAIN July 17th, 1936

STOCK MARKET CRASH Tuesday, October 29th, 1929

HITLER’S RISE TO POWER January 30th, 1933


September 29,1938

NAZIS INVADE POLANDSeptember 1, 1939


VE DAYMay 8, 1945


D-DAYJune 6th, 1944

WAR IN THE PACIFIC December 7, 1941

Stock Market Crash

On Tuesday, October 29th, 1929 (which is known as “Black Tuesday”) the prices of shares fell in the US and began to spread across to Canada and other countries. As the value of stocks plummeted and investors tried to sell their shares all at once. As stocks went up, the lower the prices fell. In just a few hours, the value of stocks on the world’s major stock exchanges dropped by 50 percent and millions went bankrupt over night. The “CRASH” was the immediate trigger to the Great Depression. Along with this, many lost their jobs, and thousands of investors went broke. The Stock Market Crash relates to history because it was a combination of the domestic and worldwide condition that led to the Great Depression. Not only did it lead to a New Deal in America, but more significantly, it became a direct cause towards Germany which lead to World War II

Tuesday, October 29th, 1929

Hitler’s rise to power

As Germany had 6 million people unemployed during the depression, many Germans grown tired of traditional politics and politicians, so the leader of the fascist Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, promised that he would restore full employment. Many wanted to believe him.In 1933, Hitler successfully manipulated his way into power, he was appointed Chancellor (Prime Minster) of German by President Hindenburg . He soon gain absolute control of the country, and putting in censorship to silence the political opposition, and banned strikes along with unions.Youth groups were created to teach youths about the beliefs of the Nazi Party, that Aryans are superior, particularly the Jews.As a result, Hitler launched a campaign so that Jews were discriminated against (persecuted), such as losing their German citizenship, and could not work in specific places, or marry non- jews. Additionally, they were forced to carry ID and could not go out after dark. Nazis seized their homes, businesses, and valuables. Hitler’s rise to power relates to history because based upon long-term factors - the resentment of German people and etc, he exploited through propaganda, the invasion of his stormtroopers, and the brilliance of his speeches. Germany had to pay for the reparation that Hitler caused, most of these included Germany giving up their land. Technology also advanced so much after World War II. Hitler caused the deaths of thousands and thousands Jews, Communists, and many other innocent lives.

January 30th, 1933

Civil War in SpainIn 1931, the British Parliament passed the Statute of

Westminster, which allowed Canada to gain independence over its foreign policy. This allowed King to remain neutral in foreign conflicts. Both in invasion of Manchuria by the Japanese in 1931

and the invasion of Ethiopia by Italy in 1935, King refused to support sanctions by the League of Nations, neither did he

support any of Italy’s actions, after they invaded Ethiopia in 1935.

In 1936, Francisco Franco led a military coup in Spain to overthrow the elected government along with the support of Mussolini and Germany’s Adolf Hitler. By this, the Civil War in Spain was a battle between communism and fascism. King

believed that taking sides in Canada will only cause conflicts and would threaten our national unity. French-Catholics

supported Franco because they supported his values and traditions. Which lead to English-Canadians fear that the

communists might appeal to those unemployed. King’s idea was to eliminate Canadian involvement from fighting in foreign armies to prevent Canada’s involvement. 1500 did not follow this allow and fought in Spain. Canadians formed battalions in

Spain, but half of them died in the fighting. Those who survived returned, but none were recognized until 2001 when a

monument was built in Ottawa.

July 17th, 1936

The munich agreement & appeasement

In 1938, Hitler demanded that Germany gained control of Sudetenland, the

German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia. Europe was on the verge of war, and the leaders of Germany, Italy, France, Britain met in Munich to work out

a compromise. Without consulting the Czech government, Britain and France appeased Hitler again. In 1938, signed

Munich Agreement, which allowed Germany to take control of the

Sudetenland. Hitler promised in return to end his campaign to acquire more

German-speaking territories and many Western Leaders accepted him for his

words. After promising his word, Germany gave up their land because they didn’t go

to war.

September 29,1938


On September 1939 and May 1940, the phony war between both sides, had a little combat and built their armies and arsenals. In spring 1940, Germany launched a series of blitzkrieg attacks and quickly occupied Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. France was their next target, but it was said that they had one of the most powerful militaries in the world, with 6 million strong.Though, after 10 days, Nazi soldiers pushed all the way Paris to occupied it.

April 9th, 1940

Nazis invade Poland

In March 1939, Hitler dismissed the Munich Agreement as a “scrap of paper” as the German army invaded Czechoslovakia. The British prime- minster, Neville Chamberlain, warned Hitler in advance that Britain was prepared to go to war and prevent Germany from gaining any more territory in Europe. Hitler had joined forces with the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini to form the Axis alliance. At the same time, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. The two countries agreed to not take military action against one another for 10 years. Hitler need time to neutralize the powers of Western Europe while the Soviet leader, Josef Stalin, needed time to rebuild the Soviet army. Hitler decided to launched a swift and devastating blitzkrieg, or “lighting war,” against Poland on September 1, 1939. German tanks rolled into the country as the air force launched an aerial bombardment. Fear and confusion swept across Poland as German troops seized control of the country. Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939.

September 1, 1939


Soviet Union

The battle in the pacific

Although the United States had provided supplies and munitions to Britain in the war in Europe, the US remained neutral. But, on Dec 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US military base at Peal Harbour, Hawaii. The US immediately declared war on Japan and Germany and Italy declared war on the US. In matter of hours, the Second World quickly struck into another global conflict. In the fall of 1941, Japanese troops invaded parts of China, where they defeated the Chinese Army. Fearing its Pacific colony of Hong Kong, in September 1941, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill asked Canada to send troops to help with defence. King agreed to the controversial request. In November, 2000 soldiers from Quebec’s Royal Rifles and the Winnipeg Grenadiers arrived in Hong Kong. On December 7, hours after the attack on on Pearl Harbour, over 50 000 Japanese troops invaded Hong Kong and was outnumbered with only 15 000 troops. With only a little chance of fighting back the Japanese invaders, the colony defended for 17 days straight but, the British Commander surrendered on Christmas Day, 1941.

December 7, 1941

D-DAYIn spring 1944, after almost five years of bloody combat, the Allies were ready to launch their invasion of Europe. The invasion were involved with close to one million British, American, and Canadian troops steaming across to storm the beaches of France. The Allies were determined to keep their plans a secret. Their “idea” was to attempt to convince the Germans that their intended target was Pas de Calais, just 50 kilometres from the English coast. Even though the real invasion was taken place at Normandy to the south. To disguise their location of attack, Allies launched a preliminary bombing campaign up and down the French coast. Then from there, they built fake planes, landing craft, and tanks around Pas de Calais to mislead German intelligence. Shortly after midnight on June 6th, 1944, 2000 bombers began pounding German defences in preparation for thousands of Allied troops to storm the beaches of Normandy. Over 15, 000 Canadians landed at Juno Beach. Casualties for day were high: 335 Canadian soldiers killed and another 700 wounded. By the end, 30 000 Allied soldiers landed safely on the beaches of Normandy.

June 6th, 1944

Liberation of the Netherlands

After the Normandy invasion, 175 000 Canadian troops led the Liberation of Netherlands and 7600 Canadians lost their lives on On May 5th, 1945. Col.-Gen. Johannes Blaskowitz formally surrendered the remaining 117,000 German troops in the Netherlands to Canadian Lt.-Gen Charles Foulkes of the First Canadian Crops, ending nearly eight months of bitter and difficult fighting. Canada earned the gratitude of the Dutch people. Even today, the Dutch show their gratitude to returning Canadians to returning veterans.Canada Forces played an important role in liberating the Netherlands. Canadians who landed on D-Day, fought battles through France, Belgium, the Scheldt, and in Germany before being dispatched back to the Netherlands with the Canadians who had fought in Italy.

May 5th, 1945

On April 28, the Canadians negotiated a truce which permitted relief supplies to enter the western Netherlands and end the “Hunger Winter”. As pilots dropped food from the air, many Dutch people painted “Thank you, Canadians!” and in returned they donated 10,000 tulip bulbs to Canada for the National Capital Region. In addition, they donated an additional of 5,000 bulbs for Parliament Hill, 1,00 for each provincial and territorial capital, and 1,00 for Ste.

VE Day! Following D-Day, Allied forces pushed the Germans east to the capital city of Berlin. As they crossed the continent they liberated country after country from the their long years of Nazi occupation. In April 1945, Soviet troops were the first to reach Berlin. As the troops occupied the city, Hitler learned the fate of his ally, Benito Mussolini who was captured and executed by his own people. To escape a similar fate, Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945. His death marked the end of war in Europe. A week later after his death, Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. On May 8, 1945 the Allies celebrated and called this day “VE Day” for Victory in Europe which ended all war in Europe.

May 8, 1945

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