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Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Realms of the Underground

A Holy Lands RPG Supplement Release 1

This document is compiled from the Faith Quest Games “Realms of the Underground”. A

product from 2003 that could double as a Rac screen. It detailed all the information that a Rac

would need to develop a dungeon from scratch to include encounters and treasure. It is

reproduced here by permission of Faith Quest Games.

Random Dungeon Lead-Ins Roll to determine the plot of the dungeon adventure. End adventure upon satisfactory

completion (or limit lower level adventures to 1d6+6 rooms, mid-level adventures to 1d6+12

rooms, and higher-level adventures to 1d6+18 rooms).

In addition, characters should gain 1 virtue for not killing any humans or animals during the


1-3 Characters witness Random Encounter drag a body into a distant cave (body is alive but

incapacitated when found; characters must carry it out and return to home).

4-6 Nearby monastery requests return of their 100-400g stolen by dungeon inhabitants (end

dungeon when all gold is found; characters lose 1 virtue for keeping any of the

monastery’s gold).

7-9 3d8 local townspeople kidnapped as slaves and taken into mountainous dungeon

10-12 Dungeon inhabitants dug an entrance up into a peaceful village; endangering frightened

townspeople; 1d6 NPC’s join.

13-15 Dungeon inhabitants’ keep killing or stealing nearby village livestock for food and

sacrifices; surviving animals need safe return.

16-18 Evil sorcerer or rogue plans to “stock” underground sewer with dungeon inhabitants in

an attempt to take over the city above.

19-20 Characters accidentally stumble across dungeon entrance.

Random Common Rooms Each of the following rooms may contain random Room Inhabitants if desired and uises a

Random Room shape. No additional treasure is present unless specified or found on the


All Random Common Rooms have the same chance of hiding a secret, all of which requires a

successful Search Roll in a specified 10’ x 10’ area:

1-12 No secret.

13-16 Hidden switch opens false-wall passage to Random Treasure room.

17-20 Hidden switch opens false wall or flase flooring holding Random Treasure.

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

1. Alchemy Chamber – contains laboratory equipment for making various magic items,

also contains all magic items on the Items and Vials list on the Treasure Table.

2. Arena – seating all around staging area, inhabitants may be using for sparring when the

characters arrive, also contains 2d6 additional weapons from the Treasure Table.

3. Armory – contains all the necessary items for battle, including 2d6+5 various random

Weapons, 2d6+5 various random Armors, and 2d6+5 various Equipment from the

Treasure Table.

4. Aviary – contains 2d6+2 bird cages and 1d4+2 caged birds of prey (falcons, owls,

hawks, and eagles); inhabitants are tending to or guarding the birds.

5. Bathing chambers – contains 1d4+2 baths, inhabitants are humanoid-type only and are

bathing with weapons laid next to them.

6. Bestiary/kennel – contains 2d6+2 cages holding 1d4 barking dogs and 1d4 random

demonic creatures, all in separate cages.

7. Brewery – contains 1d6 large vats for brewing and 2d4 barrels of brewed ale.

8. Crypt – 1d6 covered tombs, each containing corpses and 1 Random Treasure from the

Treasure Table.

9. Dining Room – room contains 2 large tables and 3d6+3 chairs for the dungeon

inhabitants to eat at.

10. Forging Room – contains several metal items, such as horseshoes, 2d6 random weapons,

1d4 random armor and various tools, including 1d4 hammers and 1d4 anvils.

11. Gaming Room – contains various games of strategy (chess, checkers, etc.) and dice

tables, which the inhabitants are playing.

12. Kitchen – contains a large cabinet of 3d6+3 preserved foods and a large cabinet of cold

storage foods (ale, meats, etc.)

13. Library – contains 1d4+1 bookcases and a total of 20-1eo20 books on various subjects.

14. Office – contains a bookcase with 3d6 various books and journals, a desk with a Random

Treasure, and various office items, such as ink, parchment, quills, etc.

15. Private Chambers – contains all the necessary items for a person or humanoid to live,

including 1d8 food rations, 1 Random Treasure chest, a desk with office items, and a

bookcase with 2d6 various books.

16. Summoning Room – contains 3d6 candles and bloodied altar for human sacrifices;

inhabitants are summoning a demon or protecting altar.

17. Temple – ornate with 2d4 cultic paintings depicting scenes of battles and other sacred

events, contains a bloody sacrifice altar and kneeling pews.

18. Throne Room – sacred and ornate chamber with 2 thrones and 2 Random Treasure rolls


19. Torture Chamber – contains 1d6 various torture devices used to execute and torture

victims, currently holds 1d4 incapacitated victims.

20. Training Room – contains 1d8+6 random weapons and 1d8+4 random armor from the

Treasure Table, and the inhabitants are training for battle.

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Random Dungeon Corridors If you begin with a cave entrance, start with a 100-foot corridor straight into the mountain

before rolling for the below corridors. This prevents any turn-backs that may come back

“out of the mountain”. Be sure to adjust or improvise any part of the dungeon as you go

if necessary.

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Passage Type

1 (A) Curtained passage (to room)

2 (B) Cell bars (to room)

3 (C) Iron cell door (to room)

4 (C) Iron cell door (to corridor)

5-8 (D) Iron door (to room)

9 (D) Iron door (to corridor

10 (E) Open archway (to room)

11 (F) Stairs leading up (to room)

12 (F) Stairs leading down (to room)

13 (G) Wooden cell door (to room)

14 (G) Wooden cell door (to corridor)

15-19 (H) Wooden door (to room

20 (H) Wooden door to corridor.

Door/Chest Condition

1 Locked (magically sealed*)

2 Locked (magically trapped)

3-7 Locked (not trapped)

8-10 Locked w/poison-needle trap **(see poison table)

11-12 Unlocked/stuck (requires Strength roll to open)

13-14 Unlocked (non-working latch)

15-19 Unlocked (working latch)

20 Slightly ajar

Magical Trap Type Roll First: (1-10: visible Runes; 11-20: hidden Runes)

Note: character may Save vs Rune Traps to prevent activating all Rune traps.

1-8 Alarm – summons Random Encounter within 1d4+1 Rounds if door/chest is touched.

9-15 Shock – causes 2d8+4 Damage to victim who touches the door/chest (successful Save vs Spells reduces Damage to half).

16-20 Gas Trap – releases sleeping gas to 10 feet (requires Save vs Magic Fume or else victim sleeps for 1d4 hours) if door/chest is touched.

*Door cannot open and nothing

can exit until Rune seal is disabled

or broken by specific Miracle or

Holy Item

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Poison Type

**Poison needle pricks character who fails a Pick Locks or Locate/Disarm Traps Roll on the door/chest. Revision Notes: A successful Save vs Poison causes half damage or effect instead of no Damage or effect.

1-3 Crower’s Bane (GM pg 215)

4-7 Fair Lady (GM pg 215)

8-12 Mad Lemon (GM pg 215)

13-16 Night Venom (GM pg 215)

17-20 Snake Venom (GM pg 215)

GM = Holy Lands Game Manual

20 - (Make this a final destination room, such

as an exit, make up your own Special Room,

or login at www.holylands.net for pre-

created Special Rooms.

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Room Inhabitants/Encounters

1 1d4 manticores (GM 268)

2 1d4+1 ghouls (GM pg 264)

3 1d4+1 kinowyn warriors (GM pg 252)

4 1d4+1 minotaurs (GM pg 269)

5 1d4+1 wyverns (GM pg 276)

6 1d4+2 dragon walkers (GM pg 262)

7 1d4+2 shadow devils (GM pg 272)

8 1d4+3 skith warriors (GM pg 254)

9 1d6 human rogues (GM pg 244)

10 1d6+1 gargoyles (GM pg 263)

11 1d6+1 grimwolves (GM pg 266)

12 1d6+1 vampires (GM pg 274)

13 1d6+2 ogres (GM pg 270)

14 1d6+2 troll warriors (GM pg 256)

15 1d6+3 goblin warriors (GM pg 250)

16 2d4 wolfyn warriors (GM pg 258)

17 2d4+2 skeletons (GM pg 273)

18 2d4+6 imps (GM pg 267)

19 2d4+6 gremlins (GM pg 265)

20 No inhabitants

GM = Holy Lands Game Manual

Individual Inhabitant Level

1-10 Lesser

11-15 Greater

16-20 Advanced

Room Fittings

1-4 Empty room

5-8 1d4 torches on wall (1-10 = lit; 11-20 = unlit)

9-11 1d6 stools (1-15 = usable; 16-20 = broken)

12-14 Table and 1d6 chairs

15-16 Desk (1d16 = no secret; 17-18* = hidden switch opens false-wall passage; 19-20* = hidden switch opens false-wall holding Random Treasure) with candle, chair, and 1d4 Miscellany.

17-18 Bed (1-15 = hides no secret, 16-18* = hides false-wall passage; 19-20 = hides Random Treasure.

19-20 Bookcase (1-16 = no secret; 17-18* = hidden switch opens false-wall passage; 19-20 = hidden switch opens false-wall holding Random Treasure); holding 2d6+5 various books.

*requires a successful Search Roll within the 10’ x 10’ area of the object to identify the secret.

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Random Treasure

d20 Chest size Gold Silver Misc Equip Weapons Armor Vials Items

1 No Treasure

2 A none 1d4 3 each none none none none none

3 A none 1d6 3 each none none none none none

4 A none 1d8 3 each none none none none none

5 A 1d4 2d4 2 each none none none 9%* none

6 B 1d4+1 2d6 2 each none none none 18%* none

7 B 1d4+2 2d8 2 each 1 each none none 27%* none

8 B 1d6+1 3d6 1 each 1 each none none 36%* none

9 B 1d6+2 2d12 1 each 1 each none none 45%* none

10 B 1d6+3 2d12 1 each 1 each none none 54%* none

11 C 1d8+2 2d12+1 none 1 each 1 each none 63%* none

12 C 1d8+3 2d12+2 none 1 each 1 each none 72%* none

13 C 1d8+4 2d12+4 none 1 each 1 each 1 each 81%* 11%*

14 C 2d6+1 2d12+5 none 2 each 1 each 1 each 90%* 21%*

15 C 2d6+2 2d12+10 none 2 each 1 each 1 each 1d4 32%*

16 D 2d6+4 01-100 none 2 each 2 each 1 each 1d4 45%*

17 D 2d8+1 01-100 none 2 each 2 each 2 each 1d4 66%*

18 D 2d8+2 01-100 none 3 each 2 each 2 each 1d4 85%*

19 D 2d8+5 01-100 none 3 each 3 each 2 each 1d4+1 1d4

20 D 2d8+10 01-100 none 3 each 3 each 3 each 1d4+1 1d4

*indicates percent chance of having one item

Note : roll also for chest condition (locked, unlocked, trapped, etc) found on the Random Passages page

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Miscellany List 1 1d4 human teeth

2 Bone and string necklace

3 Bowl and spoon

4 Broken chain links

5 Broken lock picks

6 Broken mirror

7 Candlestick

8 Corset

9 Doll

10 Fork

11 Key (to next locked door)

12 Map (unknown location)

13 Necklace (trinket)

14 Pair of underwear

15 Pouch of rocks

16 Quill feather

17 Ring (trinket)

18 Spoiled food

19 Wooden goblet

20 Wooden spoon

Equipment Weapon Bonuses 1 Archer’s sword (2d10 Dam)

2 Ball and Chain (2d8 Dam)

3 Battle Axe (2d10 Dam)

4 Boomerang (2d6 Dam)

5 Broadsword (2d10 Dam)

6 Dagger (2d6 Dam)

7 Great Sword (2d12 Dam)

8 Long Dagger (2d8 Dam)

9 Long Whip (1d10 Dam)

10 Longsword (2d12 Dam)

11 Mace (2d10 Dam)

12 Mace and chain (2d10 Dam)

13 Morningstar (2d10 Dam)

14 Scimitar (2d10 Dam)

15 Short bow

16 Short bow arrows (3d6 Dam)

17 Spear (2d12 Dam)

18 Throwing Axe (2d8 Dam)

19 Throwing Dagger (2d6 Dam)

20 War Hammer (2d10 Dam)

1-10 +0

11-15 +1

16-18 +2

19-20 +3

1-11 Damage

12-17 Attack

18-20 Damage and Attack

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Armors List 1 Bear-hide jerkin (DEF: +3)

2 Chain jerkin (DEF: +4)

3 Cloth breeches (DEF: +1)

4 Full Helm w/face (DEF: +3)

5 Half Helm (DEF: +2)

6 Hooded cloak

7 Kilt (DEF: +1)

8 Leather boots

9 Leather breeches (DEF: +2)

10 Leather gauntlets (DEF: +1)

11 Leather jerkin (DEF: +2)

12 Light robe (DEF: +2)

13 Medium shield (+4 Defend)

14 Metal bracers (DEF: +2)

15 Metal gauntlets (DEF: +2)

16 Metal leggings (DEF: +3)

17 Plate breastplate (DEF: 6)

18 Scale breastplate (DEF: +5)

19 Small shield (+3 Defend)

20 Tunic (DEF: +1)

Equipment List 1 10-40 feet of twine

2 10-60 feet of rope

3 1d4 colored chalk

4 1d6 torches

5 2d6 feet of chain

6 Disguise make-up

7 Flint and steel

8 Flute

9 Frying pan

10 Grappling hook (1-10 = 3 prong; 11-20 = 4 prong)

11 Hammer and 2d6 spikes

12 Lantern

13 Lock picks

14 Mandolin

15 Mirror

16 Pouch for 2d6 marbles

17 Unused journal

18 Waterskin (1-7 = small; 8-14 = medium; 15-20 = large)

19 Whistle

20 Wig (1-5 = female. Blonde; 6-15 = female, brown; 16-20 = male, brown)

Holy Lands RPG Trinity 2014

Holy Lands RPG “Trinity” Copyright © 2013 Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved, Dist as Fan Support Document

Vials List 1 (MI) Potion of Absorb Miracle

2 (MI) Potion of Great Strength

3 (MI) Potion of Invisibility

4-5 Fair Lady poison

6-7 Snake venom poison

8-9 Night venom poison

10 Cure of Anti-Fume

11 Cure of Anti-poison

12-17 Draft of Healing

18-19 Cure of Healing

20 Cure of Life (resurrects dead if administered within 4 hours of death)

(MI) = Magic Item

Items List 1 (MI) Voodoo doll

2 (MI) Ring of Teleportation

3 (MI) Ring of Invisibility

4 (MI) Pouch of Rune Stones

5 (MI) Crystal Ball

6 (HW) Sword of Power

7 (HW) Magic Shatter Axe

8 (HW) Everful Quiver

9 (HW) Bow of Holy Fire

10 (HI) Ring of Healing

11 (HI) Ring of Evils

12 (HI) Pouch of Keeping

13 (HI) Pendant of Passwall

14 (HI) Pendant of Levitation

15 (HI) Pendant of Escape

16 (HI) Cloak of Disquise

17 (HI) Boots of Jumping

18 (HI) boots of Creeping

19 (HA) Helm of Great Strength

20 (HA) Featherweight breastplate (DEF: +6)

(HA) = Holy Armor; (HI) = Holy Item; (HW) = Holy Weapon; (MI) = Magic Item

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