hmea in 2009

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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A Brief Summary what happened in the first year of Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy - HMEA in 2009. ----------------------------- Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy (HMEA) offers inspiring entrepreneurial events to higher education students and entrepreneurs in Helsinki metropolitan area. ------- WWW.HMEA.FI HMEA's mission is to enhance the "Entrepreneurial Spirit" amongst students, actives and people working in corporate jobs, via inspirational and practical educational events & programs. By changing the environment more entrepreneurial, giving the best education available, HMEA aims to help producing several new companies yearly, and help the existing startups to grow their businesses.


HMEA in 2009

” What ever you do, it.”

Thank You’s and goodbye from HMEA’s Project Manager:

  The Christmas is knocking on the door and people are settling down with their families and beloved ones for a brief rest before the new

adventures in 2010, and it is time for us also in the HMEA, to wrap up this wonderful and entrepreneurial year 2009. In many ways this year has been a success, since when starting this project in the October 2008, We had only a fancy (long at least) name and an idea what should be done in 2009, to boost and support young people in becoming entrepreneurs and /or more entrepreneurial-minded. So we started really from the scratch. Now a year later, it is really heartwarming to list down what we have done, and see that there has been quite many activities of different kind and what has been a pleasure for us, seems like the audience has also liked them. We have to state that it would not been possible without the help from our Partners and Sponsors and of course ALL the participants in the events and programs.On a personal level, I must thank the first and foremost the fabulous people in the HMEA Team. It has to be sad that a real homerun was stroke with the choices of the members in the team, not knowing too much about what kind of work were the people capable of doing. Now it is a glad moment to say that the Team was everything that was expected and way beyond. It has been a pleasure to work with professionals and very gladly I will pass on the lead of this project to these experts we have in our team and will step in the back acting as an advisor. In the future.To not make this too long, there is a sentence that goes to everyone taking part to this project and making it a success, and I say it with all honesty and gratefulness:

Thank You, it has been a true pleasure.

With this quote of ours I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and wish the best to New and hopefully even more entrepreneurial year 2010. And remember,

“What ever you do, Love it” – We Love Business.

BRSani Leino

Founder / Project Manager (Until 31.12.2009)Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy -

Spring• Taneli Tikka - Entrepreneurship - a way

of life• Alan Barrell & Ken Smith - Finding

Funding• Helene Auramo - Problems are

Opportunities • Mohamed El-Fatatry - Myths & Facts• Jone Nikula - Yrittäjän hyvinvointi (FIN)• Jari Parantainen - Sissimarkkinointi


Fall• Paul Brennan - Jolly Dragon• Tung Bui - Stuntman & Actor• HMEA Goes Slush• Teemu Arina – Dicole• Mika D. Rubanovitsch - Johtajatiimi

Entrepreneur Tuesday’s Speakers - 2009

Taneli Tikka Mohamed El- Fatatry

Kenneth R. Smith Alan Barrell

Helene Auramo Jone Nikula Jari Parantainen

Paul Brennan Tung Bui Teemu Arina Mika D. Rubanovitsch

”” What ever you do,


Boost YourBusiness

Reidar Wasenius:

13.10.2009– Grow your power (ENG)27.10.2009 – Strengthen your determination

(ENG)10.11.2009 – Stretch your creativity (ENG)24.11.2009 – Sharpen your pitch (ENG

Vesa Taatila:

12.-13.1.- Idean kehittämisen työpaja (FIN)26.-27.1. – Analyysityöpaja (FIN)9.-10.3. – Business Idea Development (ENG)16.3. – Analysis work shop (ENG)21.9. - Business Idea Development (ENG

Boot Camp Evo • In the Spring 2009• 13 Students

– Laurea– University of Essex

• One week in the middle of woods.

Boot Camp Cambridge• 17 Days in the Fall of 2009• 19 Students• 5 Universities (Laurea, Haaga-Helia, HAMK,

Metropolia, TKK)• Top Speakers (Academics, VC’s, Business Angels…)


Comment about HMEA’s Bootcamp Cambridge 2009

“To sum up, the camp was a great experience. The camp allowed us to focus on the business plans totally, think them over and consider them from more than just one angle. The tutoring provided by Vesa Taatila was also most helpful as it served as a platform to build on each day’s theme.

Cambridge in itself was a great place to visit, an incredible mix of tradition, history and cutting edge innovation. It was hard not be inspired by our surroundings, and that I consider the greatest thing that most of us walked away with; believing that our ideas could not only work but also be profitable. And this, if anything is key in any successful business.”

Wille Miljas – Student, HAAGA-HELIA UAS

”What ever you do,


25+ Events in 2009  HMEA’s own events: 

• Entrepreneur Tuesday x 10• Workshops x 9 (12 days)• ”Tuesday Chit-Chat with Jenny

Woo” – Networking event for young entrepreneurs

• Starting seminar

• Co-organized with partners:

• Bolder Academy x 4• HMEA Goes Slush!• Vuoden Veemäisin

Yrittäjyystapahtuma – Viestintää, Varmuutta ja Verkostoja

Business Idea


BRAINPOOL in Altparty

Other concepts for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial-minded in 2009

HMEA in the Media

Tervehdys HMEA -hankkeen suojelijalta, Valtionvarainministeri Jyrki Kataiselta:

•” Tervehdys,

Yrittäjyyden edistäminen ja siihen tukeminen korkeakouluasteella on erittäin tärkeää. Näin luodaan hyvää kasvupohjaa yrittäjyydelle. Minulla onkin ilo olla suojelijana Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy –hankkeessa, joka on erinomainen esimerkki työstä, jonka tavoitteena on konkreettisella tavalla edistää uutta yrittäjyyttä. Yrittäjyys on tämän maan kivijalka. Ilman yrittäjyyttä ja sitä kautta syntyviä työpaikkoja ja taloudellista kasvua ei olisi suomalaista hyvinvointia.

Yritystoiminnan edistämisessä keskeisiä haasteita Suomessa on edesauttaa uusien, innovatiivisten yritysten syntyä ja kasvua, ja toisaalta vahvistaa jo olemassa olevien pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten kasvuhakuisuutta.

Tunnustettu tosiasia on, ettei Suomi perinteisesti ole ollut erityisen yrittäjäystävällinen maa. Yritämme tehdä siihen muutoksen, sillä Suomeen tarvitaan uusia yrittäjiä ja tekijöitä. Byrokratian purkaminen ja yrittäjyyteen kannustaminen ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä uusien yrittäjien saamiseksi ja jatkajien saamiseksi nykyisille yrittäjille heidän siirtyessään eläkkeelle.

Koko koulutusjärjestelmän läpäisevä yrittäjyyskasvatus ja yrittäjyydelle myönteisen asenteen kehittäminen luovat hyvää kasvupohjaa yrittäjyydelle. Niinpä yrittäjyyskasvatus on nyt liitetty osaksi opetusta kaikilla koulutusasteilla.

Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy (HMEA) on erinomainen esimerkki työstä, jonka tavoitteena on luoda uutta yrittäjyyttä ja edistää yrittäjyysmyönteisyyttä korkeakouluissa. Yrittäjyyspäivät ja –leirit sekä esimerkiksi työpajat uusien liikeideoiden kehittämiseen ja niiden analysointiin ovat juuri sellaista toimintaa, jota kaivataan.

Kaikki hyvinvointi syntyy työstä. Työstä jalointa on työllistää itsensä – ja samalla muitakin. Siksi suomalaiset yrittäjät ovat juuri sitä joukkoa, joiden varaan tätä maata ja hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa voidaan rakentaa. Siksi yrittäjyyden edistäminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää. Siksi me tarvitsemme Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academyn kaltaista toimintaa. ”

Jyrki Katainen


Greetings from the Chairman of HMEA’s International Advisory Board, Professor Alan Barrell, UK:

"I am very pleased to be acting and working as an Advisor to Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy. Members of the International Advisory Board, who all have extensive knowledge in global entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education, believe this new initiative can have a very significant positive impact on approaches not only to education, but to knowledge sharing and the enrichment of experience through evolving cultural understanding between peoples and communities around entrepreneurship in many parts of our world.

It seems most appropriate, that as technology enables the removal of distance between nations and people, that education and business too, take advantage of our enhanced abilities to communicate and work together. We feel this is a most important development which is deserving of broad international support. I was inspired by the large number of students who have attended HMEA's activities and was encouraged by the obvious passion for Entrepreneurship and Excellence I found amongstthe many students I met. It is deeply satisfying to know that "The Spirit of Entreprise" is safe in the hands of the Next Generation of Finnish Entrepreneurs."

– Prof. Alan Barrell,           DBA, FRSA, Chairman of HMEA's International Advisory Board


Helsinki Metropolitan Entrepreneurship Academy

The HMEA-team in 2009

Pekka FrontSani Leino

Anniina KarhuPasi Peho

Juha Pullinen

Founder /Project Manager

International Bootcamps

Event Marketing


Founder / Consept Development

Workshops Event Coordination

Leigh Ewin Vladimir Chepurnoy

Miria Kostiainen


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