hoas lab

Post on 10-May-2015






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Hoas Lab is a two-year design project developing new ways for shared and more sustainable living amongst students. The project is a partnership between Demos Helsinki and Helsinki Region Student Housing Foundation Hoas with the support of Tekes. Hoas Lab is part of the official programme of the Helsinki Design Capital 2012. Read more



HOAS Labi.e. how design thinking is

transforming student housing?

Image: Brenda Vértiz


How student housing can be a frontrunner in more social and more

sustainable lifestyles?

Hoas Lab is a two-year design project developing new models for shared and

responsible living.

Image: Brenda Vértiz


Partnership of Helsinki Region Student Housing Foundation and

think tank Demos Helsinki.

The residents of Hoas are future tenants, home owners, constructors,

designers and decision makers.

Part of the official programme of World Design Capital 2012 Helsinki.

Image: Brenda Vértiz

Started by agreeing on goals and outcomes, not tools and activities.




Inspiration and ideas


Concept development


Insight 1:From lecturing to making

right actions easier.

Kuva: Janne SalovaaraImage: Brenda Vértiz

COMPETITIONJunailijankuja 5 in Pasila provides a home every year for 220 exchange students. Now the building is in an urgent need of a facelift.

As part of the building´s refurbishment during Summer 2011, Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (HOAS) and think tank Demos Helsinki organise a design competition for the halls. Our goal is to give a unique personality for each of the building´s sixteen living !oors. The competition is part of an overall plan to give a stronger character to the building by using creative means. The competition is inspired by the percent-for-art principle.

The building has two entrances. Both sideS (A and B) have eight !oors with student apartments in them. Every !oor has appr. 40 sqm2 of wall (download pictures and plans for exact measures). We are looking for eight overall designs, which are divided INTO two adaptations – one for entrance A and one for entrance B on the same !oor. The selected designers are expected to take part in executing the design.

Junailijankuja 5 is a unique location and we wish that the designs re!ect its character. The residents are mostly European exchange students who come to study in one of Helsinki region´s higher education institutions. For many of them the building is their "rst home as well as their "rst touch to Finland. Junailijankuja 5 is one of the Hoas´ most diverse apartment buildings.

HOW TO PARTICIPATEThe competition is open to students, professionals and enthusiasts alike. The entries are judged anonymously. Deadline for the designs is 12 June 2011. The designs need to be sent to junnu.design@gmail.com no later than 23:59 on Sunday 12 June.The eight selected designs will each receive a compensation of 1 000 euros and their names will be painted on the walls. The painting and

completion of the designs will be documented and made public. We expect the designs to raise interest also amongst the media.

The design should be submitted as a PDF-"le using the design template. Designs can be also embedded to PSD-pictures for a perspective view. DOWNLOAD DESIGN TEMPLATE:www.demos."/designhalls

VISIT TO THE LOCATIONThe participants have a possibility to visit the location on Tuesday 7 June 14.00–17.00. Please register in advance for the visit at: www.demos."/designhalls.Representatives of HOAS and Demos will be available for questions.The winning designs will be selected by a professional jury. The jury will judge the works without knowledge of the artist´s/designer´s name. The selected works will receive a written feedback from the jury. Jury members are:

Aalto University Future Home Institute

Secretary of the jury Researcher Tommi Laitio, Demos Helsinki.

EXECUTIONThe designs are executed out during July-August. Before that the walls will be cleaned and painted white. We expect the artist/designer to lead the execution of the design. The material costs will be covered by HOAS.

RIGHTSThe designer will retain moral rights for the work. They will be credited when using images of the works in public. HOAS has the right to use images of the design documents as well as of the completed works in its communication without separate compensa-tion.

ABOUTThe design competition is part of Hoas Lab, a 2-year design project by HOAS and Demos Helsinki striving for new user-led innovations in sustainable and shared living.

The design competition is part of a refurbishment plan developed by

MORE INFORMATIONResearcher Tommi Laitio

Demos Helsinkitommi.laitio@demos."

DESIGN HALLSBoost the quality of life in HOAS student !ats in Pasila using arts and design. Eight best designs are awarded 1 000 euros.



Insight 2:Seeing students as a competent resource.


Lessons so far


It is crucial to voice positive and experiences of student living to balance the experiences in the media and in customer service.

(Case: blogs together w/ a student magazine)


Community needs to be less about attitude and more about doing meaningful things with other people.

(Case: urban farming on courtyards, time bank)


Informing residents about their electricity consumption compared to their neighbours has

been proven to reduce consumption.(Case: electricity saving competitions between



Appr. 30 % of residents are non-Finnish. Communication needs to be more visual and taking the right actions as the default.

(Case: redesign of billboards)



Resident democracy needs serious rethinking.

(Case: Time Bank for neighbourly help tripled the number of active people.)


Investing in shared spaces improves resident satisfaction.

Designing the changes with students is an incredible resource.

(Case: Design students commissioned to design the renovation, design competition for students

for the walls)

Kuva: Janne Salovaara


There´s a growing need for immediate

response in problematic

situations. A good website is not


(Case: Building hosts who are students

living in the building, Facebook group for

the house)


New ways of involving students

in planning renovations and

new buildings need to be developed.

(Case: Studio course with Aalto

University´s Architecture Dept

in Spring 2012)


17 000 residents means that problems will always occur.

But to understand and address the right problems Hoas needs more and more detailed information and interaction with students.

Image: Brenda Vértiz


More information:

Researcher Tommi LaitioDemos Helsinki+358 50 563 4950tommi.laitio@demos.fitwitter: tommilaitiowww.demos.fiwww.slideshare.net/demoshelsinkifacebook.com/hoaslaboratorio

Image: Brenda Vértiz

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