holiday homework vi-viii 2019-20spw sos hermann gmeiner school holiday homework vi-viii 2019-20...

Post on 07-Jan-2020






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    Summer Vacations are just round the corner. To keep our little ones indoors in

    the sweltering heat and to utilize their time with constructive and creative

    activities, we are sending a few assignments that would help the children get a

    grasp of the work done in the school.

    For The Parents

    Be a Friend: Play games with your child like – Ludo, Carom-board or scrabble.

    Explore Nature: Take your child for morning walk, count trees, cars, stones, flowers,

    etc. while going for a walk.

    For The Students .

    Reading Read a paragragh daily and mark the typical words and learn one synonym. S


    ENGLISH Revise the syllabus of the month of April and May during the summer break.

    Write an advertisement for a school bag/Pencil

    Write the names of the products which we get from the tree and can be termed as

    nouns(Collective ,Proper common )

    Make a chart of common and proper noun or in forms of collage (colorful and attractive)


    Main Course Book : Revision of chapter 1,2 and 3(With examples in separate

    H-H-W note book)

    Mental Math : Exercise 1 to 10( In mental math’s worksheets book)

    Main emphasis on writing of Indian and International system of


    Tables : Learn 2 to 20 and write .

    Activity: Make a chart based on Roman Numerals.


    Definition of Odd,Even,Prime and Composite numbers.


    ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश हेत ुगहृ कार्य कक्षा-6

    अपठित गदर्ाांश ललख ेतथा एक अपठित पदर्ाांश ललख े वसांत – वह लिठिर्ा जो,िााँद स ेथोिी सी गप्पें कववताओ को पढे तथा प्रश्नोत्तर तथा भावाांश को ललखे साथी हाथ बढ़ाना कववता को पढे बिपन, अक्षरो का महत्व पािों को िीक स ेपढ़कर प्रश्नोत्तर ललखें अमतृ सांिर्- शाांलत ,नशा कहालनर्ो को पढे तथा प्रश्नोत्तर ललखें लेखन – अनौपिाररक पत्र –अपन ेदोस्त/सखी को लशमला भ्रमण के बारे म ेपत्र ललखना सांवाद लखेन –वपता एवां पुत्र /पतु्री के बीि लनबांध –कोई एक त्र्ोहार ,स्वतन्त्त्रता ठदवस *अलग कापी म ेउपरोक्त काम करें


    Happy holidays students. Take care of your health, have lots of water and fruits.

    Avoid junk food. Learn one of your hobbies. Apart from all these you have to do the


    1) Learn all the lessons of Pre Mid Term (taught in the class.) for all Roll no 1-10

    1) Make a list with pictures of food items generally taken by people of different regions of India. Paste on a large outline map of India to display.

    2) Prepare a diet chart to provide balanced diet to a twelve years old child.The diet chart should include food items which are not expensive. ROLL NO 11 -20

    2) Make a weaving pattern with two different colored paper strips

    3) Make a group of objects” around your surroundings” having different properties like transparency, solubility in water and other properties. On a chart paper paste their pictures

    Roll no -21 -35

    1) Draw /paste pictures of different methods of separation of substances like 1) solid from liquid 2)solid from solid

    2) List some common changes taking place every day around you.


    1.make a collage on diversity of india in regards of food, dress, dance, culture and beliefs on A3 size sheet.


    Write 8 lines about each planet; jupitar, Saturn, Neptune, venus

    OR Collect four sample of pulses from your kitchen, paste it on your holiday homework notebook and write 5 lines about each

    2.On a political map of India show *tropical of cancer , Hunsgi site, Bhimbetka site .

    *rivers; Yamuna, ganga, bramhaputra, Godavari, krishna, kaveri.

    *Himalayas, western ghats, eastern ghats, western ghats. 3. learn the syllabus done in class.


    कक्षा-6 1. दस-दस पुल्लांग, स्त्रीललांग और नपुांसकललांग के शब्द ललखें। 2. कोई दो श्लोक अथय सठहत ललखें। 3. 1 से 25 तक सांख्र्ा लित्र सठहत ललखें। 4. पञ्ितांत्र की कोई एक कहानी सांस्कृत में ललखें। 5. ववद्यालर् की वावषयक पवत्रका के ललए लेख, कववता, कहानी, व्र्ांग्र्, िुटकुला, पहेली में से

    कोई एक सांस्कृत में A4 शीट पर ललखें। 6. सम्पूणय पाठ्र्क्रम र्ाद करें।

    नोटः सभी कार्य अपनी उत्तरपुलस्तका पर करें।


    1. Complete unit 7 – 15

    2. learn unit 1 - 15


    1. sit with your parents and listen moral stories and write best one on sheet of

    paper with relevant pictures(use waste material)

    2. Make a diary and write what new thing you learnt (during vacations) 3. Feed a stray/ host a family get together/ plant a sapling and share you experience

    on a sheet and take parents remarks

    COMPUTER Computer

    1. Learn lessons 1and 2 and write in the computer copy. 2. Read the next two chapters 3,4 and complete the fill in the blanks,true and false,and multiple choice question in the book with pencils.

    3. Search out various examples of high level language on the internet and note it in

    the file page.


    1. Draw two scenes of nature and colour them.

    2. Draw two flower pots and shade them.

    3. Draw five fruits and colour them.

    4. Draw five animals of your choice.

  • 5. Draw five vegetables and colour them.




    1. Make vocabulary words according to the alphabets and frame sentences also using these words.

    2. Write alphabets used in your names. Now write two adjectives for each alphabet. Do this

    creatively to make impressive.

    3. Write a Notice to inform students about the Swachh Bharat Rally which will be held on 13th

    July in your school. Interested students can give their names to their respective class teachers

    before 5th July. Participants will prepare banners and slogans for the rally to spread awareness.

    4. you are Tarun| Tanisha. You have visited a hill station in your summer vacations. Write a diary

    entry for sharing your feelings and experiences in about 100 to 130 words. Draw the box also.


    Learn by Heart -: Tables from 2 to 25 and write also.

    Mental Math’s -: Ex. No. 1 to 15

    Main course book : Revision of ch 1 to 4 from NCERT in a separate notebook

    Activity -: Make a chart based on fractions or Data handling.

    HINDI ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश हेत ुगहृ कार्य

    कक्षा -7 अपठित बोध -2 अपठित गदर्ाांश, 2 अपठित पदर्ाांश वसांत-हम पांछी उन्त्मुक्त गगन के,किपुतली कववताओ के भाव तथा प्रश्नोत्तर ललखें दादी मााँ,ठहमालर् की बठेटर्ााँ ,लमिाईवाला पािों को पढे तथा प्रश्नोत्तर ललखें अमतृ सांिर् –गौरा तथा घीसा पािों को पढ़ें तथा प्रश्नोत्तर ललखें व्र्ाकरण-शब्द वविार,उपसगय, प्रत्र्र् को पढ़ें ,सांज्ञा, सांज्ञा के रूप पररवतयन ,ललांग, विन ,कारक , को पढ़े लेखन – लनबन्त्ध-ठकसी महान व्र्वक्त पर लनबन्त्ध ललखें लित्र लेखन का अभ्र्ास करें (अलग कॉपी मे गहृ कार्य करे )

    SOCIAL STUDIES 1. learn and write the chapter Q/ Ans( Geo –ch1, civics –ch-1,his-ch1)

    2. Prepare a social science dictionary. In your homework Note Book, Make a list of all the new words that you have learnt in Social Science. Also write their meanings. List must be in alphabetical order (Min. 20 words from History and Civics)

  • 3. Collect pictures of election symbols of any 2 National Parties from the newspaper,

    ,magazines or internet with important information .

    SCIENCE 1 Learn all the chapters

    1. Nutrition in plants

    2. Nutrition in Animals

    3. Fibre to fabric 2 Practice diagrams in your art file 3 Record maximum and minimum temperature, humidity of a city for a week and do it in our class work notebook. 4 Paste pictures of different fabrics on A4 sheet and submit a file.


    कक्षा-7 1. कोई 5 श्लोक अथय सठहत ललखें। 2. 1 से 25 तक सांख्र्ा लित्र सठहत ललखें। 3. पञ्ितांत्र की कोई एक कहानी सांस्कृत में ललखें। 4. स्वावलम्बन पर एक लनबन्त्ध ललखें। 5. ववद्यालर् की वावषयक पवत्रका के ललए लेख, कववता, कहानी, व्र्ांग्र्, िुटकुला, पहेली में से

    कोई एक सांस्कृत में A4 शीट पर ललखें। 6. सम्पूणय पाठ्र्क्रम र्ाद करें।

    नोटः सभी कार्य अपनी उत्तरपुलस्तका पर करें।


    1. Write the short stories about your experiences on “Thanking you

    god” Chapter-1 in your words on A4 sheet.

    2. Write the short stories about your experiences on what to be free

    from chapter-3 in your words on A4 sheet.

    ART 1.Draw a scenery and decorate it with your pencil waste in drawing file.

  • 2.Draw and colour of SWACCH BHARAT picture on A-3 size sheet.

    GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Chapter- World superlative. Write 7 questions apart from the chapter world superlative in your own language on A4 sheet. 2. Write Capitals, currencies and language name of other countries by posting flags in A4 sheet.

    3. Write and paste pictures of 5 holy places in the world in A4 sheet.

    COMPUTER Computer 1. Learn lessons 1and 2 and write in the computer copy. 2. Read the next two chapters 3,4 and complete the fill in the blanks,true and false,and multiple choice question in the book with pencils.

    3. Collect various pictures of anti-virus and stick them in file page and

    write down the description


    1. You have visited a destination(city/state) in your summer holidays. Write an

    Email to be sent to your friend writing about the wonderful places that you

    have visited in the said destination.

    2. Read an Article from a magazine/ newspaper, find out Adjectives and Nouns

    from it, underline them with different colored pens, cut the Article and paste

    it in your English notebook. Make a list of the underlined Nouns and

    Adjectives, write their meanings and make one sentence each from all the


    3. You are Ankit/ Ankita, headboy/headgirl of class VIII A of your school. Your

    School has organized a four day trip to Nainital for students of classes VI TO

    VIII. Write a notice to be put on school notice board mentioning required



    1. Learn by Heart -: tables from 2 to 25 and revise daily for 10 minutes 2. Mental Math’s -: Ex. No. 1 to 20 3. Revision of ch 1 to 4 from NCERT in a serarate notebook.

    Activity : Make a chart based on linear equation and its properties.

    Make a 3D shapes out of polygons,polyhedron,paper pyramid.


    1॰ कोई भी दो अपठित गदर्ाांश और अपठित पदर्ाांश लललखए I 2॰ कोई भी दो औपिाररक और अनौपिाररक पत्र लललखए I 3॰ लनबांध लललखए – 1.राष्ट्रीर् एकता सांकेत वबन्त्द ु:-

    भारत मे ववलभन्त्नता अनेकता में एकता राष्ट्रीर् एकता के बाधक तत्व

  • समाधान 2॰ववज्ञान :वरदान र्ा अलभशाप सांकेत वबन्त्द ु:-

    ववज्ञान के रूप ववज्ञान वरदान के रूप में ववज्ञान अलभशाप के रूप में लनष्कषय

    नोट : पूवय मध्र्ावलध परीक्षा पािर्क्रम र्ाद करें व ललखकर अभ्र्ास करें I


    1. learn and write the chapter Q/ Ans( Geo –ch1, civics –ch-1,his-ch1)

    2. Prepare a social science dictionary. In your homework Note Book, Make a list of all the new words that you have learnt in Social Science. Also write their meanings. List must be in alphabetical order (Min. 20 words from History and Civics

    3. Collect pictures of election symbols of any 2 Regional Parties from the newspaper, ,magazines or internet with important information


    1. Lets take a pledge to save our planet-Earth

    . Now it is time to have some positive action. To execute your plan each student

    will grow a plant ,take good care of it and bring it to school after vacation.

    2 .Lets channelized your energy and creativity during this vacation

    (a) Draw all the agricultural tools of chapter-Crop Production and Management

    (b) Draw the different types of microorganisms in your science note book,(you can take help from chapter-Microorganisms of your science book.

    2.. Revise/learn the following chapters for Pre-Mid Term

    (a) Crop production and Management

    (b) Microorganisms

    (c) Metals and non-metals.


    कक्षा-8 1. कोई 5 श्लोक अथय सठहत ललखें। 2. 1 से 25 तक सांख्र्ा लित्र सठहत ललखें। 3. पञ्ितांत्र की कोई एक कहानी सांस्कृत में ललखें।

  • 4. कोई 2 धातु पााँिों लकारो में ललखें। 5. ववद्यालर् की वावषयक पवत्रका के ललए लेख, कववता, कहानी, व्र्ांग्र्, िुटकुला, पहेली में से कोई

    एक सांस्कृत में A4 शीट पर ललखें। 6. सम्पूणय पाठ्र्क्रम र्ाद करें।

    नोटः सभी कार्य अपनी उत्तरपुलस्तका पर करें।

    COMPUTER Computer

    1. Learn lessons 1and 2 and write in the computer copy. 2. Read the next two chapters 3,4 and complete the fill in the blanks,true and false,and multiple choice question in the book with pencils.

    3.Collect various pictures of anti-virus and stick them in file page and write

    down the description


    Learn and revise unit -1

  • ART

    1. Draw scenery and decorate it with your pencil waste. (Refer: page 90)

    2. Make poster to show village life.


    Using your creative sense, make an eco-friendly item (e.g. a paper bag or a mud –vase) Make collage of a moral story.

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