holiday’s homework (2015-2016) class xi english · 1 holiday’s homework (2015-2016) class xi...

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Holiday’s Homework (2015-2016)

Class XI


Holiday homework should be done in your English notebook

1. Read the novel “THE CANTERVILLE GHOST “ at home . write summary in your English


2. Draw a character sketch of

a. Mr or Mrs Ottis

b. Varginia

c. Washington

d. Star and atripes

e. Ghost

3. Read the newspaper daily and paste at least 8 reports or articles and frame at least 4

question answers and 4 difficult words with their meaning from each article.

4. Paste any 4 classified advertisement in your notebook. Eg: matrimonial, situation

vacant, for sale, to let etc.

5. Paste the public awareness posters in your notebook.



1. The specific heats of a gas are measured as Cp= (12.28± 0.2) units and

Cv=(3.97±0.3)units. Find the value of real gas constant R and percentage error in R.

2. A driver takes apply the brakes after he sees a need for it. This is called the

reaction time of the driver. If he is driving at a speed of 54Km/hr and the brakes cause a

deceleration of 6m/s2, find the distance travelled by the car after he sees the need to put

the brakes.

3. A gas bubble from an explosion under water, oscillates with a period T proportional to



c, where p is the static pressure, d is the density of water and E is the total energy of

explosion. Find the values of a, b, and c.

4. Briefly explain how will you estimate the molecular diameter of oleic acid.

5. If the units of force, Velocity and energy are 100 dyne, 10cm/s and 400 ergs,

respectively. What will be the units of mass, length and time?

6. The voltage across the lamp is V=(6.0±0.1)V and current passing through it

I=(4.0±0.2)A. Find the power consumed by the electric lamp.

7. Displacement time equation of a particle moving along x-axis is


a. Find the position and velocity of particle at time t=0.

b. State whether the motion is uniformly accelerated or not.

c. Find position of particle when velocity of particle is zero.

8. Mention the various practical units used for measuring small and large distances. Give

their relations with S.I. units.

9. Mention the various practical units of mass, time, pressure and areas and give their

relation with their respective S.I. units.

10. Round off the following numbers to 3 significant figures:

a. 20.968m

b. 0.003156kg

c. 2.9147m/s

d. 411.27m2

11. Find the number of significant figures in the following:

a. 9.11×10-31


b. 0.53m

c. 6371km

d. 7.0030C

e. 0.00427g

f. 80.0s

12. The vernier scale of a travelling microscope has 50 divisions which coincide with 49

main scale divisions. If each main scale division is 0.5mm,Calculate the minimum

inaccuracy in measurement of distance.




1. Convert the following in kilogram

(i)0.91 x 10-27 g (mass of eletron) (ii)1fg (mass of human DNA molecule) (iii)500Mg (mass of

jumbo jet ) (iv)3.34 x10-24 g

2. Convert the following in to metre

(i) 7nm (diameter of small virus) (ii) 40Em (thinkness of milky waxy galaxy) (iii)1.4 Gm

(diameter of sun) (iv)41 Pm (distance of nearest star)

3. State the number of significant figures in each of the following numbers.

(i)2.653x104 (ii)0.00368 (iii)653 (iv)0.368 (v)0.0300

4. Express the following numbers to four significant figures.

(i)5.607892(ii)32.392800(iii)1.78986x103 (iv)0.007837

5. Express the following numbers in the exponential rotation three significant

figures.(i)1000000 (ii)0.01256 (iii)1234

6. When 4.2 g of NaHCO3 is added to a solution of CH3COOH weighing 10.0g,it is observed

that 2.2 g of CO2 is released into the atmosphere .The residue left is found to weigh

12.0g.Show that these observation are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.

7. 2g sodium chloride is present in 18g water,determine the percentage of solute by mass.

8. 10 g glucose is present in 200 ml of solution, if density of solution is 1.10 gml-1, then

determine the % of solute (glucose) by mass.

9. How much volume of 10M HCl should be diluted with water to prepare 2L of 5M HCl


10. A solution of nitric acid is 20% by mass, determine the molality of the solution.

11. The density of 3M solution of NaCl is 1.25 gml-1. Calculate the molality of the solution.


12. 500 cm3 of 0.250 M Na2SO4 solution is added to an aqueous solution of 15.0g of BaCl2

resulting into the formation of white ppt of insoluble BaSO4. How many moles and how

many grams of BaSO4 are formed.

13. Write the empirical formula of the compounds having the following molecular formula.

(i)C6H6 (ii) C6H12(iii) H2O2(iv) H2O(v) Na2CO3 (vi) B2H6 (vii) N2O4(viii) H3PO4 (ix) Fe2O3(x)C2H2

14. A compound contains 4.07% hydrogen, 24.27% carban and 71.65% chlorine. Its molar

mass is 98.96. What are its empirical and molecular formulas.

15. A welding fues gas contains carbn and hydrogen only. Burning a small sample of it in

oxygen gives 3.38 g carban dioxide, 0.690 g water and no other products. A volume of 10.0

L (measured at STP) of this gas is found to weigh 11.6 g. Calculate (i) empirical formula, (ii)

molar mass of the gas, and (iii) molecular formula.

16. Calculate the number of molecules in a drop of water weighing 0.05g.

17. Caculate the number of atoms in each of the following:(a)52 moles of He (b)52 u

ofHe(c)52gof He

18. The mass of 94.5 ml of gas at N.T.P is found to be 0.2231 g.Calculate the molecular


19. 4.6 of sodium is treated with excess of water.Calculate the volume of hydrogen

envolved at S.T.P

20. Calculate the amount of water in g. produced by the combustion of 16 g of methane.



Q1. Revise whatsoever has been done in the class.

Q2. Make a project on any topic related to biology

a) Any disease which cause diagnosis & treatment.

b) Any recent technique ( in relevance to biology)

Conceptual Questions

Q3.Distinguish between rennin and rennin

Q4. Why is urea absorbed during the process of excretion?

Q5.Distinguish between excretion and egestion.

Q6.Expand the acronyms:- JGA, GFR, UTI, ANF

Q7.Explain Renin- Angiotension mechanism.



Do the following questions in your Class work Notebook

1. Collect the information about different types of computers on the basis of their size and

performance. Write the information and paste the pictures.

2. Mention the innovations in each generation of computer. Also give some examples of

computers of each generation. Also mention the time period of each generation.

3. Draw a diagram showing Hardware components and software of computer. Also show

different types of computer.

4. Give a brief description of 5 Input and 5 output devices. Mention their proper

functioning and paste pictures of selected devices.

5. Write short note on the following topics:-

a) Cloud Computing

b) Artificial Intelligence

c) Parallel processing

d) Network security

e) Cyber Crime

f) Memory Management in computers and role of Secondary storage devices.

g) Open source software.


Topic: Advancement in Information Technology.

Do the project work in a separate File. Utilize the following applications:

Word processing


Power point



Q1. Which of the followings are sets ?

(i) The collection of all students of your class

(ii) The collection of all short boys of your class

(iii) The collection of all plants of solar system.

(iv) The collection of five most talented writers of India.

(v) The collection of all good athletes of India.

(vi) The collection of fat boys of your locality.

Q2. Let A = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 } insert the symbol or ∉

(i) 6 A

(ii) 1 A

(iii) 5 A

(iv) 10 A

(v) 2 A

(vi) 3 A

(vii) A

Q3. Write in roster form

(i) A = { x : x R and x2 – 5x + 6 = 0 }

(ii) B = { x : Z+ and x2 = x }

(iii) C = { x : x N , x is a multiple of 5 and x2 < 400 }

(iv) D = { x : x is perfect square and x < 50 }

Q4. Write in set Builder form.

(i) A = { 1, 3, 32, 33, }

(ii) B = { –2, –1, 0, 1, 2 }

(iii) C = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 }

(iv) D = 1,1








Q5. Which of following set is empty Set.

(i) A = { x N : 2x + 5 = 6 }

(ii) B = { x : x N , 1 < x < 2 }

(iii) C = { x : x is prime, 90 < x < 96}

(iv) D = { x : x N , x2 + 4 = 0 }


Q6. Which of the following are pairs of equal Sets.

(i) A = { x : set of letters of word ALLOY }

B = { x : set of letters of word LOYAL }

(ii) C = { x : x Z , x2 4 }

D = { x : x Z , x2 – 4 = 0 }

(iii) E = { x : x Z , x – 3 = 0 }

F = { x : x Z , x2 – 9 = 0 }

(iv) G = { –1 , 1 }

H = { x : x Z , x2 – 1 = 0 }

Q7. Which of the following are pairs of equivalent sets.

(i) A = { 1, 2, 3 } , B = { 2, 4, 6 }

(ii) P = { 0 } , =

(iii) C = { –2, –1, 0 } , D = { 1, 2, 3 }

(iv) E = { x : x N , x < 3 }

F = { x : x W , x < 3 }

Q8. Write all the subsets of the following .

(i) A = { 3 }

(ii) B = { –2, 5 }

(iii) C = { –3, 0, 3 }

(iv) D = { a , b }

(v) E =

(vi) F = { 2, { 3 } }

(vii) G = { 5 , { 7 , 8 } }

Q9. Express each of the following sets an interval.

(i) A = { x : x R , –4 < x < 0 }

(ii) A = { x : x R , 0 x < 3 }

(iii) B = { x : x R , 2 < x 6 }

(iv) C = { x : x R , –5 x 2 }

Q10. Write each of the following in set builder form.

(i) A = ] –2 , 3 ]


(ii) B = [ 5 , 9 ]

(iii) C = ] 8 , 11 [

(iv) D = [ 0 , 4 [

(v) E = [ 4 , 9 [

Q11. If A = { 3 , { 4 , 5 } , 6 } . which one is true.

(i) { 4 , 5 } A

(ii) 4 A

(iii) A

(iv) { 4 , 5 } A

(v) { 3 } A

(vi) { 3 , 4 , 5 } A

(vii) { { 4 , 5 } } A

(viii) { } A

Q12. If A = { a , b , c , d , e , f } , B = { c , e , g , h } and C = { a , e , m , n } . find. all of following when ℧ = set of all


(i) ( A B ) C

(ii) ( A B ) ( B C )

(iii) ( A B ) C

(iv) ( A – B )

(v) A – ( B C )

(vi) ( A – B ) ( B – A )

(vii) A ( B – C )

(viii) ( A C )’

(ix) ( A B )’

(x) ( B – C )’

Q13. Draw Venn diagrams to represents of sets

(i) A B

(ii) A ( B C )

(iii) A – B

(iv) B – A

(v) A – ( B C )

(vi) ( A – C ) ( B – C )


(vii) ( A B )’

(viii) B’ A’

Q14. In a survey of 100 students, the number of students studying the various languages is found as : English

only 18, English but not Hindi 23, English and Sanskrit 8, Sanskrit and Hindi 8, English 26, Sanskrit 48 and no

language 24. Find

(i) no. of Hindi

(ii) no. of English and Hindi both.

Q15. In a class of 35 students, 15 study Economics, 22 study Business Studies and 14 study Advance

Accountancy. If 11 students study both Economics and Business studies, 8 study both Business studies and

Advanced Accountancy and 5 study both Economics and Advanced Accountancy and if 3 study all the three

subjects. Find how many students of the class are not taking any of these subjects.

Q16. Prove that

(i) ( A B ) C = A ( B C )

(ii) A ( B – A ) =

(iii) ( A – B ) B =

(iv) A’ – B’ = B – A

(v) A – ( B C ) = ( A – B ) ( A – C )


Q1. Find the value of the followings

(a) tan 19𝜋

3 Ans. 3

(b) cot −16𝜋

3 Ans. −



(c) sin −11𝜋

3 Ans. −



(d) cos −13𝜋

6 Ans.



(e) cot −37𝜋

6 Ans. − 3

(f) tan 25𝜋

3 Ans. 3

(g) sin 7650 Ans. 1


(h) sec(−7800) Ans. 2

(i) 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 (−11250) Ans. − 2

(j) cot 14700 Ans. 3

(k) tan(−14850) Ans. –1


(l) sin(405) Ans. 1/ 2

Q2. If sin 𝑥 =4

5 and x second quadrant find all trigonometric ratios

Q3. Find all trigometric ratios if

(a) tan 𝑥 =4

3 x III quadrant

(b) 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝑥 = −13

12 x III quadrant

Q4. Find the angle in degree subtended at the centre of circle of 10 cm radius by an arc of 22 cm length.


Q5. Find the radius of circle in which a centeral angle of 45 intercept an arc of 176 cm. [224]

Q6. In two circles arc of same length subtend angle of 45o and 60o compare their radii. [3 : 4]

Q7. Find the value of

sin 410 cos 190 + cos 410 sin 190 3


Q8. Find the value of

cos 660 cos 60 + sin 660 sin 60 1


Q9. Find the value of

tan 23+tan 22

1−tan 23+tan 22 (1)

Q10. Find the value of

(i) sin 75

(ii) cos 750

(iii) cos 750

(iv) sin 150

(v) tan 75

(vi) tan 1050

(vii) cos 1050

Q11. Prove that

(a) cos 18 + sin 18

cos 18 − sin 18= tan 63

(b) tan 71+ tan 64

1 − tan 71 × tan 64= −1

Q12. Prove that

(1) sin(𝑥 + 𝑦) sin(𝑥 − 𝑦) = sin2 𝑥 − sin2 𝑦

(2) cos(𝑥 + 𝑦) cos(𝑥 − 𝑦) = cos2 𝑥 − sin2 𝑦

(3) tan 8𝑥 − tan 7𝑥 − tan 𝑥 = tan 8𝑥 ∙ tan 7𝑥 ∙ tan 𝑥


(4) tan 13𝑥 = tan 13𝑥 × tan 9𝑥 × tan 4𝑥 + tan 9𝑥 + tan 4𝑥

(5) sin 𝜋

4+ 𝐴 cos


4− 𝐵 + cos


4+ 𝐴 sin


4− 𝐵 = cos 𝐴 − 𝐵

Q13. If A + B =𝜋

4 then prove that

(1) (1 + tan A) (1 + tan B) = 2

(2) (cot A – 1) (cot B – 1) = 2

Q14. Prove that

(1) tan 2𝛼 − tan 𝛼 = tan 𝛼 sec 2𝛼

Q15. If sin 𝜃 + 𝛼 = cos(𝜃 + 𝛼) then Prove that

tan 𝜃 =1 − tan 𝛼

1 + tan 𝛼

Q16. If tan 𝛽 =𝑛 sin 𝛼 cos 𝛼

1−𝑛 sin 2 𝛼 Prove that

tan 𝛼 − 𝛽 = 1 − 𝑛 tan 𝛼

Q17. Prove that

(1) cos 52o + cos 68o + cos 172o = 0

(2) sin 51 + cos 81 – cos 21 = 0

(3) sin 10 + sin 20 + sin 40 + sin 50 = cos 10 + cos 20

Q18. Prove that

(1) cos 20 × cos 40 cos 80 =1


(2) sin 10 sin 50 sin 70 =1


(3) 4 sin 𝛼 sin 𝜋

3− 𝛼 sin


31 − 𝛼 = sin 3𝛼

(4) sin 𝑥 + sin 3𝑥

cos 𝑥 + cos 3𝑥= tan 2𝑥

(5) sin 𝜋

4+ 𝑥 cos


4− 𝑦 + sin


4− 𝑦 cos


4+ 𝑥 = sin 𝑥 + 𝑦

Q19. If cos 𝛼 =4

5 and sin 𝛽 =


13 . find the value of (a) sin ( + ) (b) cos ( + )

Q20. Let cos𝑥 =3

10 , cos𝑦 =


5 , x and y are acute angles show x + y =



Q21. If tan 𝑥 =3

5 , tan 𝑦 =


4 find x + y

(Ans. 𝜋

4 )

Q22. Prove that

1. Sin 75o cos 15o – cos 75 sin 15 = 3/2

2. tan 70 − tan 25

1 + tan 70 + tan 25= 1


3. 2 tan 70o = tan 80 – tan 10o

4. Tan 75 – tan 30 – tan 75 tan 30 = 1

5. tan 𝜋

4+ 𝜃 × tan


4+ 𝜃 = −1

6. cot 𝜋

4+ 𝜃 × cot


4− 𝜃 = 1

7. tan (𝑥 + 𝑦)

cot 𝑥 − 𝑦 =

tan 2 𝑥 − tan 2 𝑦

1 − tan 2 𝑥 tan 2 𝑦=

sin 2 𝑥 − sin 2 𝑦

cos 2 𝑥 − sin 2 𝑦

8. cot + cot 𝜋

3− 𝛼 − cot


3+ 𝛼 = 3 cot 3𝛼

9. sin 7𝜃 − sin 5𝜃

cos 7𝜃 + cos 5𝜃= tan 𝜃

10. cos 2𝑦 − cos 2𝑥

sin 2𝑦 + sin 2𝑥= tan(𝑥 − 𝑦)

11. cos 4𝑥 + cos 3𝑥 + cos 2𝑥

sin 4𝑥 + sin 3𝑥 + sin 2𝑥= cot 3𝑥

12. sin 5𝑥 – sin 7𝑥 + sin 8𝑥 − sin 4𝑥

cos 4𝑥 − cos 5𝑥 − cos 8𝑥 + cos 7𝑥= cot 6𝑥

13. sin 𝛼 + sin 2𝜋

3+ 𝛼 + sin


3+ 𝛼 = 0

14. sin 8𝜃 cos 𝜃 − cos 6𝜃 sin 3𝜃

cos 2𝜃 cos 𝜃 − sin 3𝜃 sin 4𝜃= tan 2𝜃

15. sin 11𝜃 sin 𝜃 + sin 7𝜃 sin 3𝜃

cos 11𝜃 sin 𝜃 + cos 7𝜃 sin 3𝜃= tan 8𝜃

16. sin2 𝜋



2 − sin2




2 =


2sin 𝑥

17. cos 4x = 1 – 8 cos2 x + 8 cos4 x

18. sin 5x = 5 sin x – 20 sin4 x + 16 sin5 x

19. 4 (cos6 x – sin6 x) = cos3 2 x + 3 cos 2 x

20. tan2 𝜋

4+ 𝜃 =

1 + sin 2𝜃

1 − sin 2𝜃

21. sec 2𝑥 − tan 2𝑥 = tan 𝜋

4− 𝑥

22. tan 𝜋



2 + tan




2 = 2 sec 𝜃

Q23. Prove that

1. cos𝛼 cos 𝜋

3− 𝛼 cos


3+ 𝛼 =


4cos 3𝛼

2. sec 8𝜃 − 1

sec 4𝜃 − 1=

tan 8𝜃

tan 2𝜃

3. 1 + tan 2



1 − tan 2 𝜋


= cosec 2𝑥

4. 2 + 2 + 2 cos 4𝐴 = 2 cos𝐴

Q24. If and are acute angle and cos𝛼 =3

5 𝛽 =



find cos 𝛼 − 𝛽



Q25. Prove that


8+ cos2


8+ cos2


8+ cos2


8= 2

Q26. If cos 𝑥 =1

2 𝑎 +


𝑎 find the value of

(i) cos 2 x

(ii) cos 3 x

Q27. Prove that 1 + sin 𝜃

1 − sin 𝜃= tan





Q28. Find general solution

(i) tan x = 1

(ii) sin 𝑥 = − 3


(iii) cot 𝑥 = − 3

(iv) tan 4𝑥 =1


(v) cosec 7 x = 2

(vi) sin 3 x = 0

Q29. Solve the equations

(a) tan px – cot qx = 0

(b) cosec3 2 x – 4 cosec 2 x = 0

(c) tan x + cot 2 x = 0

(d) 2 cos2 x + 3 sin x = 0

(e) 4 cos2 x – 4 sin x – 1 = 0

(f) tan2 x = 3

(g) tan2 x + cot2 x = 2

(h) sin 2 x – sin 4 x + sin 6 x = 0

(i) cos x + cos 3 x – cos 2 x = 0

(j) tan x + tan 2 x + tan 3 x = tan x tan 2 x tan 3 x

(k) 3 cos𝑥 + sin 𝑥 = 2

(l) 2 sec 𝑥 + tan 𝑥 = 1

(m) cos𝑥 + 3 sin 𝑥 = 2



Write your views on the following topic

1. “Women Participation in Sports”- As Discourse and Ideology.

Project Work:

“Carrier in Physical Education”

top related