holidays in great britain openable

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Zuzanna KrzemińskaJustyna Małecka

Alicja AleksanderAleksandra Kupis

Holidays as the Vacation


In Poland

End of June till 31st of August

Summer Holidays

In Great Britain

24 July – 31st of August

Winter holidays

17 – 21 February in England

Two weeks in the range between 20th of January and 2nd March depending on Voivodship

in Poland

Duration of the school year in Great Britain

Average year – 190 daysDivision of the school year in

three terms◦Autumn Term◦Spring Term◦Summer Term

Additional three half therms

Duration of the school year in Poland

Avarage amount of school days in this school year is 187

Division of the school year in two terms:◦Winter Term◦Summer Term

Informal division of the holidays

Special Days

Public/Bank Holidays

Special Days

For example:Valentine’s DayMother’s DayNew Year’s EveChristmas EveHalloween

Special days we don’t know in Poland

Twelth night (5th January)

St. George's Day (23th April)

Trooping the colour (June)

Remembrance day (11th


Stir up Sunday (24th November)

Bank/Public Holidays

What are the bank holidays?

• The name „bank holiday”

Some history


Sir John Lubbock

The Bank Holidays Act

It introduced: Easter Monday, the

first Monday in August, the 26th

December, and Whit Monday

Examples of polish „public holidays”

Date Name1 January Nowy Rok, Świętej Bożej Rodzicielki6 January Trzech Króli (Objawienie Pańskie)20 April Wielkanoc21 April Poniedziałek Wielkanocny1 May Święto Pracy3 May Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja

8 June Zesłanie Ducha Świętego (Zielone Świątki)

19 June Boże Ciało

15 AugustŚwięto Wojska Polskiego, Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny

1 November Wszystkich Świętych

11 November Święto Niepodległości

25 December Boże Narodzenie (pierwszy dzień)

26 December Boże Narodzenie (drugi dzień)

13 Days

English public/bank holidays


New Year's Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Royal wedding

Early May Bank Holiday

Spring Bank Holiday

Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Summer Bank Holiday

(August Bank Holiday)

Christmas Day

Boxing Day


1 January

18 April

21 April


5 May

26 May


25 August

25 December  

26 December


Additional questions

Are shops, supermarkets opened on bank holidays?

What about museums and other public attractions?

When to do shopping then?

Bank holiday shop opening times


10am to 4pm (or 11am to


The only day when all shops with

no exeptions are closed is

Christmas (25th December)

Extra Info

Employees, who work on Bank

Holiday usually get paid extra:

Time-and-a-half or even

double time

What, if a bank holiday falls on

Saturday or Sunday?

The way British people spend their summer holidays

Traditional British holiday =

seaside holiday

Seaside holidays activities

Candy flossStick of rock sweet

Ride donkeys

Punch and Judy show

Other seaside activities

British people and holidays Abroad

13, 8 mln

11, 1mln

Holiday trips abroad

1971 - 6.7 million2005 - 66.4 millionTwo-thirds of these

visits abroad are holidays with about half (47 per cent) package holidays.

TOP Destinations for British tourists 2005

Preferred mode of transport to holiday destinations

43 million

5,6 million

9,7 million

Popular holiday trends

Most holidays - July and August Winter and spring - a second holiday

abroadSeaside package holidays as the

most popular type of holiday4 weeks holiday per year and 2

weeks off in the Summer for most working people

A Timeline of British Holiday Habits

1800-1850 „holy” days

1850 -1900

the creation

of a national railway system

1900-1960s - popular

weekends and

holiday camps

1970s evolution

of airlines

1980s - package holidays

1980s-1990s - packages

to the USA

1990s – 2007 –

packages much

further: Australia,

Bali or even to Arctica

Thanks for watching!

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