holistic living - issue 6 february 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Gimiks Born, Good Time Trunk Co, Falls Festival (Byron Bay), Are we wasting our waste?, Bobby Alu, Sahara Beck, Summer fruit recipes, Teaching your kids to surf, The Art of Hula.


Photo - Jade Hopeley Issue 6 - Feburary 2015


Josephine Flynn


James O’Malley

Cover Image

Jade Hopley


Challenges / Life is an incredible gift,

and with it comes incredible

challenges. We are all at some

point, going to come up against

these challenges, whether it be

physical, financial, emotional or

otherwise. How we deal with

those challenges, however, is

what will create life changing


Since creating HL, I have been

blessed to meet and work with

some extraordinary people. Of

course, we are all extraordinary

in our own way, but there are

certain people living among

us that have been through life

changing experiences and have

used these experiences in a

positive way. They have come

out the other end, not only

EDITORS LETTERrising above the adversity, but

having the ability to look at life

through fresh eyes and creating

moments for themselves that

pave the way for the lives

they want to lead. These are

the people we need to raise

up and be inspired by. These

people who are our neighbours,

business owners, dog walkers

and coffee makers, walking

among us like regular people

with extraordinary views of

life and a real grasp on what is


I challenge you to overcome

these bumps in the road and

take them as an opportunity

to rise up and become a better

mother, husband, co-worker,

friend, human being.

“Anything that annoys you is for

teaching you patience.

Anyone who abandons you is for

teaching you how to stand up on

your own two feet.

Anything that angers you is for

teaching you forgiveness and


Anything that has power over you

is for teaching you how to take

your power back.

Anything you hate is for teaching

you unconditional love.

Anything you fear is for teaching

you courage to overcome your fear.

Anything you can’t control is for

teaching you how to let go”

Jackson Kiddard.

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wasting ourwaste

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teaching your kids to surf





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GIMIKS BORNWords – Josephine Flynn. Pictures – Gimiks Born.

Gimiks Born is a storyteller. His ability to transport the

viewer out of the here and now and into the fantasy

freeze frames he creates is just one of the reasons why

he has become a much sought after artist; not just in

our little pocket of the World, but internationally. We

managed to pin this crazy busy man down to see what

makes him tick and how he manages to create these

imaginary Worlds and characters from sketches, to

skateboards to skyrises.

Explain to our readers your style/mediums.

I predominantly use spray and acrylic for larger

graffiti murals etc. For smaller works I use pencil,

pastel, ink, whatever I have on hand or what the

brief entails.



Being a graffiti artist, do you

find that there is still some

stigma attached to the style?

Not often, but sometimes people

will assume you’re a non-

talented hooligan when you say

you do “Graffiti”. It’s when these

people see the work though they

usually follow it up with “Oh…

he actually does art then…” I

always have a bit of a laugh at

this response. These days people

are generally becoming more

open to the use of spray cans as

art medium, they are really not

that scary.

How did you get into art and

how long have you been


I read a lot of comics when I was

younger and tried to copy the art

in them, this started me off on

the creative road I guess. This

was as early as I can remember,

maybe 4 or 5, I’ve been drawing

and painting ever since. I didn’t

start using cans though until


You’ve travelled quite extensively and have

pieces around the World. Any plans for the

future to head back OS?

Yes definitely. I would love to go back for a

painting holiday to Toronto and visit close friends

there, it’s a cool city but it’s the people that make

it a lot better. I need to travel to Europe at some

stage and paint there as well, there are so many

talented artists doing amazing work over there, it’s

very inspiring. I’m heading to LA around July this

year for business I think too, will definitely have

a paint when I’m there also. So yeah, this year is

going to be quite busy.

What’s your greatest achievement to date?

Creating a tiny human named Willacy Beth. She’s rad!

Do you have a favourite piece?

Not yet, I’m still trying to find it. I was pretty happy

with the Pillars Project Mural though, that was fun.

If you could collaborate with any artist (dead or

alive) who would it be?

Jimi Hendrix or Jim Henson, both of them were

incredibly talented humans. I’d like to sit down

with Aldous Huxley and ask him some pressing

questions too, yep, him and Ghandi. I would also

have a sneaky paint and a drink with Jackson

Pollock, he was a strange cat.

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Where do you find your


Everywhere. Music especially.

I love Hip Hop culture most of

all, real Hip Hop though not

this corny prepackage stuff that

has been created by corporate

mainstream that’s so prevalent in

the airways currently - you can

keep that garbage. I like all music,

from Bob Marley to EPMD to

Frank Sinatra to Otis Redding, all

good music is amazing. However

it’s probably my close friends and

peers that inspire me most, artists,

musicians, skateboarders, chefs,

business minded individuals,

anybody who’s doing something

they love for the love of it, not for

the shine.

What have you got coming up?

Haha, lots. More murals, more

skateboarding designs, more art

in general. I’m also still working

on my “Bitter Winds” saga, it’s

been a looooong time coming! To

finish it off maybe a sneaky pop

up show too…you never know.

Where can our readers see/purchase your work?

You can keep up to date with my visual ramblings

via my social media; Instagram, Tumblr and

Facebook etc. My new site should hopefully be live

mid-year, however you can also keep tabs on all

my design stuff through Picture Wheel Company’s

site too. In regards to any work for sale, its best to

hit me up via my email or Facebook directly so I

can put you on my email list so you don’t miss out

on anything that becomes available. Cheers!

FB - www.facebook.com/gimiksborn

T – www.twitter.com/gimiksborn

W – www.gimiksborn.tumblr.com

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We’re all about local business here at HL, and one

of our passions is to discover and promote local

businesses that are not only doing wonderful

things and inspiring our community, but

are giving back at the same time. Ladies and

Gentlemen, we are stoked to present to you Good

Time Trunk Co.

You’re a brand spankin’ new company, how has

the first few weeks been going?

It’s been really exciting! We’ve had loads of really

great, positive feedback on social media, and

better still, we’ve even had a bunch of orders!!

What made you want to create a “Trunk”


It might be just ‘cause we’re based on The Gold

Coast, but it’s long been our belief that boardies

are to men, what (stereotypically) handbags or

shoes are to women - there’s no such thing as “too

many”. And even if you’re not from a climate like

ours, surely that’s only more reason why board

shorts or ‘trunks’ are representative of Good

Times. More and more the board short industry

is getting super hi-tech & ‘performance’ driven -

which is great for surfers! - But we decided that

paying in excess of $100 for a pair of boardies was

a bit rough. I mean Kelly Slater can make a boring

pair of shorts look cool, while they’re upside



down in a death-defying barrel,

but that’s not what most of us

do when we get some beach

or vacation time. We’re more

about embracing the ‘big kid’ in

all of us, and having fun.

Great name and I love the

idea behind it, can you please

explain it more to our readers?

We threw around a few

different names, early on...

but it really didn’t take long to

decide. We wanted our trunks

to truly represent unashamedly

organic ‘Good Times’, so our

name had to be the same. It had

to be completely uncontrived.

We wanted to start a good time

trunk company, so that’s what

we called ourselves.

We’ve noticed you’re aligning

with our lovely friends from

“Bali Kids.” Can you explain

more about that?

Yeah we’re hoping to start

doing our bit for the sick,

homeless kids in one of our



favourite places on earth. First and foremost,

Good Time Trunk Co was about lifestyle wear

for ‘parents & their kids’ as one entity. Then

secondarily, cool trunks for individuals. And

because most Aussies have spent plenty of

holidays (family or otherwise) living it up and

loving life in Bali, it was a very easy and natural

choice to decide to give a little back.

Bali Kids provides a free mobile medical to all of

Bali’s orphanages. Through them, we can have

our blessed, clean, loving, healthy, outdoorsy

Good Times, all while contributing to at least

slightly improving the lives of those who may

never get to experience the same. So every time

somebody purchases a ‘Fam Bam’ combo - that’s

an adult’s and kid’s size trunks in the same print -

we’ll donate 10% of the profit to Bali Kids.

You’ve got some fun designs, any plans to expand

the line in the future?

Yes definitely! We’re not really interested in going

crazy with hundreds of mass produced, same-as-

the-rest prints, but we’re definitely planning on

keeping things fresh and original. We’re already

working on new designs that will hopefully join

our first four before summer is out!

Do you both have a retail/fashion background or

was this a bit of a change in career choice?

Half yes, half no. Lei-Ahna has been working in

fashion for the better part of a decade. On the

front-line in retail, then as an agency rep, and

later (and currently) as owner/manager of online

fashion boutique www.FadedHearts.com.au.

While my (Jake’s) expertise relies a little heavier

on experiences wearing trunks and having ‘good

times’ with family and friends.

What’s your plans for the business? Stay small

and local or expand?

We haven’t really given much thought to ‘size’ in

terms of growth. We’re literally less than a month

old after all. We do know that we want to stay

true to ourselves, and maintain a product that

isn’t the norm. We want to continually produce

good quality, original design trunks, that people

can have a ball wearing. If that leads us to some

sort of expansion, then great. For now though,

we’re just stoked that adults and kids want to get


How can our readers find your fun and stylish


We’re on Facebook & Instragram and online!

W – www.GoodTimeTrunkCo.com.au

FB – www.facebook.com/GoodTimeTrunkCo

I – www.instagram.com/GoodTimeTrunkCo

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Now I know what you’re

probably thinking, and

we don’t blame you! YES

YES absolutely YES we are

festival junkies! It’s no secret

that we love music, so it’s

understandable that we take

every opportunity we can to

get to as many festivals and

gigs as possible. However,

Falls is not your typical music

festival, so when we were

lucky enough to be invited

along to the Byron Falls

Festival at the stunning North

Byron Parklands over the New

Year period, we decided to take

a different angle.

Falls Music and Arts Festival

2014 for most of us started

on December 30th, but for

a very committed team of

creatives it started much

earlier. Slogging it out in the

sweltering summer heat for

five days, the Falls Festival

Art Camp, (held in the Old

Food Hall at the Mullumbimby

Show grounds) was home to a

Words and Pictures – Jade Hopley

dedicated crew from all over

Australia and from all walks

of life. They put their minds,

hearts and hands together to

imagine and bring to life ‘The

Village.’ The pieces that were

created over these five days

were fashioned heavily from

the use of recycled materials

and the artists were very

mindful in designing pieces

that had a very small, if any

environmental footprint.

It was sustainable and

collaborative art at its best.

The end result, ‘The Village’,

was an art lover’s heaven; full

of spaghetti circus sideshows,

flash mobs, dance and art

workshops and big shady

tree’s to chill under. This

years “Boogie Nights Festival”

fancy dress theme on NYE

was Under The Sea, so the

workshop attendee’s were

busy making giant fish and

sea creature decorations as

well as floats for the night.

Additionally, the Falls Fiesta



Parade which was held on the closing night

also showcased creations from the various

workshops to wrap up the festival with a bang!

For us, festivals are about celebrating the

culture and community of a region. Byron Falls

Festival 2014, in particular ‘The Village’ and the

creatives that were involved in the space, are

the perfect example of why Falls Festival is a

favourite for people from all walks of life, not

just those who love music.

For an insider’s perspective on what happened

over those five days, check out the festival art

camp blog here.

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And the ocean taught her how to drown in

all the things bigger than herself, the ocean

loved her and knew everything that made

her, and every time she’d walk to the shore,

she’d smile at the ocean because the waves

told her story.

– R. M. Drake

After what was a week of torrential rain, the

weather gods answered our calling as we

woke up to a clear morning for our Washed

Ashore shoot. We adventured down to

Fingal with our amazing team and set up

against the rock wall. Standing in one of

the most beautiful spots on the Gold Coast,

we couldn’t help but pinch ourselves at the

scenery around us. The weather wasn’t too

sunny – but the misty skies and blue lagoon

made the perfect backdrop for our Cabo

Gypsy line.

Chelsey looked effortlessly beautiful as she

was free-flowing in the wind and walking

along the shore (and seriously what a boho


This new collection from our exclusive label

is sure to turn heads. Made in Mexico from

Cotton Gauze and Crochet – we wanted

to create something that was truly unique

to the bohemian lover and something to

still appreciate in many years to come. A

lot of thought has gone into creating each

individual piece from the low-back cuts to

the silk-ribbon frills, crochet edging and

sandy hues.

We hope you enjoy x

Shop the look / CLICK HEREModel: Chelsey RouenPhotographer: Tess Leopold

White Bohemian6/1160 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach, Qld, 4221


Tel: 07 5534 3149

“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not

harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we

have been ignorant of their value”.

Buckminster Fuller is a renowned 20th Century

inventor and visionary and he had a bit to say about

how we treat rubbish. Waste and Environmental

pollution is a source of escalating global anxiety,

the modern idea of a “disposable society” ought to

be ironically, thrown away.

How nice are we, as a nation, to our rubbish?

Although recycling rates are improving as more

individuals realise the cost of pollution and

protecting our environment, the majority of our

waste products still end up in landfill. Perhaps

there is a better way, and like their” flat pack”

design genius, maybe we should be looking towards

Sweden for the answer.

Historically, landfill has been the most common

form of waste management. The definition of

landfill is “a site for the disposal of waste materials

by burial”, but there are a few problems with this

common method.

Firstly, the act of burying the waste creates

an anaerobic (without oxygen) environment

not conducive to natural decomposition. The

organisms that break down waste anaerobically

produce two main gases, methane and carbon

dioxide, both of which are large contributors to

the “greenhouse effect”. In urban

cities, landfill can actually create

more greenhouse gases than the

cars that roam the cities!

Secondly, the local environment

suffers considerably. ”Ground

leachate”, the mucky liquid

produced through the anaerobic

decomposition, creates pollution

of ground water and aquifers.

Sinkholes and soil contamination

occur, injuries to wildlife, disease

vectors such as rats and flies

and nuisance problems like dust,

odour and noise pollution can all

be chalked up to landfill.

It is not all doom and gloom

however. Modern landfill

facilities are being more

eco-friendly, implementing

mitigation processes like ground

leachate collection, ground water

monitoring wells, clay and plastic

liners, leachate treatment and

methane gas recovery systems.

All of which lessen the impact

these landfill sites may have. But

we can still do a much better job.

In Sweden the fight against

ARE WE WASTING OUR WASTE?Words - Benjamin Strand


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landfill is winning. Several initiatives and programs centred firmly

round the minimization of landfill since the 1990’s shows why they

are ahead of the curve. The biggest asset the Swedes hold is their

equal share of recycling and incineration, yes, incineration! In 2010

they managed to recycle 49% and incinerate 49% of their waste,

meaning only 2% of their nations total waste went to landfill. When

compared to Queensland`s resource recovery rate of approximately

33%, leaving roughly 60-67% destined for landfill, we can see there is

clearly room for improvement.

The numbers don’t lie, but the direct and punctual Swedes take their

initiatives one step further, they are using the incineration of rubbish

as a source of energy. In 2012, over 2 million tonnes of rubbish was

burned and converted into energy through “Advanced Incineration

Plants”. Sweden has even resorted to importing rubbish (700,000

tonnes in 2012) from surrounding nations to burn. I know what

you may be thinking; burning anything creates smoke pollution and

adds to greenhouse gas emissions, right? Well they have thought

of that too. Through materials sorting, removal of metals, tiles and

other products which do not burn but can be still be recycled, the

smoke created by their incineration plants consists of 99.9% non-toxic

carbon dioxide and water. The smoke gets filtered through “dry filters”

and water and then the liquid by-product is used to fill in abandoned


Another successful initiative put in place is the “Landfill Tax”

implemented in 2000. This tax, which has steadily increased over the

last 14 years, promotes the increase in recycling rates by civilians and

industry alike, diverting tonnes of waste destined for landfill. Other

initiatives include Government sponsored ad’s on avoiding waste,

using less toxic substances in production and encouraging people


to return used bottles to grocery stores. Sweden’s goal of reaching

“perfection in recycling” and “Zero waste” is commendable and from

their rates of improvement, achievable.

So, why isn’t Australia following suit? As a young, progressive nation

shouldn’t we be on top of the game with resource recovery and waste

management? Maybe the vast land we live on makes us aloof? There

is a lot of space for landfill sites compared to Sweden, but is it really

about the space? Or is it about protecting our natural environment,

improving on an old fashioned system and seeing the value in a

misunderstood “Renewable Energy Resource”? Perhaps it is time.

Recently, Sydney proposed plans to develop an “Advanced Waste

Treatment” facility which will convert waste into a resource using

“mechanical, biological or thermal processes” converting non-

recyclable and organic waste into a renewable gas for energy. Sounds

familiar doesn’t it? Let us hope that idea spreads across Australia as

swiftly as plastic has spread across this planet.

Mr Fuller was onto something, we are yet to fully understand the

value hidden in our garbage. Through more initiatives, Government

policy, state level programs and waste management education in

schools and households, resource recovery and renewable energy

production could have a bright, clean and sustainable future together.

Diagram © 2008 Eco-Cycle, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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It’s a warm summer’s afternoon. The sun is going down turning the sky into a rainbow

of pinks, yellow and reds. You’re lying on your hammock, drinking out of a coconut and

watching the waves roll in and thinking “Life doesn’t get any better than this.” Introducing

Bobby Alu. With his island inspired beats and Samoan heritage, Bobby Alu is music for

the soul. We caught up with Charles (aka Bobby Alu) in between his hectic schedule to

talk about the new album “Bay Sessions”, collaborating with Xavier Rudd and the life of a

touring musician.

Let’s start by going back to the beginning. What was the inspiration behind the creation

of Bobby Alu and how long ago did you form?

I’d always played music my whole life but started writing songs around 16. Post high

school after a few years searching for things to do I took the plunge toward music as my

sole profession. This led me to a degree in Popular Music at Griffith University Gold Coast.

Over the 3 year program for assessment, I wrote & recorded my own compositions where

I played all the instruments & produced the audio. Upon my graduation I put the 11 best

Words - Jade Hopeley



songs on a CD which was sent to

Triple J via Sarah Howells where

she played some of my songs

under my ‘nickname’ Bobby

Alu. The name itself comes

from my middle names ‘Robert

Fa’agalu’. The formation of the

band started when I applied to

perform at 3 festivals – Island

Vibe, Woodford Folk Festival &

Byron Bluesfest. To my surprise

and elation I was accepted in all

three. This happened at the end

of 2010.

With your infectious Island

inspired beats and soulful

harmonies, Bobby Alu really do

have a unique sound, who are

you influenced by?

I grew up listening to island

music. My mother is Samoan and

when she moved to Australia

she was a professional dancer

in a Pacific Island group. From

the womb and all through my

childhood I was either watching

shows or jamming ukulele and

drums with my uncles. I’m

influenced by music that moves me. Makes the

hairs on my neck prick up, gives me goose bumps,

inspires me to take action or makes me dance &

groove. There’s just so much good stuff out there &

it’s a true blessing to be sharing my flavour toward

the good of the world. Artists I listen to a lot these

days include Bob Marley, D’angelo, Bill Withers,

Fat Freddy’s Drop, The Congos and The Shadows.

Being a touring musician you obviously work

hard and travel a lot, what is your favorite thing

to do when you get home at the end of a tour?

Go for a dip in the ocean and eat fish n/chips on the

beach at sunset. Catch up with friends & family.

Lay in the hammock.

Is the song writing a group effort or do you do the

majority of the writing? Do you tend to write

more at home or when you’re on the road?

I write the songs on my ukulele & then take them

to the band. We’ll then workshop some ideas until

its feeling hip, then take it for a road-test at a show.

I write both at home and on the road. It relaxes me

and helps get stuff off my chest. You could call it


There always seems to be a lot of fun going on

up on stage among your compadres, do you guys

have a pre show ritual to get you in the mood?

Photo Credit - Kate Nunn- www.holisticl ivingtv.com - 21

Pre-show rituals include the slow sip of a coconut (sometimes spiked),

perhaps a few high fives, a quick vocal warm up maybe a few tour


Other than fronting Bobby Alu, you also make the occasional

appearance as a percussionist /drummer for other bands and

musicians including Kooi, Nick Saxon and recently touring as

part of Xavier Rudd’s Band. What’s your best memory of touring/

playing with bands other than your own?

I just love playing music. It’s the thing that makes my soul smile.

Laying deep into a rhythm or releasing a note is happiness &

completely natural. This is amplified when it makes others feel good

& inspired. I’m so lucky to perform with the artists I currently do.

They are all incredible and inspire me to the highest high. I’ve got so

many great memories that I hold on to with gratitude. A recent one

would be playing drums for Xavier Rudd at his sold out show at the

famous Fillmore in San Francisco. Sitting in the green room knowing

that so many amazing acts like Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin, Prince and

tons more have performed on the same stage gave me an epic buzz.

If you could spend a day jamming with anyone, who would it be and


I could answer this question with an essay. It changes daily, actually

probably every hour. Right now on this day, in this hour I would choose

Terapie Richmond, a well-respected drummer from Sydney. Another

Polynesian brethren, he has an epic pocket that would be a rad jam today.

Photo Credit - Kate Nunn22

You’re about to launch your

latest release ‘Bay Sessions’

Tells us about this new release

and the ensuing national tour,

starting in Bunbury, WA in

February and ending here on

the Gold Coast at BLEACH* in


This EP has been a really fun time.

Last year I wrote the songs while I

was on the road with Xavier Rudd.

In 2014 alone we played in Bali,

Dubai, Japan, Hawaii, mainland

USA & Mexico. So much travel.

When I got home I showed my

band the new songs I had written

in the tour bus. We jammed,

recorded & filmed 6 new songs

at a friend’s studio in Byron Bay.

I have a huge tour with Xavier

Rudd starting from March, so I

only had February to tour my solo

work. We filled it up with shows

all over Aus and we are SUPER

pumped to play the new songs &

release our new EP ‘Bay Sessions’.

What local musicians are you

digging at the moment that our

readers should be checking out?

2 words and 1 letter. Karl S


Finally where can our reader

keep in touch with your tours

and adventures?

Info always here: bobbyalu.com.

You also check my Facebook

Page or follow my travels on


W: www.bobbyalu.com

FB: www.facebook.com/


INSTA: Bobby_Alu

Photo Credit - Stewart Barry

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Head to the beach and take to the street for the Gold Coast’s

largest arts and cultural Festival with over 50 events

for all ages.

200x150.indd 1 9/02/2015 4:13:04 PM





“Rhythmic, Folky, Honey Pop”

is how Sahara Beck likes to

describe her music, and we

have to say we couldn’t have

said it better ourselves. If you

are yet to experience the (only

just) 18 year old Sunny Coast

pocket rocket, you are in for a

treat! There is something real

and honest about her lyrics

and stage presence that is fast

making her a favourite, not only

at local venues but at Festival

around Oz.

I find it hard to believe that you

started gigging even before you

were legal. Now you’ve turned

18, has it made doing gigs easier

for you?

Oh yeah, so much easier. So

much more fun!

Words - Josephine Flynn / Picture - Care of Sugar Rush Records.

I’ve heard somewhere that

when you were a child you

wanted to be an actress, when

did you realise that music was

your calling?

I played with this musician

at my Dads birthday party

when he turned 60 and then

started just playing around

the Sunshine Coast. I couldn’t

get enough of that feeling of

performing in front of people

that are enjoying it as much as

I am.

It’s rare to find artists of your

age writing and producing

their own music.  Where do you

draw your inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from what

happens to either myself or

people I know day to day.



There’s a lot of things going on around you if you

pay attention for long enough.

Since your album launch in October, you’ve been

a super busy bee!  We noticed you did your tour

with a favourite of ours Karl S Williams, as well

as gigs in Melbourne with Katie Noonan.  What is

it like touring and performing with such talented

Australian artists?

It’s amazing and very inspiring to know such

talented people and get to play shows with them

around the place.

What artists would you love to collaborate with?

Paolo Nutini, the Cat Empire, (if I could go back in

time) Louis prima, Otis Redding

You’re making waves in the music industry at

such a young age, where would you like your

music and your career to go from here?

I would like it to just keep on progressing. I would

love to be able to play my own sold out tour one

day so hopefully that’s where we are heading.

Can you describe for us your most memorable

moment with music this far?

Possibly when the guys from Busby Marou asked

me to jump up with them on stage at Caloundra

Music Festival a couple of years ago, that was

amazing. Also getting to play my own show

with my drummer at Falls Festival this year and

having an amazing crowd that was just dancing

the whole time.

For our readers who are yet to experience the

magic of Sahara Beck, how would you describe

your style to them?

Rhythmic folky honey pop

What local artists are you loving at the moment

that our readers should check out?

Karl S Williams also the family Jordan

Lastly, what’s on the horizon for you and how

can our readers find out more?

Just keep an eye out! Or look on Facebook

Instagram etc

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A few months ago I relocated from sunny Byron Bay to the even sunnier Sunshine

Coast! Despite my new home being a mere 300kms or so north, I’ve found the heat even

more extreme and the humidity much more apparent. These long hot summer days

have meant lots of beach time and also an abundance of fruit in my diet! The Noosa

Farmers Market is paradise- stall after stall overflows with fresh, organic summer

produce from mangos to nectarines to grapes to papaya to dragon fruit to cherries and

more. These combined factors have resulted in my recipe development being dominated

by vibrant fruity concoctions- from smoothies to salads to desserts. 

Fruit is such a simple way to fuel your body, loaded with vitamins, minerals,

antioxidants and fibre, fruit is hydrating, nourishing and delicious.

Make the most of the seasonal abundance and give these great recipes a try:

Words and Pictures – Kelly Fielding.



Papaya boat1 cup coconut meat

¼ cup coconut water

½ teaspoon probitic

½ a vanilla bean

Blend all ingredients until

smooth and creamy

1 ripe medium size papaya

1 teaspoon each of:

goji berries

shredded coconut

pumpkin seeds

chia seeds

lime juice and mint leaves to


Hollow out the papaya of the seeds and place half

the papaya on a plate.

Spoon into the center a few good tablespoons of

the coconut yogurt (the rest will keep for up to a

week in the fridge and continue to ferment with

the probiotics.)

Sprinkle with the goji berries, coconut, pumpkin

seeds and chia seeds

Squeeze the lime over the top and dress with


Banana and Lemon Green Smoothie1 large frozen banana

¼ zucchini

3 lettuce leaves

¼ of a whole lemon- peel included (make sure its organic!)

¼ inch piece of fresh ginger

1 teaspoon of your favourite green powder

¼ of an avocado

¼ cup of nut milk

Blend all ingredients until smoothie and creamy. Enjoy in a glass or

eat with a spoon in a bowl!

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Pomegranate and Maqui Cheesecake


¼ cup coconut

¼ cup soaked dates

2 tablespoons of almonds

Process all ingredient sin your food processor

until they are broken down and everything comes

together. The mixture should be sticky and hold

its form but still have texture.


1 cup of soaked cashews

1 small ripe banana

½ cup of pomegranate seeds

3 tablespoons of coconut nectar

4 tablespoons of coconut oil

¼ cup of almond milk

1 teaspoon of maqui powder

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until

smooth and creamy. This may take a couple of

minutes to get to the perfect consistency.

Pour the filling over the base and place in the

freezer while you make the topping.


¼ cup of pomegranate seeds

¼ cup of chia seed gel

1 teaspoon of coconut nectar

1 teaspoon of coconut oil

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender

until smooth. Pour over the cheesecake layer and

return the cake to the freezer to set for 2-3 hours.

Remove from the freezer to soften slightly before



Summer Fruits with Caramel Maca Cream

Caramel Maca Cream:

¼ cup of cashews soaked and


1 cup of dates soaked and


1 cup of almond milk

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

1 teaspoon of maca powder

1 vanilla bean- seeds only

A pinch of salt

Summer fruits:

½ a mango cubed

½ a banana sliced

a handful of red grapes

a handful of raspberries

1 kiwi fruit sliced

1 teaspoon of shredded coconut

1 teaspoon of goji berries

1 teaspoon of chia seeds

1 teaspoon of pepitas

1 teaspoon of sesame seeds

To make the sauce, place all of

the ingredients in a high speed

blender except for the coconut

oil and blend well to combine.

Add the coconut oil and blend

again until you have a very

smooth, creamy texture.

Place all of the fruit in a bowl and

mix gently to combine.

Add the Caramel Maca Cream

and serve with lime.

For more delicious recipes and ideas about a

healthier lifestyle, visit Kelly’s blog:


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Eco Challenge 2015

Surfrider Foundation Eco Challenge Gold Coast 2015 organiser

Greg Howell has been praying all year to Huey the surf god to

be kind to him for this year’s event. At last year’s inaugural

EcoChallenge Huey was in a bad mood for some reason, and he

sent the Gold Coast a massive swell which made it too dangerous

to run one of the signature events featuring wooden surfboards.

Greg’s certain we won’t get a repeat of last year’s swell for the

2015 EcoChallenge, which is back for its second year as part of

Bleach* Festival and will take place on Sunday, March 15 at the

Tugun Surf Life Saving Club.

“That was a freak occurrence last year. It was at least a 6 foot swell

and there was no beach on the high tide. The waves were washing

right up to the sand dunes”, Greg said.

While the show went on and the 2014 EcoChallenge was still

a success, Greg is confident of better conditions this year to

launch the Roots of Surfing Teams Challenge & Expression

Session. These unique events will feature a number of hand-

crafted wooden boards from the likes of MKSY Surfboards, Jack

Moase, Aaron Vanderstaay and Mat Wilton Surfboards.

For the Teams Challenge surfers will be asked to surf two

waves in groups of 6 in a tag team format. All surfers will ride a

wooden surfboard which will be provided, along with all other

necessary equipment. The judging format is the same as standard

surfing competition criteria, but the emphasis will be more on

having fun while helping promote sustainable surfing. Prizes

have been donated by Patagonia, Burleigh Brewing Co, Soul

Safari Surf Travel & Pray for Surf.

The Expression Session will feature experienced

wooden surfboard enthusiasts who will show

their prowess riding original style surfboards

like Alaias, Paipos and Itakos. These ancient

wooden crafts date back to the Roots of Surfing

which are thousands of years old.

The events will appeal to enthusiasts,

sustainable surfing advocates as well as

complete novices who’d like to watch

professionals, or even try out one of these

original surf crafts.

As well as all wooden surfboard events and

displays, EcoChallenge 2015 will be a full fun

day of music and environmentally-themed

activities to raise awareness of sustainable

living, and beach and ocean conservation. The

morning will kick off at 7am with yoga for

surfing on the beach with Broni Mcquire from

Soul Freedom, while the Roots of Surfing Teams

Challenge & Expression Session gets underway.

A number of market and food stalls will be

set up featuring sustainable products and

services, including Think Love Live, Bees

Knees surf wax, Bodiccea, Govinda’s, Marta

Walenda’s Hand Painted Jewellery & Home

Decor, I Love Gurus Australia, Orange Oranges,

organicfamily.co, with room for more. Greg’s

contact details are below if you’d like to register

interest in setting up a stall.

Also present throughout the day will be a

number of environment groups, such as

Boomerang Bags, Gecko, Follow Your Passion,

Griffith Centre for Coastal Management, Sea

Shepherd, Southern Beaches Community

Garden and of course Surfrider Foundation and

guest speakers..

A Plastic Bag Fashion Parade, presented by

Melisa Hopwood from Dreams & Themes, will

be held at 1pm, while there will be skateboard

demos and kids activities workshops during the

day. Entertainment from the morning into the

early afternoon will be provided via Buskers by

the Sea and Drumming with InRhythm.

Soon after the Roots of Surfing Teams

Challenge & Expression Session presentation at

1.30, music kicks off at the Tugun Community

Bendigo Bank Main Stage inside the Tugun

SLSC (bring your ID). The lineup includes Alex

Crook, Leopold’s Treat, Jake Fox, Chrisitine

Olive, Jemma Lee, Emmyjae, Southern Cross

University Bands and more.

The closing ceremony with Fire Beats with Neal

Webb & Pete Tonks will be held at 7pm.

So there you go, a full day’s entertainment that

has something to appeal to everyone. Make sure

you drop in and support this family friendly,

100% solar powered, sustainable, community-

based, surfing & lifestyle fundraising event.

For more information please see:


or contact Greg Howell on 0414 939 942


We’re super stoked to see so

many parents in the water

teaching their kids to surf these

last school holidays. Teaching

your children to surf is a special

gift and teaching them how

to stay safe in the ocean is so


As a surfing Mum or Dad it’s

awesome watching your little

grom squeal with excitement as

they catch their first wave on a

kids surfboard, but there are a

few things you need to know to

Words – Rochelle Holdsworth

ensure your kids stay safe, have fun and want to

get back out there to try it again.

T I M E I T R I G H TDo yourself a favour and don’t take your kids

out when the water is cold, on a windy day or in

unfriendly surf conditions. Kids hate being cold so

summer is a great time to get them out there, the

water is warm and you’ll get to spend more time

in the waves. If the surf is messy and the wind is

howling it can be frustrating for both of you, so wait

for a clean day with minimal wind.

Always start off in the white water. It’s harder

to paddle into unbroken waves and they’ll most



probably nosedive. Wipeouts are inevitable, but they can also scare

kids out of the surf. The white water is friendlier and your kids will get

a longer wave, giving them more of a chance to stand up.

G E T E Q U I P P E DEven though you might be tempted to send your kids out on the old

6’6’’ shortboard you have in the shed, or your own shortboard, a

bigger board is a better choice.

The bigger the board, the easier it is to paddle and the more stable

it is when they stand up. Although mals or mini mals are fine, we

recommend a softboard, a safer and more durable option. A trip

to the local hospital is the last thing you want and we’ve all seen

some nasty accidents caused by fibreglass boards. The Surfboard

Warehouse stocks a range of softboards that are perfectly suited to

beginner surfers.

M A K E I T F U NSchool is over for the week and weekends are for

fun, so even though you might feel like giving

them an in-depth lecture on the correct way to

surf, save it. Stay clear of the technical jargon, give

them the basics on surf safety then get out in the

water. After all, that’s where the fun is!

H AV E P A T I E N C EYes, we’d all like our children to grow up to be

the next Mick Fanning or Stephanie Gilmore, but

pushing them into waves before they are ready

might end in tears. Do this and you might have to

wait even longer until they are interested to try it

again. The last thing you want is to scare them or

make it an unpleasant experience. Most of the time

kids will indicate when they are ready to learn to

surf, most of the time they are the ones nagging to

get out there!

Sharing your love of the ocean is a great way to

spend time with your children and you’ll find that

you have as much fun as they do.

If you need help choosing the right board for you

little surfer, call 1800983 227 and speak to one of

our experienced staff members or drop into one

of our stores located at: Miami, Palm Beach, Byron

Bay or Mooloolaba

W: www.surfboardwarehouse.com.au

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Hula Dancing is telling the beautiful story of Hawaiian culture and history with

graceful hand motions and dance steps. Our dresses and flower leis are also depicting

the story that we are telling. – Tomoka Heneka (Gold Coast Hula School Na Pua o


Recently I was diagnosed with a health issue, which caused me to reassess my lifestyle

and the way I exercise. At the time I was doing cross fit style training, 3 days a week

and loving it. I was seeing results, and whilst doing it I felt great! However, about an

hour afterwards, I would collapse into a heap, and have to sleep for a few hours to

recover. I needed to find a form of exercise that was much kinder to my body. I went

on a quest to find something that was great for my body and mind, and also left me

feeling happy and energized.

Just like a flashing sign from the heavens, whilst scrolling through my newsfeed,

an ad for Gold Coast Hula School popped up! A new class was starting at Kirra

Community center that week. So off I went and three months on, I feel its one of the

best things I have done for myself. Here are some reasons why you should try Hula

dancing too!

Words and Pictures – Jade Hopley


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Hula has a long, beautiful history and tradition

In the beginning of the Hawaiian culture, there

was no written language so to hand down the

teachings and history of the first islanders, dance

was created to pass on the origins of the Hawaiian

peoples, to the younger generations.

Dancing was a way to worship island Gods and

for the coming together of locals for festivals.

Many of the songs came from everyday life,

from going fishing and pulling in the nets to the

beautiful natural nature of the Hawaiian islands.

There are a heap of physical and mental benefits

to practicing Hula

Benefits include improved posture and general

muscle tone. How you ask? Whilst doing the hula

you are required to dance with your knees bent,

bum out, back straight, core tight. (Basically, you

are squatting the entire time you dance). But it

does not feel like those torturous squats your

PT makes you do in the gym, because you are

focusing on the movements and having fun, you

barely notice the burn… (promise)

Hula Dancing is low impact on the body and the

choreography improves balance and coordination.

Most people that know me, know that I am

uncoordinated and far from graceful. However,

practicing hula has improved my coordination

and core strength a lot more than I could have

imagined. I even climbed up and

down a cliff on a photo shoot

the other day, and managed to

walkaway sans bruises… (very

very rare).

How does it improve

coordination you ask?

Hula is not just a form of dance;

it is used to convey stories

passed down for centuries,

using graceful hand movements

whilst you dance. Remember

as a child when you measured

your coordination by rubbing

your belly and patting your

head, its kinda like that, your

hips and feet are going one way,

your arms and hands another,

but don’t let that frighten you,

the guys at Gold Coast Hula

School Na Pau o Australia,

are super great at making

you feel comfortable, and will

patiently, and slowly talk you

through each step until you feel

comfortable, there is no pressure

to be the best dancer, just the

dancer having the most fun!


Hula is good for everyone no matter what age!

Tomoka the Director of the Gold Coast Hula

School Na Pua o Australia, who has been

practicing the art of hula dancing for the past

18 years and formed the school 3 years ago says

“Hula Dance is not just healthy for the body its

also good for the soul, Hula Dance makes your

life bright. And Hula Dance is for all ages.”

A little about Tomoka and the Gold Coast Hula

School Na Pua o Australia

I recently caught up with Tomoka and asked

how she got into Hula Dancing and what she

loves about it?

“ I am originally from Japan and my hometown

is a small farming and fishing community in

Kanagawa Prefecture, during the summer

month’s we have many traditional Japanese

festivals. The Town next to mine has a Hawaiian

festival each year, at this festival I saw Hawaiian

Dancers and musician’s; I fell in love with the

beautiful motions and the expressions of the

dancers, they where so beautiful, I knew then

that’s what I wanted to be!”

The Minoakalani Hula Studio was also in this

town, I joined the school and studied under

Japanese and Hawaii instructors that would

often visit, I also traveled to Hawaii to performed

and studied Hawaiian culture and language. I

- www.holisticl ivingtv.com - 39

love all the dances and songs could not choose one particular dance

or song as they all bring joy to my heart. The greatest thing I love is

smiling and laughing with my hula sisters.

Hula is not just learning dance, its having and sharing good things

through the hula experience.”

Gold Coast Hula School Na Pua o Australia

Run weekly classes at the following venues and times. I really hope to

see you in one of the classes soon!

Adult class

Miami SLSC Every Thursday 10:00am~11:00am

Kirra Community Centre Friday10:00am~11:00am

Helensvale Library Sunday 10:30am~11:30am

* New Adult class start at Southport

and Robina in 2015

Kid`s Class

Broadbeach State School Friday 15:30pm~16:30pm

Private lesson and Advanced class

at Broadbeach Waters

Na Pua o Australia can also come to perform for your special

occasion, birthday parties, Hawaiian luau party, Weddings…etc.

Feel free to contact them for more information.

Email: gchuladanceschool@hotmail.com

FB: facebook.com/GoldCoastHulaDanceSchool


www.holisticlivingtv.comFacebook: holisticlivingtv

Contributions, advertising and enquiries: Josephine@holisticlivingtv.com


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