holocaust terms 2. ghetto section of a city where jews were forced to live sometimes walled in...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Holocaust Terms 2

ghetto Section of a city where Jews were forced to

live Sometimes walled in high brick or stone walls

to keep Jews segregated from “normal” people

Watch a short video on Jewish ghettos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZUVo6S


Hitler Youth Organization of young boys (like Boy Scouts)

were kids were taught to love Hitler and Germany

Kids trained to be “good Nazis”

Watch a short video on the Hitler Youth


Juden German for “Jew”

Judenrat “Jewish Council” Tactic used by Nazis whereby they create a

“government council” made up of Jews Judenrat responsible for carrying out all Nazi

decrees and rules Jewish anger directed at fellow Jews on


Shoah Hebrew for Holocaust

Capo Jewish police Tactic used by Nazis to use Jews who are

given police power over their fellow Jews Capos must enforce the “law”, anger directed

towards Capos Capos get preferential treatment, stay alive Considered “sell outs” or traitors by other


Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” Anti-Jewish attacks (pogroms) organized by

Nazis in Germany and Austria Jewish homes, businesses, synagogues,

burned looted, destroyed Thousands of Jews beaten, arrested, or killed Jews forced to pay for the damages to their

own property

Watch a short video on Kristallnacht http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uine5MhO


Lebensraum German for “living space” Hitler’s excuse for invading other countries His “Master Race” of Aryans needed living

space to breed and expand

Mien Kampf Book written by Hitler while in prison

outlining his ideas, thoughts, and plans for the future of Germany and the Jews

“My Struggle”

Nazi Name of Hitler’s political party that came to

power in Germany

Nuremberg Laws Set of laws designed to rob German Jews of their civil rights Examples:

Section 1Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or some related blood are forbidden. Such marriages contracted despite the law are invalid, even if they take place abroad in order to avoid the law.

Section 2Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.

Section 3Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or related blood who are under 45 years as housekeepers.

Section 41. Jews are forbidden to raise the national flag or display the national colors.2. However, they are allowed to display the Jewish colors.

Bystanders People who saw what was happening to the

Jews and stood by and did nothing German people, Polish people, French people,

etc. Are they guilty?

Collaborators People who aided the Nazis in rounding up

the Jews, reporting Jews Local politicians, religious leaders Are they guilty?

Perpetrators People who committed the actual crimes

against the Jews and others during the Holocaust

Pogrom Organized riots directed against Jews Began in Russia Classic example of anti-Semitism Kristallnacht

The SS. Elite section of Nazis in charge of carrying

out the “final solution” Known for their brutality and inhumanity Identified by the twin “lightning bolt” SS


Watch short video on the SS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRBBJvHt


Selection Process by which Nazi official and “doctors”

determined if Jews were worthy of continuing to be used as slave labor or would be sent to their death in the gas chambers

Jews were lined up before the selection panel and paraded by, with a “point of the thumb” they decided life or death

Watch video of Jewish survivors describing selection


Special Treatment Euphemism for Jews who were designated for

the gas chambers Jews singled out for death Scene in Schindler’s List, “Don’t worry,

you’ll receive special treatment… I hope you don’t mean… JC, do we have to invent a new language? … I think so…

Sonderkommando Groups of Jews who were forced to aid the

Nazis by performing “special tasks” like carrying bodies from the gas chambers to the ovens, organizing the stolen possessions of fellow Jews, etc.

Scene in the movie… Jewish jewelers forced to work with stolen Jewish jewelry… gold from the teeth of dead Jews

Wannsee Conference Infamous meeting of Nazi party leaders where

they decided on The Final Solution

Yad Vashem Jewish Holocaust memorial museum located

in Israel Features a street lined with trees planted for

each of the righteous gentiles who saved Jewish lives during the Holocaust

Avenue of the Righteous

Tour Yad Vashem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zte0vT8


Extermination To completely kill off ALL Jews in Europe

Gypsies/Roma Nomadic ethnic group viewed by the Nazis as

inferior, “shady”, untrustworthy, dirty, etc. Rounded up as a group and placed in

concentration camps Eventually marked for death

Homosexuals Another group of people designated by the

Nazis as “undesirable” Rounded up and placed in concentration

camps Marked for death

Euthanasia Euphemism for murdering those deemed

“undesirable” by the Nazis “Mercy killing” Physically disabled, mentally disabled, blind,

deaf, etc. Placed in special “treatment centers” and

gassed in vans and trucks

Jehovah’s Witness Religious group targeted by the Nazis Rounded up and placed in the camps Marked for death

Evian Conference Meeting of representatives from all the major

countries of the world to discuss allowing Jews fleeing the Nazis to emigrate to their countries

Discussion about allowing Jews to enter countries like the USA and escape the Holocaust

NO BODY agreed to take in more Jews except the tiny island of the Dominican Republic

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