holy family catholic church · 5/12/2019  · día mundial de la oración por la vocacionesabba,...

Post on 03-Mar-2020






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Holy Family Catholic Church - 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California 95356 Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos Chapel - 4643 Flint Avenue, Salida, California 95368

MISSION STATEMENT “As a family of many families, Holy Family Catholic Church nurtures our universal commitment to

celebrate our faith, to love our families and to serve communities.” DECLARACIÓN DE MISIÓN

“Como una familia de muchas familias, La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia nutre nuestro compromiso universal para celebrar nuestra fe, para amar a nuestras familias y para servir a las comunidades.”

Holy Family Catholic Church 4rd Sunday of Easter

May 12, 2019

MASS SCHEDULE Monday–Friday………....8:00am


Sunday English…….……………..7:00am Spanish (Chapel)……....…8:00am



Children’s Liturgy is available during the Sunday 10:00am Mass.


Friday…..….9:00am - 5:00pm


Baptism: A pre-baptismal class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information.

Marriage: Couples intending to

marry should contact the Parish

Office six (6) months prior to the marriage date to begin the process of paperwork and pre-marriage

preparation classes.

Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays (Church)………4:00pm

Funerals: Funeral services are scheduled between mortuaries and the Parish ONLY.


Rev. Fr. Juan Serna, S.T.L.

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Fr. Tom Orlando


Rev. Mr. Felipe Vallejo

Holy Family Pastoral Staff

Administrative Assistants

Vickie V. Gibson Ann Tognetti

Religious Education

Roselia Vargas

Celebración de Quinceañeras La joven o los familiares deberán

contactar la parroquia con un mínimo de seis (6) meses para

acordar una fecha según el calendario parroquial.

HORARIO DE MISAS Lunes–Viernes…….……...8:00am Jueves (Capilla)…….….....6:00pm Sábado (ingles)……..…….5:30pm

Domingo Parroquia (ingles)...….…..7:00am

Capilla (español)….….…..8:00am

Parroquia (ingles)..……..10:00am

Parroquia (español)….…12:00pm


Viernes………9:00am - 5:00pm


Bautismo: Necesita una clase pre-bautismal. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información.

Matrimonio: Parejas que desean casarse deben llamar a la Oficina Parroquial seis (6) meses antes del día del matrimonio.

Reconciliación (Confesión): Sábados (Parroquia)…..….4:00pm

Funerales: Los servicios son programados entre mortuorios y la Parroquia.


Open Monday through Friday, from 9:00am until 5:00pm.

Phone #..................(209) 545-3553

Fax #......................(209) 545-3332

Please visit us at: www.holyfamilymodesto.org

4th Sunday of Easter

“Pastor’s Weekend Message”

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday and Jesus is our Good Shepherd. This Sunday we are invited to pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd who calls each one of us to “hear His voice” and follow Him. It takes a lot of trust to follow our leader. We also need the gift of faith and confidence. Let us continue to ask God to bless Holy Family with all kinds of vocations to serve the Church. We pray especially for all those called by name to Priesthood to serve the Church. Also let us continue to pray for our priests and religious during this time. Today, I can say that our Church will have a wonderful week of blessings for Holy Family: Saturday we will celebrate First Communion’s and on Tuesday we will have Confirmations. Today, we also pray for all of our mothers. We constantly pray for them as they pray for us. Thank them for their love, care and life. May we also continue to have our Lord Jesus as our Good Shepherd always leading our Church as His flock. Pray also for vocations to come from Catholic families. Blessings in the Lord Jesus, Fr. Juan, you Pastor

“Mensaje Pastoral del Parroco”

Hoy es el Domingo del Buen Pastor y Jesús es el Buen Pastor. De hecho este domingo nos invitan a orar por las vocaciones al Sacerdocio y a la vida Religiosa. Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor quien llama a cada uno de nosotros “ha escuchar Su voz” y ha seguirlo. Toma mucha confianza para seguir nuestro líder. También necesitamos el don de la fe. Continuemos pidiendo a Dios por la Sagrada Familia para que sea bendecida con toda clase de vocaciones en el servicio. Oremos especialmente por aquellos que por nombre han sido llamados a servir en la Iglesia. También continuemos orando por todos nuestros sacerdotes y religiosos durante este tiempo. Hoy podemos decir que nuestra Iglesia ha tenido una semana maravillosa de bendiciones para la Sagrada Familia: sábado de primeras comuniones y el martes tendremos confirmaciones con el Señor Obispo Cotta. Oremos también por todas las madres. Agradecemos su amor, cariño, vida y oraciones. Continuemos siguiendo a Jesús nuestro Buen Pastor quien siempre proteja y guié a su rebaño – nuestra Iglesia, familias y vidas. Oremos para ser buenos líderes y pastores especialmente de nuestras familias. Siempre oremos por las vocaciones sacerdotales. Bendiciones en el Señor, Padre Juan Serna, su Párroco

You have been a beautiful example of God’s love. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can only laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful

Fr. Juan, Fr. Tom, Deacon Phil & the Parish Staff

Wishing you a Joyous & Blessed

Now Hiring/Executive Secretary Applications are being accepted in the Diocese of Stockton Pastoral Center for the position of Executive Secretary to the Bishop. Bishop Myron Cotta’s current Executive Secretary will be retir-ing on May 10, 2019. The position requires proficiency in Microsoft Office 2010 and a good working knowledge of information technology, the ability to type 65 wpm, ex-cellent oral and written communication skills, the ability to maintain strict confidentiality, and to present both a professional demeanor and appearance. This is a full time 40 hr per week position with a generous benefits package. This position will require occasional weekend or overtime commitments. Bi-lingual encouraged. To apply please send your resume to jobs@stocktondiocese.org.

MEMORIAL DAY MASS (ENGLISH) Monday, May 27th 9:00am

Celebrant: Bishop Myron J. Cotta A “Dove Release” will be after Mass.

St. Stanislaus Catholic Cemetery Chapel/Mausoleum


The Guadalupanos are getting ready for their annual Yard -A-Thon. Gather all those things that you really don’t use and donate to a great cause! Bring your donations to the

Church before Thursday, June 6th.

4th Sunday of Easter

Holy Family Ministry of Prayer, Healing and Hope Please pray for the healing of our sick: Por favor de orar por los enfermos: Monica Faraone Lobo & Family, Marie Faraone Otsuka & Family, Pelagia Lechuga, Lizette Rios, Gemma Khawaja, Tony Gonzalez, Joe Martinez, Paul Graham, Jose Lopez, Laramie Lingenfelter, Donald Lundberg, Christine Tyler, Elaine Erwin, Christina Marie Ambroziac, Ted Crane, Debby May, Guadalupe Ascencio, David Arteaga, Elida Romero, David Ruck, Richard McMullen, Maggie Muller, Dolores Horstman, Nate McGue, Emelia Ortega, Amber Knaus, Abby Vallejo, Robert Romero, Don Elder, Francisco Arias, Ed Schoonover, Denise Hartman, Bob Faraone and Tess Aptinescu.

Saturday, May 11h & Sunday, May 12th


Tom Wilson María Refugio Amaya Leonarda Jasmin Marrietta Fullon Gabde Theresa Ann Wilson (personal) Gloria Bissonette (for healing)

8:00am María de Jesús Plasencia Alta Gracia Romero (Día de las Madres)

10:00am Evelia Muratalla Brad & Colleen Canion Érica , Mayra & Ana Ochoa González (Mother’s Day)


José Nevarrez María de la Luz Hernández Herlinda Saucedo Rutila Santa Cruz Ma. Guadalupe Cisneros Manuel Ibarrota Abigail García José Luis Flores Gilberto García & Julieta Esparza Miguel Ortega (personal intention) Boni Salazar (cumpleaños) Sra. Esperanza Serna, Esther Salazar, Matilde González y Érica Olivas (Feliz día de las Madres)

Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa

Día Mundial de la Oración por la Vocaciones

Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Oración por la Vocaciones también conocido como “Domingo del Buen Pastor”

El propósito de este día es de cumplir la institución del Señor de “La cosecha es mucha, pero los obreros pocos; rueguen, por tanto, al Señor de la cosecha que envíe obreros a Su cosecha.” Oremos para que los jóvenes y las jovencitas escuchen y respondan generosamente al llamado del Señor al sacerdocio, diaconado, vida religiosa, vida apostólica, o instituciones seculares.


is observed today. It is also known as “Good Shepherd

Sunday.” The purpose of this day is to fulfill the Lord’s instruction, “The harvest is great, but the workers few; pray, therefore, to the Lord of the harvest to send workers to His harvest” (MT 9:39; LK 10:2). Pray that young men and women will listen and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, apostolic life or secular institutions.

Monday ACTS 11:1-18 / PS 42:2-3; 43:3-4 / JN 10:1-10

Tuesday ACTS 1:15-17, 20-26 / PS 113:1-8 / JN 15:9-17

Wed. ACTS 12:24—13:5A / PS 67:2-3, 5-6, 8 / JN 12:44-50

Thursday ACTS 13:13-25 / PS 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27 / JN 13:16-20

Friday ACTS 13:26-33 / PS 2:6-11AB / JN 14:1-6

Saturday ACTS 13:44-52 / PS 98:1-3AB, 3CD-4 / JN 14:7-14

Sunday ACTS 14:21-27 / PS 145:8-13 / REV 21:1-5A / JN 13:31-33A, 34-35

Daily Mass Readings-Week of May12, 2019

DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Abba, Father, you loved the world so much that you sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, to be our Savior. He established your kingdom of justice, love and peace. Through Baptism into your Church you have called us to be faithful disciples of your Son and servants of the Kingdom.

Grant a generous heart to those you are calling to be ordained Priests and Deacons, Consecrated Religious and Lay Ministers.

Raise up priests from our Diocese and in our parishes to shepherd your people.

By the power of your Holy Spirit may we as your Church never lose confidence that you will send forth laborers into the harvest. This is our prayer through Christ Our Lord. AMEN. ORACIÓN DIOCESANA POR LAS VOCACIONES Abba, Padre, tanto has amado al mundo que enviaste a tu propio Hijo, Jesucristo, nuestro Señor y Salvador. El vino a establecer tu Reino de justiciar, de amor y de paz.

Por el bautismo, nos has llamado a ser fieles discípulos de tu Hijo y servidores de tu Reino. Concede un corazón generoso a todos aquellos que estas llamando a ser Sacerdotes, Diáconos, Religiosos y Religiosas, y Laicos comprometidos. Llama a hombres de nuestra Diócesis y parroquias para que sean sacerdotes para pastorear a tu rebaño. Por el poder del Espíritu Santo haz que, como Iglesia, siempre confiemos que mandarás trabajadores a tu cosecha. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor. AMEN. Obispo Emérito Stephen E. Blaire, Diócesis de Stockton

4th Sunday of Easter

RIFA—RIFA—RIFA Este mes, los Guadalupanos tienen una rifa. Cada boleto es de $2 dólares. Los premios incluyen: un

cuadro de La Virgen, una cadenita de plata y un CD Mini Stereo System. Los boletos ganadores se anunciarán el proximo domingo, 19 de mayo

(después de Misa de 12:00pm). RAFLLE—RAFFLE—RAFFLE

This month, the Guadalupanos will be having a raffle. Each ticket is $2 dollars. The prizes include: a frame of the Virgin Mary, a silver chain and locket and a Mini CD Stereo System. The winning tickets will be chosen next Sunday, May 19th

(after the 12:00pm Mass).

CATEQUISTAS VOLUNTARIAS PARA 2019/2020 Nuestra Parroquia necesita catequistas voluntarias para todas las clases de Educación Religiosa 2019/2020. Empezaremos en Septiembre y terminanos en Mayo. Se le pide una hora por semana. Hablar con el Padre Juan o Roselia en la oficina parroquial. Our Parish needs catechists for all 2019/2020 Religious Education classes. Classes will begin in September and end in May. Classes are one hour a week. If you are interested, see Father Juan or Roselia in the Parish Office.

WEEKLY OFFERING 5/5/2019 5/4/2018 Difference $8,283 $5,642 $2,641


“Help Sponsor a Young Adult go to the Holy Land: Over the next months, our Young Adults will be fundrais-ing and saving their dollars for the pilgrimage in October. To cover the difference we are looking for sponsors to help make this pilgrimage a reality. Any amount of dona-tion would be greatly appreciated, as a thank you they will take your prayers and intentions and offer them at the Holy Land site of your choice. Thank you for your support & generosity. Please see Ann or Fr. Tom for more information.”


5/13 - James 5:7-12 The Wisdom of Patience

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS: Religious Education registrations for catechism will start June 3rd. Please come to the office between 2 and 5pm. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Las inscripciones de educación religiosa para el catecismo comenzarán el 3 de junio. Por favor venga a la oficina entre las 2:00 y las 5:00pm.

World Ablaze Inc. presents MAGNIFY

Catholic Women’s Conference “Loved By Him”

Saturday, June 1st, 2019 8:30am-6:30pm St Bernard’s Catholic Church Holy Family Center in Tracy

Cost: $40.00

YOUTH STRONG SCHEDULE FOR MAY 5/14 - Present Your Saint!

5/21 - NO YOUTH STRONG - Confirmation Day 5/28 - End of the Year Party

During May, we encourage you to pray the Holy Rosary. We pray to Mary to intercede for all the children who will receive their First Communion; and for the teens who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.


May 13—Our Lady of Fatima Feast Celebration & Mass May 21—Confirmations May 25—First Holy Communions

Our Lady of Fatima Feast Celebration & Mass

TOMORROW! Monday, May 13th

6:00pm Rosary & Procession 6:30pm Mass with Anointing of the Sick

here at Holy Family Church

The Second Collection next weekend will be for “Building our Future Together”. Please remember

to use the green envelopes.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat—May 17—May 19, 2019 Rachel's Vineyard Post-Abortion healing retreat is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. The weekend offers a supportive, and non-judgmental environment to transform the pain of the past into love and hope. We encourage women, men and couples who suffer from a past abortion to attend. For more information or to register contact Kim at (209) 465-5433 or kfuentes@stocktondioces.org.

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