holy family catholic church - holyfamilynewark.org holy family july 16, 2017.pdf · holy family...

Post on 22-May-2018






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Holy Family Catholic Church “Cherish the Past, Celebrate the Present, Create a bright Future”

15 Gender Road, Newark, DE 19713 • (302) 368-4665

Our Mission Statement Holy Family parish is a welcoming community of faith rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition.

As members of the Body of Christ, we are a multi-cultural and multi-generational parish called to

share our gifts and talents. Our experience of worship in Word and Sacrament compels us to witness to

all people through catechesis, service and evangelization.

Very Rev. Mark Kelleher Pastor


Rev. Michael J. Cook Associate Pastor


Rev. A. William Rajayan Priest in Residence


Mr. Joseph Certesio, Sr. Deacon


Mrs. Mare Draper Director of Religious Education mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org

Mrs. Judith Stives Business Manager


Mr. Richard E. Mitchell, III Director of Worship Arts



Church Office 368-4665

Fax Number 368-4667

Web Page: www.holyfamilynewark.org

Office Hours

Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM &

5:30 PM to 8:00 PM; Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon

Saturday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM; Sunday: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Religious Education Office 368-8976

Fax Number 368-5184

Religious Education Office Hours

Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon

Youth Ministry Office 368-8976 ext. 138

Parish Outreach Office 861-0143

Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Wednesday, Friday - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM



Executive Officer: John Lynch 738-9071


Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM

Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM

Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM


Baptism: outside of the Lenten Season. Baptisms are scheduled

with the Church Office and normally occur during the Sunday

Liturgy or on the 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM.

Baptismal Program for Parents: Generally bi-monthly on the

3rd Monday of the month, at 7:00 PM.

To register call 368-4665.

Matrimony: Consult parish priest or deacon at least one year

in advance and before any plans or decisions are made.

Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM or by appointment.


If you are sick or homebound and would like to receive

Eucharist at home on a regular basis, please call the

Church Office at 368-4665.


Our Regional Catholic School

Sr. LaVerne King, R.S.M., Principal

Address: 2451 Frazer Road, Newark, DE 19702

For more information call the school office at 838-8850

Web Page: www.cttcs.org

July 16, 2017 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

308-Holy Family Page 2

It’s not too late to Buy Raffle tickets on sale after all Masses

Or at the Fair.

Only $5.00 a ticket and a chance to win:

1st Prize- $3000 - 2nd Prize - $1000 -

3rd Prize - $500

Drawing is tonight !!!!!!!



Last Day of SummerFest 2017

Wrist band for

tonight is $22.00 - All

the rides you want to

go on -





Many schools are now requiring service hours.

If you are a student in need of service hours, consider becoming an altar server.

Altar servers are scheduled according to Mass preference and can block out dates for vacation

time. You can easily earn 20-30 service hours per year by serving at Mass 2-3 times per

month. If you are interested in more information about becoming an altar server, please call the parish

office at 302-368-4665.

Thank you to all who made a donation and/

or pledge to this year’s Annual Catholic

Appeal – whether that was through the

Circle of Honor, the mailing, or the in-pew

solicitation. I am very grateful for your

generosity and I know that Bishop Malooly

is as well.

The goal set this year for our parish by the

diocese was $99,000. The pledged amount is

$109,465. - $63,707.12 of that has been

collected by the diocese.

That means we have exceeded our goal by $10,465, all of which we will receive

back from the diocese in January 2018…as

long as we all fulfill our pledges.

Thank you again for your generosity and I

encourage all to complete their pledge.

God Bless,

Fr Mark



mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org or by phone: 368-8976

VBS was a blast! So many God Sightings!

Watch out for pictures in the gathering space showing the

fun of the week!

Makers Fun Factory C/D’s with those songs your kids

LOVE, we still have a limited number of copies! You may

pick up at the parish office cost $9!

Religious Education:

Religious Education: Thank you for another fantastic season in

Religious Education! We look forward to seeing you in September.

For a jump start on your Fall calendar planning, check out the

website for our program dates and times. Dates will be available

after July 15th.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The Religious Education Office is closed during the

month of July but will re-open on August 1st.

Registration for Fall 2017-2018 is available ONLINE on our website! Class size and

day availability are limited – don’t delay, register today! www.holyfamilynewark.org/


Opportunity of a Lifetime: Become a Catechist! Are you looking for something meaningful

in life? Do you like working with children? Do you value our faith tradition and want to see

it grow before your eyes? Being a catechist can fulfill all these things! Commitment is for at

least one year. Experience working with children a plus! Training will be provided during

August and September. Call our office to setup an appointment to talk to us! It is amazing

what God may have in store for you! Our office number is 368.8976 or email us at


Confirmation 2017 Our next gathering will be at the Retreat at Northbay Adventure Park on September 8-10,

2017. All outstanding paperwork, Confirmation names, sponsor information, program

payments, and permission slips should be in our office no later than June 30th. Called to

Mercy Modules and Retreat fee is due August 31st. More details regarding the retreat will be


308-Holy Family Page Three

Page four 308-HolyFamily

Parish News and Happenings


George Dougherty

Donna Thomas

Maryellen Schwenk

Thelma Morris

Rachael Tolliver-Bey and

Robert McClain

Joann Criste

Nancy L. Lawrence

Jayden Hutchison

Frances Hamill

Nicholas Curran

Ed Richards

Joan Archangelo

Cherie Galliani

Jennie Musacchio





Miriam Brown

Karen Berman


Jane Paulson

Craig Buckman

Bernice Wright


Judy Hughes

Anna Richmond

Kelly (4 yr.old-cancer)

Janice Grigo

Sharon DeCubellis

Joel Rivera

Sylvia Mandio

Catherine Perillo

Mr. Joseph

Denise Robinson

Mary Ann Bulatewicz

Tim Ziegler

Katie Ziegler

Ellen Ziegler

Danny Ziegler


John Romer

Helen Gorski

Millie Nash

Frances Kulaszewski

Theresa Neff

Xavier Rohrer

Dianna - Franny P. -Judi H.

Chris Pruitt

Maureen McCloskey

Ava Ponzo

Gerald T. Stafford, Jr.

Sally Downes

Joyce West

Jill Martone

Joyce Hamilton

Loretta McCullough

Marian Santo


Theresa Wilson

Sister Ann McAlpin

Miriam W. Brown

Joel Rivera

Louis Schaub

Jack Douglass

Diane Litzinger


Bonnie Boon

Richard Widdows

Carmelita Terrell


Our parish has a group of people

who will earnestly pray for any

needs you have. This is done

anonymously via a telephone prayer

chain. If you have a special need for which you are in need

of prayer call: 731-4297, 894-0726 or737-1333 or before

7:30 p.m. and we will pray for you.

This list keeps growing. Please let us know if any

of the people on the sick list have been healed.

Call office at 368-4665

On August 19, 2017 at

11:00 AM at Church of the

Holy Child, Bishop Malooly

will ordain eight deacons

for service throughout the

Diocese of Wilmington.

Three of those eight men

come from Holy Family:

David Feaster, Darrell Lashomb, and Joseph


These men, along with their wives Julie, Beth, and

Barbara, have been engaged in a formation process

for the past five years that has prepared them for or-


Deacons, as ordained clergy in the Church, are called

to three general areas of service: the ministry of the

Word, the ministry of liturgy, and the ministry of

charity. They receive their diaconal assignments from

the Bishop, to whom they make a promise of obedi-

ence at ordination. Deacons continue to support them-

selves in their secular occupations after ordination

and generally serve without remuneration.

We congratulate David, Darrell, and Joe, and offer

them our prayers for years of fruitful and fulfilling

ministry in the Diocese of Wilmington.

Our three new deacons will be available to

receive your good wishes and congratulations in

the parish hall immediately after all the Masses

on the weekend of August 26/27. Please stop in

and share in their joy.

The parable of the sower is one on the most recognized parables. It is found in three of the gos-

pels and is one of the few parables that Christ takes the time to explain. While we all hope to be

that seed which lands in good soil and bears fruits, we also must recognize that there are three

other types of soil that endangers us from being fruitful. This week as you reflect on this para-

ble, ask yourself how fruitful are you? You have received the word, but are you living by it and

spreading it to others? Do you struggle in our overly secularized world, falling prey to worldly

priorities? Jesus warns us of these pitfalls so don’t turn a blind eye to them. He has called us all to

be fruitful and multiply, what are you doing to answer this call?




Saturday, July 15

9:00 am - Dorothy Poleto

5:00 pm - Rita Watmuff

Sunday, July 16 8:00 am - Joselito Miranda

10:00 am - Intentions of Parishioners

12:00 pm - Donald Hopson, Sr. Monday July 17

9:00 am - John D. DeLuca

Tuesday, July 18

9:00 am - Tim Letrice

Wednesday, July 19

9:00 am - Angelita Basa

Thursday, July 20

9:00 am - John Moran Friday, July 21

9:00 am - Peggy Boyle Saturday, July 22 9:00 am – Shaun McGarry

5:00 pm - Paul Winkelman Sunday, July 23

8:00 am - Philomena Capodanno

10:00 am - Margaret Wootten

12:00 pm - Intentions of Parishioners


Sunday, July 16 - Last Day of SummerFest

Monday, July 17 - 8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

5:00 pm - K of C - St. Michaels - AER

7:00 pm - Baptism Prep Class - GS and HFC

Tuesday, July 18 8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

Wednesday, July 19 8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

7:00 pm - Al-Anon - PHCR1

Thursday, July 20 8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

9:00 am - Prayer Shawl Mtg. - PHCR1

7:00 pm - SVDP Society Mtg. - PHCR1

Friday, July 21 8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

9:45 am - Eucharistic Adoration - HFC

Saturday, July 22

8:15 am - Rosary - HFC

8:30 am PAAD Paaraian - AER/YR/Rms 3,4,5,6

3:30 pm - Reconciliation - HFC

Sunday, July 23 1:00 pm - Giving Tree Mtg. - AER

1:30 pm - Just Do It Mtg - PHCR1

1:30 pm - Baptisms - HFC

Weekly Schedule Room Key AER—Adult Education Room HFC—Holy Family Church

HFH—Holy Family Parish Hall PHCR - Parish House Room

REC - Religious ED Center YR - Youth Room

To help you with Next Week’s Readings -

July 23, 2017 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Wisdom 12:13,16-19

Second Reading: Romans 8:26-27

Gospel: Matthew 13:24-43

308-HolyFamily— Page 5

We welcome five new families

into our Holy Family Parish

Thomas and Diana Mason

Courtney Holston-Phillips and family

Florence Greene

Stephen and Marta Maria Polypec

Thomas J. Smoot and Jeffrey Gudzune

It is our prayer that you will discover and deepen your

awareness of God’s love for you at our parish

Offertory for

6/25/2017 - $11,307.00

7/2/2017 - $12,411.00


Scrip Sales for week of 6/25/2017 - $4,900.00 Net sales for week = $189.27

Total Net Sales for End of Fiscal Year = $10,466.74

Scrip Sales for week of 7/2/2017 - $4,625.00 Net sales for week = $200.83

Total Net Sales for Year = $200.83


Friday, August 18, 2017

Foursome: $500 - Individual: $125

Sponsorships available! Information and

registration forms can be found in the parish

office. Contact Joe McCann at

joemccann8@comcast.net or call 302-584-1603 with


Parish News and Diocesan News

Page Six 308-Holy Family

Saint Michael - Knights of

Columbus Council 4548

July 10 6:30 pm - St. Michael - PHCR1

July 24 6:30 Business Meeting

The Knights of Columbus year runs from July 1 to

June 30 of the following year. The new elected or

appointed officers effective July 1, 2017 are:

Chaplain: Very Rev. Mark Kelleher

Grand Knight: Tony Malafronti

Deputy Grand Knight: Perry Best

Financial Secretary: Joseph McCann

Chancellor: Ron Cahill

Advocate: Ted Godsell

Recorder: Rick Judd

Treasurer: Joe Salvato

Warden: Andy Geyer

Lecturer: Deacon Joe Certesio

Inside Guard: Ray Bodnar

Inside Guard: Joe Nash

Outside Guard: Walt Charowski

Outside Guard: George Loyer

Trustee 3 Year: Bill Black

Trustee 2 Year: Frank Strawser

Trustee 1 Year: Fran Denver

Present this coupon at Tony’s Bistro and Raymond

will donate 20% of the total bill to Holy Family


Tony’s Bistro - 29 Chestnut Hill Plaza

Newark, DE 19703

Total Amount of Bill $ ______________

100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrimage!!

The Legion of Mary, Wilmington Curia

invites you to attend their Pilgrimage to

the National Blue Army Shrine of Our

Lady of Fatima at 674 Mountain View

Road East, Asbury, NJ 08802

on Saturday, July 29, 2017.

The bus will be leaving at 8 AM from St. John the

Beloved Church, 907 Milltown Road, Wilmington, and

return approximately 6:30 PM.

The event will include talks, Mass, Rosary, Adora-

tion, etc. The cost will be $30.00 per person.

To reserve a bus seat contact: Sally Rogers at 302-563-

1490 or Kay Malone at 302-239-2259 by Sunday, July

16, 2017. Make check payable to Wilmington Curia

and mail to: Sally Rogers, 107 Loretta Lane, Bear, DE


As part of the Diocese of Wilmington’s

150th anniversary celebration,

a pilgrimage to Annecy, Rome and Assisi will take

place April 16 – 26, 2018.

And you are invited!

Annecy, the birthplace of Saint Francis de Sales, patron saint of

the Diocese of Wilmington, is an alpine town in southeastern

France, where Lake Annecy feeds into the Thiou River. It’s

known for its cobbled streets, winding canals, and pastel-colored

houses. Rome, Italy’s capital, is a sprawling, cosmopolitan city

with nearly 3,000 years of globally influential art, architecture

and culture on display, including ancient ruins such as the

Forum and the Colosseum. It is the home of Vatican City, head-

quarters of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Peter’s Basilica and

the Vatican Museums, as well as the burial place of Blessed

Pope Pius IX, the diocese’s founder. Assisi is a hill town in

central Italy’s Umbria region. It was the birthplace of St. Fran-

cis, one of Italy’s patron saints.

For more information about this affordable, once-in-a-lifetime

pilgrimage, including a day-to-day itinerary, exclusive features,

and pricing, go to www.cdow.org/anniversary-pilgrimage.

The Wilmington Children’s Chorus

& The Youth Chamber Orchestra

Of Fulda,Germany


Saturday,July 29,7:30pm

St.Mary of the Assumption Church

7200 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin


Info at:


While we are spending money

on vacations, let us not forget

the poor. Please contribute to

the Poor Boxes in the Gather-

ing Space.

This money goes to the

St. Vincent DePaul Society who help the poor in our

community. God bless you for whatever you can con-


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