home builders training program | chris collins dacula ga

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Home Builders Training Program

• Management is the Key to Building any Home. The House Building Guide is an excellent resource for people building a new home. It provides an overview of the building process along with money saving, convenience and healthy home building tips.

Course Outline

I. IntroductionII. General Protection PrecautionsIII. Safe Working ProceduresIV. Emergency SituationsV. Driving Test

I. Introduction

IntroductionThis presentation will provide

participants with the following:

Common descriptionGeneral protection precautionsSafe working proceduresEmergency Situations

Components of a Skid Steer

Lift Arm

Roll Over Protection System (ROPS)

Hydraulic Block

Bucket Attachment

Safe Entry Aids, Grab Rail and Non-Slip


Warning Lights

All-Wheel Steer

Common Safety DevicesRoll Over Protection System

Overhead ProtectionSeatbeltProtective cage

Pedestrian Warning DevicesLightsHorn

Operator’s Manual


II. General Safety Precautions

Recognition of emphasized messages:

NOTE• This concept is used when unique information, guidelines, or recognition is

required with regards to techniques, equipment, tools, demands, capabilities, and other unique data.

IMPORTANT• This message is used when special precautions should be taken to ensure a

correct action or to avoid damage to, or malfunction of, the truck or a component.

• \CAUTION• This concept is for appropriate safety measures which, if not followed, may

lead to accidental damage.• WARNING• This concept is used when a threat prevails which may lead to damage or

loss of life if appropriate safety measures are not taken.• DANGER• This concept is used when a high threat prevails which will result in loss of

life or serious damage if appropriate safety measures are not taken instantly.

Operate only if qualified Do not function unless you have been taught to

do so and are acquainted with the operator's manual

Familiarize yourself with the job website and your environment before working.

Try all manages and device features with the device in an start place before beginning to operate.

Know and notice all job website particular protection rules

Protective Equipment Safety Glasses and Face Shield

Secure against damage from traveling items of steel or debris; wear face protect or safety cups. Proper Attire

Use close suitable outfits and protection devices appropriate to the job.

Ear Plugs and/or MuffsWear suitable hearing protection to prevent noisy or

extended sounds.

Always contact an authorized dealer before making machine modifications

Changes can effect the following:Designed use of skid steerWeight or stability of the machineCan modify device manages, efficiency or


Machine Modifications

Stay Clear of Moving Parts Entanglements in shifting areas can cause serious

damage. Maintenance techniques need the following Engine off Controls in neutral Parking braking mechanism set Park on stage area, rim chocks if required Hydraulics blocked If any secure or protect has been eliminated for

accessibility, substitute when complete .

Potential Hazard Exposures Fire Prevention

Handle Energy Safely: Shop combustible liquids away from fire risks. Never refuel device while smoking or when near initiates or fire.

Clean Machine Regularly: Keep junk, waste, oil and oil from gathering in engine section, around fuel collections, gas collections and electric cabling. Never store greasy cloths or combustible materials inside a product section.

Maintain Lines and Wiring: Replace gas hoses immediately if they begin to flow, and clear any oil leaks. Examine electric cabling and connections frequently for damage.

How to Use a Fire ExtinguisherP-A-S-S

Pull -- Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being activated

Aim -- Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire

Squeeze -- Maintain a distance of eight to ten feet away from the fire and squeeze the handle. Discharge will only occur if the handle is being squeezed.

Sweep -- Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the base of the fire until it appears to be out.

III. Safe Operating Procedures

General Safety Procedures

Be aware not to unintentionally actuate manages when co-workers are present.

Lower all equipment to the ground during work disruptions. Interact with recreation area braking mechanism before enabling anyone to strategy the device.

Follow these same safety measures before status up, making the operator's chair, or getting out of the device.

Are you prepared?Does the facility/job site have an

evacuation procedure?Are urgent get in touch with figures easily

available?Do any of your employees/co-workers

have CPR or First Aid training?Does the facility/job site have a first aid


Handling an EmergencyThe three C’s, Examine, Contact, Care and attention

help us keep in mind what to do in an urgent scenario.

Check – look into the place for your own protection first, then the individuals

Call – for help, 911 or whom ever is in the immediate place that can offer assistance

Care - offer want to the sufferer, this may be first aid or at least stabilizing

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