home learning: week beginning 1st june 2020 · home learning: week beginning 1st june 2020 dear...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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Home learning: Week Beginning 1st June 2020 Dear all, I hope you had a restful half term. Many of you have been celebrating Eid, an Eid I’m sure you will remember for many years to come! We’ve also had some wonderful sunshine so I hope you’ve had a bit of a chance to enjoy it. Have a read through to see your activities for the week.

READING I’ve found some books about water for you to read, as water is a theme for this week’s English work. Find them on the Myon website here: Myon Website Make sure you take a quiz on at least one of these this week.

ENGLISH Mama Miti Wangari Maathai and the Trees of Kenya Written by Donna Jo Napoli & Illustrated by Kadir Nelson You will need to watch this video to read the whole book, but I suggest you do Monday’s work first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEWEYBrZwtw

Monday Explore it Read the text below and spend time looking carefully at the illustration:

1) Summarise what you’ve read in a couple of sentences. 2) Clarify any unfamiliar words e.g. highlands, plains, droughts. 3) What does the opening of the book tell us about the importance of

nature to this place and its people? Type your answers here, or write them in your home learning book.

Tuesday Illustrate it Think again about the environment that is described in the opening of the story. What features of the landscape are mentioned? How do you picture the salt lick, forests, plains and the mountain in your mind? What does this landscape look like to you? What do you think the sky is like? Sketch out your ideas using a pencil and paper. Wednesday Talk about it Think about the descriptive and figurative language (adjectives, verbs, the use of personification) used by Donna Jo Napoli to describe the actions of nature: the face of Mount Kenya smiled down on her, the sacred fig tree, when the skies blessed them with shimmering rain.

1) How does the author’s use of language make you feel about the nature she references? Why do you think she describes it like this?

Thinking more about Wangari, she is described as ‘being wise in the tradition of her family and village, of her country and continent’?

2) What do you think this means? What does this tell us about her as a person?

Type your answers here, or write them in your home learning book.

Thursday Imagine it Read the opening of the book again. Think about the importance of water. Why is water necessary for all forms of life? What do you use water for in your everyday activities? Now stop to think about what the impact not having water. What might the potential impacts of increased droughts be? Who would be affected and how? What long-term damage would this do to trees, plants and the environment? How would this affect people? Type your answers here, or write them in your home learning book. Friday Create it Think about the different ways we can work to preserve water and limit its waste in our homes, schools and in everyday life. Think about a way to encourage the public to be more careful about how they use water and communicate why it is important that this resource is not wasted. What would you want to tell people about water? How do we waste water in our everyday lives? How could we stop this happening?

Create a piece of writing that explains how important water is and encourages people not to waste it. What language will you need to use to explain, inform and persuade your audience? Will you use photographs or diagrams to help you? Will you design a poster? A leaflet? A webpage? A newspaper or magazine article? Be creative!


This week we’ll be using the BBC Bitesize resources Click here to access the daily Maths lesson. Check back each day to see the new lesson. There are videos to watch and worksheets to complete. Year 6 : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-and-p7-lessons/1 Year 5: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zhgppg8/year-5-and-p6-lessons/1 Complete the work in your exercise book as you normally would.

P4C This week’s P4C question is: Do rules stop your freedom? Remember to debate with your classmates on google classroom! Use polite words!

Geography This week you are going to find out as much as you can about Africa.

What do you already know?

Look closely at this map of Africa.

Activity 1 Answer these questions 1. How many countries are there in Africa? __________________________

2. In our English work this week, Wangari comes from Kenya- can you find

it? Name the five countries that surround Kenya____________________ ___________________________________________________________

3. What is the Island close to Mozambique called?_____________________

4. Names four countries in Africa that are not close to the sea ___________________________________________________________

5. Benin is in West Africa. Name 5 more countries in West Africa. ___________________________________________________________

6. Which are the biggest and smallest countries in Africa? ___________________________________________________________

Activity 2

Kenya Use this link to find out all about Kenya. How much information can you remember? https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/facts-about-kenya.html Activity 3

Write your own quiz all about Kenya. Your quiz must have 10 questions, don’t make them too difficult. Here is One to start with:

1. Name the capital city of Kenya - Nairobi 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Activity 4

Now organise a family quiz using your questions about Kenya. You will need at least two people in your family to play the quiz. Who will know the most about Kenya and be the winner? * If you know how you could make a Kahoot quiz. Create Kahoot (You can set up an account for free)

Activity 5 Now is the time to get making- You could create a painted African house, design a Kenyan necklace or recycle an old egg box to make your own mancala game. Don’t forget to post a picture of what you have made. egg carton mancala game

African Art - Week beginning 1st June, 2020

This week you will be looking at the colourful patterns and expressions which are shown in African art. We will be looking closely at the work of Esther Mahlangu. Monday Follow the link and read the information about African art. https://kids.kiddle.co/African_art Watch the video to find out more about African art. https://study.com/academy/lesson/characteristics-of-ancient-african-art.html Read the information below about Esther Manlangu.

Esther Mahlangu is a South African artist and was born on 11th November 1935. She is from the Ndebele nation. She is famous for her bold, colourful artworks inspired by the traditional art of the Ndebele people.

Mahlangu began painting when she was ten years old and was taught the Ndebele practice of mural painting by her mother and grandmother.

It is traditional for the women in the Ndebele community to paint the outside of their houses. They use natural pigments mixed with cow dung, and bright acrylic paints outlined with black lines, to make large geometric patterns on the outside walls of their homes.

You can see more Ndebele houses through the links below: When looking at the houses, think about these questions and write down your ideas. Take a picture and upload to google classroom.

What do you like or dislike about the house designs?

How do the patterns make you feel?

What shapes have been used on the outside of the houses?

How would you design your own house?

House 1

House 2

House 3

House 4

Mahlangu uses elements from the traditional Nedebele houses in her paintings. These traditional designs feature complex symmetry and repeating patterns in geometric compositions using rectangles and triangles.

Mahlangu now travels widely to promote the Ndebele culture. She is also the director of a school which teaches girls the Ndebele style of painting and beadwork.


Esther Mahlangu’s art

Let’s look at some of Esther Mahlangu’s artworks and then we’ll create our own geometric design.

Click through the links below to see examples of her art.

As you look at the artworks, answer these questions:

● What can you see? ● What words would you use to describe the artwork?

Take a picture of your answers and upload to google classroom.

Artwork 1

Artwork 2

Artwork 3

Artwork 4

Artwork 5

Artwork 6

We’re going to take inspiration from Esther Mahlangu, and the Ndebele style of house painting, and create our own geometric pictures.


-white paper or card



-black and coloured marker pens

Begin by drawing out a grid to guide your patterns. Use a pencil and ruler to draw faint lines on your paper.

You can draw a border around all four sides of your paper, and diagonal lines across your page.

From this simple framework, add more lines to your page, dividing it up into sections. Try to make your grid symmetrical in its layout.

Once you have a grid to guide your design, draw in your patterns. You can use the shapes you have seen in the photographs of Ndebele houses and Esther Mahlangu’s artworks.

Use repeating patterns, geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, triangles) and symmetry, as is the Ndebele style.


Draw over the outline of your shapes with a black marker pen. Use a ruler to get clear, straight lines.

Then use marker pens to add colour. You might like to use the same shades that you have seen in the Ndebele houses.

You can use your marker pen to add extra elements to the borders of your design.

And use repeating lines of shapes, and create symmetry in different sections of your design. Make sure to take pictures of your work and upload to google classroom. Enjoy!

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