homemade pregnancy test and its limitations

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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The homemade pregnancy test is a particular strategy you can use to identify pregnancy without using any medical products. You can decide on a DIY (do it yourself) at home pregnancy test to affirm pregnancy without telling anybody. These homemade pregnancy tests are normally very shabby too, but you have to know how to use a pregnancy test. The majority of the home solutions for pregnancy test is not logically ended up being precise, but rather despite everything you have to see how to handle things legitimately. Furthermore, these tests might just affirm pregnancy; they are not the slightest bit any substitute to the level of antenatal consideration required to acquire a sound child the world.


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Homemade Pregnancy Test and ItsLimitations


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Homemade pregnancy test

In ancient times there almost avowedly were techniques and courses used to realize whether a womanwas truly pregnant or not. Women in those days used to make use of these tests and would rely onupon them unquestionably. Some women of modern days do not know about homemade pregnancytests.

There are numerous ladies who are not happy with setting off to a specialist’s office andexperiencing early pregnancy tests. A large portion of them however do not feel great or rather bashfulto demand the pregnancy kits which are sold over the counter in the larger part of the drug store. Thiswas dared to be a hand made pregnancy test for women who didn’t wish to go to the specialist’s officefor the same.

Fast Response Early Result

The homemade pregnancy test is a particular strategy you can use to identify pregnancy withoutusing any medical products. You can decide on a DIY (do it yourself) at home pregnancy test to affirmpregnancy without telling anybody. These homemade pregnancy tests are normally very shabby too,but you have to know how to use a pregnancy test. The majority of the home solutions for pregnancytest is not logically ended up being precise, but rather despite everything you have to see how tohandle things legitimately.

Furthermore, these tests might just affirm pregnancy; they are not the slightest bit any substitute to thelevel of antenatal consideration required to acquire a sound child the world.

When to take pregnancy test ?

This is a common question which each first­time mother comes across. As she is going to experienceit for the first time, she gets very confused about this­ how soon pregnancy test? But, do not beconfused also; take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period. It is very easy to know thedate if you have a regular menstrual cycle. If your period is irregular and you are not sure about thedate, then take a test three weeks after you had unprotected intercourse.


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What are signs of pregnancy ?

The presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine confirms yourpregnancy. It is also known as the pregnancy hormone. After you get pregnant your body generateshCG, which helps to create the placenta (The fertilized egg that gets connected to the mass of theuterus gets sustenance security from the placenta).

So, most of the dependable homemade pregnancy tests confirm pregnancy by examining thepresence of hCG level in the urine. Apart from the hCG level in the urine there are additionallynumerous substantial signs which indicate that you are pregnant. Some, such early signs of pregnancyare:• Missed period (the most clear sign which indicate that you are pregnant)• Higher body temperature• Vomiting sensation• Swollen and tender breasts• Increased frequency to pass urine, etc.

The early signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. A few of them experience almost all thesigns while some others do not even experience one. So in such cases it is important to take thereliable homemade pregnancy test to detect whether you are pregnant or not.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Dandelion Leaves

Dandelion Leaves

One of the most mainstream approaches to test whether a lady is pregnant or not is the dandelionsystem. This strategy requires that a lady cuts dandelion leaves and places them in a plastic pot. It isessential that while setting the leaves in the compartment or while transporting them to the holder theydon’t get into contact with direct sunlight. She ought to then urinate in the holder and guarantee that allthe leaves are completely soaked. After every 10 minutes, the leaves should be checked for reddishblisters. If the leaves turn reddish, then the woman is pregnant.

Bleach Pregnancy Test

Bleach Pregnancy Test

Bleach pregnancy test is the second strategy which numerous ladies use to figure out if they arepregnant or not. While bleach has been utilized for a long time as a brightening item for garments, alady can really utilize it as a best home pregnancy test substance. The lady is required to do is to putbleach in a container together with the urine. In the wake of blending the two and seeing that there issome froth or some frothy substance framing, then this implies she is pregnant. It is imperative thatwhen blending blanch with the pee that the lady be in the open. On the off chance that breathed in, the

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vapor can make harm the pregnancy or even the lady’s health.

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

Homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste

Toothpaste is the other homemade pregnancy test that ladies prominently utilize. Given that eachhome has toothpaste and it gets utilized each other day. This is one of the most effortless testingsystems that a lady can utilize. All that one will be required to do is to place toothpaste in a holder andafter that place pee in it. In the event that the shading swings to somewhat blue, then there is a highprobability that the lady is pregnant.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Vinegar

Homemade pregnancy test with vinegar

Take some vinegar in a plastic pot and blend it with your crisp pee. This is another easy homemadepregnancy test with vinegar. There may be some gurgling, and you should not bother about it. On theoff chance that the shade of fluid changes from its unique shading when you blended, it implies thatyou ought to expect a child. An impeccable free urine pregnancy test, this custom made pregnancytest with vinegar has been being used subsequent to the old times when there were no hints ofmedicinal innovation.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Pine sol

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Pine sol

Pine sol pregnancy test is the other testing system that has been being used for a long time. From thelong time past days, ladies have been utilizing pine sol to test whether they are pregnant or not. Theblend is an in number hostile to microorganism operators. A man will be expected to blend pine soland pee in a non permeable compartment and sit tight for the outcomes. In the event that there will beany change of shading from the characteristic shade of pine sol then the lady has been pregnant

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar


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Homemade Pregnancy Testand Its Limitations

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Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar

This homemade pregnancy test with sugar is best attempted with the first pee of the day. In acontainer, add a few spoons of sugar (the little precious stones, not powder) and urinate on it. If itforms clumps and does not dissolve, then you can affirm your pregnancy. This is another simple andfree strategy to find out at home pregnancy test. Additionally, this technique has turned out to be97.6% precise, so I would propose you lovely women to attempt best early pregnancy test from therest of the list of checks it.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Urine Itself

Homemade pregnancy test with urine itself

Collect your pee in a container or a jar. Verify the jar is laying on a level surface and do not touch orshake it at all. Following 24 hours, on the off chance that you see a thin white layer on the surface ofyour pee, the test is sure and affirms your pregnancy. In the event that nothing appears on the toplayer of your pee, the test is negative and you are not pregnant. This is the third most list demandingtest of all the above I have specified. You require no additional materials or fixings, simply thepersistence of 24, inquisitive hours.

Limitations of homemade pregnancy tests

The reality of the matter is that the after effects of any homemade pregnancy test are not cent percentright and it is impossible to detect what is the best pregnancy test. The outcome might likewise besubjective to the lady who is trying it. The homemade pregnancy test should be maintained as an early

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detection pregnancy test.

There is no indicator of the amount of urine and another substance to combine to get an exact result.The guidelines about frothing, foaming, clamping, blistering and discoloration may also be confusingfalse pregnancy test. It is therefore a better idea to use medical pregnancy strips or devices which arescientifically proven and give accurate results as well.

You Need to Like Your Motherhood

Pregnancy is a gift and nothing gives a lady more delight than motherhood. Prepare yourself and learnthe pregnancy with straightforward fixings from your kitchen without worrying about any doctor’s visitexpenses and meeting charges of the specialists.

With the affirmation of the pregnancy begins the excursion of your motherhood, it is a perspective andthe body which needs compelling alert, love and care. Pregnancy can thoroughly worry, you and thechannel you of vitality. Taking great consideration of yourself is of prime significance. Whether it issolid sustenance, or satisfactory result, your well being should be regulated.

In instances of unplanned pregnancy, despite the fact that there are numerous distinct options for endthe pregnancies, yet parenthood has been without a doubt a divine blessing and everything choicesneed to be weighed upon precisely. Rather than premature birth and murdering the embryo, you canbring forth the child and ask other non­possible couples to receive the infant.

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