)hone 897 canandaigua, ~£w york, mon:)ay, february...

Post on 21-Jan-2021






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I .

. VJ(..'TOilV St\11Ll::S - Gary Carp~ni C! r, !12. J)Ounds: Doh Mor:lrc, 15: pcuncls; Pat " ur.ustinc and "' Ulnl<~, 1\t'arl~my wrt'Siling coarhcs, ;mu Doll Dontm, Its pounds. tll5illar sblelt!s ;~nd trophies won by Cun;uul:tigua Ac~t\lcmy Wf1!5tlin~ teRm. Shie ld~ d cnulc :t:ln~cr L:tkcs t:hllnt)llollsh fpl> wlln by the l•ays 'pnd trophic.-; . orn for tho Ac:tdenty's 8·0 record il\ wlnnin~ lh~ L~Jtuc ch;l:npiot~hlp nnd tl.tc tou m3ment ch:unplonShlp.

~~------------------------Acadeiny Matmen Win Tournament

• Dy DILL DOYLE 'fhe tulmlnntlon or fou•· ye3 r's hanJ woe k was crowned and o co.tch's drum C<lmc truo Saturd•y ni~ht \\'hl!n Gordil! Gllh:lian, Wa· h:rklo wrcsllinH coach and chairman or the Finger L411m ; Wrcsc in;: Tourn«nacot called Pol Augusline aotl Alton .Uiake to the :scorer's l<tbJC Ol lhC close of lhC IOIIrllRnlCI\1. • Not a p~oo of the hundred:; pr!!~nl haLl left the Wu lcrloo t:)'m as Gllfillia11 held up a beautiful trophy aud annouuecd . "tauam! ai cu:t At atlcmy's rine wresllinp, team sw~pt the Wayne-Fii\Ct'r l.ekt'S <.:onft'rencc thls year wllh an 8.0 rccarll and in doing .so "on this ' ire trophy whic:h 1 would like to present, at tJt is tim.:-, to head coach Pa~ t\~u:.lint:.

• " ,\s Ul4'. :;core hoal(.l indlc aks, this s:~mc lca lll lms l il\;t'n rinl . plncc in lhi.s tournament and al· lhr.UJ:h 1 h:»d ronll huJlc:. or keep· it~ it l tcrc in WHlcrlou. il Y,i \'c:; mo extreme plNSul c to 1)1 ~cut litis h uphy lu AI nlake. aS.liislant c:oa.c:h o[ the llrn,·cs. ··

·: 'fhls ~vent foUo~e\l lhc lt:uxting out or J:.'hl~~1· L iJkcs Shicld.s ~o ·Wi11nors -ot the toumameu\. Three c,\ wt cs\lers wcrc crowned cham· pions this yca1· :~s Gary C:tt'J>Cillc r ill Jl2 pouuds, l.lol:l Oomr.1 al .:45 a.ml !Job More:ioc al 15 I t•ouuds, \'nnquishcd all foes :mel ~a.lncd ti c r ight lo "l':Jr the lil .icllls JlTOCI:tim· in.c them as champions or 1111! Fin· gcr l...nkc:s lor 191il-52.

Arter hosts or well \\15l~rs h:Hl cong.ralulalml the <:Oilchc:s ;:1'\U \\'T~$tlcrs . ) 'OUI' rcr.artcr \\;;~ ilblo to &Cl Coach Augustine Miidr in lh~ rit·rs.sinc room ror .. lilllo ch;~t. .,110\V d OCS ll feel In 1'03Ch :t COO• frrt'lll' r. :\llri Tonr n11 men I ch:.m· plon7'. Slttln: a ~tt·ide a loc1\cr ronn\ bcnr h, lrnphr ::till rlulrhr.1l In his hand, Augustme remarked. " ntll, .I' m \•ary p1 outl to h:wc • pl:l)'ro a part hl .~:rt lln~ th!'i tro· rhy. Look, It',; 3 l>e.'\Utlrll: pil'CC (1( wootl and metal but 1 \\Onder ju~t l1ow many t)C(lf)le rcali7l! lhc m:~nr hours of hard trork tl\;~l r.o into

<.Ctmlhmcd On l'ucc Si.\)

PAG! .S!X •

~cademy MatTneri . . . .

· . . . I

·Win TOurnament (Conlhlut\J lrom t•ugt' One )

t cllinc one or lllcsc thlnt-ls. · Sarrlfl<'c "'cc1lcd

· "II coils for grc3l sncrl!icc :~ud dt>dlcntion Ia a J)\• rr•osc on lite p;u t or lhc wrc'st tcrli. The sport ls onr wltero a tx>r 111u~ t oiJsl'n·c slm l training habits or he fulls 1.)\· tile wayside. A t.'Oill."h nmst. holll .np ;1

t;o:~l ror hi:-> ;'\lhldl'S to shoot rnr and keep. pushlug them towards that so:~J.

" .TonJgbt Is one o( lhc hllp)Ji l.!lll mom('nls or my life. ' l'hl! look on tuy Mom aud Dad's ' race \\hen the~· t•ongi·atul:tlctJ me was II'D tl h a ll lhc cHort put iulo the ~1l0rl.'


Aur,ustine. :1 · trcmondo11s wrcsl· ler in high :st•houl urxl collc~c ne\'· rr r.'lJll\11 ctl n champlonsiup but s.~w. his \\ J c:; t!crs ·make ''1\ drcmu cou 1~ true'', wllh 1hclr wlus th~

('un)oluliun Huu111! C:\ lmtl lhrcc boys guilll:: rur'

\hem in \he Consolation Round, llick Tl ipodi. J olm Srammcll :nwl W:tll t:o t 1i~ l1 . J.illll• nkk :ll IOJ llOUiltls \\ , lS llown 1-0 going into the Una\ pNiocl but lhc llltll! !!;liiiCl>lcr ~.·umc up with rour I.Jic tlO!uls· ln the lnst mlnulc to whl I he lk•·i s ion orcr Da rc Ucrl~w of )!.)l tdct'sc 'i·l.

ALMOST' - nob 1\lorriec-, .Ac:ld!!my l5l·poundr.r, fries hnrd lo pin Ralph Monk of W~tl' ne C:!nlr:ll, but eou llln' t make it. J\.lnrricc de­cl5ioned llto:1k, 3·0, to wiD ffngl.!r Lakl!s crO\\n.

. . <' .

• Ll. WRAPPED .ur - Cary ., Tom Durkin of \Y 01 Ccrloo in

. ·the .tham.J)iunship, H. I . . . C:l'llPn ler, CA l l~ ·ptJUndcr, wraps lhe rL'lish or an t:ll:cit ing mntcb for

OV~R YOU GO - Bob !Jomm, 1 H·l.ounLi Acatltmy wrestler, rfdes Fred Jens11-n of Wal~rJoo , ru· rhe mat iil lhc match thut "&11\'e CA v lclory In the t~:lm event in lhl' ringer Lnkes tournament in Wa­te rloo Sahtrdal·· Domm WO;'I decisi on. 2-0. · ·


has clients w11o off~r many exci ting opportunities . for cxcc1lenUy qualdied people in a ll technica l fields; clcclronics, managemcm, engineering, ac­counting, physics, mul hcmillics.

Write in confidence Co P. 0. Box .123, Rochester J. N.Y. or Pl20ne

Cunandaigun 1767-i\-1.

. /'rofcssiollal resume ~ c r.-i ce is (1/.~n fWliilt~ble. • •

John Scnnun~JII, CA 138 JlOUmkr, ~;;.we Leith Foslc~l' or Uniou Springs o wrt-.slliiiJ.: lt-sson .'\s he dccl~iun~'\1 !111! l:ld 12·:!. SC;.II IllllCIJ rnn ·IIIlO :\let lJrinson, scclionul ch:~mpion, in tile scmi·llunls nml lost 11 close nutch lo the boy fi <Jlll l,cnn Ynn.

E :1 rly I Ii ll \\':Jll Comlsh, not·m:~l\y n HS

J•ound<'r hacl won tho :'ight to' :-cp· rcSi.!nt CA :~{ JSO t>uUnds !Jut I)Ut C:lll!lht b~· J Llll SJilOU11 o! Union Sprln.~:s lu :1 rough hold at lhl' s lart vf lhcil' 1nah:h and wa:~ 1•in· llN in JS SCCOJI\IS.'

·'Otis scl ll1c ~tasc for lhc fill:\1 malchrs with ddt-ntliug ch.unpioll, \\'alcrlilo, holdlllt: a slim one polnl lend m·cr CA, ~'2 ·S t, <llld both teams ~oing iulo lhD f. n~ls with ril·c. llll'!ll Oil Opp"Si\C liidcli of lhc mal. •

·At 05 IJOUilUS. Tony t\utlnnl<: ;~:ul CluJt•k llcm-y of w.,YIIC Central b:ltliOO It .Qill. 'fhc SCO IC 1\'.lS :Ill llcll up 2·:! !JOill!£ into the l :~st pcr­ioll when Henry ~ot Addnutc wilh :~. two on one nnd plm•cd the CA lml ln 5: ~ ror a he a rtbrct~~ing Jo'ss . lor I he li(tlf.! red lK':l<.l who h~d defc:~tcd fltls smnc ltcnn· lost • WN!k al C:\.

D ic k ~!archtond:1 , scc tl on:~l rh:llll.P rrom l'cnn Yim llcL' isioucd

• Joo CilJlono or W:ltcrloo i\1 100 pounds in n tine e~lnl>lt ton o£ Wl'l'l\lling .

Coo 1 Cu~ l omrr \.;try C:artKm(N·, ronl~!. l \\ rC!:t lr-r

on the CA squiltl mel 'l'om Uu1km or Wnlcrloo In the 1.2 pouml cl:Js.s. ,\fll•r •• s('Orctrss fu~ t period Cilr· ~nlt'r picked up four po!nts ln lho ~conll on o l"C\ crs3 1 ;mt! :1 prcdl· c::v11cnt :'11\d rode fhc Waterloo bo;y ror the remainder of the ma lch ror lhn ,,.=.n.

Wlllt :\iilicr ot Penn Y.-. 1\ dc<'i· !lionctl John Sw;~.n or :'lrynril'I'SC .. 0. in a !me ma1th.

r.Nit'gn nlll:mt or . !'cnn \'an pic};~ up :1 win in the 13S·pnuntl rl:1ss whctl he oncl Floyd Sicgrricd or },l~·mlr•rs~ il<Jns;rci nogg( u..s; ancl lhl.' d oc-lor rerusro 1o let Sic::rricd or :,)yndcrS(' . c'on!iJHII' •

The Clittchcr Bob TX!mm Wl'nt o•d lo mr.cl

FrNl .Tcu~cn ln one or the most illUIOl't<J IIl m:t ll"ht'~ or hiS r.:u·ecr.

·H ltc won lhls match CA wa5 tl1c (ount:~mrJ~1 witm~l' 3!1 nn t~am c-onhl catch the Dra\'I!S \\ illt a \dn b:-- namm. It W:IS a scoreless f irst period and Domm rodD Junscn rrom the 1op position Cor the sec· or.d. Oob came up with a b1g iwo point rc\·~rsal ill lh !! la!il period. won the decision j.O antl e;tn• c,, (he lca m cll:!mplonsllip in UH~ lm ·· . gaUl . . 1

nnh Morricr. mel Ralph ?lfoak o! \\'ayl!i! Ccntral lor the sct·und time !11 ~ week and hUHJ'l the ~ccoml uc· fc-<l1 or lhc SI!<I~OU Oil the Wayne C<ontral lad with a real ui !)lay of \\TCSllins :S·O. Moa". one or the best v:rcslk rs in the conrcr encc. mel IIi~ match in )lorricc: onc nf !he finest on (llo (;,\ SfjUllcl. Bob's \\in g~\·c C·\ lim assur:~ nee they l!!eded (or the lournalllCill challl· pion ship.

Tom MacLaren or I~C\\'ilrk de· dsiuncll Rich llal'lwell of Uninn

. Sprines !l-1 in a !lcsp!!l'a lc baltic by IJoth hays for supremacr.

To11n13meut t.lhnux 'flu~ most <?xc ilin~ mall'1• or lhc

c1·cn!ng pltted Ulc-k Posl of C enc· _va a~a!nst Bob Bul'hw:Jicl ur Hsn· dei'Se. Post, a close rricml or the CJ\ l>quzll. has tJc.cn l>catM every lime out in lhc p;t$1 lhrcc yc:~rs hy H:.n:hwald. 1\l lhc Cmals iq Penn Yan, Posl Iolii ~·our reporter that lie ill(l•HI.lCLI to beat Huchwald nncl l•cpf his WDrd as hu t!~ctsloncd the i\1 ynder!c Jall 'i ·:i in a motd1 lhu t lwd 111c Cl'O\\'d !;tarxling through· r.ul.

When his h:111cl wa~ t:ll!ioo in l \"ktory. l'ost with tears i11 hi:. I ('\1('~ !';'I~.J. "1\Jr. 00V(C thi 'l ~ ~ lhC f 1 ;a!>~'rs l ~~ 1orn~nl or my lHc." ~ Tlic'' ~ !oor<'. (; cnc\·il's C I n r ! hlla\•~· :mel :lrlO!hCr clflSI! friend or j I he (' \ li'lll"ri. pinn~ Sanny Si r;~ . monir.~ of Wayne f.cntr.a l in 2:43 lo <:l' nl'fl his SC('Ond rhampionship.

• Next hi~ tourn;1mrnl ror the

I ::rcn \~ill b-.! I he Scc\ion :; Cham­! pio.,~hlp flll:lrlcr lina l ~ to ltc }u~lu J :11 lhc Acu<.lcmy ID'Jn on Feu. 28. I .

·~~===:=:~~~~~------------.....! • T •·y a ~J C!iscn~cr · Waul Arl

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