honesty is still in style

Post on 11-May-2015






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Thomas Jefferson

Honestyis a

rare quality

Daily newspapers are filled with stories of dishonesty

“An honest man’s the noblest work of God.” Alexander Pope

Why Be Honest? Because….

1. God demands it

2. Conscience requires it

3. Basis for all human relationships

4. Dishonesty begets dishonesty

5. Dishonesty picks your pocket

6. Change begins with self

I gave it back to show that there are still honest people.

One person standing fast for what is right can be a beacon for others to do the same.

St. Matthew

As Christians, we have to speak out against things like this...We have to make some waves and show that we are really obeying God.

A 20-year old part time student was fired… refusing to go along with the unethical practice.

If she had kept the money … I’d be out of a job.

If more of us stopped to think of the harm that dishonesty causes others,

perhaps we would less likely to cut corners.

St. Matthew

When one cheats,we are all hurt.


I had certain rules which I followed…I refuse to handle any political moneyin any way whatever.. I refused presents,hotel accommodations or trips which were paid for by private parties.

I lived on the salary I was legally entitled to and considered that I was employed by the taxpayers.. I made no speeches for money or expenses..

I would much rather be an honorable public servant and known as such than to be the richest man in the world.

Harry Truman

Honesty doesn’t make headlines because it is truly the rule rather than the exception.

Without being gullible, avoid cynicism when dealing with people.

Sometimes to expect the best is the surest way to obtain it.

A store clerk made a mistake of giving themmore than they were entitled to.Her grandfather told her they would return the items.

The granddaughter protested that the store wouldn’t know. And her grandfather replied:

“Yes. But we would.”

Grandfather & Granddaughter

If you would sleep soundly,take a clear conscience to bed with you. Benjamin Franklin

Why Be Honest? Because….

1. Be aware of the need

2. Watch the small things

3. Remember the power of example

4. Consult your conscience

5. Don’t be too proud to ask for help.

Honesty, like all virtues, requires vigilance.

As a youngster once, he talked to a local storekeeper into letting him have a watch which he would pay for a little at a time.

His mother was indignant after hearing of the agreement. She paid for the watch and told Walter that there was no outright dishonesty involved, he was flirting with it. His mother continued:

It’s one of those gray areas. Be careful of gray – it might be grime.

Honesty is the practice of doingwhat is right, even when

it works to be our own disadvantage.

It involves being truthful to ourselves and recognizing our obligation to God and to all humanity.

Honesty is closely linked to truthfulness, justice, faithfulness and courage.

It is the enemy of self-deception, slippery words, divided loyalties and the desire for gain at any cost.

Ask yourself the following questions

and get an idea of how honest

you really are.

Did I practice “petty theft” by unauthorized use

of the office telephone, or copying machine or taking supplies

reserved for business purposes?

Do I exhort my children to avoid cheating on exams,

while I “pad” my expense account or

overstate losses on tax returns

or insurance bills?

Am I willing to purchase expensive watches or

electronic equipment at suspiciously low prices

without inquiring into their true origin?

Am I honest only when somebody may be looking ?

Do I tolerate small lapses in myself or my associates,

without facing up to the fact that repeated actions

quickly become habits?

Do I adopt a “buyer beware” attitude toward my customers or clients, putting the burden on them to discover any flaws

in my products or services?

Do I misuse language, describing a deception

as a “white lie”, stealing as “appropriating”

or double-dealing as “good business”?

Do I habitually excuse my failures to live up

to high moral standards as being “only human”?

Have I failed to make restitution for past infractions of justice?

If you answered “YES” to one or more

of the questions, you have

some work to do.

Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the path of honesty, for my enemies are waiting for me to fall.

Psalms 27:11 (NLT)


Fr. Larry Tan, SDB

Inspirational Series

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