honors tool box linda pitman, msn, rn, nbct summer conference 2014

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Honors Tool BoxLinda Pitman, MSN, RN, NBCTSummer Conference 2014

Secure a Friend to travel in the Wilderness with:

They should have experience They will have a connection with

their students or peers They will have a heart of compassion They should be LOYAL…. Email address: lindapitman@mhslive

.net 828 766 9329(cell) 828 766


THE NEXT 90 Minutes

EQUALITY VERSES FAIR Rubric for Portfolio creation

(NOTEBOOK) Show three PPT’s (Student made) APA How to teach in comfort

1. Letter of Introduction2. Resume3. Project4. Writing Sample5. Work-Based Learning6. Oral Presentation (Speech 7. Service Learning (Community Service)8. Credentials9. Technology10. LeadershipOther Content (ARC Hands Only CPR Trainer)



● Becoming better leaders● Storming to good ideas● Forming a bond with team● Analyze the productivity of group

Our goals and future achievements

● Using good organizational skills● Working together on the notebook● Filling useful information in notebook● Working with no arguing

Creating the notebook

● What we wanted to do● What we established we couldn’t ● The new plan


● How we Implemented our plans● Special Olympics ● Easter party● Dying Easter eggs● Good and Bad foods


● Our original plans was● Go to Gouge Elementary● Teach physical fitness● Personal hygiene

Original Plans

● Participation in Special Olympics● Dying eggs● Better team player● Stronger leader● More productive

Final Step

● Having transportation● Working together ● Not trying to do everything● Not lying to the group

Evaluation: Obstacles

● Not seeing eye to eye● Not showing up for clinicals● Unsatisfactory work ethic● Not getting tasks finish ● Not contacting if late


● Decent work ethic● Good people skills ● Better understanding for people● Great tolerance now than before

Evaluating our group as whole

STUDENT WORK GROUP TWO Group 2Hygiene and Bullying

Blair, Darian, Dillon, Abby


❏Making the appointment: the call❏Communication: we didn’t talk together❏Organization: didn’t have all materials❏Uniforms: forgetting clothes and shoes❏Group not always complete


How I’ve Grown:● Better work ethic ● Trust and rely on others● Became more understanding● Became reliable● Learn from others in the group


❏ 5th grade personal hygiene; Deyton❏ Show how germs spread❏ Talk about bullying and contract ❏ Body odor, Cleanliness ❏ Physical bullying, and cyber bullying


How I have grownTo not be afraidTo share my ideas To get stuff doneBe a team player To not be lazy


Day One of Teaching- Deyton● Powerpoint ● worksheets ● permission slips● games● coloring


Day Two of Teaching- Deyton● Germ activity● Pictures● coloring sheets ● bullying worksheets ● bullying contract


Day Three of Teaching- Bowman● powerpoint● worksheetsDay Four of Teaching- Bowman● Split up ● powerpoint ● worksheets


How I’ve Grown From This Experience:● Rely on others● Not always be a leader● communication● team player● loosen


Performing:❏Met with Deyton principle❏Learned to communicate with team❏Successfully taught 5th grade❏Grew as a team

How I’ve Grown...

● Learned to talk to team● Become more independant ● Not to be a procrastinator ● Be responsible● Listen to everybody’s ideas

GROUP 1 Student WorkAssessment, Planning Implementing, and Evaluation Health Science II HonorsTiffany, Jordan, Kayla, Shyanne

Assessment Of Group 1

● 7th grade, discuss Healthy Eating● Surveys to begin class● Interactive Q&A ● Serving Sizes ● Exercise!!



● 8th Grade discuss bullying● Questionnaires to begin class● Statistics on bullying ● Interactive Skit ● Matching Definitions


How I grew in my group personally...

● Became a stronger leader● Improved social skills● Learned more about the group● Time Management Skills ● Improved patience with others


Group 1: Planning for 7th grade

● we called Harris ● we made a lesson plan ● we made surveys ● we did exercises with them ● brought stuff to teach with


Group 1: Planning for 8th grade

● talked to them about bullying ● Bullying survey● Bullying skits● Powerpoint ● Statics about bullying


How I grew in my group personally

● I am more responsible. ● I organized a blood drive.● I became more organized.● Improved on time-management.● Improved on my speaking skills.


Implementing Group 1’s Plan

● Healthy Eating Survey.● Demonstration of Choose My Plate.● Demonstration of serving size.● Exercises and stretches.



● Day 1- Bullying survey● Day 2- Statics and play● Day 3- Types of bullying


How I grew in my group personally

● Understand my stressors better.● Became more organized. ● Learned more about my group.● Became closer to group● Got new friends


Evaluation Of Group 1…. 7th grade

● Used Surveys for evaluation.● Asked questions about surveys● Teacher evaluation


Evaluation Continued…. 8th grade

● Bullying survey ● Asked questions about bullying● Statistics ● Matching Game


How I grew in my group Personally

● Learned more about the people in my group

● Learned how to work together● Improved Patients with others● Improved Social Skills● Time Management Shyanne

APA Paper reference and citing

Why I included in HONORs requirements (local school of Nursing)

Gradually increase to 1000 words with five scholarly references

Topics match points of interest in curriculum (Professionalism, Career decision, Ethical dilemma, Healthcare Agencies, Disease topic of personal interest

When in ones email, go to google drive.

Once in Google drive, click create

After clicking create, select “document”.

This is the page that should open on your screen.

Next, title your paper “practice paper”.

Find add-ons and go down to “manage add-ons”.

When add-ons pop up, find EasyBib and add on to ones drive for free.

Then go back to add-ons, find EasyBib Bibliography Creator, and click Manage Bibliography.

A box that says EasyBib Cite a Source should pop up.

One will now be able to search for any work, and have it automatically cited.

This will enable sources to be added to a document automatically, either MLA, APA or Chicago style.

After pressing Add Bibliography to Doc, the reference/source should automatically be inserted onto the page.

One will be able to go to the tool tab and research any work one desires.

This will pull up a research box where one can type in a subject of choice.

One can chose a specific choice of research. For example, Scholar articles.

Once one has chosen the type of search desired one can chose a style such as APA.

Once one has chosen a style the reference will be set up in that type of style. One can also use this to cite, but it does not format correctly.

One can also pull up their source in a PDF and review it.

Thank you for your time and attention

Remember the days of ER or Critical CareDiversity of patient NeedsGive everyone an AspirinOur students have different needs

1. “Too many rules get in the way of leadership. They just put you in a box… people set rules to keep from making a decision.”

2. If you’re always striving to achieve success that is defined by someone else, you’ll always be frustrated.


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