honors world history chapter 6 section 2 creating a new france lecture notes paris in flames

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Honors World HistoryChapter 6

Section 2 Creating a New France Lecture Notes

Paris in Flames

Breaking it Down Like a Real Historian• Historians today divide this time period of history

into four sections.


Phases 1 and 2

• The National Assembly (1789-1791) moderate phase, turned France into a constitutional monarchy

• The Reign of Terror (1793-1794) a time of escalating violence.

Phases 3 and 4• The Directory (1795-1799) which was

a period of reaction against extremism

This section covers the moderate start of the French Revolution

• The Age of Napoleon (1799-1815) which consolidated many revolutionary changes.

We’re Starving Over Here!• The political crisis of 1789 coincided

with the worst famine that, even people with jobs had to spend up to 80 % of their income on bread.

• Constant fear of attacks

• Rumors asserted that government troops were seizing peasant crops

• During these extremely trying times, rumors began to spread, causing the “Great Fear”

That’s It

Attacked nobles’ homes.Set fire to old manor records.Stole grain from storehouses.Paris was capital city of France

and the Revolutionary Center.

A variety of factions or small groups, competed to gain power

When nobles started trying to impose medieval dues again, the peasants unleashed their fury.

Radical Groups on the Rise

The Paris Commune replaced the royalist government of the city.More radical group than the moderatesCould mobilize who neighborhoods for protests or violent action to further

the revolution.Newspapers and political clubs, many even more radical than the Commune

blossomed everywhereDemanded to end the monarchySpread scandalous stories about the royal family and members of the court

The Moderates looked to Marquis de Lafayette who headed the National Guard, a largely middle-class militia organized in response to the arrival of royal troupes in Paris.

Peasant uprisings and the storming of the Bastille stampeded the National Assembly into action.

On August 4th the nobles voted to end their privileges.Agreed to give up their old manorial privileges.Exclusive hunting rights. Exemption from taxesAn End to Special PrivilegeThis meeting abolished feudalism in France. Eventually the reforms that were made during this meeting would be put

into law, achieving a key Enlightenment goal: Equality for all citizens.Declaration of Rights of Man In late August the Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man This was the first step towards writing a constitution.

Hmmmm… sound familiar?• Modeled in part on the Declaration of independence

written 13 years earlier. • Reflected the ideas of Locke and many other philosophes of

the Enlightenment• Louis XVI was slow to accept the reforms of the National Assembly

and Parisians grew suspicious as more royal troops arrived.



• Women March on Versailles• October 5th, thousands of women streamed down the road that led

from Paris to Versailles shouting “bread”• The crowd’s anger was mostly direct at the queen, Marie Antoinette,

most believed that she was frivolous and extravagant. • Often the source of scandal since the day she married Louis, she did

become more serious and even advised the king to compromise with moderate reformers.

• Early in the revolution, the radical press spread the story that she had answered the cries of hungry people for bread by saying, “Let them eat cake”, though the story wasn’t actually true.

• In Paris, the royal family moved into the Tuileries palace, for the next three years, Louis was a virtual prisoner

• The National Assembly followed the king to Paris and worked to draft a constitution and to solve France’s economic crisis.

• To help ease the economic burden the Assembly voted to sell Church Land.

• The Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790) declared that bishops and priests became elected salaried officials.

• The Civil Constitution of the Clergy officially ended Church Interference.

Finally!• Constitution of 1791• Set up a limited monarchy.• A new legislative assembly had the power to make laws, collect

taxes and decide on issues of war and peace.

Lawmakers would be elected by taxpaying male citizens.

Ended Church interference in government and ensured equality before the law for all male citizens.

Failed Flee Louis’s Failed Flight

In June of 1791 the king disguised as a servant, the queen dressed as a governess and the royal children tried to

escape out of France.

Louis’s disguise was uncovered by someone who held up a piece of currency with the king’s face on it.

Louis’s dash to the border showed that he was a traitor to the revolution.

Mixed Reviews Supporters of the Enlightenment applauded the

reforms of the National Assembly. They saw the French experiment as the dawn of a new age for justice and equality.

YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!• European rulers increased border patrols to stop

the spread of the “French Plague”

They Did Whaaaaaaaaaaat?

Fueling those fears were the horror stories that were told by the emigres, nobles, clergy and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces.

Emigres reported attacks on their privileges, property, religion and even their lives.

Can’t Touch This

• In 1791, the monarchs of Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pilnitz, in which they threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy.

VI. War at Home and AbroadWithout what?

• Working- class men and women, called sans- culottes (without…?), pushed the revolution into more radical action.

• Demanded a republic, a government ruled not by a monarch, but by elected representatives.

• Several hostile factions competed for power.• Jacobins, a revolutionary political club, where

mostly middle-class lawyers or intellectuals.

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