hopgoodganim first year guide to law school 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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A 'good guide' for First Year Students studying Law at the Queensland University of Technology. Proudly created by Tristan Appleby, QUT Law Society and supported by HopgoodGanim.






WELCOME TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION A Message from Law Firm HopgoodGanim

First and foremost, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your decision to study law. Whether you want to be a lawyer when you leave university, or you’re using your degree as a starting point to launch your career in another field, an education in law provides a solid grounding for the future and can open doors to a range of exciting opportunities. You’ll find that law is intellectually challenging, fast-paced and infinitely rewarding. Studying law will provide you with important and versatile skills – from problem solving, to persuasion and critical reasoning – that are highly valued by employers.

As you start your legal education, I would encourage you to take full advantage of every opportunity available to build skills and personal connections that may be useful throughout university and into your future career. Get involved in university law society events, take part in activities on campus and make the most of every opportunity you have to meet and network with others who are (or will be) part of the legal profession. While grades are important, potential employers will also take into account your life experience, extracurricular activities and personal attributes such as enthusiasm and interpersonal skills. Working as a vacation clerk or research assistant at a law firm while you are studying will also give you a great head start in your career. You’ll get to know the ins-and-outs of the legal profession and gain practical experience that will be invaluable when you start looking for a full-time position. HopgoodGanim offers vacation clerkships during winter and summer breaks. Our clerkship positions are open to current law students of all levels, not just penultimate and final year students and close on 23 March 2015 – visit www.hopgoodganim.com.au/careers for further information. There is a world of opportunity out there for law students with a good education and a passion for the law, and I wish you all the best as you take the first steps towards what I’m sure will be an exciting and rewarding career. Yours faithfully,

Bruce Humphrys Managing Partner, HopgoodGanim

Bruce Humphrys

Managing Partner, HopgoodGanim


PRESIDENT’S WELCOME ................................................................................. 1

WELCOME FROM THE SCHOOL OF LAW .......................................................... 2

IMPORTANT CONTACTS ................................................................................. 3

LAW DEGREE BASICS ....................................................................................... 5

LEGAL INDUSTRY BASICS ................................................................................ 7

TRANSITIONING TO UNI .................................................................................. 9

TUTORIALS AND LECTURES .......................................................................... 11

TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL STUDY ....................................................................... 13

SPORTS, HEALTH & FITNESS ......................................................................... 14

EVENTS & ACTIVITES .................................................................................... 15

COMPETITIONS ............................................................................................. 17

PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................................. 19


Nathan Groves – 2015 President, QUT Law Society

Welcome to QUT and congratulations on being accepted into the QUT Law School! As the 2015 President of QUT Law Society (QUTLS), it is with great pleasure I present the inaugural Law School First Year Guide, a comprehensive showcase of the available opportunities, support and administrative processes of the QUT Law School. I am entering my penultimate year studying law and accounting. To date, this has been one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences, creating unforgettable memories and stories. I urge you to embrace and be part of QUT and QUTLS as a fraternity for life.

You should be excited to be part of QUTLS, this is Australia’s largest law student association that has a myriad of opportunities within your reach! These include career seminars, social events and creating an integral link between students and the legal profession - there is an opportunity everywhere you look! The society has portfolios to assist students throughout the many facets of law school, including Education, Publications, Equality, Competitions and some old-fashion fun. If you have a problem, question or simply want to make new friends, feel free to approach any member of QUTLS. The door is always open, we are here to support and assist you in anyway we can. This guide is a source of information in commencing your law degree, it should also become apparent there is a wealth of opportunity available to you as a QUT student. Spend time getting to know your fellow students, faculty staff and appreciate what is on offer - from exchange opportunities to the available support services. I wish you all the best in your studies as you embark on your law degree. Best Wishes, Nathan Groves

Nathan Groves

President QUTLS 2015


WELCOME FROM THE SCHOOL OF LAW Associate Professor Judith McNamara – Head of Law School, QUT Faculty of Law Congratulations on gaining a place in Law at QUT, and welcome to the start of many new experiences as a law student.

As you have no doubt realised the study of Law can lead to a variety of careers both within the legal profession and beyond. Many of you will be studying a double degree or will have commenced law after having graduated from another course and this will even further widen your potential career paths. The School of Law is here to support you to succeed in your study and to become a legal professional who can make a difference in the real world. We have strong links to the professions, excellent resources and committed teachers with recognised research expertise in their fields. The academic and professional staff in the Law School can help you to achieve your goals and we are committed

to your wellbeing as a student at QUT and as a future legal professional.

We are interested in your progress from the beginning to the end of your law degree at QUT. We recognise that skills and experiences build over time, both as a student of law and in your law-related extra-curricular activities. So when you sign up for the First Year Moot, consider the fact that this activity might lead you to international mooting competitions in Oxford, Vienna, Hong Kong or The Hague in a few years’ time. You might also consider applying for work experience through the Faculty’s Real World Placement Program or enrolling in the Law School’s Legal Clinic or Placement subjects. The advice offered in this Guide is invaluable because the QUT Law Society team are in the midst of their degrees and can provide a unique perspective on studying law. Although we encourage you to commit time to your studies, there is more to university than ‘book learning’. Grab and enjoy opportunities that come your way and think about what they can mean for your future. With your career goals in mind, I encourage you to make the most of your time at QUT. Wishing you future success

Associate Professor Judith McNamara Head of Law School, QUT Faculty of Law



Room C-402: Level 4, Faculty of Law (C Block)

QUT Gardens Point Campus

President // Nathan Groves - president@qutlawsociety.com

CEO // Sam Lynch - ceo@qutlawsociety.com

Director of Marketing & Engagement // Lindsey Mengel - director.marketing@qutlawsociety.com

Advocacy Team Leader // Taylor Bunnag - advocacy@qutlawsociety.com

Competitions // Adrianna Tate & Ben Pool – competitions@qutlawsociety.com

Health & Wellbeing // Elinor Buys – teamleader.wellbeing@qutlawsociety.com

Events Management // Uday Piyaratne & Christina Myers - teamleader.events@qutlawsociety.com

Publications Team Leader // Rex Cho – publications@qutlawsociety.com


Level 4 Reception, Faculty of Law (C Block)

QUT Gardens Point Campus

Phone // 07 3138 2839

Email // law_enquiries@qut.edu.au

The Faculty of Law can assist you with administrative enquiries about things like timetabling

and enrolments.

If you need assistance with the academic curriculum you’ll need to contact your tutor or

lecturer (normally your tutor). To find contact details for academic staff, visit

http://www.qut.edu.au/about/contact to search by tutor name or Faculty area.


QUT Law Library // 07 3138 2842

Study & General Enquiries // 07 3138 2000 // askqut@qut.edu.au

Careers and Employment // 07 3138 2649 // careers@qut.edu.au

Disability & Injury Support // 07 3138 2699


So... What is Law School going to be like..?


There’s a lot to know when you first start out. Here are a few of the most important things!


For every subject you enrol into (also called a ‘unit’) you’ll have a few different types of classes:

Lectures – Formal instruction on course content. Lectures are usually delivered as a

combination of face-to-face classes and online recordings;

Tutorials – Less formal instruction, typically delivered in a smaller classroom setting. You

will have set tasks to complete before each tutorial, usually involving the application of

principles from lectures and weekly readings, which you tutor will discuss with the class.

Tutorial participation often contributes to your final grade;

Workshops – Some units combine lectures and tutorials into a single workshop, sometimes

called a ‘lectorial’.

External students do not typically have tutorials. Instead, there is a compulsory ‘External Attendance

School’ held during the mid-semester break. An ‘external exercise’ assessment item may be set in

place of tutorial participation marks.


A variety of resource materials will come in handy for study:

Textbooks – Each unit has a list of textbooks. Some are compulsory (the ‘main’ textbook)

and others only recommended. The compulsory text is usually enough;

Study Guides – Available from the ‘Blackboard’ website, some are written like a mini-

textbook, others provide a basic outline and tutorial questions;

And More – There are a lot of other useful resources at your disposal, including legal

databases and encyclopaedia.

Pro Tip: ‘Q&A’ textbooks are available for most subjects, with practice exam questions and model

answers. Many are written by your lecturers, and these lecturers set your exams. Not every Q&A

book is useful, but paying close attention can give you an inside edge.



Different units will have different assessments. The main types of assessment are:

Tutorial Participation – Marks for actively participating in tutorials (up to 10%);

Assignments – Lots of different assignment formats are used in the Law School. Most

assignments involve analysis of a legal problem, providing advice regarding parties’ legal

positions in response to a fact-based scenario (usually 30-40%);

Exams – End of semester exams, usually worth 50-60% of your total grade. Most exam

questions will be scenario-based legal problems, with short essay questions occasionally

thrown in for variety.

There are no ‘fail’ marks for individual assessment items. Your final grade is cumulative, so if you get

below 50% for an assessment you may still pass that subject on balance (with a bit of work). Being

cumulative, every mark counts!


QUT Law exams are often open book. You can bring any written material you’d like, and it’s generally

advisable to compile a set of notes to bring along. Notes are helpful in three ways:

1. Writing notes is a very effective way of studying course content;

2. Organising content in your preferred way provides a personalised reference tool; and

3. Personalised notes are invaluable in an exam.

You’ll eventually find your preferred method of structuring and compiling notes. Try outlining a

structure for your response and then a step-by-step procedure for analysing each sub-issue.

Some students post their exam notes online. Approach these notes with caution – they have not been

vetted by content experts (i.e. lecturers) and often contain errors. Lecturers also set exam questions to

exploit known errors in online notes, and markers can pick when you’ve used them.

Pro Tip: Practise for exams by completing hand-written responses to past exam questions (which

you usually find on the Blackboard site for each subject). Identifying legal issues arising from a set

of facts can be deceptively difficult. Exams won’t identify a particular topic area like in tutorials and

often multiple topics from different areas, so practice identifying issues, too!

LEGAL INDUSTRY BASICS Understanding a little bit about the legal industry is very important, and something that many students

take a long time to come to grips with. Here are a few basics to start with!


In Queensland (and most jurisdictions), there are two types of ‘lawyer’: solicitors and barristers.

Solicitors can appear in court from time-to-time, but most of their time is spent in an office working with

clients to provide legal advice in response to instructions. Because there are lots of different areas of

law, solicitors will often branch-out to specialise in just one practice area – you can choose elective

subjects at university to help with this, but you’ll study all the major areas of law as part of your degree.

Most lawyers practice as solicitors.

Barristers spend most of their time in court, advocating on behalf of their client in a courtroom setting

and/or working with an instructing solicitor to provide highly targeted, specialist advice regarding legal

matters. Because going to court is very expensive and time-consuming, many barristers also

specialise in ‘alternative dispute resolution’ (‘ADR’), which is a blanket term for things like negotiation.

In Queensland, barristers are ‘sole practitioners’. They work alone, but from premises shared with

other barristers called ‘chambers’.


A ‘law firm’ is essentially a group of lawyers working for one business. They come in all shapes and

sizes, commonly divided into three categories – boutique (very small), mid-tier and top-tier. While this

division is fairly arbitrary, law firms are often ranked according to their number of ‘fee earners’ – the

number of partners and lawyers employed by the business.

You’ll sometimes hear people refer to ‘big six’ law firms. These are the top six law firms by size,

historically being Herbert Smith Freehills, King & Wood Mallesons, Clayton Utz, Minter Ellison, Ashurst

and Allens. With more competition in the legal service market, these distinctions matter less over time

and many more lawyers work in mid-tier or boutique firms than in the ‘big six’.

A growing practice area, ‘in house’ lawyers are work outside the firm system, employed directly by

companies to perform day-to-day legal work and assist with common legal matters.



In its most basic form, a law firm is a partnership of one or more legal practitioners. Like every

business, different firms work differently and have different ways of doing business.

There are several common legal roles which you’ll find in most law firms. Smaller businesses will have

a more limited range of role types, while larger businesses will often have very targeted role

classifications. Firms tend to be very hierarchical, generally in the order of:

1. Partner

2. Senior / Special Counsel

3. Senior Lawyer

4. Lawyer

5. Junior Lawyer / Trainee

6. Paralegal

7. Vacation Clerks

The main difference between these roles is the type and complexity of work and level of remuneration.

You may be able to find work as a ‘paralegal’ while you study – paralegals perform basic legal and

admin tasks, which is invaluable experience when applying for jobs.


Clerkships are a big deal for both students and firms. A clerkship can be the first step in working for a

major firm. Firms recruit in March for the following year, and generally want penultimate (third-year)

students – if you’re a Bachelor of Laws (Graduate) student, that’s next year!

Firms will often place successful clerks into graduate recruitment programs, using clerkships as an

opportunity to check you out and see if you’re a good fit for their business with a view to employing

you! A clerkship is an important opportunity to get your foot in the door at a major firm, and gives you a

chance to experience real legal work and the culture of a firm while seeing which practice area(s)

you’re best suited to.

Though a lot of emphasis is placed on getting a clerkship, don’t stress too much if it doesn’t happen for

you – it’s a big deal if you get one, but lots of very successful lawyers didn’t clerk.

For more information, keep an eye out for the QUT Law Society Careers Guide in March!

TRANSITIONING TO UNI QUT’s Bachelor of Laws attracts a wide range of students; some have just finished school, while

others have completed another degree, travelled overseas, or worked for many years. Some students

live at home, some work, some have children and a mortgage.

Each of these scenarios present different challenges and your personal circumstances will impact your

transition into law school. No matter what your personal circumstances are, there are a few things that

it pays to keep in mind when you’re starting out.


Here’s the thing: it’s hard to find the time for everything you’re supposed to do. You’ll have lectures,

tutorials and assignments to keep you busy, but things like extracurricular activities and having a life

are really important, too.

Unlike work or school, at university you’ll be expected to make your own choices when it comes to

attendance. Some students find this freedom tempting, but if you want to perform at your best (and/or

pass) you’ll need to attend classes.

Non-attendance of even a few classes can put you in a difficult position. Everyone misses a class here

and there – just don’t make it a habit and have a plan to catch-up! You’ll start to feel more comfortable

with what you’re doing by second semester, too – this is a good thing, but it can breed complacency

and not turning up to classes is often a recipe for disaster.

Turning up to your tutorial having done your tutorial work is the best and easiest thing you can do to

get decent grades!


So you don’t end up a quivering mess by the end of semester:

1. Schedule time for readings, tutorial work, assignments, study and end of semester revision,

not just lectures and tutorials;

2. Keep up with lectures, go to tutorials and do your tutorial work; and

3. Start your assignments early!



At school you have a teacher who is responsible for your learning. At university that responsibility rests

with you. Lecturers and tutors are a really great learning resource, but they won’t be chasing you for

your homework.

Each academic staff member will place different demands on you and have different expectations of

the work they’d like to see. It’s up to you to work out how to exact the best grade from them and the

easiest way of doing this is to ask! Don’t be afraid to approach your lecturers and tutors with questions

– they’re here to help!

At uni, you’re expected to be self-directed when it comes to your learning. You’ll be told what you have

to read, but a big part of studying law is to read as widely as possible to gain an in-depth

understanding of the subject matter.

With a whole library just for law, you’re never going to be able to read it all. How do you know what is

enough? Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer: some students read every prescribed and optional

textbook reading and every legal case in full, others will do nothing all semester and spend study week

holed-up in the Law Library smelling like old sweatpants and coffee.

Option A is probably better and definitely a good way of improving your grades, but won’t be feasible

for everyone. Try to find a balance and, most importantly, find an approach that works for you. Good

results and having a life don’t need to be mutually exclusive.


While content knowledge is important, your degree is really about acquiring practical legal skills. The

QUT School of Law is all about practical skills and your assessments are based on what real lawyers


The law changes all the time; taking an effective approach to resolving a legal problem is far more

important than knowing the state of the law.

Life experience and knowledge of topics outside the law are also invaluable. They help you think

practically and creatively about the law. You’ll never be asked to read unrelated materials, but

pursuing your non-legal interests and learning new things is surprisingly useful.


If you haven’t studied at uni before, finding your feet with lectures and tutorials can be difficult. Just

turning up isn’t usually enough – they’re the heart and soul of your degree, so it pays to get them right!


Lectures go for two hours and may be face-to-face and/or online. Either way, a recording will be made

available via the Blackboard site. They provide the basis of what you should know about the topic,

using slides that you can acquire prior to the lecture.

Different students approach lectures differently and no one method is necessarily better than another.

Some students:

write down what the lecturer says word-for-word;

listen to the lecturer and jot down an occasional note; or

acquire the slides before the lecture, use these in conjunction with study guide and only

write down the information that is not already provided.

All of these are fine. Do whatever works for you, but always read lecture and study guide materials

beforehand. Start with a general understanding of the material and the lecture will help you place

everything in proper context.

It can be difficult to maintain your concentration in lectures. Some students have even been known to

fall asleep... If this happens, ask yourself questions as the lecturer talks and try to answer them before

they do. If you are really finding it difficult to concentrate, begin to write what the lecturer has stated

word for word until you regain concentration. If all else fails, grab a coffee during the break.

Be mindful that if you’re not physically attending the lecture at a set time, you’ll need to schedule time

to listen to the online recording. Schedule this well in advance and remember that while it can be

tough to stick to a set time, it’s easier than mainlining over dozens of hours of lecture recordings in the

week before exams! It’s a good idea to schedule more time than the length of the recording as you’ll

regularly need to pause to take notes or re-listen to something you missed.



Unless you study externally, every unit has a tutorial component and tutorial ‘homework’ to complete in

the time between the lecture and your tutorial. You’ll be asked to use the principles discussed in

lectures and in your readings, applying those principles to ‘solve’ a legal problem.

Tutorials are the core element of your studies. You learn how to apply the law to practical situations

(which is what you’ll have to do in the exam) and an opportunity to clarify any questions you have

about a topic. Different tutors have different approaches, but generally they will walk the class through

that week’s tutorial questions asking for input from the class.

‘Participation’ and ‘attendance’ are different things. Some tutors may give you a small number of

marks for being there, but most won’t; you need to actively participate to get a good mark. It’s worth

noting that being wrong about something doesn’t usually matter in terms of your grade – the main

thing is to put your hand up and offer input.

Most tutorials have participation marks that are worth 10% of your final grade. This may not sound like

a lot, but 10% is a full grade. It could be the difference between getting a credit or a distinction, or

even the difference between passing and failing!


Outside of your regular classes, QUT Law Society hosts must-attend workshops across the year,

presented by industry representatives from top law firms. Our workshops cover everything from

working at the courts, to working a room, insider’s advice from employers on getting that dream job,

and more!

We appreciate it’s sometimes difficult to fit everything in and throwing a bunch of workshops into the

mix won’t work for everyone, so we will be holding a series of workshops devoted to career essentials

throughout the year. Sessions include resume writing, interviewing and networking skills, delivered by

representatives from top Brisbane law firms.

Pro Tip: Aim to answer at least two questions per class, even if you’re not 100% sure you’re

correct. Asking questions is also a great way to get good marks and is especially important if you

had difficulties answering that week’s problem. No-one expects you to be a genius!


There are many ways to study. It really depends on the individual, but here are a few tips!


Studying in a group can be helpful. While your lecturers and tutors only have a certain amount of time

to devote to helping you (remember: there’ll be 700+ students in most first year subjects), having

people you can meet with on a regular basis can be very helpful.

Sometimes students will work as a group to compile notes for a subject so they only have a few topics

to complete. Feel free to do this if it works for you, but be aware that this approach can be problematic

– sometimes you’ll end up only understanding the work you’ve done, and it can be difficult to know

whether or not other people’s work is correct.


‘Study Week’ (aka ‘SWOTVAC’) falls between the last week of classes and the exam block. If you’ve

left everything to the last minute, you’ll quickly realise that one week is not enough. Time will continue

to pass normally during this week; don’t pretend it will somehow stretch to cover thirteen weeks of

lectures and readings, with time left over to write notes and do practise exams.


Law exams at QUT are open book. While it’s comforting to walk in with a library’s worth of reference

materials, you’ll very quickly find that there’s no time in the exam to pour over books or notes.

Get your hands on past exam papers and do as many as you can under exam conditions, using paper

and pen. Try to finish your notes early so you can test them out!

Pro Tip: Having people to talk to is very important. In fact, developing a good support network

among your peers is so important it’s often cited as the number one factor in whether a person will

finish their degree. A lot of people find it difficult to make these connections to begin with and it

can take some time, but making the effort is worth it – on both a personal and academic level!




QUT Law Society fields social teams in Basketball, Netball, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Water Polo, Soccer

and Touch Rugby League.

Social sport is a great way to meet new people while keeping fit and healthy. Keep an eye on the QUT

Law Society Facebook page and your email for registration details, and be sure to get in quick. There

are limited positions and teams fill up fast!


The health and wellbeing of our members is one of our primary concerns.

We are offer a number of opportunities which encourage students to stay active, to promote physical

and mental wellbeing, and help maintain a positive work/life/study balance.

With the support of our program sponsor, QUT Law Society offer subsidised or free group training

sessions in things like running, yoga, boxing and golf. New classes are being made available all the

time – keep an eye out for new opportunities!


Annual football (aka ‘soccer’) and rugby Grudge Matches between the two universities take place in

second semester. These are not ‘just’ games. These are the latest battles in a never-ending war.

These are athletic adventures of such magnitude that the Olympics of ancient Greece pale in


The cause of such intense rivalry is lost to the mists of time, only to become the stuff of myths and

legends. In a battle for university supremacy, the might of QUT Law is pitched against our old foe UQ.

Breaking an unrivalled three-year winning streak by QUT, UQ won the Rugby Grudge Match in 2013

and 2014, but QUT dominated in the football!


Every year QUT Law Society hosts lots of events; from formal dinners and networking opportunities, to

parties and everything in-between – keep an eye out on our Facebook page and weekly email for all

the latest events!


The L Card is the best student discount card around! For just $10, L Card holders have access to

awesome hospitality and retail discounts, and free entry and specials at dozens of venues including

Alhambra, Friday’s, Birdees, Oh Hello!, , Fringe Bar, X&Y and many more.

If this isn’t already enough to convince you, this card pays you back immediately with free entry to the

annual L Card launch, hosted jointly by QUT, UQ and Griffith Law Societies. If you miss us selling

them at O Week, drop by the QUT Law Society Office to pick yours up! See www.thelcard.com for a

full list of specials.


The most important networking event of the season, students are invited to attend the 'QUT Law

Society Meet The Profession' evening in Semester 1. This event offers you the chance to meet and

network with representatives from top legal firms over drinks and canapés.


The Law Ball is the social highlight of the year for QUT Law

students. Held in May, the Law Ball gives you the chance to get

dressed up and party! This is a sell-out event and this year’s

event will be bigger and better than ever!


Held in October, the annual Law Dinner is the formal event of the

year, featuring keynote addresses from highly accomplished

members of the legal fraternity. Past speakers include former

High Court Justice Kirby, current Chief Justice French, and

Justice McMurdo, President of the Queensland Court of Appeal.



The annual Law Revue is a live, satirical, law-themed musical production, giving students the chance

to let their hair down and express themselves creatively.

Produced for the first time in 2013, the Law Revue was an outstanding success since its inception and

is one of our most popular community engagement events. The 2014 Law Revue was a huge hit, and

due to popularity, it is available online in its entirety here!


Law Revue is independently produced by a highly-motivated subcommittee, who are always looking

for people to lend a hand – not only creative-types like writers, actors, singers, and musicians, but

anyone who’s keen to help out in the production! If you’re keen to help out, contact the production

team at lawrevue@qutlawsociety.com.

Tickets will be available in the lead up to the performance. There’ll be lots of law firms coming along

for a bit of post-performance networking, too!


The QUT Law Society Reconciliation Breakfast brings together students from across the university to

meet with prominent indigenous and business leaders.

In the past QUT Law Society Reconciliation Breakfast has featured a panel to discuss Indigenous

Reconciliation and the significance of the implementation of QUT’s Reconciliation Action Plan. Our

previous panels have included Uncle Sam Watson, an Aboriginal elder and poet; Marcelle Burns,

Aboriginal lawyer and academic; Juan Tauri, criminologist from the School of Justice; and

representatives from top law firms.


The Women in Law cocktail evening highlights the contributions of women as members of the legal

fraternity and celebrates the achievements of women in law, featuring cocktails, canapés and

speeches from inspirational female leaders.

This evening acknowledges that there is a growing role for women in the legal industry, especially with

women representing over 60% of law graduates. A great opportunity to support the standing of women

in law and in leadership positions, this is an opportunity not to be missed!

COMPETITIONS Our competitions schedule has grown extensively over the last few years, with QUT Law Society now

offering a total of nine competitions from junior to senior levels:

Junior Competitions – First Year Moot, Junior Moot, Junior Negotiation, and Client


Senior Competitions – Paper Presentation, Constitutional Law Moot, Witness Examination,

Commercial Dispute Resolution, and, finally, Senior Moot.

By participating in our program, you’ll develop important legal and advocacy skills in a courtroom

setting as you progress from junior to senior levels. Our competitions complement the academic

curriculum, focussing on essential practical skills introduced through your studies.

Competition winners are invited to compete at a national level, providing further opportunities to

enhance their skills and develop professional networks. Many competitors continue to enter external

competitions facilitated by the Law School in places like Oxford and The Hague!

Registrations open about one month prior to competition rounds.


Mooting is a head-to-head contest of legal arguments in a mock courtroom setting, similar to debating.

Working in pairs, you’ll research and formulate a legal argument by applying legal principles to the

given facts and present your arguments before a judge. Simple, right?


You should start competing in first year. As many later-year students can attest, missing out on these

early opportunities limits your potential. Competing is a must for future barristers!

QUT Law Society offers a number of internal mooting opportunities that are suited to first year

students, including the First Year Moot which is (unsurprisingly) only open to first year students, as

well as Junior Negotiation and Client Interviewing competitions.


The First Year Moot (August) is based on content from Torts A, which most students study in

Semester 1. Junior Negotiation (April) and Client Interviewing (July) don't require any particular legal

knowledge and are perfect for first year students, too.

If you're really confident, you can try your hand at the Junior Moot. A word of warning: it's held in May

and assumes knowledge from all of first year – you’re welcome to have a go and it’s definitely do-able,

but we’d suggest you take on the First Year Moot if you’re new to the sport.



First held in 2010, the First Year Moot draws the largest number of competitors of all moots. This competition is open to students in their first year of studies, competing in teams of two

to argue their side of a tort-based problem.


The Junior Negotiation is suitable for students of all years and, for many, is their first

competitive experience. Employing interest-based negotiation skills emphasised in the

academic curriculum, competitors are given a fact-based conflict scenario and are

challenged to represent the interests of their client while coming to a mutually-beneficial

outcome for all parties.


Effective client interviewing practices are critical in properly defining a legal issue to provide

sound legal advice. Our Client Interviewing competition tests competitors’ legal analytical

skills and, most importantly, the effectiveness of their communication skills and interview

techniques. Working in pairs, this competition tests your ability to effectively question a client

and to provide sound, tailored legal advice.


One of our more popular moots, this competition is aimed at students from all years of their

degree with limited mooting experience. The Junior Moot challenges competitors with more

complex problems, testing their legal research and advocacy skills, providing an opportunity

to apply legal skills from the academic curriculum in a real-world context.



The QUT Law Society Careers Guide is as an all-encompassing resource for students looking at their

career options. Available from early March in time for clerkship applications and to coincide with our

annual Meet The Profession networking event, the Careers Guide is your go-to resource when

applying for clerkships and graduate jobs.

The Guide features a comprehensive guide to vacation and graduate positions, profiles of all major

public and private-sector employers, application and interview techniques and tips, and a huge range

of other important information you need when looking forward to life after uni.


My Learned Friend is QUT Law Society’s flagship publication. Published bi-annually, My Learned

Friend features articles written by committee members, academic staff from the QUT School of Law

and top law firms, covering a broad range of legal and non-legal topics.

Featuring articles on topical legal issues written by legal experts from more than fifteen major law

firms, plus lots of case notes and knowledge base articles, each new edition of My Learned Friend will

be sent directly to your inbox!


In Media Res – a Latin phrase meaning ‘in the midst of things’ – is issued fortnightly to keep you up to

date with recent and upcoming activities, events and competitions and much more.

New editions will be made available on the QUT Law Society website and are included in our weekly


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