horror movie pitch

Post on 20-Feb-2017






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Horror Movie Pitch

Sub Genre

Sub genres split the horror category into smaller parts. Each sub genre has its own codes and conventions that allow it to be recognisable. I have chosen supernatural/psychological. Supernatural film is a genre that centres around supernatural elements, such as ghosts, gods, goddesses, and miracles. Supernatural films deal with the unknown questions of life. They emphasise the unknown. Psychological films also pray on the fear of the unknown, by using the human mind as it is something that cannot be defined. These films also incorporate religious aspect, corruption of innocence and mysterious phenomena.


I have chosen to base my film on the wiccan/pagan side of supernatural, incorporating the human fear of the unknown to progress my idea. My main inspiration for my idea was ‘The Blair Witch Project’ (1999). The storyline consists of teenagers going into the woods in search of a supernatural being that has been legend for years. Wiccan symbols are used throughout the film to let the teenagers know of the threat that is never actually seen by the characters.

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