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Emanuel’s Lutheran Church 206 North Travis Street Seguin, Texas 78155

Get in touch with us! Phone:

(830) 379-5046 Fax:

(830) 379-7518 E-mail: Catch us on the Web!

Emanuel’s Mission Statement

To proclaim God’s grace through Word and

Sacrament, and to bear witness to God’s Kingdom

in our daily lives.


Worship Services 8:00 a.m. 

& 10:30 a.m.


PAID Permit No. 80 Seguin, Texas

March 2 8:00 am & 10:30 am The Transfiguration of Our Lord/Holy Communion 9:15 am Christian Education

Women’s Ministry Room reserved March 4 6:30 pm - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in Fellowship Hall

March 5 Ash Wednesday Services at Noon and 7 pm March 9 8:00 & 10:30 am First Sunday in Lent/Holy Communion 9:15 am Christian Education March 12 12:05 pm and 7:00 pm Midweek Lenten Services March 16 8:00 am & 10:30 am Second Sunday in Lent/ Holy Communion 9:15 am Christian Education 6:00 pm Reformation 365

March 14 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE! March 19 12:05 pm and 7 pm Midweek Lenten Services March 23 8:00 am & 10:30 am Third Sunday in Lent/Holy Communion 9:15 am. Christian Education Singles Food Fun Fellowship Women’s Ministry Room March 26 12:05 pm and 7 pm Midweek Lenten Services 6:00 pm Reformation 365 March 30 8:00 am & 10:30 am Fourth Sunday in Lent/Holy Communion Day School Supper Parish Hall

Staff Pastor The Rev. Paul J. Zwarich Hospital Visitation Pastor in San Antonio The Rev. Darwin Huartson Pastoral Assistant Seminarian Donna Lou Zipp Director of Music Thomas Engler Director of Youth & Family Ministries Ariel Williams Receptionist/Office Secretary Bonnie Cheatham Day School Director Burlene LeClair Wedding Coordinator Dee Dee Burns

Congregation Council Deborah Almquist Michelle Cunningham (Vice-President) Joyce Even (Secretary) Deb Haug (President) Steve Tschoepe Gene Vivroux Susan Yeatts (Treasurer)

Worship Services & Events Congregational Leadership

Lectionary Readings for March 2014






DATE FIRST READING PSALM SECOND READING GOSPEL March 9 Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 Psalm 32 Romans 5:12-19 Matthew 4:1-11 March 16 Genesis 12:1-4a Psalm 121 Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 John 3:1-17 March 23 Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42 March 30 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Psalms 23 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41

From the Pastor

  The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday and the imposition of ashes. In the Lutheran church the purpose of the imposition of the ashes is to call to mind the curse given to Adam by God after the Fall in Genesis 3:19, “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This year our mid-week and Sunday Lenten services will focus on “Making Change.” Change is a constant theme in our lives. Some changes mark gradual transitions, such as when daytime shifts to twilight or when winter turns to spring. Other changes in our lives happen quite quickly; like the death of a family member or the birth of a child. In the weeks leading up to the crucifixion of Christ, the disciples experienced a number of changes that they had not been expecting. On the mountain top Jesus taught His disciples that He must suffer and die, and that if they wanted to be His disciples, then they too must be willing to take up their cross and follow Him. The disciples did not want to hear this. Peter wanted to argue and our Lord rebuked him strongly. Change is hard. We long for the expected and familiar, but all too often we find ourselves in the midst of uncertainty and the unknown. We want to control our environment, yet too often we find that we cannot even hope to predict how things will turn out. I invite you to join us for worship each Sunday and on Wednesday’s during the Season of Lent. The word Lent comes from the old English word for “spring.” As I once heard it put, Lent is “spring training” for the Christian as we are tutored in repentance, faith, and holy living. Soon Transfiguration Sunday will be upon us. The Transfiguration points to what will be as it reminds us of where we are. It points to Easter while it prepares us for Lent. It keeps us grounded in our world, today, even as we move on in our life in faith. See You In Church Pastor Paul 



Pastoral Assistant Seminarian Donna Zipp


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,  God never ceases to amaze me. God's ways are not our ways. Weaknesses are made into strengths. Problems can become solutions. Failure turns into victory. The Kingdom of God works nothing like the kingdom of this world.   I was taught early in my seminary journey that the church’s call is God’s call.  So after being extended a call to serve as Interim pastor of First Lutheran Church in El Campo, Texas,   I accepted. While I  have  been abundantly blessed through the  ministry here at Emanuel's, God now calls me to partner in ministry with the people of El Campo.  For the past eighteen months, it has been my honor and privilege to serve as your pastoral assistant at Emanuel's. It is very hard to say goodbye as both Rodney and I have grown to love you ‐ people of Emanuel’s. I  am passionate about the ministries and mission that we have participated in together, and leave knowing  that  Emanuel’s  is a wonderful and faith‐filled congregation, with gifts beyond measure  and a bright future ahead as you continue to trust  in the Spirit’s leading.  Ecclesiastes 3 reminds me that for everything there is a season, and these are exciting times! 2014 proves to be an exciting year not only for Emanuel's, but for the congregation of First Lutheran, and for me as well.  I am enjoying watching the daily progress of the interior work taking place in the First Lutheran sanctuary as the church receives a facelift.  We will be holding services in the fellowship hall for approximately six weeks.  I also have enjoyed getting to know, and beginning work with, their newly elected congregational council. As you may suspect, I have begun my visitation ministry and getting to know the church members and members of the larger community. It has been my delight to meet the children, parents, and staff of the preschool which the church shares the building with. I know the Lord has blessed the beginnings of my work there. As for me, I look forward to completing my studies at Luther Seminary. My last trip to campus will be to summer intensives in June, and then I look forward to graduation in December and all the surprises God holds in store beyond that. With great love I give thanks to God for all of you for the love and support you have shown me while I have ministered among you. I am grateful for the ways in which you have shaped my faith and challenged me to learn and to grow. In thankfulness and gratitude, I pray for God's continued blessings upon you in your ongoing ministries. Serving as your pastoral assistant has been a most precious gift, and I take away so many wonderful memories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be part of your lives. May God bless and guide you as you move forward into the season of Lent and back out again into the presence of the Light of the World.  May the peace of the Lord be with you always!  Pastoral Assistant  Donna Lou Zipp 


Congregation Council President Deb Haug

Our annual congregation meeting was held last month. A few of the changes you will notice in the staffing of the office will be that Tom will be at the front desk ten hours per week. This will enable Bonnie to concentrate on the finances of the church and not be distracted with phones, door monitoring and visitors. Tom will also take over the duties of compiling the newsletter and worship service bulletins. We will be bringing our finances back to Emanuel's from the CPA services we used in 2013. The Council asks that we all respect the need for Bonnie to have time to focus on the financials without distraction during the busiest times of the month.

The budget was approved with a plan to bridge the growing gap between offerings and expenditures, even after cutting the budget by almost $120,000 in 2012 and 2013. We will implement a stewardship campaign, a family mentoring program assigning volunteers in the congregation to families of the newly baptized and confirmed, and new members to the church. Our intent is to engage with these families on a more personal level and be sensitive to their needs and encourage them to join in the ministries of Emanuel's with us. We will also begin holding fundraisers for the general budget and/or specific projects which are not in the approved budget. During our March 18 Council meeting, we will begin discussion on the first of the festival fundraisers. Please being your ideas to the Council meeting on March 18 at 6:15.

The Council met on Wednesday night and the first order of business was to elect officers. Joyce Even, Secretary; Susan Yeatts, Treasurer, Michelle Cunningham, Vice President and Deb Haug, President. Welcome to Joyce and Michelle and we all look forward to working with you both in 2014.Barbara Effenberger brought a proposal to the Council to allow Delta Kappa Gamma, a retired teachers' organization, to use the Emanuel's parking lot in May for a rummage sale fundraiser, and it was approved. Barbara also let us know that the "God's Work, Our Hands" team will be available to work in the Garden of Eatin' on April 6. Donna Zipp spoke to the Council expressing her gratitude for its support and bidding "farewell". A sending for Donna will be held on Sunday, March 2. We will miss her dearly but wish her well in her new endeavors in El Campo.

Items of discussion included a new bulletin format to reduce the size of the bulletin, saving resources in paper, ink and costs. If you have examples of other churches' service bulletins, please let a Council member know before our March 18 meeting. We are also in the process of forming a team of individuals to organize our Consecration Sunday (stewardship) to be held before the summer begins. Using more technology in the worship services was also reviewed. Steve Tschoepe will coordinate a review of our facilities, ideas on how to enhance the worship service through the use of screens/projectors or other means, and the costs. The Council will revisit this issue at its April meeting. Installing a small heating and cooling system for the RSVP offices was also approved. We are in discussion now with RSVP and Tri-County Heating and Air Conditioning on this matter with options and costs. Due to the lower attendance and fewer resources for worship leaders in the summer, it was approved that we would move to one service on June 1. The service will be conducted at 9:00am and the Sunday School hour will follow at 10:15. We hope combining the services at this time will also promote a more unified worship service and enhanced music program for us all. How many of us do not know members who attend a service other than our own? A Finance Committee will be formed chaired by Susan Yeatts. This committee will assist Bonnie in matters of church finance and oversee the entire process. This is, in part, a response to the auditor's recommendation in 2012. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please see Susan, Tonie Ludzenski, Pastor Paul or me. Your gifts in this area will be greatly appreciated.

Our Lenten services begin soon with both noon and evening services with a meal. The midweek services will begin March 12; noon services during Lent will be a more traditional presentation while the evening services will follow along the service of light introduced last year by Donna and Ariel with Taize services and a more contemporary approach. A noon soup and sandwich luncheon will follow the noon service while a similar supper will be held immediately preceding the evening services. Please refer to your service bulletin for exact times for each and we hope to see you at one, or both, of those services each week. As your Council President, I want to encourage all of you to consider attending the Council meetings to hear the discussions and express your ideas, concerns and opinions to the Council. We want to work as a team to enhance our ministries, grow our influence in our community and beyond, and your input is needed as well as those elected to the Council. Communication with each other in a direct and effective manner is key. We need you....all of you. Our next meeting will be held on March 18 (the week following spring break) and we would love to see several interested members of our congregation take part in this important decision-making process. Thank you for all you do for Emanuel's throughout the year. We are indeed blessed to have you all.

May the Peace of the Lord be with you always

VOLUME 13 March 2014 ISSUE 3






VOLUME 13 March 2014 ISSUE 3

Ladies Aid Report by Ann Erxleben, President

After a welcome to all, including 21 members, seminarian Donna Zipp and one visitor, the Ladies Aid meeting on February 5, 2014 opened with a prayer. The hymn “Beautiful Savior” was sung and followed by the bible study by Donna. The bible study was based on another biblical woman, Abigail.

Vice President Beulah Reiley gave the names of the February birthday ladies and anniversary couples. In their honor, the birthday son was sung, followed by the hymn “This Is My Father’s World.”

Secretary Beverly Funderburg read the minutes of the July meeting and the correspondence received. Treasurer Judy Campbell gave the financial report of the organization. The treasurer’s books were audited by Estelle Illhardt and Maxine Hollub. They reported that the books were found in good order and thanked Judy for a job well done.

Standing committee reports were heard on handwork quilts, the program for May, and hostesses for the March meeting. Arlene Westphal sent 4 birthday cards in January, Betty Fischer reported on cheer cards sent, and Ann Erxleben reported on the Prayer Chain.

Judy reported that she had sent the fall donation of $1000.00 to the Christian Cupboard to complete our 2013 donation. The ladies agreed to make donations again in April and October 2014 to the Christian Cupboard.

Judy reported that the Ladies Aid will be hosting a bingo party on Wednesday, February 12 at Guadalupe Valley Nursing Center. She asked that volunteers sign up for this. The Ladies Aid provides the monetary prizes and cookies for this event.

The first of the Wednesday Lenten luncheons will be hosted by the Ladies Aid on March 12. The ladies will serve soup and sandwiches and were asked to sign up for this.

The president shared a letter received from the Texas Agricultural and Heritage Center (The Big Red Barn.) Since the mission of the center is educate the public and our young people about the importance of agriculture in our society, and because this is such a wonderful attraction including the Zion Lutheran Church and coming attraction of the Pecan Museum, the voted to make a $500.00 donation.

The ladies present at this meeting made 32 visits to homebound and shut-ins, including “made by Donna.

The president reminded the ladies of the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 9, after the 10:30 service, Valentine’s Day Luncheon on February 16th at 11:30 in the Fellowship Hall, and Ash Wednesday Services on March 5, which is also the next Ladies Aid meeting.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer and singing of “God Be With You ‘Til We Met Again.”

Emanuel’s Prayer Chain Ann Erxleben is the contact person. Please call Ann at 

830‐379‐5259 with your prayer request. 

Emanuel’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) By Jeanne Palmer, President

Discipleship by Christine M. Bohls  Disciple, as defined by Miriam Webster Dictionary, is one who accepts and helps to spread the teachings of another. As I continued my research of the word discipleship, the suffix "ship" can be defined as a collective body. When we look at this word from a Christian prospective we are a collective body that accepts and helps to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. This definition is important in understanding our role as Women of the ELCA. It is in our purpose statement: As a community of womencreated in the image of God,called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts,support on another in our callings,engage in ministry and action,and promote healing and wholeness in the church,society, and the world. As a collective body, the Women of the ELCA offers us resources to help us with discipleship. March 5 – Ladies Aid 2:00 pm Women’s Ministry Room  March 7 – 2:00 ‐ Church Women United World Day of Prayer, Wesley Haper Methodist Church  March 13 – Joy Circle 9:30 am Women’s Ministry Room, Mary Margaret Bobo, hostess/ Annabelle Koehler, Bible Study Leader  March 13 – Coordinating Council email contact meeting March 18 – Faith Circle meets 7:00 pm Women’s Ministry Room Elin Oelke, hostess/ Jeanne Palmer, Bible Study Leader  The Quilter’s for Lutheran World Relief meet every Monday 9:00 – 12:00. We have made over 230 quilts.  The quilts will be packed and shipped in April.  All are welcome to join this ministry.  We have joyful fellowship Monday mornings. You don’t have to sew.  We need packer, pinners, tiers, and stackers. WELCA represents all the women of the church.  We gather in fellowship twice a year.  We send representatives to church conferences.  Our projects are all the projects of the Circles, Alter Guild, Ladies Aide, Mission Action, Mission Community and Quilters of Lutheran World Relief. We invite all women to come join one or more of our organizations.  We have great fellowship.  and service to others. 






Pray for Other Congregations!Each congregation in our Cibolo Creek Conference is being asked to remember other congregations in prayer through the year. We will remember these congregations in our prayers each Sunday, and you are asked to keep them in prayer through the week as well.

St. Mark, Adkins St. John, Marion Peace, New Braunfels Beitel Memorial, SA Good News, SA Lord of Life, SA Peace, SA

Prince of Peace, SA Triumphant, Garden Ridge Christ, Elm Creek Christ The King, Universal City New Beginnings, SA Grace, Lockhart St. Andrew, Canyon Lake

Ebenezer, Maxwell Trinity, Luling First, San Marcos Christ Chapel, TSU, San Marcos Emanuel’s, Seguin Spirit of Joy, Seguin

THE SALVATION ARMY NEEDS YOU Retired? Don’t work? Got some extra time on your hands? Love to help people? If you can answer “YES” to any of the above questions, then The Salvation Army could use you. The Salvation Army needs volunteers. All it takes is several hours a week, and the experience is extremely rewarding. If interested, please contact: the local Salvation Army office during business hours, Monday –Friday 9:00‐11:30 a.m. @ 401‐4872. Or if it is after hours, you may leave a message. 


By: Ariel Williams – Director of Youth & Family Ministries

VALENTINE’S DAY LUNCHEON: The Annual Valentine’s Day Luncheon Fundraiser was very successful this year. We raised just over $800 toward the youth Mission Trip Fund. A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped coordinate, decorate, cook, serve, etc… (There were so many people I don’t want to start listing names and leave anyone out.) Also a huge thank you to everyone who attended and continues to support our youth!

A SELECTION FROM SUSTAINABLE YOUTH MINISTRY BY MARK DEVRIES: Page 142 - Youth ministry is the church’s ministry, not just that of specialists who can “relate” to young people. The mandate to be there for young people belongs to the Christian community, not to any individual or group of individuals.


• Family Faith Formation – 3/2; 3/16; 3/23; 3/30 • Reformation 365 Youth Group – 3/2; 3/16; 3/23; 3/30 • SPRING BREAK (No Family Faith Formation Of Reformation 365) – 3/9/14


“Working Wednesdays”

March 18, 2014 5:15 pm Executive Committee March 18 6:15 pm Congregation Council No All-Committee Night in March



The Church Staff meets on Tuesday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The phone will be set so that you can leave us a voice message, and we can respond when we are done.

DEADLINES Information must be in the office by 8:00 am Tuesday mornings for bulletins.

Newsletter Information must be in the office by the 15th of each month.  


Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am ‐12:00 pm and 1:00 pm‐4:00pm 

Fridays  8:00 am –12:00 pm and 1:00pm –2:00 pm

Tuesday Morning Bible Study Emanuel’s Lutheran Church holds Bible Study each Tuesday morning, 7:30‐8:30am, led by Pastor Paul Zwarich.  The Bible Study is open to the public and is located on the 3rd floor of the church next to the elevator at the Mountain Street entrance. Come join us. 

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday Evening, March 4, 2014 at 6.30 pm 

Fellowship Hall Freewill Offering to benefit The Christian Cupboard

LENTEN SUPPERS Once again we will be celebrating the Lenten season with a light soup, bread and dessert supper before the evening Lenten service.  If you are interested in helping with food items, please email or call Donna or Jerry Greiner at  

Thank you. 

RELAY FOR LIFE BBQ Team Steel Friends of the Relay for Life of Guadalupe County will be hosting a BBQ chicken (prepared by the Knights of Columbus)and bake sale after the 10:30 service on March 23, 2014. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Please mark your calendars to support this wonderful cause. Also, if you are a cancer survivor and would like to be honored and celebrated at this year's event, we would love to have you be part of the Survivor Ceremony. For questions regarding the BBQ fundraiser and/or being honored as a Survivor, contact Joyce Even @ 830/372-4628 or



Emanuel’s Lutheran Day School is sponsoring a

Spaghetti Luncheon

March 30th after the 10:30 service. $7 per person

Tickets = Bonnie (Church office) 379-4046 Burlene(Day School) 372-0332 want to help the family of Zack Hunter, an Emanuel’s student undergoing Cancer treatment. Please help us to help him!

Emanuel’s Lutheran Day School    

Jazahni Gipson, Tenley Stubblefield, Jasmin Sasser, and Railee Childs are enjoying the ride in the new spinning tub purchased with fundraiser money.  Thank you for buying the pastries and collecting box top coupons!  

Garden of Eatin’ 

The Garden continues to produce its winter bounty.  Any 

member of the community is welcome to enter the garden and 

pick ready produce in amounts needed.   

However, from time to time, volunteers will pick, wash, 

prepare and package produce for the Christian Cupboard, and 

store it in the downstairs refrigerators until delivered  

We ask that you not choose your produce from the packages in 

the refrigerators, but pick directly from the garden.  Much 

“sweat equity” has been invested in packaging this produce 

specifically for the Cupboard.  

Thank you for your cooperation!



A Stewardship Minute


MARCH 2014 

In the March issue of Stewardship there is a brief article that focuses on the earth and how God gave mankind dominion over it.

Think about it! God gave us the responsibility over this entire world. That is stewardship! We have been appointed caretakers of the entire planet and God expects us to take that task seriously. We normally think of stewardship as using our talents, our bodies, minds, and resources including the way we use money, especially on behalf of the church. Yet we also must not neglect caring for this God-given beautiful and bountiful earth.

Christians and others who want to live in a clean beautiful earth have to do our part to make it so. How disheartening it is to see waste thrown from automobiles, houses with junk strewn across the yards, old buildings allowed to fall apart, homes almost hidden by high weeds, cans and bottles piling up along our roads. How sad it must be to our Lord when we humans spoil this glorious earth.

Let us remember what the Bible says about the responsibility of mankind; In Genesis 2:15 we read:

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it.”

Prayer:  Loving  Creator,  stir  us  up  in  thought  and  deed  that  we  may  be dedicated stewards of our incomparable earth. In our Lord’s name. Amen 

IIInnnssspppiiirrriiinnnggg aaa dddeeeeeepppeeerrr uuunnndddeeerrrssstttaaannndddiiinnnggg ooofff tttrrruuueee gggiiivvviiinnnggg An introduction of Stewardship to the congregation

A Stewardship Minute  is available  to  subscribers of Stewardship at Simply click on the “Parish Resource Center” and log in using with your account number (Username) and zip code (Password), both of which can be found on the invoice or mailing label. 

Parish Publishing, LLC      (888) 320‐5576


 Participants of the 2013 GWOH Sunday in September were so pleased with the response they chose to have another workday this spring.  On April 6, congregations in the Cibolo Creek Conference will join together and send volunteers out to various selected projects in our area to lend their gifts and talents in sprucing up and engaging in furthering those projects.     At this time Emanuel's will join Spirit of Joy, Peace Lutheran of New Braunfels, St. Andrews of Canyon Lake, St. John, Marion, and St. Mark, Adkins in these efforts.  Some of the projects selected for April 6 are Garden of Eatin', Christian Cupboard, New Life Center, Canyon Lake, Comal County Habitat for Humanity, and St. Jude's Children's Ranch.   You can help by devoting a few hours to a project that interests you or by contributing financially.  We still have several of the bright gold t‐shirts available for $7.25.  There will be another workday scheduled for this fall.  Look for more information in the April newsletter or contact   Barbara Effenberger               830‐379‐5290 Joyce Benton                          830‐379‐2935 



Spring‐time is “harvest‐time” for Emanuel’s Lutheran World Relief projects.  During March and April the school supplies collected last summer will be packed into the 100 backpacks by our Reformation 365 teens and by WELCA circles.   On Sunday, April 6, backpacks and some of our over 200 “quilts” will be filling our sanctuary as we pray God’s blessing on LWR’s work of comfort and education.  And then packing, packing, packing into boxes, boxes, boxes!  Just after Easter the boxes will be sent to the LWR warehouse in Baltimore, Maryland, and then shipped to meet needs and emergencies around the world.  On Monday Mornings a group of folks work with donated fabrics to create the “quilts” and backpacks.  If you are a sparkling conversationalist OR if you can sort and fold fabric, iron, tie knots, or use scissors, a needle, a seam ripper or a sewing machine there is a job for you! There are some helpful tasks which can be done “in the convenience of your home.”  Would you like to, for instance, cut apart and remove hems from pillow cases so the fabric can be flattened out for the “quilts?”      Would you like to sew pre‐cut fabric squares into the 60x80  “quilt?”    Call Elin at 303‐5440; she is standing by awaiting your call!      





Pastor Paul Zwarich Pastoral Assistant Donna Zipp 

Tom Engler Ariel Williams (Sub) 

Gene Vivroux Evelyn Streng 

Kathleen Boeder Judy Campbell Johnana Clark Ann Erxleben 

Hughlene Micheli Fran Vinyard 

Velma Huebner Beulah Reiley Betty Fischer Beverly Jobe Charles Jobe 

Beverly Funderburg Ervin Fischer Estelle Illhardt Margie Dietert Nelson Erxleben 

Leaders and Volunteers for Community Senior Ministries 



Month: February   Year: 2014 

Special Services TotalSeguin Assisted Living       2nd Wed     2:00 pm  14  

GVNC                                   2nd Thurs   10:00 am  23 

Remarkable Health Care  4th Tues     10:30 am  15 

Argent Court                       3rd Wed     2:00 pm  27 

Nesbit Nursing Home       3rd Thurs    10:30 am  20 

Windsor                              4th Wed       3:30 pm  21 

Senior Service                    Thursday    11:30 am  45 

Hacienda Oaks                   2nd Mon      10:00 am  N/A 


Please let the Church Office 

know of any changes to addresses, phone numbers or email 

addresses. Thank You! 

Emanuel’s Day School is collecting the

Box Tops!!!

As you collect the box tops you may bring them to the church office.

Singles Group Strengthening Our Faith Through Food, Fun & Fellowship

Strengthening our Faith through Food, Fun & Fellowship (FFF) is a support group of people who are widowed, divorced, separated, or single.   FFF meets once a month for Sunday lunch at either a restaurant, the Family Life Room, or Women’s Ministry Room at Emanuel’s Lutheran Church, or in one of the members' homes.  FFF's purpose is to support each other, pray for each other, and just have a good time being together once each month.”   Next lunch meeting is Sunday, March 23 in the Women’s Ministry Room   Everyone is to bring their favorite dish and people can meet in the church parking lot to carpool to the luncheon.   If there are any questions they can contact Donna Simmons.  







Our Congregation

Prayer Requests


  Ed Bowles, Frank Giesber, Helen Beicker, Clifton Micheli,Laura Mae Carley, George Gerdes, Walter Ulbricht, Clara Wittig, Alton Mattke,    Kenneth Haas, Adalena Klaehn, Laura Merz, Elmond Reininger, Robert Huebner.   


Friends & Family   

 Callie Elliott, Jenny Ybarra Parker, David Van Houten, Gladys Willard, Riley Parker, Susan Wesch, Bryleigh Schulenberger, Mark Weber, Pattie Zimmerman,  Zach Hunter, Terri Stuart, Lillie Mae Wieding,  Dwyght Roberson,  Rust Schauefer, Carla West, Rachel Marek, TJ Lopez, Melody Smith, Gale Minton,  Stan Patton, Fred Hamilton, Gail McElroy, Anni Mae Welhausen, Ella Hartman, Norwin Schoenfeld, Nigh Johnson, Sloan Friedeck ,Rylie Grace Marek, Steve Mosely, Bill Vordenbaum, Gloria Burton, Marianna Schneider, and Mary Escabedo. 

…the families of Lorene “Bunny” Schriewer 

  Elaine Reimer Sandi Beicker 

John McMenemin 


Jarett Carroll, Alicia Jobe,

Gordon Ehler, Dustin Matula, Brent Stehling, Bill Bohnas,

Landon Cheatham, and Danny Edwards

Our Family and Friends

in the Military


top related